2023 Sigma Frame Performance Report

Σ Frame’s seventh annual traffic performance report.

Readership: Anyone interested
Note to Readers: There were several interesting developments in 2023. This report is long, so readers short on time may skim through it to catch the conclusions.
Length: 3,600 words
Reading Time: 20 minutes

History, Goals, and Purposes

I started blogging on March 7, 2008, using Blogger as my blog platform.  The original purpose was to distribute teaching materials (for a sunday school class that I taught) in an easily accessible and shareable format, and to foment discussion. The general appeal, and the quality that made my teachings popular, was its focus on applying the scriptures to the incongruences of human nature and the metaphysical.

I discovered the Red Pill in early 2017. Feeling inspired to start blogging regularly again, on September 27, 2017, I transferred the best of my blog writings from Blogger to WordPress, and began concentrating on Red Pill topics.  I received more views on WordPress in the first two months than I had on Blogger in the previous 8 years.  Since then, readership has expanded and posts have grown more frequent and more regular.

I have a habit to pray frequently about the purpose of this blog, what I should write about, and what men need to read and know.  I’ve always had the conviction that my testimony, my life experiences, and the things I’ve learned are valuable to other men, and that it’s important for me to share these things for the benefit of others.

As this blog has matured, there has been a greater focus on “Rebuilding Christian Masculinity”, since men appear to be confused about what it means to be a Christian Man in the 21st century, and masculinity has come under increasing attack from both the church and secular culture.  More emphasis has been placed on Biblical and philosophical purity, sifting out truth from various Blue Pill and Red Pill concepts, and determining how these are to be properly applied to Christian Men’s lives.

More about my goals and purposes in blogging are summed up in the About page.


Even in this age of apostasy and tribulation, God continues working throughout the lives of many men.  It is for this reason that I pray for other men to join me in this endeavor.

The Lord has answered this prayer with exceeding benevolence. Lexet teamed up with me in 2019. Scott and NovaSeeker joined the writing panel in 2020.  In 2021, Red Pill Apostle, Thedeti, and two others joined us in contributing their talents and valuable insights.  In 2022, the authors included Oscar, Catacomb Resident, Sharkly, and one anonymous contributor. In 2023, Caterpillar 345 and Arch Angel joined the authors panel and there were 4 others who contributed posts.

In summary, the authors for 2023 included…

  1. Jack (151 posts)
  2. Anonymous Contributor (17 posts)
  3. Oscar (10 posts)
  4. Thedeti (8 posts)
  5. Red Pill Apostle (6 posts)
  6. WhiteGuy1 (3 posts)
  7. Arch Angel (2 posts)
  8. Alexei Karamazov (1 post)
  9. Catacomb Resident (1 post)
  10. Caterpillar345 (1 post)
  11. Elspeth (1 post)
  12. Lexet (1 post)
  13. NovaSeeker (1 post coauthored with Jack)
  14. Rock Kitaro, Stage in the Sky (1 post)
  15. 1 reblogged post from Sunshine Mary

In addition, Jack wrote 1 post at Spawny’s Space this year.

We are truly grateful to all those who have invested their thoughts, time, and energy to produce these posts, and to all the readers who have contributed their insights to the discussions at Σ Frame.


In sum, there was a large turnover in readership in 2023.

The top 10 countries with the most viewers

In 2022, the readership fell for the first time, apparently due to a mass exodus of European readers.  In 2023, the European readers came back en masse, with especially large numbers from the U.K., Germany, Czechia, the European Union, Italy, Poland, Turkey, Switzerland, France, Croatia, and the Netherlands, in that order.  Of note, Nigeria is contending strongly in 9th place, up from 12th.

This year, India fell from 5th place to 8th place.  The Philippines was in 8th place and is now in 15th.  (Duterte did something right.)  New Zealand was in 9th place in 2022, but is now in 18th.

Figures in parentheses indicate the change from the previous year.

  1. United States:  154,028 (-12.3%)
  2. United Kingdom:  10,128 (+85.4%)
  3. Canada:  3,489 (-22.9%)
  4. Australia:  2,665 (-38.5%)
  5. Germany:  2,295 (+2.2%)
  6. Czechia:  2,189 (+22.8%)
  7. European Union:  2,077 (+368.8%)
  8. India:  1,945 (-13.4%)
  9. Nigeria:  1,123 (+100.5%)
  10. Italy:  1,094 (+401.8%)

Total number of viewing countries / principalities: 150 (-0.7%)

Since inception, it has been noted that the vast majority of readership originates from democratic, capitalistic societies that are being smothered by post-modern, feministic social ideologies.  In the past, I have attributed this to the sociopolitical climate in these countries.  This remains true for the U.S., U.K, and Germany.  However, this does not explain why Australia, Canada, and New Zealand have had the largest decreases in views since these countries continue to endure significant misandry and sociopolitical unrest.  I assume that the Red Pill going mainstream and the popularity of online videos are the main reasons for this shift, since most of this content is in English.


Total number of Subscribers: 238

Number of subscribers on WordPress:  209 (+0% ???)

Number of subscribers by email:  29 (+0% ???)

Number of subscribers joining in 2023 (as reported by WordPress):  0 (???)

Number of subscribers joining in 2023 (as indicated by date of subscribing):  21

Obviously, the subscriber statistics on WordPress are in error.  Several readers have reported that their subscriptions were removed and they had to subscribe again.  This has happened to me too on some other blogs that I follow.  It stands to reason that some of the new subscribers are really new, while others are actually old subscribers who were booted off for some reason and then resubscribed.

If you enjoy reading Σ Frame, please check your subscription status by clicking on the button below* or enter your email and click on Subscribe.  Please leave a comment if you find an anomaly.

* Not sure if this script is displaying properly. Please leave a note if it is not.

The most prolific Commentators

Commentators Feeriker and Dead Bedroom Dating pushed Cameron232 and Scott off the list this year.

  1. Oscar:  2.9K (+36.9%)
  2. Thedeti:  2.7K (+30.8%)
  3. Jack:  2.2K (+35.1%)
  4. Info:  1.2K (+78.3%)
  5. Feeriker:  1.1K
  6. Red Pill Apostle:  464 (-55.3%)
  7. Dead Bedroom Dating:  255

Site Changes in 2023


A list of authors was added to the sidebar.


The banner image displays a collection of 7 old playing cards, all Jack of diamonds. In early July, I created 4 sets of images to be changed every season and started using them that month.

These 4 banner images are shown below.

Winter (January — March)

Spring (April — June)

Summer (July — September)

Autumn (October — December)


Categories remain the same as last year, although a few new categories have been added, including Altruism, Antinomianism, Positivism / Scientism, Sigma Frame Performance Reports, Theme Summaries, and W!tchcr@ft. Some older posts have had their categorizations updated.

New Pages

Readers may not have noticed, but this year I’ve added 2 new pages located in the drop-down menus in the Header.



There are four long running projects that have become a regular staple on Σ Frame.  These continued to be developed in many posts.

  1. Archetypes, especially Headship and the Christ : Church :: Husband : Wife analogy.
  2. Courtship Models
  3. Discipline in Marriage
  4. Masculine Authority and Dominion


The writing projects in 2023 were arranged in monthly themes, as has been done since 2020.  The themes for 2023 were as follows.

  1. January — Consolidating Masculinity
  2. February — The Snares of Sin
  3. March — Glory
  4. April — Headship
  5. May — Wives and Mothers
  6. May 29 – June 25 — Sacramental Marriage*
  7. June 26 – July 9 — Honoring Fathers*
  8. July 10 – August 15 — Cultural Demise
  9. August 16 – 31 — Chemistry (Testosterone)
  10. September – October — IOIs and Vetting
  11. November – December — The W!tchy War on Masculinity**

* Sacramental Marriage and Honoring Fathers were intended to be 2 mini-themes for the month of June, but it ran over schedule due to the complexity of the former topic and other topics that arose from the discussions.
** The W!tchy War on Masculinity is actually a combination of three interrelated themes that were pieced together into a collage of writings that are focused on the impact on men.

  1. Gynocentric man bashing
  2. Modernity / Scientism / Positivism
  3. The Jezebel Spirit / W!tchcr@ft

February and May had the most popular themes.

Readers are invited to go to the sidebar and find “Posts by Month” to read up on anything you’re particularly interested in.

Numbers of Posts, Words, Comments, and Likes

YearTotal postsTotal wordsAverage words per postTotal commentsAverage comments per postTotal likesAverage likes per post

* Some older posts have more likes and comments than what was reported in the 2022 performance report.

* 5 posts from 2017 have been mysteriously removed from WordPress.  I will try to track down which posts have disappeared and attempt to replace them. (See update below.)

* As of June 1, 2023, Scott’s posts (a total of 24) have been unpublished by his request (9 from 2020, 15 from 2021).  These posts are not included in the 2023 statistics.

* Some figures are reported differently between the WordPress dashboard and the mobile app.  Neither do these figures match manual calculations.  Not sure why.  Best estimates are shown.

Update: The earlier Performance Reports (and my own memory) say that there were 38 posts in 2017.  I dug into my old files to figure out what happened, and to see if there were in fact some posts that went missing. I did not find any writings missing, but I did find that I published 5 pages (not posts) in 2017.  I believe these pages were added to the list.  That is, I made a mistake somewhere in counting all publications for that year as posts.  It is interesting that I first doubted the veracity of WordPress before admitting the possibility that I might have made a mistake.  Such is the reliability of our institutions these days.

Traffic Statistics

YearNumber of visitorsTotal viewsAverage views per dayAverage views per monthAverage views per visitorAverage views per post
All Time196,515927,19436812,3624.72923

* Traffic statistics begin after moving to WordPress on 2017/9/27.

* The outstanding performance in 2020-2022 is explained here.

Based on several years of statistics coupled with my observations, my overall impression is that Σ Frame has about 200 very regular (daily) readers, around 2,500 regular monthly visitors, and roughly 25 regular commenters.

The number of views in 2023, by the posts’ author

  1. Jack*:  106,291 views (+0.5%)
  2. Thedeti:  4,084 views (-23.8%)
  3. Red Pill Apostle:  3,840 views (-40.3%)
  4. NovaSeeker:  1,510 views (-40.8%)
  5. Lexet:  1,439 views (-35.0%)
  6. Arch Angel:  810 views
  7. Caterpillar345:  182 views

* Guest posts are listed under Jack’s name.

The Most Views in One Day (2023)

February 15, 2023: 1,051 views

The Most Views in One Day (all-time)

February 18, 2021: 1,882 views

Most popular day and hour

Tuesday (17% of views); 0:00 GMT, 10:00 am EST, 10:00 pm Taiwan (6% of views).

Periods of High Activity in 2023

January 24-26, 2023 received an average of 180.3 visitors and 798.3 views per day due to activity on 3 consecutive posts.

February 14-17, 2023 received an average of 201.3 visitors and 949.3 views per day due to activity on 4 consecutive posts.

April 26-28, 2023 received an average of 154.3 visitors and 773.7 views per day due to continuing activity on 4 non-consecutive posts.

May 1-3, 2023 received an average of 156 visitors and 873.7 views per day due to continuing activity on 5 non-consecutive posts.

May 30-31, 2023 received an average of 168.5 visitors and 783 views per day due to activity on 3 consecutive posts.

June 5-9, 2023 received an average of 171 visitors and 813.8 views per day due to activity on 5 consecutive posts.

October 4-5, 2023 received an average of 176 visitors and 880.5 views per day due to activity on 3 consecutive posts.

Popular Content

The top 5 most popular Categories

This year shows a remarkable turnover from the previous year. Relationships (previously number 1) dropped to number 9.  Psychology dropped to number 7, while Male Power dropped off the report entirely. (Yeah, what’s that?)

The top 5 most popular categories for 2023 were…

  1. Fundamental Frame:  1,391 views (+59.0%)
  2. Self-Concept:  1,318 views (+54.0%)
  3. Counterfeit / False Paradigms:  1,239 views
  4. Holding Frame:  1,204 views
  5. Discerning Lies and Deception:  1,158 views

Last year, the decreased interest in Discernment / Wisdom concerned me, but this general subject has made a strong comeback in terms of Frame, self-concept, and the discernment of deception, falsities, and lies. This is fantastic news!

The yearly shifts in these categories indicate the following.

  • In 2020, men were still focused on game strategies, relationships, and vetting.
  • In 2021, men were backing away from the tortuous SMP and were placing more attention on improving themselves.
  • In 2022, men were gaining a more thorough understanding of themselves, trying to piece themselves together and salvage what they could from their relationships.
  • In 2023, men were focused on honing their discernment of the reality on the ground and developing wisdom by sifting through the truth.
An employee of Shefa Yamim diamond exploration company sifts through rocks in search of precious stones at the firm’s laboratory in Acre, northern Israel (2012/5/21). Inspired by the words of a revered rabbi who prophesised that precious stones were divinely buried in the area, the firm has been mining for about a decade along the steep hills and lush valleys that surround the city of Haifa.
Source: Daily Mail: Where faith meets fact: Diamond firm which followed rabbi’s prediction about buried treasures is ‘close to success’ …after 10-year hunt (2012/5/30)

The top 5 most popular Pages (2023)

  1. What is Frame?:  1,204 views
  2. Discipline in Marriage:  451 views
  3. About:  232 views
  4. What is a Sigma Male?:  221 views
  5. Courtship Models: 136 views

The top 5 most popular Pages (all-time)

  1. What is a Sigma Male?:  7,503 views
  2. Discipline in Marriage:  7,003 views
  3. What is Frame?:  4,739 views
  4. About:  2,810 views
  5. What is the Red Pill?:  2,213 views

The top 5 most popular Posts (2023)

  1. Comparing Carnal Chads and Churchian Cucks (2023/4/21):  1,989 views 
  2. The Lie of Romantic Love (2023/2/3):  1,056 views
  3. P0rn is Faux Validation (2023/2/17):  989 views
  4. Strong Independent Women (2023/5/3):  890 views
  5. The Battle Within (2023/4/10):  887 views

The top 5 most popular Posts (all-time)

  1. What To Do When A Girl Tries To Make You Jealous (2018/4/22):  67,172 views
  2. List of Slut Tells (2017/10/15):  7,653 views
  3. 16 Qualities of an Irresistible Woman (2017/12/1):  5,996 views
  4. List of Female IOI’s (2020/3/30):  5,184 views
  5. 50 Shades of Discipline in Marriage (2017/11/25):  4,027 views

The last 2 posts switched places since the previous year, indicating that men are more concerned about reading women accurately than about improving / saving their marriages.

The top 10 most commented Posts (2023)

  1. Comparing Carnal Chads and Churchian Cucks (2023/4/21): 248 comments
  2. How P0rn and Premarital Sex affects one’s view of Women (2023/2/20): 106 comments
  3. The Battle Within (2023/4/10): 103 comments
  4. The Lie of Romantic Love (2023/2/3): 102 comments
  5. The Next Step (2023/8/4): 101 comments
  6. Strong Independent Women (2023/5/3): 96 comments
  7. Men’s Altruistic Idealism in an Age of Apostasy (2023/7/28): 95 comments
  8. Disrespecting the Lord (2023/3/3): 88 comments
  9. Good Relationships are Chosen and Developed, NOT “Found” by Chance (2023/10/9): 84 comments
  10. The Peaceful Unity Marriage Model (2023/6/7): 82 comments

The top 10 most commented Posts (all-time)

One of these posts appeared this year (number 4).

  1. (NovaSeeker): The Lopsided Liberalized Mating Market (2021/2/17):  388 comments
  2. Secrets (2021/8/18):  284 comments
  3. Men’s Fantasy of Emotional Intimacy (2021/6/23):  281 comments
  4. Comparing Carnal Chads and Churchian Cucks (2023/4/21): 248 comments
  5. The Boring Loyal Dude (2022/5/11):  223 comments
  6. The Status Signaling Narrative (2022/3/21):  223 comments
  7. Nita Marie’s threesome with her second husband and God (2022/10/5):  213 comments
  8. (NovaSeeker): The Centrality of Sex in Western Culture (2021/2/8):  209 comments
  9. (NovaSeeker, Jack): Is Patriarchy for Deplorables? (2021/5/31):  205 comments
  10. Artisanal Toad on Women’s Agency (2022/11/14): 199 comments

The top downloads

The number of PDF downloads has increased substantially.  Thus, downloads exceeding 500/year will now be added to the Performance Report.

The top downloads in 2023 are as follows.

  1. Cass R. Sunstein (2002), “The Law of Group Polarization”, Journal of Political Philosophy 10(2):175-195.  (911 downloads)
  2. Suzanne Verdeber (2017), “BOOK REVIEW Kyle Harper, From Shame to Sin: The Christian Transformation of Sexual Morality in Late Antiquity” (Cambridge Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2013), ISBN: 978-0674660014.  (907 downloads)

Seeing how this can be an effective means of transferring information, in the future, I will post more content as downloadable files.


Top search engine terms leading to Σ Frame

In past years, the majority of search terms included some variant of “sigma male”, “sigmaframe”, “sigma frame blog”, etc. (which is to be expected), and the words, “wife”, “discipline”, and especially some variant of “jealous”. In 2022, the frequency of “sigma” terms decreased significantly, while “wife”, “discipline”, and “marriage” completely disappeared and were replaced by “IOI” and “MGTOW”, which did not appear in 2023.  (Apparently the MGTOW moniker is fading out of common usage, even while the movement is stronger than ever.)

In 2023…

  1. The term “sigma” returned but always as some variant of “sigma frame”.
  2. There were a large number of p0rn related search terms.  Since I do not post this type of content and vulgar words are c0rnw@llәd, I take this to be an act of God that some men are searching for p0rn and are finding the Σ Frame blog instead. Praise the Lord!
  3. Titles of specific posts.
  4. There were 11 search terms in Russian, a large increase from 2022.

добро пожаловать в сигму фрейм друзья!

Judging by the titles (number 3), the most searched for posts include these, in this order.

  1. Are you a man or a mushroom? (2020/8/17)
  2. The Boring Loyal Dude (2022/5/11)
  3. Why Do Men Need Visions and Dreams? (2018/5/15)
  4. What To Do When A Girl Tries To Make You Jealous (2018/4/22)
  5. (NovaSeeker) The Slow Train Wreck — a Cautionary Tale (2021/1/18)

Funny or Odd search terms which have led people to Σ Frame in 2023

  1. why do some wives love to be disciplined
  2. ell!0t r0dgәr in afterlife
  3. janitor intellectual
  4. honey wells


The top 5 incoming referrers from social media, search engines, and readers

  1. Google Search:  12,763 (-15.2%)
  2. SynLogos (Based Aggregator):  4,696 (+25.3%)
  3. WordPress Reader:  1,237 (-21.9%)
  4. Google Mail:  820 (+1.4%)
  5. Bing:  757 (-34.1%)

The immense popularity of Google is slowly fading, and is being superceded by a plethora of other search engines, most notably Yandex, a Russian search engine that is devoid of W0kery.

The top 10 incoming referrers (other than search engines and readers)

Compared to the previous year, Catacomb Resident, The Futurist, and Patriactionary have been superseded by Derek L. Ramsey, Cane Caldo, and Dalrock.  Figures in parentheses indicate the change from the previous year.

  1. Christianity and Masculinity (Deep Strength):  2,112 (-33.6%)
  2. Adam Piggott:  817 (-56.3%)
  3. Derek L. Ramsey:  432 (+92.6%)
  4. Laughing at Feminism (Sharkly):  254 (-54.3%)
  5. Spawny’s Space (Farm Boy, Cill, Cheque’d Out, et al.):  241 (-61.7%)
  6. To Reclaim Normality (Feeriker):  170 (+3.7%)
  7. Okrahead:  160 (+92.8%)
  8. Gunner Q2 / Gunner Q3:  84 (-69.9%)
  9. Cane Caldo:  48 (+20.0%)
  10. Dalrock: 45 (+25.0%)

It is ironic that Derek is the #3 referrer since he is actively opposed to the Σ Frame blog.  I also find it interesting that Σ Frame is receiving ever more referrals from Cane Caldo and Dalrock, even though they stopped posting 4 and 3 years ago, respectively.  I interpret this as a strong indication that people are still reading old Christian Manosphere blogs, perhaps even more than last year.

The top 10 blogs receiving the most traffic from Σ Frame

Overall, outclicks have decreased precipitously.  Compared to the previous years’ top 10 list, Adam Piggott, Wintery Knight, Vox Day, and Snapper TRX have been replaced by Hawaiian Libertarian, Gunner Q2 / Gunner Q3, Dalrock, and Cornerstone, NOT due to more clicks to the latter group, but by far fewer clicks to the former.  Figures in parentheses indicate the change from the previous year.

  1. Spawny’s Space:  1,952 (-36.8%)
  2. Christianity and Masculinity (Deep Strength):  1,234 (-38.9%)
  3. The Other McCain:  1,046 (-30.8%)
  4. Wh0res and Ale:  926 (-38.5%)
  5. Hawaiian Libertarian:  885 (-11.7%)
  6. Gunner Q2 / Gunner Q3:  664 and 133 respectively, totaling 797 (-55.0%)
  7. Dalrock:  746 (-18.9%)
  8. The Transformed Wife:  714 (-52.2%)
  9. Cornerstone:  661 (-30.2%)
  10. Biblical Gender Roles:  634 (-46.6%)

It is remarkable that more readers prefer to click on Hawaiian Libertarian, Gunner Q2 / Gunner Q3, Dalrock, and Cornerstone, rather than Adam Piggott, Wintery Knight, Vox Day, and Snapper TRX.  Again, we see readers clicking on Manosphere sites long shuttered, rather than some of the few remaining Based / Christian Manosphere / Red Pill blogs that continue to post on a regular basis anymore.

Readers are Hangry Hippo for Classic Manosphere content!

I believe this is because ever since the Red Pill went mainstream over the past 2 years, it has become sensationalized and its Red Pill philosophical purity has become severely compromised.  It appears that the most effective way to destroy the Red Pill is to make it mainstream muddled murky milquetoast.  I would attribute the apparently weakened associations of the most noteworthy Manosphere / Red Pill bloggers to this cause as well.

Note to Web Experts

Several website analytics have reported that the Σ Frame blog has SEO issues.  I did some research on what this might be, but I have not found what the specific issues are.  If anyone is knowledgeable about this and is willing to offer advice, please email me at sigmaframe@protonmail.com.


About Jack

Jack is a world traveling artist, skilled in trading ideas and information, none of which are considered too holy, too nerdy, nor too profane to hijack and twist into useful fashion. Sigma Frame Mindsets and methods for building and maintaining a masculine Frame
This entry was posted in Answered Prayers, Collective Strength, Communications, Cultural Anthropology, Culture Wars, Discerning Lies and Deception, Elite Cultural Influences, Faith Community, Fundamental Frame, Headship and Patriarchy, Holding Frame, India, International, Introspection, Manosphere, Organization and Structure, Philippines, Politics, Power, Prayer, Russia, Self-Concept, Sigma Frame Performance Reports, Society, Sphere of Influence, Statistics Reports, Taiwan, The Power of God, United Kingdom. Bookmark the permalink.

5 Responses to 2023 Sigma Frame Performance Report

  1. Sharkly says:

    I believe you posted this video here before. The first quarter of it is the best. It explains that the government is actively funding the shunting of traffic away from the manosphere. Also, there is more and more manosphere video content being produced and posted now, and the younger men generally prefer that medium.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Dead Bedroom Dating says:

      This is literally the Roman Empire trying to shut down Christianity before Christianity took over, making the Roman Empire itself obsolete.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Great work, and thanks for all you do on the blog!

    Liked by 5 people

  3. Pingback: Signs of Demise? | Σ Frame

  4. Pingback: The Erasure of Credendum | Σ Frame

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