
This page contains a collection of comments, citations, and email excerpts from readers and fellow bloggers regarding how Σ Frame has benefitted them.

Thanks, Deti. I’ve learned an immense amount from your insight, commentary, and explication going all the way back to the first time I ran across you in the comments at Dalrock. Excellent work.

~ A comment from Wodansthane (2024/2/4)

I’m glad I discovered this site. In my 20s (and to this day), I believed in the mantra of, “If you feel like you’re the smartest person in the room, then you’re in the wrong room.”

When I come to this site, I feel like about 90% of you are so much more knowledgeable and smarter than me. Even the trolls and deceivers. So it’s a pleasure to just sit back and soak in the different perspectives. At the end of the day, I may not agree with half of what’s said. But it pays to simply understand the different points of views.

~ A comment from Rock Kitaro (2024/1/4)

Outstanding post Jack. Thank you brother for the work you put into this blog.

~ A comment from Penumbrated (2023/12/7)

Good morning Jack. Thanks again for your obedience to the Holy Spirit regarding your work with Biblical Patriarchy and masculinity.

Your current discussion is directly over the target.

Know that you are in my prayers.

~ A comment from StudentRay57 (2023/12/6)

Despite growing up in a traditional Christian home, I came to have a strong belief in Scientism largely because at that formative time of my life in my teens and early 20’s, the people in my church who were supposed to have all the answers couldn’t give answers to really refute Science! in my mind. It wasn’t until the last couple years that I began to see that this cold, clinical, rational way of looking at the world is finally empty and unfulfilling in a way that can’t be scientifically described. My Christian upbringing did not engender in me a relationship with God or an understanding of mystical and spiritual things but I’m thankful I am beginning to know them.  I’m glad blogs like these are out there for those who are looking.

~ Caterpillar345 in response to Arch Angel’s post, Why are We in this Mess? (2023/11/13)

Jack — these posts about more specifically Christian topics (like glory or Christian Mysticism) sure don’t seem to generate the comments and discussion but I find them invaluable. Thank you for this post.

You referred back to NovaSeeker’s post from 2021 — The Noetic Nose Knows. I remember exactly where I was when I read that post because it was powerful and resonated with me on a deep level. I think that post and a number of others from Σ Frame, Bruce Charlton, Francis Berger, and Catacomb Resident on the topics of Romantic / Mystical Christianity (and John Vervaeke’s series Awakening From the Meaning Crisis, particularly episodes 49 and 50) finally helped me begin to understand faith and begin to come to a personal relationship with God after growing up in an ostensibly Christian family but steeped in rational modernity. I don’t know what else to say other than I’m so grateful to all of the aforementioned writers and thankful to have found these works at this time in my life.

~ A comment from Caterpillar345 (2023/4/4)

As I cried out for help, the Holy Spirit led me to the Christian Manosphere.

For the past 3 years I’ve read DS, Jack, Dalrock, and many others. Because of their obedience to the Holy Spirit and the Word, my 2nd marriage was saved, my oldest son’s marriage was saved, and my youngest son married a God fearing Virgin!

It got worse before it got better, and God’s word wins the day. The “sh!t tests” are starting to get humorous nowadays. I’ve read a lot of your comments, and pray that you lay it all down at Calvary. Yahweh truly rewards those who diligently seek him.

~ A comment from StudentRay57 (2022/11/19)

This post on female nature is right up there with ‘Female Sexual Preferences‘ on Jim’s Blog. Both have really shaken up my little snowglobe. This blog has become a valuable source and collection of new ideas for me.

~ A comment from Will Klauser (2022/11/14)

Thank you for the work on your blog. It does not just help young men who are my sons but also women like me who really and truly want to help our husbands in a better way — not in the way I want but in a way that is truly helpful to HIM.

If women are to be helpers, it helps us if we understand our husbands, sons, and generally men better. [Your posts help me to] genuinely understand things or to better understand things from a man’s point of view. And also with how best to advise my Sunday school girls.

~ An email from a female reader (2022/10/20)

Jack’s blog is not the only place where I read about the dynamics of human sexual relationships. Rather, it’s just one of the best sources I’ve found.

…it’s altogether likely there can be no fix for your bad marriage. Yes, listen to people like Scott who comments, and has guest posted, on Jack’s blog. Even he admits that there really isn’t much we can do in many cases. We could probably come up with an excellent training program for young men, but we cannot just rebuild society in such a way as to get those young men to listen. We don’t have, and can’t get, the leverage to change our society. The society is so utterly messed up that it’s hopeless, as folks like deti warn us, another regular on Jack’s blog. Keep in mind that deti is a lawyer who sees up close a very large number of people making bad choices.

~ Catacomb Resident Blog: He Owns You (2022/10/16)

Thank you for this series, Jack. I wondered in the middle of the month if this was going to go anywhere, but the last week’s worth of posts cleared a lot of things up, I think. It made me think differently about some things, and made me consider others that I neglected. God bless you.

~ A comment from Bardelys the Magnificent (2022/9/30)

Thank you, Jack, for continuing to maintain this essential place in the virtual universe. I know I’ve said it before, but you’ve evolved to become Dalrock’s successor, whether you ever intended to assume that mantle or not. I know it’s hard work running a blog such as this one, and it must feel like an enormous responsibility, but know that what you’re doing has played and continues to play and essential role in many, many men’s lives.

~ A comment from Feeriker (2022/9/27)

I’m already sleeping better at night knowing you and Sharkly are the thin red line holding this world together.

~ An email from ProfessorGBFM (2022/7/22)

[The Σ Frame] blog has become a major stalwart in the Red Pill men’s lore.

Covenant Manhood is an issue already covered elsewhere, but it warrants the occasional reminder here. And for the broader audience, Σ Frame is rich with descriptions of what we should not do. If you stand up for holiness, you are going to reject almost everything we see inside the organized religious institutions of our day, particularly when it comes to romance. But the matter of what we should do deserves a lot of exploration. While Jack at Σ Frame is working on this, I dare say we suffer from too few discussing it from different angles.

~ Catacomb Resident Blog: Biblical Manhood, Yet Again (2022/6/19)

I’m a typical product of purity culture. I read heavily into the “I Kissed Dating Goodbye” fad and turned down all sort of female attention since high school (which I had definitely had more than the average guy) in fears of sinning sexually. I lived with a covert contract that the Lord will reward me with a faithful and constantly horny wife for my good deeds. All it accomplished was leaving me ill-equipped to face the meatgrinder that is the SMP.

I wish I’d had read [Red Pill Apostle’s] comment when I was back in high school. I was constantly being told on what not to do and what to avoid. There was no goal to be had, no admonition to cultivate masculinity, nor even a Godly definition of it. Yet it is only because you guys have lived all this already that I’ve come to benefit from your wisdom this early in my marriage.

Thank you. RPA, Jack, and everyone here at Σ Frame.

~ A comment from LexEterna (2022/3/12)

Hey Jack,

Thank you for your obedience to the Holy Spirit. I was led to (stumbled upon) the “manosphere” via Vox Popoli by the Holy Spirit. Dalrock, Deepstrength, Σ Frame, and Matt Cochran have all fallen into place. I read my life story in all the posts and comments. I grew up in a Matriarchal family and church. I’m 65, married twice (church was in agreement with her leaving me), and now after 32 years in my second marriage, I’m numb. I know and trust Yahweh, I seek His face daily. I know I and my son’s wouldn’t be serving Him without you men calling out from the wilderness!

Blessings, Ray

~ Another comment from StudentRay57 (2022/3/9)

Just wanted to drop a quick note and thank you for addressing my comment in your post today. I was really surprised to see my handle and subsequent comment as I was reading through your post! It was also interesting to read my comment again after three months. I’m glad my experiences can be of some use to the discussion, or at least put on the table for discussion.

This reminds me of your post last summer on the Broken Window Effect. Whether it’s pulling mens’ comments into posts for analysis or the way you continually and patiently work with Jason through the comments (despite the shade he throws at you), it continues to impress on me that you believe what you wrote and are trying to put it into practice. You come across as a peace-maker and a problem solver. Perhaps a shepherd is a good word for it.

Thank you for the work you continue to do on this blog. And thanks to deti and Red Pill Apostle for all their posting contributions and perspectives.

~ An email from Caterpillar345 (2022/2/5)

As a whole, I feel you’ve got a good “based” and authentic resource here with this site, for men who are capable of thinking independently. This is as opposed to the “woke” men looking to the Mainstream Media for truth (the exact place where you won’t find it).

~ A comment from the host of Nice Guy Seduction (2022/1/7)

Keep the good work up! This blog has been a real blessing. After Dalrock’s blog ceased I was wondering where I’d find Christian Red Pill material comparable in quality. I didn’t have to look long before finding this one; and I’d say the quality of the posts and commentary may even be better than Dalrock’s!

Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to find Christian Red Pill podcasts of a similar quality. I did find one, but it went away, and I can’t even remember the name of the guy who ran it. Some of the secular content creators are quite good, but they lack the Christian perspective, so obviously they can’t tie it back to Scripture or the constructs of Scripture like we do here. This, IMO, leaves them a bit beneath the content of this blog and the old Dalrock blog, good as far as it goes, but missing that crucial element of God’s Truth.

I think one thing the secular content creators, at least some of them do quite well, is post content from women’s podcasts / TikToks / Instagrams, etc. and dissect them. There’s nothing like hearing it straight from the feminist’s, CC rider’s, or chameleon’s mouth and saying to oneself, “Wow, is that what they believe about men, society, and life in general? No wonder we’ve got such a freaking problem on our hands!”  Other than that one thing, I think this blog is superior to the secular content.”

~ A comment from RedPillBoomer (2022/1/6)

I guess I got burned out on the self-worshiping slant of the rest of the manosphere. I sensed your blog was a departure from that, so I stuck around. […] …your ministry is more important and blessed than I can put into words. Even when you seem to fail, you have accomplished far more than a lot of other bloggers to roll back the darkness. It’s all the more needful as we approach the collapse of civilization. A critical element in what we do in Kingdom service is both the redemption of the few who hear the call, and removing the excuses of those who reject redemption. I thank God for your work.

~ Email from Catacomb Resident (2022/1/1)

Hi. I’m a young Christian man about to finish college and start my career. I used to be a clueless pedestalizer, but a painful dating experience led me to the Red Pill and Christian Manosphere blogs about a year ago, and my life has changed as a result. Reading this stuff has helped me trust the Word of God, make sense of my experiences, and grow. That’s my background, though I am leaving out a lot of detail.

As others have said in these parts, I never would have found this type of advice in church or other Christian circles where I’m from. This is the first post I’ve commented on, but I’ve been reading Deepstrength, Dalrock, and this blog for a year and have picked up a lot. The knowledge has been hard to digest at times, but I’ve been blessed by it as I slowly learn how to practice it, and I’m sure other silent readers have too. Another data point in case you ever doubt that your labor is fruitful.

~ Excerpts from two comments from hamg (2021/12/18,21)

Your blog has been a tremendous help to me in understanding women’s behavior. It has helped me advance my RP transformation. Your topics are fresh and relevant and they prompt some fantastic discussions. Every day I look forward to finding in it another gem.

~ Email from LastHoldOut (2021/9/11)

You’re the closest thing we’ve got to the old Chateau in terms of content, but more long-form and of course, Christian.

~ Email from the administrator of the SynLogos aggregator (2021/8/27)

I married a unicorn… through no virtue of my own — just grace, mercy and good timing. […] Definitely by the grace of God. I wasn’t a believer at marriage but became one in my late 20’s. Long story, but I was total beta as a college freshman, then unconsciously developed a lot of RP things after my freshman girlfriend broke up with me (abundance mindset, guys are the prize, etc.). Looking back I can see how much even medium doses of RP helped my marriage. Drifted through BP / RP things over the years without knowing what they meant. Churches are definitely BP. Grateful for RP sites like this, as they help make sense of it all.

~ A comment from Eternity Matters (2021/8/27)

Thanks for all the hard work and great content on this site. It is thorough and well done.

~ Another comment from Eternity Matters (2021/8/20)

Hey Σ Frame, long time lurker here (like, since the ~2018 Dalrock days). With the conclusion of this series I just wanted to express my gratitude for everything you and the other commenters here have done and contributed. I feel like these posts and conversations are made exactly for someone like me (for reference, 26M, single, engineer, Asian-American-Christian context). After understanding the true nature of churchianity, I dealt with loneliness, like I was the only one who understood what the devil was doing in our culture and churches. I also dealt with disillusionment, particularly of those who I thought were my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. Knowing that all of you guys here are fighting for the truth brings me great comfort and peace. Even when you guys argue and disagree — in fact, it’s even more helpful for me when you guys do so. I pay close attention to everything that is said and try to learn and implement whatever I can. I’m sure there are others out there like me.

~ A comment from Alexei Karamazov (2021/7/3)

I believe, with no special clairvoyant claims or capacity whatsoever, that thousands of years from now, the writings in places like Dalrock and here will be canonized. Some of the most original, thought provoking, morally, and ethically challenging writing is found in these obscure places.

~ A comment from Scott (2021/5/12)

I’m loving these posts and articles and want to catch up on older ones… […] I’ve immensely enjoyed what I’ve read so far. Slapping myself for not “following” to get e-mail notifications about it sooner.

~ Email from Rock Kitaro at Stage in the Sky (2021/4/22)

I just discovered the Red Pill community in the last 12 months, and as a long time conservative Christian, I am very intrigued by it.

My entrance into the Red Pill community was perhaps a little unusual as I was not severely suffering from any particular disaster aside from the usual ones that accompany trying to raise a family of 7 children for Christ with my wife of 35 years.  It was more a result of my endless quest for learning more to become more; to better understand the world and life so as to make myself better.  I was always scanning YouTube for items of value and use in my personal and Christian life.  The topics were often spurred by the autosuggest list of YouTube and often included relationships, dating, feminism, manhood, intimacy, marriage, parenting, you name it.

Among these topics, this interesting concept of understanding women (often only to use them) and/or why you should avoid women became a recurring theme.  I came across many insights provided in these videos (few of which were Christian) that were not necessarily at odds with the word of God so I continued.  Without naming all the channels I have perused, I eventually came across The Rational Male concept which also had insights that made me think in new ways about relationships. Obviously, you had to throw out the bones and keep the meat, but the meat was good.

As I studied this topic deeper, I could see that this was not just a men’s venting club or a cheap attitude toward females but was an awakening to and growing backlash against the corruption, hypocrisy and destructiveness of the feminist agenda… among the heathen men!  I was truly amazed as I thought that the feminization of society would continue unabated till the Lord’s return.  I could see that it was becoming a massive movement of God returning men to the helm (Esther 1:22) that was continually gaining steam but somehow has stayed under the radar. So here I am, starting to discover the Christian side of this movement that is likewise under the radar. I can also see that this is not happenstance but from the Lord as a revelation of one of the big secrets of overcoming in these end times. I intend to continue to pursue this until I can fully grasp this huge topic it and then use it to help others in and out of Christ… including my sons and whosoever will hear it.

Thank you for your labors and good spirit on exploring and explaining what is obviously a major counterculture movement in the last days.

~ Email from a reader, R.S.O. (2021/4/9)

Very good post. One thing I would add to the list is a strong masculine male. These are becoming more and more scarce today with the culture at war with manhood. I believe all truly successful relationships are primarily built on strong males whose strength comes not from ego but integrity and an unwavering sense of self-worth. One who takes ownership of his life, future, and problems. I find that strong men are often not aware of how much their strength carries the day to overcome the challenges of life, regardless of their own faults. Therefore, they take this ability for granted although few men possess it (mainly due to lack of instruction, support, and guidance). In my opinion, strong men are what holds society together as the world continues to wreak havoc on its foundation. That is why forums and ministries like this are needed to help the many weak confused Christian men out there be discipled into positive masculinity.

~ A comment from Robert (2021/4/4)

At first, when I got “Red Pilled” I listened to the secular content creators extensively on YouTube. It helped me work through my “Red Pill Rage”, and gradually “kill off” my inner Blue Pill / Beta mentality and conditioning from our society. So, these guys were a big help for me during that initial year of being RP. After a while, I began getting increasingly uncomfortable with some of the aspects of their messages, much like the guy talks about in this clip, and I said to myself, “I wonder if there are any Christian men doing this RP stuff?”  Then I found Dalrock’s site and it was like, “Ah, this is what I’ve been looking for, RP views from a Christian standpoint!”  I ate it up. Then, Dalrock stopped his blogging, and I went looking for another Dalrock like site; I found this one. I still listen to a handful of the secular RP guys because I do find it reminds me that it is a veritable ‘jungle’ out there in the relations between the sexes, but now it’s more of a sociology lesson I get from them, i.e. where’s our culture going, what are the latest trends, etc. than it’s knowledge about intersexual dynamics. Sites like this one, and Dalrock’s before, cause me to link back to the Scriptures because I personally believe all the ‘RP knowledge’ about male-female relations, and other relationships we have in life, are in the scriptures, plus the wisdom and understanding to go along with the knowledge. Albeit, the scriptural RP is spread throughout the Bible (Genesis, Proverbs, Epistles, etc.), so it takes some doing to link it all together, but as I increasingly link it all together, it’s like, “Yep, it’s all in there in one form or another. There truly is Nothing New Under the Sun” (as Solomon says). So, I see a site like this as an excellent bridge between the Secular Red Pill and the Scriptures. And like the guy in the video, I too feel more comfortable with the Christian RP content creators and their sites.

Keep it up gents! You’re providing an invaluable service to all of us!

~ A comment from RedPillBoomer (2021/3/13)

Interestingly, when I became “Red Pilled” on the subject of male-female intersexual dynamics, I listened to the secular RP content creators quite a bit as I worked through what had happened to me as a ‘Blue Piller’ to make me end up taking the Red Pill. A lot of good stuff I digested from their content as I worked my way through my so-called ‘Red Pill Rage’ stage. Here’s the interesting thing though, as I settled down a bit and began to process everything being said in the Manosphere, I thought, “Hey wait a minute here, I’ve seen ALL of this somewhere in the Bible.” I mean like beginning with the early Genesis chapters on through the OT, certainly the Book of Proverbs and Song of Songs, and on into the NT; I was like, “Hold on a second mister Bible believer, you need to ground all this Red Pill philosophy with the Scriptures.” And slowly I have. It’s one of the reasons I like this site. I can’t get this kind of thinking and dialogue from the secular RP sites because, well, they don’t use God’s Word for their foundation, just their worldly understanding of the subject matter. Now, whenever I listen to them, I find myself increasingly saying to myself, “Okay, that aligns with Scripture.” and “Okay, that doesn’t.” or “It’s flawed natural or secular thinking.” I don’t make them wrong or bad or anything, but I just try to “eat the hay and leave the chaff.”

~ Another comment from RedPillBoomer (2021/1/28)

I have been following your blog ever since I crossed paths with Ame and Stephanie at their respective blogs about 1 1/2 years ago.  Your posts have been very insightful and enlightening. Put simply, blogs like Wintery Knight, Deep Strength, Dalrock, yourself, and many others have played a huge part in preventing me from abandoning the church and going my own way.  My thanks to you and I will continue to pray for you and your blog to reach others who have been looking for answers.  Take Care!

~ A reader’s e-mail (2020/2/2)

I stay in the ‘sphere for the anti-feminism, not the marital advice, which I don’t relate to much at all. Specific formulas are not particularly useful or applicable. What I find most useful is the general wisdom. Boxer promotes Jack Donovan’s attributes of masculinity (Courage, Strength, Mastery, Honor). Σ Frame emphasizes emotional control, confidence, and leadership in your marriage.

~ Derek Ramsey@Boxer: Endless Riddance (2019/3/11)

Go read Jack at Σ Frame to get some concept of what I’m trying to convey here: For all the talk in the “manosphere” about Alpha males vs. Beta males, the fact is that if you’re the real Alpha, you don’t need any advice on how to get laid. No, the idea is to become the Sigma male — the average guy who wins despite his inherent disadvantages.

~ R. S. McCain in his post, Lesbian is a Synonym for ‘No’ (2019/1/13)

…if you need someone who can help you develop a frame of reference for handling a challenging woman, [the Σ Frame] blog is better than most of the “Red Pill” stuff out there. The author maintains a close contact with Scripture and some of the basic assumptions of the Bible. It’s not about manipulating a woman so much as helping her stay close to God for herself.  The blog posts are loaded with discrete human behavior analysis that we wish wasn’t necessary. […] The techniques the author offers can help you help your woman be more like that. It’s good material for helping a woman who didn’t get a good foundation.

~ Ed Hurst in his post, If Necessary (2018/11/16)

We see the development of a dialectic here to sway future generations.

~ Larry’s Musings on Courtship Models (2018/11/2)

I just read your latest post about idols. That’s good solid work there bud! […] Your work is good, because it demonstrates your extremely strong background with academic training, your life experiences, and your knowledge of spirituality. You’re a very talented individual. […]  As a comedy writer [for Points in Case], I know the key to good writing is honesty. The thing that’s honest about you is that you don’t hide from reality… You’re honest when you write.

~ Wesley Jansen, comedy writer at Points in Case (2018/5/28)

One thing I like about your blog is you’re kind of a mediator that gives all the different [Red Pill] perspectives a fair hearing. Unfortunately, that means your traffic will never be as high as someone having a more dogmatic perspective, but it’s a great resource for the intellectually curious.

~ J. T. Anderson from Saving Eve (2018/4/28)

Your posts have great structure, are incredibly well researched — and very easy to read even, which I think is hard to create that kind of balance. Thank you for writing with a little more balanced viewpoint than the more negative red pill male viewpoints.

~ Stephanie @ All Things Bright and Beautiful (2017/12/12)

Leaving a legacy of teaching the Red Pill good it would be.

~ Yoda (2017/12/9)

Cool blog. Glad to see there are like-minded Christians writing about Red Pill topics.

~ J. T. Anderson from Saving Eve (2017/12/5)

Σ Frame is rapidly becoming one of my favorite blogs, due to the quadruple-entendre that I find in the articles. The author is a pretty good writer, and it’s hard not to laugh at some unexpected time as you’re reading through.

~ A comment from Boxer (2017/12/3)

A parody of various manosphere sites… the “advice” here is a wonderful mix of psychotic neuroticism.

~ A comment from the administrator of Anti-Gnostic (2017/11/28)

Funny, but true!

~ Anonymous reader (2017/11/25)

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