Red Pill Rollover

An update on how the Manosphere has changed since 2020.

Readership: All
Theme: Identity, Image, and Impressions
Length: 700 words
Reading Time: 3 minutes


At the end of 2018, I predicted a new era of Red Pill awareness.

“MGTOW will continue running strong during this time, and Christian RP, and Married RP will slowly pick up steam.  We’re still waiting for a RP Fathers group to kick in.  I anticipate that the substance of RP topics will turn to be more personal, and more context oriented.”

It’s been 3.5 years since then.  I was right about MGTOW and that RP topics would become more personal and context oriented.  But ever since the great RP schism of 2020, the Christian RP has just been hanging on by a thread, and Married RP is almost totally obliterated.  There’s no sign of RP Fathers yet.

Here are some changes since my last assessment of the Manosphere in Moon Day Review – The Manosphere Reshuffles its Deck (2020-9-2).  I have not included blogs that went down before then.  Also, there are a lot of new YouTube channels and Vblogs that are not included here.

Fading Blogs

(The authors no longer post with regular frequency.)

Defunct Blogs

(The authors have ceased writing new posts.)

Terminated Blogs

(The web domain has been deleted, defunded, or deplatformed.)

13 Manosphere / Red Pill blogs have gone under.

3 Femosphere blogs have folded up.

1950 Cadillac Series 62

New Blogs

I’ve found 12 new Based / Red Pill blogs, and 2 Aggregators / Archives (indicated by an asterisk) that I thought were worthy of adding to the blogroll.

Revived Blogs

Still Going Strong

(The authors continue to produce new posts on a regular basis.)

Abandoned cars along the old Route 66. Wooden sign over the front window of the 1950 Ford reads “The Girls” in Spanish.


As you can see, there is a much greater number of Manosphere/Red Pill blogs making an exit than are making a debut.  34 going out, and 14 coming in, compared to 36 remaining steady over a 21-month span.  This is a slightly bigger turnover than the last time, in which there were 34 going out, 10 coming in, and 38 remaining steady over the previous 21 months!

All these changes have left the “RP Marriage” category on the Σ Frame blogroll empty!  Not surprising, since the topic of marriage has become extremely unpopular these days.

As of now, there are very few remaining authors of the Christian Manosphere who are continuing to produce insights with respect to Biblical proscriptions of masculinity, morality, and the spiritual significance of various topics (e.g. parenting, effective fatherhood, life-purpose, sanctification, etc.).  Our numbers are down, but we’re not done yet.  I believe there is still much more to be examined through a Biblical RP lens.


About Jack

Jack is a world traveling artist, skilled in trading ideas and information, none of which are considered too holy, too nerdy, nor too profane to hijack and twist into useful fashion. Sigma Frame Mindsets and methods for building and maintaining a masculine Frame
This entry was posted in Communications, Culture Wars, Game Theory, Manosphere, MGTOW, Incels, Online Personas, Reviews, Zeitgeist Reports. Bookmark the permalink.

68 Responses to Red Pill Rollover

  1. Sasha Melnik says:

    That’s a gold mine, and you’ve definitely put effort into making this post. Thank you. I’ll be adding some to SL as appropriate.

    Liked by 6 people

  2. feeriker says:

    “As of now, there are very few remaining authors of the Christian Manosphere who are continuing to produce insights with respect to Biblical proscriptions of masculinity, morality, and the spiritual significance of various topics (e.g. parenting, effective fatherhood, life-purpose, sanctification, etc.). Our numbers are down, but we’re not done yet. I believe there is still much more to be examined through a Biblical RP lens.”

    Guilty as charged, in that my own blog’s content tends to focus regularly on topics other than those relevant to the manosphere. The biggest reason for this serves as a compliment to my fellow manospherians, who tend to produce topical content that is much better written, more original, and more insightful than anything I could come up with.

    That said, while I mourn the demise of some of the blogs you list, those that remain are continuing to produce first-rate content for which we should all be grateful (this blog chief among them, it being, as I mentioned a couple of weeks ago, the heir apparent to Dalrock’s blog — the Gold Standard of manosphere blogs).

    Liked by 7 people

  3. thedeti says:

    Remember, though, that you’re talking about blogs – written content.

    Much more of the manosphere, red pill, etc. is moving to video content because (1) that’s where the money is for those who are monetizing content; and more importantly, (2) that’s where the audience is.

    Mostly this is because of audience demand. Today’s red pill consumer doesn’t want to read blogs; he wants to watch videos. He doesn’t have time to read and digest words on a screen. He wants to watch a video or listen to a podcast. He can do this while he does something else – driving, working, reading. Listening to or watching videos helps him consume and absorb more content faster.

    For content creators, video and podcasting is the wave of the future. More and more red pill content creators are less afraid to put their faces and voices out there because more of them are making a living from red pill content. Rollo is doing this and has transitioned from blogging to vlogging as did Obsidian. Richard Cooper, Coach Greg Adams, Kevin Samuels (RIP) and a lot of others were always there. There’s a lot, and I mean a LOT, of good video/vlogging/podcasting content being made out there. That’s where redpill and the manosphere are heading.

    There’s a lot of Christian content out there that is emphasizing masculinity and attraction but not calling itself “red pill”. Spartan Christianity is one of them and it’s on your blogroll. So are those “it’sgoodtobeaman” guys, Michael Foster and Bnonn Tennant (though a lot of their content in my opinion refuses to recognize basic truths).

    I really think that they blog more or less anonymously because there is still a great deal of open hostility to basic truths about masculinity, what women find sexually attractive, etc. in church. Most Christians absolutely refuse to recognize what women really are attracted to and what they’re doing today. Most Christians absolutely will not acknowledge that the women populating their pews either have slept around and are unrepentant about it , or are currently sleeping around. Most Christians demand sexual fidelity and chastity of men while looking the other way or encouraging women’s sexual promiscuity. This is still going on in our churches, and all the talking being done about it here isn’t changing it. It’s going to take more men speaking plainly about this in churches, and we all know what happens when men do that. O Joseph of Jackson, where are you?

    It’s a different world out there now. 3 1/2 years is an eternity in internet time. A lot can change and a lot has changed.

    Liked by 10 people

    • caterpillar345 says:

      I agree – lots of content has moved to video. I read here regularly (probably the unusual 20-something in that regard) but I also regularly listen to and watch podcasts. I like the format they facilitate – discussions and conversations. Adam Piggott’s podcast is a good example.

      Liked by 2 people

    • Gunner Q says:

      “Today’s red pill consumer doesn’t want to read blogs; he wants to watch videos… For content creators, video and podcasting is the wave of the future.”

      I have also reached this conclusion, although I don’t know how to translate my usual fisking format into podcast media. Maybe some text-to-speech program just to read it for me? Since I don’t have a voice for radio? But the early versions of those sounded like a depressed Darth Vader and I haven’t revisited the idea yet.

      Younger people are definitely integrating technology into their lives more completely than older guys. My blog’s viewership has not followed me, I’m barely a third of what I was before my Canceling so I’m thinking about going dual audio/text.

      But muh memes!

      Liked by 7 people

    • Jack says:

      I enjoy watching some of the new RP content creators on YouTube. Over the last couple years, a small number of them have become quite good. But as for myself, I still prefer blogs primarily because it’s more interactive. Yes, people can leave comments under a video, but it doesn’t generate the scintillating discussions that come up on blogs. Also, I like blogs because I can search for quotes and content that I can’t when it’s in video format. I might watch several videos every week, and then later on, if there was something I remembered and wanted to quote, I can’t remember which video it was on, or I can’t find that part of the video. It’s just a lot easier to find, collect, assess, and respond to ideas on blogs.

      Liked by 4 people

      • thedeti says:

        Blogs and video have their own distinct advantages.

        Blogs are more interactive. They are more conducive to discussion and debate, and to sussing out the truth of the ideas under discussion. They allow for analysis, examination, reverse engineering, grappling with the concepts, and identifying strengths and weaknesses in positions.

        Videos are geared to those who want to consume a lot of content without much more analysis. You can get lots more ideas into a video than you can into a blog post.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Jack says:

        Yes. Videos are better for teaching and presenting lots of information, or information that is rather complex. Blogs are better for theorizing, discussing, and working out the details of complex information. I still think the most innovative theories are coming out of blogs, although not nearly as frequently as before 2018.

        Liked by 1 person

      • thedeti says:

        The blog and comment sections allow for anonymity, which in turn allow for discussion of concepts and ideas in a frank and explicit way that doesn’t translate well to video. When you can be anonymous you can speak and write your mind much more freely. When all participants are free to speak and write their minds without self censoring, all are more likely to get to the truth of a matter.

        When you’re on video, your face (and therefore your name, and therefore your identity and location and occupation and home) is out there. You put your face and name on a concept, others will come after you — HARD. We’re seeing that now in cancel culture. Attempts are being made on the lives of Supreme Court justices for taking unpopular positions. If there is no fear in targeting public officials, how much more will people espousing red pill concepts be targeted? And they are being targeted, make no mistake. I’ll speculate that’s a reason Dalrock hung it up. Dalrock is not a stupid guy — I am sure he read the writing on the wall. I am sure he could see the coming whirlwind.

        Liked by 2 people

      • Lexet Blog says:

        I know for a fact that certain other groups (including a “ministry” discussed in a comment here) were actively trying to dox Dalrock. I reached out to Adam Piggott and Rollo to get the message to him.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Sharkly says:

        How do you search for comment content on a WordPress blog? I’m not sure how to find certain comments that I remember that I’d often like to quote from. It seems like many search functions only index the O.P.


      • Jack says:

        “How do you search for comment content on a WordPress blog?”

        It’s relatively easy for me to search through comments on Σ Frame, because WordPress has a search function in the Comments Editor. For other blogs, it’s not so easy. Usually, I’ll search for posts on a topic that I think are likely to have comments about that topic, and then use ctrl+F to search the entire post and comments.

        Liked by 1 person

      • anonymous says:

        Why not check out when Dalrock banned you on this post for being either a ”concern troll” or not?

        Why did it seem you were trying to get him doxxed or banned by WordPress?


      • Sharkly says:

        Where did Dalrock ever say that he thought I was trying to get him doxxed? On another post I tried to warn him about those Whorehorn Media folks who wanted to do that to him. And who were harping on him about remaining anonymous. If Dalrock did think I might be trying to dox him, it probably would have been because when I first contacted him, it was to try to find out how to send him some money to support what he was doing. But he wasn’t open to that idea.

        After Dalrock banned me, I started my own WordPress blog, and said all the exact same sort of things that I was saying at Dalrock’s, only without anybody moderating me, and my site is still up, and I have received no complaints from WordPress, even though I have never paid a cent to their business. Even though Dalrock chose to ban me, I still link to his site and have great respect for what he contributed to the Christian manosphere. It was his site and he was free to operate it how he saw best.

        Although I can’t recall the exact text of the comment Dalrock deleted, I assume I was mocking homosexuals for their filthy depravity. Sorry I offended you. 😉

        I’m not sure why you would make your unprovoked comment just to seemingly sow manosphere discord, but that’s your own issue.

        Liked by 4 people

      • Lexet Blog says:

        I should point out, before I was permanently suspended from ever using Twitter again and having all my alt accounts banned, I had a few hundred followers with a ton of interaction.

        It was a great platform for quick commentary that doesn’t necessarily work on this platform. I don’t think I’ll create a 4th version though.


    • anonymous_ng says:


      “Listening to or watching videos helps him consume and absorb more content faster.”

      I disagree.

      TED talks mostly take two minutes of information and wrap it up in another eighteen minutes of emotional manipulation. YouTube takes two minutes of information and wraps it up in another eighteen minutes of blah blah blah because the algorithm demands longer videos in order to get paid.

      I quit watching TED talks and started reading the transcripts. Probably 99% of the videos I watch, I do so at two times normal speed, and if YouTube offered faster speeds, I would learn to listen at those speeds too.

      Bottom line, most video content is filler that you have to suffer through to find the bits of real information.

      Liked by 2 people

  4. thedeti says:

    One of the main reasons for remaining with blogging and communicating with people mostly through the written word in a combox has to be anonymity, especially for older men established in their careers and communities. There is an enormous amount of open hostility to red pill concepts and theory especially in mainstream Christian denominations and in the the “establishment”. You’re just not permitted even to hold these ideas or consider them, much less talk about them.

    In our culture and church today, any criticism of women is immediately shouted down with “misogynist” “incel” “who hurt you” “you’re gay” “you’re mentally ill” “you’re just bitter” “you just hate women” “You’re just a bitter small d!cked loser who can’t get laid” “find out where he works and get him fired” “Find out where he lives and burn his house down and murder him and his family” “find out where he lives and tell all his neighbors about him and make him a pariah and outcast”

    In our churches, any meek discussion of “hey, maybe women are kind of part of the problem here” is met with “NAWALT” “I’m not like that” “my friends aren’t like that” “The women who go to church here aren’t like that” “you need to check your heart because your salvation is in question” “You’re not a real Christian and you’re going to hell” “you just hate women” “you just hate God” “don’t you know our sisters are made in the image of God too” “you need more love in your heart” “you’re not going to church enough” “you’re not reading your Bible enough”

    You can’t talk about this stuff. This has become like race relations – we cannot have any kind of meaningful discussion about it because any contra position is shouted down as illegitimate, intolerant, and not worth discussing.

    This is because no one cares about men’s health or men’s getting what they want and need. Especially, no one cares about men improving their sex lives or getting what they want from their marriages. The men who are saying “um, maybe there’s something wrong here” are shouted down, vilified, pilloried, run out of churches on a rail a la Joseph of Jackson, and destroyed personally, socially, and professionally. If I started talking openly about this stuff at any church where I am, I’d be literally run out of the building, shouted down, and told never, ever to come back, and probably made the subject of a social media defamation campaign.

    The main way men are expressing themselves is by withdrawing and just going away whenever they can. It’s because they are simply not permitted to discuss it, even by other men, most of whom are firmly “plugged in” and espouse feminism. This is why MGTOW is growing. What holds it back? Men finally giving up and marrying, because it’s the only way they can get the sex and human connection they crave. Men finally believing the lie from a 38 year old carouseler that she’s “gonna do it the right way this time” and “tired of the games and the players” and “I promise I’m worth the wait” and “I’ve seen the light and come to Jesus; no more bad boys and thugs for me, I loves me some nice guys!”

    And we believe it because we desperately want to see the good in ourselves and others. We desperately want to believe that somehow this red pill stuff can’t be true; there’s got to be some altruism and morality and higher purpose in there somewhere, right? And we fall for it every time.

    We cannot talk about this stuff in our churches because no one wants to admit the truth. No one wants to see it. People – even our Christian brothers and sisters – desperately have to cling to the lies about human nature. Facing the truth is just too painful for most of us.

    Liked by 8 people

    • thedeti says:

      I give you two examples of our Christian brothers’ desperate adherence to the lies.

      Must a Traditional Man Accept Modern Marriage?

      Our Christian brothers, well meaning as they may be, are stuck in pedestalization and supplication.

      The first is Kristor, writing in 2009, about Game. He still believes that women are attracted to “good men”, that at their root, they are attracted to men who go to church and have decent jobs and lead basically good, upright lives. He still pedestalizes women; he still refuses to see the utter depravity and sin nature of all humans, which includes women, because women are humans.

      He apparently rejects Christian doctrine: “There is none righteous, no, not one… All have sinned and gone astray.” Kristor, that’s either true or it’s not. You either believe that or you don’t. If you really don’t believe that women are depraved, then you reject a basic tenet of Christian doctrine, you’re pedestalizing women, and I won’t go there with you. “All” means ALL, and that includes women.

      Kristor’s post is indicative of modern Christian thought — that women are at their cores attracted to “good men”, Godly men, men who go to church and work their jobs, do what they’re told, do what their pastors tell them, men who read their bibles, men who lift up holy hands and speak in vocal fry about “Jesus the lover of my soul.”

      The second is Alan Roebuck, writing in response to Dalrock’s post “Must a Man Accept Modern Marriage?” Roebuck responded that when faced with marital difficulties, men are to “make concessions” to their spouses and “do what it takes” to keep their marriages together. In other words, men are required to supplicate to women to preserve relationships.

      This is what our churches are telling men: That women are basically good, they’re better than men are, women are not depraved, and women are “attracted” to “Good Men”. When faced with problems in a relationship with a woman, you have to “make concessions” and “do what it takes” to keep her with you.

      Then they tell you, “Well, if it doesn’t work, you might get divorced. This is war. Some men die in battle.” Oh well, guys, if your marriages fail, too bad so sad, you’re just unlucky, you’ll just have to suffer and die. We’ll carefully and assiduously ignore that any children you had will suffer too, but they’re just collateral damage. It was probably your fault anyway.

      No. NO NO NO.

      Guys, I’ve already done this. I’ve done everything men like Kristor and Roebuck told me to do. I was good, kind, nice. I got the education. I got the career. I made the money. I did the work. I went to church. I treated everyone well. I was virtuous, good, and kind. I asked permission. I stayed inside the lines.

      What did I get for that?

      I ended up here, just trying to save my own life.

      Stop listening to the men of our churches. Pedestalizers and supplicators. They view men as depraved and disgusting merely for wanting something for our lives; and view women as somehow above men and better than us, and outright lie to us that women are “attracted” to “good men”.

      Liked by 7 people

    • redpillboomer says:

      “The main way men are expressing themselves is by withdrawing and just going away whenever they can. It’s because they are simply not permitted to discuss it, even by other men, most of whom are firmly “plugged in” and espouse feminism. This is why MGTOW is growing. What holds it back? Men finally giving up and marrying, because it’s the only way they can get the sex and human connection they crave. Men finally believing the lie from a 38 year old carouseler that she’s “gonna do it the right way this time” and “tired of the games and the players” and “I promise I’m worth the wait” and “I’ve seen the light and come to Jesus; no more bad boys and thugs for me, I loves me some nice guys!”

      Very well put Deti!

      I know some of these “38 year old carouselers” and they are really starting to feel the effects of the men going their own way trend. The old strategy of riding the CC until 28-30-34 and then locking down Mr. Resource Provider appear to be breaking down. IOW, they can’t find this guy, he’s not playing Ms. CC Rider’s game in the numbers he used to play it say just 5-10-15 years ago.

      The CC’ers that I personnally know that do get married, do not seem to be getting Mr. Beta Bucks man anymore, but Mr. Simp man. IOW, their settling for Simps (even Simps 15-20 years older than them), or accepting Cat Lady fate; that’s the choices left to them, if they want to avoid FOMO, a life without ever wearing the white dress and walking down the aisle (unless they go ahead and marry themselves, another disturbing trend out there I’ve picked up on). They seem to be increasingly upset, angry at one end of the spectrum, and increasingly distraught and depressed at the other end of the spectrum. Sowing and reaping consequences from the last few decades of the feminine imperative ruling everything in sight seems to kicking in heavily with the Millennial generation of women.

      Liked by 2 people

      • thedeti says:

        “I know some of these “38 year old carouselers” and they are really starting to feel the effects of the men going their own way trend.”

        So do I. I know legions of these women. Most of them are Christian women. To women, this is all men’s fault. These women really do believe they’re not doing anything wrong.

        Women believe this is happening all because men aren’t manning up, stepping up, and “doing the right thing” and marrying them. Wome believe they can’t get husbands because men just “aren’t being men” — they’re not working, they’re not self improving, they’re not this, they’re not that, they’re selfish, they’re self absorbed, they’re just in general not being or acting like the providers, money trees, and servants these women deem themselves entitled to.

        It never occurs to women that maybe, just maybe, the men these women want don’t want them. It never occurs to women that they aren’t bringing to the table anything these men want. It never occurs to women that they need to be and do things too. It never occurs to women that the men they’re complaining about are the best these women can do.

        Liked by 3 people

      • feeriker says:

        In other words, women don’t understand cause and effect. Your 38-year-old carousel riders demonstrate that clearly.


      • imnobody00 says:

        It is not only not understanding cause and effect, as Deti says. It is that this trick of CC followed by Mr. Beta Bucks has worked very well for 50/60 years and it is only starting to fail right now. This is a lot of time.

        This means that today’s carouseler has seen three generations of women pulling it off:

        1) The generation of the grandmas
        2) The generation of the mothers.
        3) The generation of the elder sisters.

        This means tens and tens of close acquaintances of her pulling it off. She has learned to see that as normal and her birthright. Now, it is not that easy and she is shocked.

        Liked by 2 people

  5. I’m honored that you would count many of us amongst the roll.

    I wish you and the whole lot another great year.

    Liked by 4 people

  6. okrahead says:

    I’m not sure whether to be more honored to be listed or annoyed to be labelled defunct. Guess I’ll have to get off my rear end and do some writing. My biggest hesitation is that anything I want to say somebody else on the list already said better. Maybe I’ll just come up with eclectic things that may be of use or interest.

    Liked by 4 people

    • caterpillar345 says:

      I appreciate hearing about the same topics from different points of view. I don’t think it’s about saying the same thing someone already said better – it’s about saying the same thing from a different perspective, with a different set of life experiences, and with a different way of thinking.

      Liked by 4 people

  7. okrahead says:

    Dark Brightness was terminated by the Kiwi government for speaking out about abuses of civil rights under Covid restrictions. If anybody has heard from Weka I’d like to know.

    Liked by 2 people

    • thedeti says:

      Weka is around. He comments at Adam’s place sometimes. He says he shut his blog down voluntarily because he got doxxed and someone he knew complained about his blog, and he was threatened with losing his professional license. Weka is a physician or healthcare provider of some sort in his home country.

      Liked by 3 people

    • anonymous says:

      “If anybody has heard from Weka I’d like to know.”

      Weka has commented here and at Adam Piggot’s site over the last few months.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. okrahead says:

    Dalrock’s exit was probably the biggest blow to husband/father writing. Really miss his work.

    Liked by 8 people

  9. caterpillar345 says:

    There are a couple guys I’ve run across in the last year.
    Tim Hicks (secular RP) – writes at Uncharted Father and on Twitter
    Jerry (Christian, likely RP) – writes at Men of Grit and on Twitter.


  10. cameron232 says:

    Novaseeker is or was the best writer in the sphere IMO.

    Liked by 2 people

    • anonymous says:

      He was definitely the most detailed-oriented one. He knew more about the origins of the pre-Roissy manosphere than all but a handful of people. I think you know some of them. Lastmod and couple of others?

      Liked by 2 people

    • Sharkly says:

      I thought Dalrock was the best writer. He was able to pound his point home in a way that made cloudy issues plainly clear with a minimum of words. I found Novaseeker’s lawyerly style to be far too wordy and left his topics almost as clouded as before he tried to make things plainly clear. I find thedeti also to be a better writer than Novaseeker. While Novaseeker’s posts might stand up better in court, thedeti gets right to the heart of the matter without wasting everybody’s time listing all the possible caveats and disclaimers and exceptions to every statement he makes. I wound up just skimming over most of Novaseeker’s writing trying to find the spot where he eventually gets to his point. Sometimes Jack gets a bit wordy too. I really value those who can explain things convincingly while being concise. My time is valuable.

      I believe that when a person has great mastery of a subject they are usually able to explain it in such a way that makes it simple enough for others to easily understand it. However when a person does not fully comprehend a subject and finds it to be confusing and complicated, they’ll usually explain it in such a way that relays it to others as confusing and complicated as well.

      Gunner Q gets my vote for the writer with the most entertaining nuggets that I try to steal. And Cill, who sometimes writes over at Spawny’s Space, is also an excellent expositional blog post author.

      But I have respect for all who are making the effort to get the message out clearly.

      Liked by 3 people

    • jvangeld says:

      Dalrock was the most important writer in the Christian manosphere. When all the men in my life talked about dating and divorce and marriage as if we were still in the Mad Men era, Dalrock talked about those things as they are now. Seriously, everyone thought that divorce happens because executives commit adultery with their secretaries. Everyone just called divorced men abusers, by the ridiculous definitions of abuse.

      So to see someone talk about where we were and how we got there, in a way that agreed with what I could see; that brought me hope. People say that Dalrock’s comment section was full of bitter men. I saw men talking about wicked women the way that Solomon talked about wicked women.

      My favorite writer was Cane Caldo. He kept it Biblical, and he let the Bible speak.

      Liked by 2 people

      • cameron232 says:

        I agree Cane Caldo was very good.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Christian says:

        Interesting to see a lot of former Dalrock posters here as well. I find the quality of the material here to be as good as Dalrock’s, just in a different layout.

        One quick side note, however: While you have some RP writers that are not Christ-followers, many add a lot of wisdom and the dose of reality that can potentially help “McChurchian Christian beta males” snap out of it and become the men that God called them to be.

        While we have to be honest with ourselves that it will take a major event (world war, great depression, civil conflict, an ACTUAL pandemic, major food shortages, etc.) to shake our current feminist nightmare out of existence (out of sheer need), if we do not have a base of RP men to rebuild it the right way, nothing will truly get better in the aftermath.

        While things are truly bleak in America today (mainly designed and caused by incompetent leadership), things can turn around. Ask anyone older than me, who were at least young adults in the 1970s, and they will tell you back then, it all seemed hopeless then, and for the longest time.

        But it turned around with good leadership. Things can get better if good men step up.

        Liked by 2 people

  11. MLT says:

    Let me say this please: I have enjoyed reading this blog and blogs like Dalrock’s for years. It is a bit safer to write comments than go on video because your face can be seen on video and problems can occur. Podcasts do not work for me. The reason is simple: I was born deaf. I want transcripts of podcasts so I can read them and learn from them.

    I agree about marriage, the man being the head of his wife, and wives should have sex as often as possible with their own husbands regardless if the husband is seen as alpha or beta or possibly any letter of the Greek alphabet. Scripture instructs wives to submit to their husbands and there is no exception of whether the husband is alpha or beta.

    In some ways, I am kind of becoming red-pilled. I can take a look at the other blogs that are now functioning. Until true Christian churches discipline wives for sexual defraudment, being harridans, and the like, MGTOW can continue to grow. It is rare for pastors to rebuke their female church members in their preaching. It seems that some Christian women do amaze me and other Christian men, and not in a good way. One of the ways we Christian men can do is to pray for Christian women that they repent of their sins and learn to submit to their husbands in everything, including having sex. We can also pray that these Christian women find good Christian female friends since women are more relationally oriented and the type of friends many women may have are at times women of not good influence. Should a Christian husband find that a few of his wife’s female friends are not exactly good for her then she is to obey him by cutting ties with these female friends. For now, that is all I want to say.

    Liked by 3 people

  12. catacombresident says:

    Well, I don’t consider myself specifically RP, but far more eclectic, primarily a faith blog. It’s just that the RP message is one of the things I mention now and then. But I’m grateful for the linkage, and honored to be mentioned in this august company.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Ed Hurst says:

    For the curious, I closed Do What’s Right because forced a change in procedures that was wholly incompatible with my writing style. The Radix Fidem blog went quiescent due to threats I’d rather not discuss, but arises from a weakness in the WordPress software. These days I post on the Radix Fidem forum, and it’s irregular.


  14. Scavos says:

    “As you can see, there is a much greater number of Manosphere/Red Pill blogs making an exit than are making a debut. 35 going out, and 14 coming in, compared to 35 remaining steady over a 21-month span. This is an even bigger turnover than the last time, in which there were 34 going out, 10 coming in, and 38 remaining steady over the previous 21 months!”

    Hopefully, a good chunk of these sites stay up long enough for me to archive. My desktop’s gonna get a workout!

    Liked by 2 people

  15. Devon70 says:

    I look at the voices section and think many of the non-Christian manosphere sites do more harm than good. One of them “Rob Says” is a fifty year old guy that brags about cruising bars and dating sites for trashy women. There isn’t a more pitiful character than a middle aged pick up artist. Is this how you want to spend your remaining time on the planet? This is the end result of the non-Christian red pill.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Lexet Blog says:

      There’s an old post here called Charting the Red Pill World (2021-3-26). I argued that PUA’s are blue pilled. They revolve around women and let them define their masculinity.

      Liked by 2 people

    • Jack says:

      “I look at the voices section and think many of the non-Christian manosphere sites do more harm than good.”

      This is the reason why there was a schism in 2020. Christian RP and Secular RP split off and stopped interacting with each other. (See the link in the OP for more information.) I continue to list them here, in spite of the schism and the mutual animosities, because I want readers to compare the differences and see where each one is going since then, which is exactly what you did. I also don’t want secular RP to forget about us. (They would very much like to do so.)

      To sum up where the secular RP has gone since then, in general, they’re getting “worse”, diving into group sex, sex parties, multiple relationships, open relationships, soft harems, etc., and continuing to do these things well past middle age. They are not producing any new theories, but are concentrating on how to refine their techniques. The Christian RP has exposed the OASIS and buckled down on Headship and The Young Man’s Problem. We’ve found a few new theories, e.g. Scott’s Axioms, Deti’s Axioms, Strength of Purpose, the Cascade Model, Feedback loops, the importance of reading IOIs and IOCs, Incentives/Motivations, Masculine nuances of Communication Styles, and others.

      Overall, it goes to show that restricting sexuality leads to greater flourishment.

      Liked by 1 person

      • info says:

        “To sum up where the secular RP has gone since then, in general, they’re getting “worse”, diving into group sex, sex parties, multiple relationships, open relationships, soft harems, etc., and continuing to do these things well past middle age.”

        Which isn’t conducive to becoming Patriarchs of their own families. And the long-term vision that encompasses many generations even giving rise to Nations.

        Abraham became the Father of many Nations. And the various Patriarchs prophesized in the Holy Spirit all the various fates of the Tribes descended from their various sons.

        By they themselves only drown themselves in meaningless pleasure. Never considering their fates afterlife.

        r vs K strategy.


  16. Pingback: RedPill Blogroll – Cornerstone

  17. feeriker says:

    “This means that today’s carouseler has seen three generations of women pulling it off:

    1) The generation of the grandmas

    This supports my contention that appealing to older women (“Titus 2 wives”) to teach the younger generation of women in the church is a pointless exercise. Today’s “older women” were the first generation of women to be influenced by Second Wave Feminism. In other words, they were the original “c0ck carousel riders.” All they’ll do for younger women is reinforce their rebelliousness.

    Liked by 2 people

    • cameron232 says:

      We’re now treated to the spectacle of heavily tattooed great grandmothers sporting purple hair. Why couldn’t I have been born Amish?

      Liked by 1 person

      • feeriker says:

        If ever there was a sign of a civilization in a state of free-fall…

        Liked by 2 people

      • Christian says:

        You think these heavily tattooed freaks will actually reproduce in significant numbers?!? Most will not. That is both a good and bad thing, IMHO.

        Feeriker, good to see you are still around since Dalrock stopped posting. Keep up the message! 🙂

        On a side note… “doxxing” and censorship has been very successful in silencing most of the Manosphere and RP knowledge. Lack of time, boredom, and widespread knowledge of “This is what the problem is”, without enough meaningful solutions and strategies has dampened much of the RP community.

        Also because so many of us in the RP community live in the United States of Entertainment, many have switched over to video/entertainment based RP discussions, like Taylor the Fiend and Joker/BetterBachelor. Great RP content, but much of it is entertainment.

        Additionally, many men have had to seek extra work and 2nd jobs just to survive the onslaught of inflation and the collapsing USA economy of 2021-2022. Time has become scarce…

        Can I add a few other RP resources here real quick?

        IllimitableMan: British guy, outstanding knowledge:

        Chateau Heartiste and its sub-sites were censored by WordPress and he re-posted it back, but a decade+ of commentary knowledge was lost. Tragic, given before being censored and deplatformed, Heartiste (also known as Royce) was prolific in his posts and the community was insanely active.

        How about Dalrock… A great RP resource on marriage and other Christian and marriage RP topics:

        (At least Dalrock left his 10 years of RP work online, along with tens of thousands of insightful commentary).

        RelampagoFurioso is another great RP resource, but he has vanished… Some suspect “self-deletion”. He seemed very down last time he was around town… His work survives here:

        Worthy mention, since The Private Man passed away from rare eye cancer:

        Lots of great material that has survived the test of time. That is the good news, glass half-full here. RooshV is still going strong and so is this site. Hope remains.

        Liked by 1 person

  18. Christian says:

    RooshV, a former player turned Christian, is a stalwart of the Christian RP. Why is he not listed??? and

    Worth a look, at least.


    • Jack says:

      Thanks for the links! Roosh V is listed and I added Roosh V Forum. I didn’t know The New Modern Man was still online. How could I have missed Dalrock and Illimitable Men?!?


      • Christian says:

        No prob, Jack.

        I have been reading your content while on lunch break for the last couple years and I never posted any comments, as I was a major poster on Heartiste (pre-deplatforming), RooshV, and Dalrock.

        I think I can contribute to this important discussion going on here from time to time. Gonna register so I can make quick edits as needed. 😉

        Have a blessed weekend!

        Liked by 1 person

    • Christian says:

      Ooops, I wrote my replies to feature on a different article and was comparing Sigma and the other list and see if we could complete each other’s lists.

      Sigma’s is far more complete. 🙂

      Only one I did not find on here is but he has been defunct since Feb 2021.

      Totally my bad there… I am not registered so I cannot edit, but all good.

      Liked by 1 person

  19. Pingback: The Delusion of the Good | Σ Frame

  20. Pingback: 5 Years with Σ Frame | Σ Frame

  21. Pingback: 2022 Sigma Frame Performance Report | Σ Frame

  22. Pingback: Zeitgeist Report 2023 — Part 1 | Σ Frame

  23. Pingback: Zeitgeist Report 2023 — Part 3 | Σ Frame

  24. Pingback: Problems with The Red Pill — Exposition | Σ Frame

  25. Pingback: The Vacancy of Authority | Σ Frame

  26. Pingback: The Erasure of Credendum | Σ Frame

  27. Pingback: Red Pill Restructure | Σ Frame

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