2022 Sigma Frame Performance Report

Σ Frame’s sixth annual traffic performance report.

Readership: Anyone interested
Length: 2,500 words
Reading Time: 13 minutes



I started blogging on March 7, 2008, using Blogger as my blog platform.  On September 27, 2017, I transferred the best of my blog writings from Blogger to WordPress, and began concentrating on Red Pill topics.  I received more views on WordPress in the first two months, than I had on Blogger in the previous 8 years.  Since then, my posts have grown more frequent and more regular.

Goals and Purposes

My goals and purposes in blogging are summed up in my About page.  I value easily readable, and high content quality posts that stand the test of time – writings that would be of value to readers even decades from now.  As this blog has matured, there has been more emphasis placed on Biblical and philosophical purity, sifting out truth from various Red Pill concepts, and determining how these are to be properly applied to Christian Men’s lives.


I have a frequent habit to pray about the purpose of this blog, what I should write about, and what men need to read and know.  I’ve always had the conviction that my testimony, my life experiences, and the things I’ve learned are valuable to other men, and that it’s important for me to share these things for the benefit of others.  I also recognize that God is working throughout the lives of many other men.  It is for this reason that I pray for other men to join me in this endeavor.  The Lord has answered this prayer with exceeding benevolence. Lexet teamed up with me in 2019. Scott and NovaSeeker joined the writing panel in 2020.  In 2021, Red Pill Apostle, Thedeti, and two others joined us in contributing their talents and valuable insights in writing.  In summary, the authors for 2022 included Jack (147 posts), Red Pill Apostle (13 posts), Thedeti (7 posts), Scott (5 posts), Lexet (4 posts), Oscar (4 posts), NovaSeeker (2 posts), Catacomb Resident (1 post), Sharkly (1 post), and one anonymous contributor (1 post).  We are especially grateful to have all these men’s input on Σ Frame.  Thanks also to all the readers who invested their thoughts, time, and energy to contribute to the scintillating discussions.

Site Changes in 2022


On July 8 (two weeks after the Dobbs v. Jackson decision), I sensed that the mood of the era had shifted, so I changed the background theme colors.  The old appearance looked like this.

The new appearance looks like this.


As this blog has grown over the years, I recognized the need to recategorize everything, not by the nature of the subject (as it was before), but something more reader friendly — geared more towards what readers would want to find and be interested in reading.  So between March and May, upon Scott’s suggestion, I revised all the categories by adding some popular topics and deleting those that were unhelpful to readers.  This was rather time and labor intensive, as I had to go through many old posts and recategorize all of them.  This work continues to be ongoing as my time permits.

New Pages

Readers may not have noticed, but this year I’ve added three new pages located in the drop-down menus in the Header.

Side Bar

Every 21 months, I review how the Manosphere has changed during this period of time.  The time to do this again came on the week of June 12-17, 2022.  I wrote a post, Red Pill Rollover (2022/6/17), to report these changes, and I updated the sidebar to reflect these changes.  I also added a list of Recommended Books to the sidebar.



The writing projects in 2022 were arranged in monthly themes, as we’ve done since 2020.  This year, there were several mini-themes that arose from the discussions.

  1. January – The Integrity and Fidelity of Marriage
  2. February – Dating and the SMP
  3. March – Risk Assessment
  4. April – Overcoming Obstacles
  5. May – Faux-Masculine Archetypes
  6. June – Identity, Image, and Impressions
  7. June 24-July 3 – Special Theme: Abortion (in response to the Dobbs v. Jackson decision overturning Roe vs. Wade)
  8. July – Political Shenanigans
  9. July – Special Theme: Trans-National Corporations
  10. July – Special Theme: Media Psy-Ops
  11. August – Masculine Authority and Responsibility
  12. August – Special Theme: Perspectives on the Topic of Attraction
  13. September – Redemptive Masculinity (received many responses from around the Christian Manosphere)
  14. September – Special Theme: The Black Pill
  15. October – Feminine Submission
  16. October – Special Theme: Duluth
  17. November and December – Female Agency and Accountability (received many responses from around the ‘sphere)

March, April, September, and October had the most popular themes.

Readers can go to the sidebar and find “Posts by Month” to read up on anything you’re particularly interested in.


There are three long running projects that have become a regular staple on Σ Frame.

  1. Archetypes, especially Headship and the Christ : Church :: Husband : Wife analogy.
  2. Courtship Models
  3. Discipline in Marriage
  4. Masculine Authority and Dominion

The fourth is quickly growing in scope and significance.  These continued to be developed in many posts.

In addition, Jack wrote 2 posts at Spawny’s Space this year.

Traffic Statistics

As the following statistics will show, readership, words, and comments have declined, but likes and views per visitor have gone up over the past year.  Σ Frame had an average of 673 views per day for 2021.  This figure decreased to 573 for 2022.

YearTotal postsTotal commentsAverage comments per postTotal likesAverage likes per postTotal wordsAverage words per post

Number of views in 2022:  209,227 (-14.9%)

Average views per day in 2022:  573.2 (-14.9%)

Average views per visitor in 2022:  7.41 (+14.4%)

Number of visitors in 2022:  28,232 (-25.6%)

Number of followers joining in 2022:  22

Total number of followers on WordPress:  197

Total number of followers by email:  25

Total number of all posts (on WordPress):  792

All-time number of views (on WordPress):  733,103

All-time number of visitors (on WordPress):  167,400

Most popular day and hour:  Thursday, 10:00 pm (GMT) – 16% of views

The top five most popular posts from 2022:

  1. The Status Signaling Narrative (2022/3/21):  1,551 views
  2. Continuums (2022/11/30):  1,258 views
  3. Artisanal Toad on Women’s Agency (2022/11/14):  1,089 views
  4. “Saving the seeds of civilization while the fire rushes over the forest” (2022/4/27): 1,075 views
  5. What Women find Attractive: Fit and Skilled (2022/4/18):  1,070 views

Congratulations to Scott on number 2.

The all-time top five most popular pages (other than the Home Page):

  1. What is a Sigma Male?:  7,285 views
  2. Discipline in Marriage:  6,548 views
  3. What is Frame?:  3,551 views
  4. About:  2,581 views
  5. What is the Red Pill?:  2,133 views

The all-time top five most popular posts:

  1. What To Do When A Girl Tries To Make You Jealous (2018/4/22):  65,195 views
  2. List of Slut Tells (2017/10/15):  6,475 views
  3. 16 Qualities of an Irresistible Woman (2017/12/1):  5,909 views
  4. 50 Shades of Discipline in Marriage (2017/11/25):  3,886 views
  5. List of Female IOI’s (2020/3/30):  3,600 views

The last post upset Disciplined, Submissive, Happy Wives (2018/2/15) from the previous year.

The number of views in 2022, by the posts’ author:

  1. Jack:  105,758 views (+3.8%)
  2. Red Pill Apostle:  6,431 views (+7.1%)
  3. Thedeti:  5,358 views (+9.2%)
  4. Scott:  4,134 views (-48.5%)
  5. NovaSeeker:  2,551 views (-89.3%)
  6. Lexet:  2,214 views (-40.3%)

The top five most popular Categories:

This year shows a turnover from the previous year. Introspection dropped to number 7, while Discernment/Wisdom dropped off the report entirely.  (The decreased interest in these two subjects arouses some concern in me.)  Numbers 4 and 5 are new to the top five list.

  1. Relationships:  880 views
  2. Holding Frame:  875 views
  3. Male Power:  873 views
  4. Psychology:  871 views
  5. Self-Concept:  856 views

Last year, the changes indicated that men were backing away from the tortuous SMP and were placing more attention on improving themselves.  The changes this year reveal that men are furthering this pursuit by gaining a more thorough understanding of themselves.

Likes and Comments

Number of likes in 2022:  663* (+44.8%)

Average number of likes per post in 2022:  3.4 (+30.8%)

Total all-time number of likes: 2,298 (+40.6%)

Number of comments in 2022:  8,846* (-26.7%)

Average number of comments per post in 2022:  48.6-51.2* (~-26%)

Average number of comments per month in 2022: 737.2 (-26.7%)

Total all time number of comments: ~29,000

* Some figures are reported differently between the WordPress dashboard and the mobile app.  Not sure why.

The top 10 posts with the most comments:

Four of these posts appeared this year.

  1. The Lopsided Liberalized Mating Market (2021/2/17):  388 comments
  2. Secrets (2021/8/18):  284 comments
  3. Men’s Fantasy of Emotional Intimacy (2021/6/23):  281 comments
  4. The Boring Loyal Dude (2022/5/11):  223 comments
  5. The Status Signaling Narrative (2022/3/21):  223 comments
  6. Nita Marie’s threesome with her second husband and God (2022/10/5):  213 comments
  7. The Centrality of Sex in Western Culture (2021-02-08):  209 comments
  8. Is Patriarchy for Deplorables? (2021-05-31):  205 comments
  9. Artisanal Toad on Women’s Agency (2022/11/14): 199 comments
  10. Knowing how things are supposed to be (2021/9/13): 188 comments

The most prolific all-time commentators:

  1. Cameron232:  2,455
  2. Oscar:  2,119
  3. Thedeti:  2,064
  4. Jack:  1,629
  5. Red Pill Apostle:  1,039
  6. Scott:  798
  7. Info: 673

The top 3 days with the most views in one day:

September 16, 2022
214 visitors

September 17, 2022
203 visitors

September 27, 2022
209 visitors

In addition to these three days, the day with the fifth most views was September 19, 2022, with 966 views and 172 visitors.  Apparently, all things Black Pill are black gold in the world of blogging.


The top five countries with the most viewers:

This was the first year that readership fell, largely due to a mass exodus of European readers.  Canadian and Australian readership took a nosedive, allowing the UK to supersede both.  Similarly, New Zealand fell to #9 allowing India to return to its former position as #5.  Figures in parentheses indicate the change from the previous year.

  1. United States:  175,654 (-9.3%)
  2. United Kingdom:  5,462 (-5.7%)
  3. Canada:  4,523 (-56.4%)
  4. Australia:  4,333 (-35.0%)
  5. India:  2,246 (-37.9%)

Total number of viewing countries/principalities: 151 (-11.2%)

Since inception, it has been noted that the vast majority of readership has come from democratic, capitalistic societies that are being smothered by post-modern, feministic social ideologies.  In the past, I have attributed this to the sociopolitical climate in these countries.  However, this does not explain why Australia, Canada, and New Zealand have had the largest decrease since these countries continue to endure significant misandry and sociopolitical unrest.  I assume that the Red Pill going mainstream and the popularity of online videos are the main reasons for this shift.

Top search engine terms leading to Σ Frame:

In past years, the majority of search terms included some variant of “sigma male”, “sigmaframe”, “sigma frame blog”, etc. (which is not surprising), and the words, “wife”, “discipline”, and especially some variant of “jealous”. This year, the frequency of “sigma” terms have decreased significantly, while “wife”, “discipline”, and “marriage” have completely disappeared!

  1. A plurality of all search terms used a variation of the word “jealous”.
  2. “IOI” and “MGTOW” made their debuts as a search term.
  3. Titles of specific posts

Judging by the titles (number 3), the most searched for posts include these, in this order.

  1. What To Do When A Girl Tries To Make You Jealous (2018/4/22)
  2. List of Female IOI’s (2020/3/30)
  3. The Pervasive Influence of Modern Gnosticism (2021/11/3)
  4. List of Slut Tells (2017/10/15)
  5. The Trust Factor (2019/4/18)
  6. Why Do Men Need Visions and Dreams? (2018/5/15)

Funny, Odd, or Non-English search terms which have led people to Σ Frame:

  1. Institut Villa Pierrefeu school of international etiquette and protocol in Switzerland
  2. кайзер трамп (Translation: Kaiser Trump, see image.)

The top 5 incoming referrers from search engines and readers:

  1. Google Search:  15,044
  2. SynLogos (Based Aggregator):  3,748 (+33.8%)
  3. WordPress Reader:  1,583
  4. Bing:  1,145
  5. Google Mail:  805

The top 10 incoming referrers (other than search engines and readers):

Compared to the previous year, Dark Brightness, Reddit/RPChristians, and Wintery Knight have been superseded by Catacomb Resident, Patriactionary, and Okrahead. Figures in parentheses indicate the change from the previous year.

  1. Christianity and Masculinity (Deep Strength):  3,170 (-35.9%)
  2. Pushing Rubber Downhill (Adam Piggott):  1,864 (+67.9%)
  3. Spawny’s Space (Farm Boy, Cill, Cheque’d Out, et al.):  630 (-34.2%)
  4. Laughing at Feminism (Sharkly):  554 (-54.2%)
  5. Gunner Q / Gunner Q2:  279 (-53.4%)
  6. Catacomb Resident:  175 (new referrer)
  7. To Reclaim Normality (Feeriker):  164 (+23.3%)
  8. The Futurist:  162 (+95.2%)
  9. Patriactionary:  98 (+444.4%)
  10. Okrahead:  83 (new referrer)

Of note, Wintery Knight has consistently ranked in the top 10 referrers since inception, but in 2022, Σ Frame only received 6 referrals from this site.  What happened???

The top 10 blogs receiving the most traffic from Σ Frame:

Compared to the previous year, Full Metal Patriarchy (Prince Asbel), Gunner Q / Gunner Q2, and Laughing at Feminism (Sharkly) have been superseded by The Other McCain, Vox Day, and Snapper TRX.  Figures in parentheses indicate the change from the previous year.

  1. Spawny’s Space:  3,089 (-20.1%)
  2. Christianity and Masculinity (Deep Strength):  2,020 (+18.2%)
  3. Pushing Rubber Downhill (Adam Piggott):  1,612 (+4.9%)
  4. The Other McCain:  1,512 (+20.9%)
  5. Wh0res and Ale:  1,505 (-17.2%)
  6. The Transformed Wife:  1,494 (-14.6%)
  7. Wintery Knight:  1,469 (-5.6%)
  8. Vox Day:  1,349 (+7,000.0% exactly, and no, that’s not a typographical error!)
  9. Biblical Gender Roles:  1,188 (-29.6%)
  10. Snapper TRX:  1,133 (+5.0%)

Of note, this is the first year Σ Frame has received more clicks from Adam Piggott than he has received from Σ Frame.

I am always amused to find even numbers and permutations of previous figures come out in the calculations, and this seems to happen with a greater than random frequency.  (For example, the referrals from The Other McCain changed from 1,215 in 2021 to 1,512 in 2022.)  But the increase in referrals from Vox Day really blows me away.  If you wish to calculate it yourself, the number of referrals from Vox Day was 19 in 2021 and 1,349 in 2022.  The increase is (1,349-19)/19 = 1,330/19 = 70 or 7,000% !!!

It must be a sign!  🙂  But what that sign might mean is beyond me…


About Jack

Jack is a world traveling artist, skilled in trading ideas and information, none of which are considered too holy, too nerdy, nor too profane to hijack and twist into useful fashion. Sigma Frame Mindsets and methods for building and maintaining a masculine Frame
This entry was posted in Answered Prayers, Collective Strength, Communications, Faith Community, International, Introspection, Manosphere, MGTOW, Incels, Online Personas, Organization and Structure, Personal Domain, Prayer, Purpose, Reviews, Self-Concept, Sigma Frame Performance Reports, Sphere of Influence, Statistics Reports, The Power of God. Bookmark the permalink.

4 Responses to 2022 Sigma Frame Performance Report

  1. catacombresident says:

    Your link to the page on Mysticism shows up in my blog post for today. Good stuff worth sharing.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Jack says:

      Your post is closely related to our mini-theme of Media Psy-Ops from July, 2022. For readers who are interested yet unfamiliar with the psychological machinations of how this works, I recommend going back to read this series, beginning with this post.


  2. Rock Kitaro says:

    This is cool, man! Very cool!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Pingback: 2023 Sigma Frame Performance Report | Σ Frame

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