Red Pill Restructure

An update on how the Manosphere has changed since 2022/6.

Readership: All
Theme: Special Post
Length: 2,600 words
Reading Time: 14 minutes


It’s been 21 months since my last assessment of the state of the Manosphere, Red Pill Rollover (2022/6/17). It’s time for another review.

The Manosphere has changed so much since then, that we’ve been calling it the Manosphere 2.0.

What exactly has changed?

We need to go back before June 2022 to see the whole picture. (I did not foresee this in my last review.)

Lockdowns Changed Lives

The C0VID lockdowns that lasted from 2020/3/25 until December 2020, and extended up to early 2022 in some parts of the world, have had a lasting impact on social habits. People lost businesses and started new ones.  Same for jobs.  Many people worked from home, and some continued to do so after lockdowns ended. People spent less time in group social environments, and these habits also continued after lockdowns ended.


Also during this time, Western women became so spoiled and narcissistic that they outright demanded the 6-6-6-6 man (who comprised less than 1% of the male population), and were deeply offended at the suggestion that they were worthy of anything less. This essentially killed the SMP for 95+% of men.

Hook-up culture took a dive while cohabitation increased dramatically during this time. We also started to see many women wake up and reject Feminism.  The Trad-Wife movement grew out of this context as well.

Sometime in mid-2023, women began withdrawing from Hookup culture altogether, citing ‘dehumanizing’ relationships with men. It never occurred to them that they were ‘dehumanizing’ themselves by hooking up, and they blamed men instead.  An avalanche of confessions conveying all the sordid smut of their titillating trysts shook the internet.  In doing so, they thought they were calling out men’s bad behavior and claiming ‘victimhood’ status, but all they were doing was telling on themselves and sniping other women.  It wasn’t until December 2023 that (some) women realized they were all hooking up with the same top 5-10% of men who had them all on rotation. They responded to this epiphany with s1ut-eyed disbelief and gaping jaws.

As sad and embarrassing as this is, overall, I’d say this is a positive development. Maybe some women will rethink their purpose for living and draw some different and better conclusions.

The nature and purpose of vetting also shifted to match this new reality, as noted in The History and Current Value of Vetting (2023/9/2).

The lockdowns hastened all these developments, although I’m not sure to what degree.

The Manosphere 2.0

Also during lockdowns, the popularity of Manosphere / Red Pill blogs gave way to new Red Pill content presented in live stream show / podcast / video format, as described in a couple past posts this month.

In addition to this, the predominance of Red Pill lore in mainstream society and the resurgence of focus on Male interests has kick started a new era for both the Christian and Secular Manosphere. It has been called The Manosphere 2.0. This is just what I predicted would happen a while back. (Still looking for where I said so.)

The secular Manosphere occasionally gives a nod to Christian precepts, but nevertheless is continuing its descent to tabloid fodder.  OTOH, the overall nature of the new Christian Manosphere 2.0 is focused on Headship / male authority, scriptural based mysticism (or Romantic Christianity as Charlton calls it), and anti-churchianity.  The focus on women, marriage, and anti-feminism will be smaller (but still important) issues in comparison to the Manosphere 1.0.  Current voices in the Manosphere that don’t accept these tenets are going to oust themselves, like what we have seen with Derek, et al. recently.

The Passport Bros

As a result of the SMP bust described above, The Black Pill skyrocketed in popularity at the very end of 2022 and early 2023. But the Black Pill didn’t saturate completely. Some men just didn’t care, and others were willing to chuck it all. Thus, The Passport Bros appeared in early 2023.

The Passport movement was obviously a desperate measure taken by hopeful men seeking non-feminist wives and female companionship.

Sadly, Western women have degraded themselves to such a degree that now a foreign woman is considered more worthy of a relationship.

What about all the hassles and expenses of traveling, living and working abroad, language barriers, etc. ???

Challenge gladly accepted! These issues are nothing compared to all the senseless sh!t that Murican wimmin are shoveling down men’s throats.

YouTube, TikTok, and other social media platforms soon became flooded with heated protestations from Western women (who continued to maintain that they “didn’t need no man”, ironically), and coy invitations from African, Central American, EA, and SEA chicks. South America turned out to be considerably less rewarding.  Some who traveled to Columbia were met with serious complications, fraud, robbery, and redrum.


There were several negative responses to all the developments in favor of men’s interests. Of note…

  1. The U.S. government classified the Manosphere as an extremist / terr0r!st group and spent $700,000 on reducing it’s online influence. This started in 2020, followed by an immediate shadowbanning in December 2020 that was later lifted by a court order concerning free speech. (This shadowban affected the Σ Frame blog, cutting views in half.)  Other measures kicked in during late 2023, so we’ve yet to see the effects. (See note below.)
  2. Conservatives figured out that the same old feminetoric (e.g. “Shame on men!” / t0x!c masculinity / “Man up!” / etc.) no longer had any traction. So they retracted and came up with a new “Pity Men” narrative. “Man up!” changed to “Don’t give up!” This narrative (which budded in 2020) slowly gained steam until it took center stage of public discussion during mid to late 2023, spearheaded by the likes of Christine Emba, Richard Reeves, several authors at the Gospel Coalition, and even Aaron Renn. Until… Jack and Thedeti shot this narrative down with a series of posts in November and December 2023, 2023. Since then, we haven’t heard anything to this effect from the culture shapers.
  3. In mid to late 2023, secular Women also shifted tactics and started saying that men were lazy, had it too easy, and were demanding ‘princess treatment’.  It is sheer projection.  Men don’t want ‘princess treatment’, we just want respect.

Note: Ironically, the RP only went viral after the initial government action and eventually saturated the culture by 2022. Also ironically, the RP / anti-feminist principles that this gesture was intended to counter are no longer uniquely associated with the Manosphere, since they have already gone mainstream. More ironically, the Manosphere has since morphed into something quite different. So it will be interesting to watch what happens here. Will these agents go after the Manosphere 1.0 / RP ideologies that are now prevalent in social media and the wider culture (which will be an impossible, monumental task), or will they go after voices that continue to identify with the Manosphere 2.0, which are significantly less associated with the ‘toxic’ elements that were condemned?

There’s a third possibility that we’ve already seen evidence of.  Pick out some noteworthy bad boys, like Andrew T@te, Rollo Tomassi, et al. and identify them as ‘leaders’ of the Manosphere.  T@te was hauled into court, but not much has happened with Tomassi.  This straw man approach has had a negligible impact on the Manosphere.  Overall, TPTB are losing their war on the Manosphere.  Masculinity itself remains tenuous but is showing some promise for long-term recovery.

Red Pill Blogosphere Restructure

Here are some changes since my last assessment of the Manosphere in Red Pill Rollover (2022/6/17).  I have not included blogs that went down before then.  Also, there are a lot of new YouTube channels and Vblogs that are not included here.

Note: Readers have brought to my attention several Based or Manosphere blogs that have been around for a while but were not included in previous reports.  These additions have been marked with an asterisk.

Fading Blogs

(The authors no longer post with regular frequency.)

  1. Biblical Sexology
  2. Eric Conn
  3. Lexet
  4. Laughing at Feminism (Sharkly)
  5. Okrahead
  6. Sub-Created Worlds (J. J. Griffing)

Defunct Blogs

(The authors have ceased writing new posts.)

  1. Alpha Game (Vox Day)
  2. Ballista*
  3. Blair Naso*
  4. Cail Corishev
  5. Calculated Bravery
  6. Cane Caldo
  7. Captain Capitalism (Aaron Clarey) Now concentrates on his YouTube channel.
  8. Chateau Heartiste (Reconstructed Site)
  9. Days of Game
  10. Deti Nation*
  11. Digital Throwback
  12. Donal Graeme
  13. Empathologism
  14. Free Northerner
  15. Full Metal Patriarchy
  16. Hawaiian Libertarian (Keoni Galt)
  17. Hommunism
  18. Illuvitus
  19. Jack Donovan*
  20. Krauser PUA
  21. Major Styles*
  22. Men of Grit (Jerry)
  23. Natsab (Pete Rambo)
  24. Paul Elam
  25. Red Pill Pusher*
  26. Red Pill Rabbi
  27. SFC Ton
  28. Sharkly’s expose of Whitewater Community Church
  29. Staffans Personality Blog
  30. Talon’s Rest
  31. The AntiGynocentrist
  32. The Autistic Gamer
  33. The Biblicist Report (from the author of Biblical Gender Roles)
  34. The Book of Pook (Archived Site)
  35. The Male Factor
  36. The Masculine Principle
  37. The New Modern Man
  38. The Private Man (perished from cancer in April 2017)
  39. The Red Pill Room (Ian Ironwood)
  40. Uncharted Father (Timothy Wayne Hicks)
  41. Warren Farrell
  42. Wimminz (perished from cancer in 2018)
  43. X-Splat*
  44. Zippy Catholic (RIP)

Terminated Blogs

(The web domain has been deleted, defunded, or deplatformed.)

8 Manosphere / Red Pill blogs have been closed since June 2022.

  1. Alpha Jedi
  2. Dalrock (Privatized on 2024/2/19)
  3. Marriage, Sex, and More (M. J. Davis)
  4. Red Pill Dad
  5. Red Pill Theory
  6. Return of Kings (Deleted on 2023/12/21)
  7. Roosh V
  8. Roosh V Forum

New Blogs

I’ve found 12 new Based / Red Pill blogs that I thought were worthy of adding to the blogroll.

  1. Captivating Arts Media
  2. D. Bradley
  3. Gender, Love, Dating, Sexuality, and Marriage
  4. Lucerna Lumen
  5. Order of the Alphas
  6. Practically Known Theology
  7. Rachel Wilson
  8. Sigma Game (Vox Day’s new blog)
  9. The Rational Male 2 (Rollo Tomassi’s new blog on Substack)

Revived Blogs

  1. Derek L. Ramsey’s blog has demonstrated a furious resurrection.
  2. Fabius Maximus — Resumed writing, but only publishes 3-4 posts a year.
  3. Illimitable Men — Reorganized site and 1 new post.
  4. Snapper TRX — Resumed writing sporadically.


Return of Kings has been Archived.

On 2024/2/23 (4 days after Dalrock went dark), Derek L. Ramsey launched The Androsphere Archive, a collection of reconstructed Manosphere /Red Pill blogs that were not included in The Red Pill Archive, including the following to date.

  1. Artisanal Toad’s Hall
  2. Gunner Q / Gunner Q2
  3. V5K2C2 (Boxer, et al.)

The Androsphere Archive remains a work in progress.  Thank you, Derek!

Other Changes

  1. Webhosts have been decidedly unfriendly to Catacomb Resident, causing him to restart his blog at least 3 times.  Catacomb Resident 1; Catacomb Resident 2 (Substack); Catacomb Resident 3 (Private Server).
  2. It’s Good to be a Man (Michael Foster and Bnonn Tennant) moved to Discipleship & Dominion (Substack) sometime between September to November of 2022.
  3. On 2022/5/24, Gunner Q was kicked off of WordPress for posting a link to a sh00ter’s man!festo.  He relocated to Gunner Q2 until 2023/10/28.  He is now at Gunner Q3 (Substack).  The first two iterations of this blog have been archived here.
  4. Timothy Wayne Hicks’ old blog, A Father’s Journey has been closed.  His newer blog, Uncharted Father, is slowing down.  However, he is posting frequently on X.
  5. Many posts (but not all, unfortunately) at Do What’s Right were moved to Radix Fidem (Ed Hurst).  Posts linked to Do What’s Right may be found at Radix Fidem under the same Title.  I am changing these links over as I come across them.
  6. Aaron Renn closed down The Masculinist in late May 2023 and moved his writings to Aaron Renn.
  7. The Red Quest has relocated to Substack with the same name.
  8. Rollo Tomassi stopped writing new posts at The Rational Male in August 2022 and redirected his efforts towards making videos.  On 2023/3/10, he resumed writing new blog posts on Substack.
  9. In the previous report, I listed The Pulse as a new Red Pill blog on Substack.  It has since revealed itself to be a second iteration of an older website, Collective Evolution.  CE used to concentrate on medicine, psychology, and holistic living, but it appears to grow more Gnostic as time goes on.  These two sites have therefore been removed from the list.

Still Chugging Along

(The authors continue to produce new posts on a regular basis.)

  1. Amerika (Brett Stevens, et al.)
  2. Antemodernist
  3. Biblical Gender Roles
  4. Bruce Charlton*
  5. Christianity and Masculinity (Deep Strength)
  6. Cornerstone
  7. Culture Watch (Bill Muehlenberg)*
  8. Didact’s Reach
  9. Eternity Matters*
  10. Francis Berger*
  11. Gynocentrism (Peter Wright)
  12. Inside the University of Melbourne*
  13. Jim’s Blog
  14. Matt’s Musings*
  15. Mogadishu Matt
  16. Patriactionary
  17. Pushing Rubber Downhill (Adam Piggott)
  18. Reactions (Ross Douthat)
  19. Radix Fidem (Ed Hurst)
  20. Rob Says…
  21. Secular Patriarchy (Jesse Powell)
  22. Stephen Baskerville*
  23. Soviet Men
  24. Spartan Christianity
  25. Spawny’s Space
  26. Stage in the Sky (Rock Kitaro)
  27. Steve Jabba
  28. Synlogos (Aggregated feed)
  29. The 96th Thesis (Matthew E. Cochran)
  30. The Abbey of Misrule (Paul Kingsnorth)
  31. The Babylon Bee Prophetic Christian Satire
  32. The Family Alpha (Zachary Small)
  33. The Mechanical Dragon (formerly Malcolm the Cynic by Anthony Marchetta)
  34. The Orthosphere
  35. The Other McCain
  36. The Red Archive (Archive)
  37. The Social Pathologist*
  38. The Upheaval (N. S. Lyons)
  39. To Reclaim Normality (Feeriker)
  40. Truth and Tolerance (D. P. Monahan)
  41. Vox Popoli (Theodore Beale)
  42. Whiskey Tango Texas
  43. Whores and Ale
  44. William M. Briggs*
  45. Wintery Knight

Notes on the Femosphere

Testimonies from faithful women and resources for women.



Currently Active



As you can see, there is a much greater number of Based / Manosphere / Red Pill blogs making an exit than are making a debut.  About 50 going out, and around 10 coming in (depending on how you count defunct and revived blogs, respectively), compared to 36 remaining steady over a 21-month span (not counting old additions).  Thus, the demise continues as before, in which there were 34 going out, 14 coming in, and 36 remaining steady over the previous 21 months!

Interestingly, the past few reports show that there have always been exactly 36 blogs remaining steady.  36 seems to be the magic number for Manosphere blogs.

The Σ Frame blogroll once had an “RP Marriage” category.  This seems laughable now.

Jack’s Predictions

In the next ‘internet age’ of 21 months, I predict there will be a major reorientation of philosophy in the new Manosphere 2.0 / Red Pill 2.0.  The old stuff will be meticulously picked through, some of it will be condensed into new comprehensive summaries, and some of it revised and presented again with a modern spin.  There will be a continued exploration of the metaphysical and mystical apprehension of old truths, and these insights will yield a fresh appreciation for the age old tenets of faith.


About Jack

Jack is a world traveling artist, skilled in trading ideas and information, none of which are considered too holy, too nerdy, nor too profane to hijack and twist into useful fashion. Sigma Frame Mindsets and methods for building and maintaining a masculine Frame
This entry was posted in Adultery and Fornication, Authority, Calculated Risk Taking, Collective Strength, Cultural Anthropology, Culture Wars, Decision Making, Elite Cultural Influences, Female Power, Government, Headship and Patriarchy, Headship Authority, International, Intersexual Dynamics, Manosphere, Media, Models of Failure, Mysticism, Politics, Power, Relationships, Reviews, Society, Sphere of Influence and tagged . Bookmark the permalink.

10 Responses to Red Pill Restructure

  1. Oscar says:

    Anyone who thinks Colombian women are not argumentative is probably smoking something that came from Colombia.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: Red Pill Wannabe’s | Σ Frame

  3. Tomb Refugee says:

    My (Catacomb Resident) first webhost didn’t push me out the door. He’s a good man. I left because there were indications that he was being harassed for hosting me, though he said nothing about it. I checked my logs regularly and spotted traffic sources and patterns that indicated surveillance; most federal agencies are very poor at hiding their tracks.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Dead Bedroom Dating says:

    “As a result of the SMP bust described above, The Black Pill skyrocketed in popularity at the very end of 2022 and early 2023. But the Black Pill didn’t saturate completely. Some men just didn’t care, and others were willing to chuck it all. Thus, The Passport Bros appeared in early 2023. The Passport movement was obviously a desperate measure taken by hopeful men seeking non-feminist wives and female companionship.”

    I can’t help myself but think of the “Black Pill” as the “Black Man Pill”.

    The meme “being a single guy over 30” doesn’t apply at all to white men. It inverts the 30+ women situation and projects it onto peak SMV men. Things like “single forever”, “fat girls” and “step dad” is what low-SMV guys (teens, twens) deal with when dating. That is nothing a 35+ white single man is ever concerned with, because he is just having a selection of peak-SMV chicks.

    “Manosphere” content (including passport stuff) seems to care a lot about white 30+ women (divorcees, single moms) regrets, but why should men even care unless they are feminists? Why should a white man ever gloat over 30+ women’s dating failures?

    Also the whole narrative of “locking down Chad” doesn’t make any sense for native Caucasian people. No white woman wants to have Chad’s baby, this is why they use contraception. These women still only choose reproduction with white peak SMV men and most still succeed at their biological imperative. As a result they are having much fewer children, because they end up having them much older than in the past.


    • Joe2 says:

      I find the Passport Movement not only a desperate measure, but delusional as well. A guy has to have a huge ego to believe that he is going to attract quality female companionship simply by visiting another country. 

      The quality women in those countries are culled out of the market by the native men. What he has to offer is his “passport” or citizenship which will attract grifters, con artists, etc. Native quality women are just not going to uproot, leave family and move thousands of miles away with some stranger.

      The Passport Movement might possibly work for guys who are already employed by some corporation and have a short term work assignment in another country. There you might be able to meet females through the job who know you are an expat and try to make you feel welcome. Ditto for students pursuing some graduate study or degree in another country because you may be in an environment with like minded female students who have similar interests.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Oscar says:

        “The Passport Movement might possibly work for guys who are already employed by some corporation and have a short term work assignment in another country.”

        Or if a guy’s family is originally from that country, and he has aunts and uncles who can weed out the bad ones and introduce him to some good ones.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Jack says:

        “Or if a guy’s family is originally from that country, and he has aunts and uncles who can weed out the bad ones and introduce him to some good ones.”

        This is a caveat I forgot to mention in my post on Passporting. If a man has close friends or relatives in the target country, that gives him a distinct advantage. He’ll be able to get a much better quality woman, limited only by the status of his friends or relatives. I know American guys with Chinese / Taiwanese ancestors who went back to their ancestral home town and found a wife. They have very good marriages.


      • Bwana Simba says:

        Passport bros is a scam. Came out of nowhere, got boosted by all the fake red pill channels simultaneously with no criticism or skepticism whatsoever. Just the next in the long line of “everything’s fine, see, you just need a STEM degree/ faith in Q Anon/ trade job/ find the right woman/ passport/ etc. No need to fight the system or build something else and then fight the system.”


    • Jax says:

      “Manosphere” content (including passport stuff) seems to care a lot about white 30+ women (divorcees, single moms) regrets, but why should men even care unless they are feminists? Why should a white man ever gloat over 30+ women’s dating failures?

      I just wanted to add here that I don’t take any pleasure in seeing women reap the consequences for their actions. I won’t be rescuing them, of course, but it saddens me that, like children, they did not live according to God’s order.


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