Signs of Demise?

Σ Frame survives the purge.

Readership: Anyone interested
Length: 1,150 words
Reading Time: 6 minutes


Derek L. Ramsey wrote a post, Is the Sigma Frame Blog in Decline? (2023/5/18), in which he questioned whether the Σ Frame blog has seen its’ better days.  I have reviewed his analysis and considered some possibilities for the changes in performance.

Here is the data in question, followed by a bit of relevant history and a few explanations.

Movements in the Manosphere

1. Dalrock closed shop on January 24, 2020.  Many of his regular readers began frequenting Σ Frame instead.

2. Scott joined the authors panel in February 2020.  His posts were very popular and he also brought many new readers.

3. With the C0vid lockdowns in effect in 2020-2021, many people found more time to browse the internet.

4. NovaSeeker joined the authors panel in late 2020.  He wrote one post every week from December 2020 until June 2021 when he suddenly withdrew from engaging with the Manosphere.  His posts, totaling 37 in number, were exceedingly popular and attracted many views during that time.  His posts have received over 28,000 views in total as of the end of 2023.  That averages out to about 750 views per post.

Factors 1-4 explain the meteoric doubling of visitors in 2020 and the increased popularity of the blog in 2021.

5. Red Pill content in video format (appearing on YouTube, etc.) took off around 2020-2021 during the C0vid lockdowns.  Since then, there has been more and more Manosphere / Red Pill content being produced and posted in video format, and younger men generally prefer that medium.  It is presumed that this monumental shift in media presentation has siphoned viewership and reader engagement away from Σ Frame.

6. By July, 2021, readers were missing NovaSeeker.  Readers who only came to read his posts gradually slipped away.

7. Wintery Knight once included Σ Frame on the sidebar links and was one of the top referrers for a few years, but the link was removed in late 2021 for undisclosed reasons.

8. In early June, 2023, Scott requested for all his posts to be unpublished.

Factors 5-8 explain the attrition of readers in 2021-2022, and some in 2023.

Internet Trends

9. I published an abridged version of What To Do When A Girl Tries To Make You Jealous (2018/4/22) on Return of Kings.  The full version of this post on Σ Frame is by far the most popular post.  It received thousands of views per month between early 2019 and June 2021, and I always assumed it was through referrals from Return of Kings, even though it did not show up at all as a referrer in the WordPress statistics reports.  (I suspect Roosh may have blocked tracking on his site.)  This post peaked in March 2020 with 3,942 total views that month.

As seen in the bargraph above, there was a very sharp decline in the number of views (about half) in December 2020, and there was another abrupt and extended reduction beginning in July 2021.

Return of Kings stopped publishing new articles on October 1, 2018, but articles already published continued to be accessible until the entire site was closed down on December 21, 2022.  So this does not explain the sudden reduction in views of this post.

I have no explanation for the sudden drop offs, but I suspect that G00gle is somehow responsible.

10. The descriptive and most popular page (not post) on Σ Frame, What is a Sigma Male?, received hundreds of views per month from December 2019 to June 2021, peaking at 613 views in April 2020.

There was an abrupt reduction of views in May 2020 and again in December 2020, the latter coinciding with the post discussed above.  Again, I have no explanation for the sudden drop offs, but I suspect that G00gle is somehow responsible.

“Sigma Male” suddenly appeared trending on the internet in January 2021, peaked in late June 2021, and peaked again during the last week of 2022.  It still remains a popular search term.

It is unknown why the views on this Σ Frame page decreased while the wider interest increased.  I had expected to see some correlation between the popularity of this term on the blog and on the internet, but the data shows that “Sigma Male” only became a popular internet search term after the views on this blog page faded away.  Only the peaks in June 2021 correspond.  Apparently, this page played a small part in feeding the widespread interest, which in turn extended the increased views much longer until around April 2023.

Active Persecution

11. In September, 2021, Jack had a row with ProfessorGBFM over his poorly written, confusing, and voluminous comments.  In response, he began slandering the Σ Frame blog by drawing an association of the blog with various perversions.  He continued to trash talk the blog until mid 2023.

12. In early 2023, Derek Ramsey removed Σ Frame from the list of links on his blog’s sidebar and since then he has made a game of derailing the discussions at Σ Frame.  In spite of this shade, his blog was the third largest referrer in 2023.

13. Just when it appears that the Red Pill has won the cultural war despite rabid demonization, the U.S. federal gubmint and NGOs are actively funding the shunting of internet traffic away from the Manosphere.  This new development kicked in on 2023/12/18, so the longitudinal effects of this remain to be seen.

In this video, Rollo and friends go over this new development.

The Rational Male Clips: Why The MANOSPHERE Is Being TARGETED By The Feds! (2023/12/18) Length: 24:55

14. Other notorious players, including FBI agents*, are infiltrating and undermining the ‘sphere, and thereby damaging its overall reputation.

* H/T: Info


If the views for the post and the page on Σ Frame (mentioned above) are subtracted from the total views, then the average number of views for 2021-2022 is about 190,000 per year.  This figure is right on par with the number of views for 2023 (195,182).

The 2023 Σ Frame Performance Report (2024/1/2) revealed that there has been a large turnover in readership. Although the number of visitors in 2023 is roughly half of what it was in 2020, 2023 had 4.12% more visitors than in 2022. Furthermore, the views in 2023 surpassed that of 2020 in late October, and surpassed the number of visitors in 2022 at the end of the year.

Putting all this together, it may explain why Σ Frame appeared more popular during 2021-2022.  Overall, I’d say the intrinsic popularity of the blog has remained steady since 2019 with slight growth. Rather amazing IMO, considering all these factors.

We’ll see how it goes this year.

Note to Web Experts

Several website analytics have reported that the Σ Frame blog has SEO issues.  I did some research on what this might be, but I have not found what the specific issues are.  If anyone is knowledgeable about this and is willing to offer advice, please email me at


About Jack

Jack is a world traveling artist, skilled in trading ideas and information, none of which are considered too holy, too nerdy, nor too profane to hijack and twist into useful fashion. Sigma Frame Mindsets and methods for building and maintaining a masculine Frame
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46 Responses to Signs of Demise?

  1. Dead Bedroom Dating says:

    Great work. I also ended up here, because I researched the trending term “sigma”. I didn’t use Google though, I’m longer on the Web than this woke “search engine” even exists and still remember the days of AltaVista.

    The nGOs will face the fact that “sigma” stereotypes (just like JHVH’s prophets described in the Hebrew bible) are invulnerable to various tactics of social control and them trying to shut them down on the Web will just make them leave the Web. At that point the Web will have the same bearing as broadcast TV has now: Lots of old people watch it, the rest ignores it altogether.

    One thing to understand is that one can persecute against splinter groups, but one cannot successfully persecute a trend going mainstream. Making literally 50+% of the population their opposition was stupidest thing feminists ever did. It’s the natural conclusion of what happens when you put women into power.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dead Bedroom Dating says:

      “Manhood 2.0 is a gender-transformative curriculum developed by Equimundo and the University of Pittsburgh to engage young men aged 15 to 24 in reflecting on the impacts of harmful gender norms, specifically those surrounding issues such as teen pregnancy prevention, dating violence and sexual assault, and the bullying of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) individuals. The initiative is an adaptation of Program H, an evidence-based program launched by Equimundo and partners in 2002 and since adapted in more than 35 countries around the world. Underpinning this approach is the knowledge that the ways in which boys and young men are socialized hold profound implications for the health, well-being, and security of all people.”

      “Manhood 2.0” doesn’t get laid. That holds profound implications for the health, well-being, and security of all people.


  2. Sharkly says:

    There’s a lot to be discussed there.

    For a while Google was quite clearly refusing to lead people to my site(s). I could put my site’s exact web address in quotes and Google would still never show my site as a result, not even after hundreds of other results including other sites mentioning mine. Then there was a court case regarding suppression of people’s first amendment rights to freedom of speech and press, and how certain internet entities were actively suppressing the voices of certain people, and shortly after that, suddenly my blog was searchable and findable once again, even though my site lay dormant at that time. Currently I think Google does its best to not have my site appear on the first page of results when I specifically search for it. Often my site appears as the very first entry on the second page of results, a page which most people probably would not progress on to.

    I do think we are seeing some infiltration of the manosphere by agents desiring to decrease its influence, and external attacks as well. In these times I think it pays to set aside some of our smaller differences and to support each other against that sort of opposition. Not that we can’t also sound off against those in our midst who, whether intentional or not, seem to work to make the manosphere off-putting. While I did not name names, I did recently post about the incoming tide of trolls at my site.

    Derek Ramsey has made it clear that he is opposed to most of what the manosphere teaches and intends to try to discredit it. And I have experienced that he is not above lying to accomplish his purpose.

    ProfessorGBFM intentionally deceives people, and seemingly pollutes Spawny’s Space with his unending gibberish and “Hulk smash” graphics. Yet he seems to be able to put together reasonable comments when he is on Derek’s site opposing the manosphere. As you recall, he once posted a link to gay porn over at Spawny’s Space. That’s all you really need to know about him. Although I do wonder if he meant to post that gay porn link there, or whether he accidentally pasted the wrong link he had previously copied when navigating in his own browser. Anyhow, he is clearly not who he portrays himself to be, and he seems to me to be trying to waste people’s time and make them tire of the manosphere.

    Dalrock and others helped to get some of the “low hanging fruit” concepts of the manosphere to go mainstream. Many of them have been posted and argued about quite extensively in the not-too-distant past. So, either we continue on repeating those same ideas, like a broken record, or we move on to more difficult, nuanced, and less apparent truths, and pioneer our way into “new” ideological territory, where the patriarchy of old once lived.

    I do see video and music as growing mediums to be used in popularizing repentance from this world’s evil Feminist ways and returning back to God’s holy order of patriarchy – (father rule).

    Liked by 4 people

    • Red Pill Apostle says:

      “I do see video and music as growing mediums to be used in popularizing repentance from this world’s evil Feminist ways and returning back to God’s holy order of patriarchy – (father rule).”

      Music is one of the great communicators of truth about men and women, often because it does so through the emotions it elicits. There are both sappy songs that put women on a pedestal, think almost anything by George Strait, and then there are songs that, if we think about the lyrics at all, that openly portray the truth about women.

      He Quit Loving Her Today — Blue pilled man loving a woman who didn’t give a d@mn about his devotion
      You Shook Me All Night Long — Female desire for a man she really wants
      Gimme Three Steps — Female disloyalty and a man who cares (but who should really just move on to a better woman)
      Strawberry Wine — Emotion ruled girl falling for the older boy and regretting being used by him for a summer. She needed her father to protect her from her emotion based decision making.

      The list could go on and on. I believe there will always be a market for the BP, sappy songs, because that is what women want to hear. There has always been and will always be a market for songs the lay the truth bare because music has a way of making harder to sell messages easier for people to accept. Because of this, I think you are correct that music will help make the truth discussed in the sphere more mainstream.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Jack says:

      “For a while Google was quite clearly refusing to lead people to my site(s).”

      Same for most other Manosphere sites. But if you go to Yandex, Red Pill stuff comes up. Anymore, I do most of my searches on Yandex, especially for images. Although if you’re searching for some uniquely Western stuff, it might not come up on Yandex.


    • ramman3000 says:

      “he is not above lying to accomplish his purpose”

      My response to this accusation is here.


  3. okrahead says:

    Still here. Hello feds. Repent and obey Christ.

    Liked by 3 people

  4. Rock Kitaro says:

    I’m glad I discovered this site. In my 20s (and to this day), I believed in the mantra of, “If you feel like you’re the smartest person in the room, then you’re in the wrong room.”

    When I come to this site, I feel like about 90% of you are so much more knowledgeable and smarter than me. Even the trolls and deceivers. So it’s a pleasure to just sit back and soak in the different perspectives. At the end of the day, I may not agree with half of what’s said. But it pays to simply understand the different points of views.

    I will say… I really started ramping up video production to complement my essays mainly after the death of Kevin Samuels. Not that Samuels was the preeminent Christian (the way he seemed to encourage and clearly indulged in the hook-up culture), but after he died… Youtube started suggesting other content creators.

    And I followed a bunch of new ones. But something was missing from their conversations about the culture. Everyone kept talking about what needed to be done and hardly any of them (aside from people like Jason Whitlock) called for returning to the Bible.

    Anywho… just food for thought about the passing of Kevin Samuels and his impact on the manosphere. I wonder if more videos content creators started up only after he passed. Because before he died, they probably thought, “I’m not needed here. Samuels is cooking.”

    Liked by 2 people

    • Red Pill Apostle says:

      Kevin was the “shock jock” of RP content and I believe that was the secret to his popularity. For men who had been told to make their own desires, needs and dreams subservient to those of self-absorbed entitled women, his blunt exposure of those women’s delusions was the Pied Piper’s flute. Truth, combined with delivering comeuppance to haughty women, who often had little reason to be haughty, created an enjoyable justness that men craved.

      The interesting aspect of his show is that women kept calling in. They knew who he was and each new caller seemed to think she was that special snowflake to which the truth did not apply, or that she was going to give him a piece of her mind. Because he would not put up with their foolishness, they fell into his frame or were unceremoniously booted off the call. It was entertainment magic.

      Liked by 3 people

  5. ramman3000 says:

    “In early 2023, Derek Ramsey removed Σ Frame from the list of links on his blog’s sidebar and since then he has made a game of derailing the discussions at Σ Frame. In spite of this shade, his blog was the third largest referrer in 2023.”

    I have removed all blogs from my blogroll where the meatspace name of the blogger has not been made public, due in large part to my stances on anonymity. I no longer explicitly advertise anonymous authors, even with an asterisk. It was a compromise of personal ethics to even included them in the first place, which has since been corrected.

    Rather than throwing shade on Sigma Frame, the reason I mostly post on my own blog now is because of the aforementioned “derailment.” Anyone can read my historical comments from 2018 and find that I’ve often disagreed with large portions of what has been written here. Ironically, this change means that my “derailments” and “shade” are more focused and prominent than when they were lost in comment sections.

    In any case, it’s not a game. I take correcting errors seriously. I don’t expect anyone to like this.


    • okrahead says:

      Are you going to “correct” the New Testament since the author of Hebrews declined to name himself?


      • ramman3000 says:

        There is nothing to correct. Hebrews has “internal anonymity” and is not pseudonymous. Indeed, the church fathers attributed authorship to the internally anonymous works precisely because authorship and authority was important to them. If Hebrews hadn’t been attributed to Paul (or, perhaps, one of the apostles or their direct disciples), it wouldn’t have been included.

        By contrast, the authors of the blogs I removed from my blogroll bear full internal and external anonymity and, unlike the author of Hebrews, are explicitly pseudonymous. These authors differ from the early church patriarchs in that they do not think one’s name—their authority (in biblical terms)—is important to their authorship. It is especially ironic that people who promote patriarchy and male authority go on to disrespect those very things through anonymity.


    • Riuoku says:

      If someone is anonymous, then I am sure that he is speaking what he believes to be the whole truth without having to worry about all the PC crap. That is a bonus for me. And it is not necessarily about succumbing to fear, but being responsible for the well-being of others close to you.

      It is easy for you to say such things, since your opinions are more or less mild, and not really against the mainstream — if they were, you would lose your lucrative job at the company you’ve worked for for over 20 years. Your obssession with anti-anonymity is grounded on the fact that you play along with the mainstream.

      Liked by 2 people

      • ramman3000 says:

        “It is easy for you to say such things, since your opinions are more or less mild, and not really against the mainstream — if they were, you would lose your lucrative job at the company you’ve worked for for over 20 years. Your obssession with anti-anonymity is grounded on the fact that you play along with the mainstream.”

        You preach to me about risks you know nothing about. Far more people have had their lives destroyed for questioning blankslatism and saying that racial population IQ differences are real and 80% heritable (even though this is the replicated consensus of social science) than have ever been cancelled for views of patriarchy.


      • Riuoku says:

        And yet, it doesn’t look like it affected you in any way.


    • Dead Bedroom Dating says:

      Personally I specifically recognize the stance of “anti anonymous free speech” as culturally American. I first encountered it on the Usenet, which was indeed an American invention. Many not living in the US fell for this and it backfired on them when Google Inc usurped the Usenet archives (beside other private BBS archives never intended being published publicly). The company is now in possession of the biggest archive of blackmail you can think of.

      Of course nobody could see that coming except for the tinfoil hats viewing the Internet as a global surveillance project from the start (then pretty much being confirmed by Edw@rd S.). It gets even harder when one happens to have a globally unique name instead of some variant of “Mohamed” with a generic surname. Yes, living non-anonymously is much easier being “Mohamed son of Whoever” on Facebook, than being “Edw@rd S.”.

      Here is the thing: The Overton window of (theological) opinions I’m allowed to have lies pretty much within the alphabet soup’s latest inventions or I get persecuted. Persecution for not using the “correct” pronouns in my native language started to become a thing. I only comment in English online, so I fly under the radar of my local religious police. For the same reason I don’t disclose where I exactly come from, somewhere Western-culture influenced has to suffice.


    • ramman3000 says:

      “And yet, it doesn’t look like it affected you in any way.”

      Brother, I’m persecuted all the time. You can see it right here in the comment that Sharkly made above. You can also read the OP where an anonymous person uses my real name an lies about me in a hostile, distinctly personal manner:

      Active Persecution [..] In early 2023, Derek Ramsey removed Σ Frame from the list of links on his blog’s sidebar and since then he has made a game of derailing the discussions at Σ Frame. In spite of this shade, his blog was the third largest referrer in 2023.

      Rather than addressing my ideas, he attacks me as a person and presumes my motives. This is not the hallmark of charity, although I’m sure he thinks he is doing the Lord’s work.

      The fact of the matter is that the first time I mentioned Sigma Frame on my blog was December 14, 2018 in my article on “Anonymous Leadership!” I’m being falsely accused when it turns out that I’ve been consistent in my criticisms the entire time. If I should be accused of anything, it is of not removing the blog from my blogroll sooner, and if I could turn back the clock I would. Jack’s viewpoint is absurd in claiming that my historically principled stance is persecution.

      If it looks like it hasn’t affected me, it is because I have thick skin and have taken other precautions, but that doesn’t mean I was unaffected by various things over the years or am living risk-free. And, frankly, it doesn’t matter anyway. One must obey God by living honestly and truthfully, even if it has personal risk. Risk of harm does not justify disobedience.


      • Red Pill Apostle says:

        Even Ray Charles could see that Sharkley’s blunt and aggressive writing is not the type of persecution that Riuoku is referring to. The ideas you express on your blog have little risk of causing people to come after your livelihood. They are much more aligned with how the current culture views women and marriage.

        Liked by 1 person

      • ramman3000 says:

        That’s easy to say coming from an anonymous person with no skin in the game. It’s easy for you to discount the risk to others while standing safely on the sideline. You didn’t take the kind of risk that Scott (who unpublished his works!), Jason, Sharkly, and I have taken.

        Would you like it if someone like Jack blatantly lied about you in public (see footnote 1) and you had absolutely no ethical, moral, religious, or legal recourse to defend yourself against such libel? Do you think people who Google my name will care that I’m falsely accused? You really don’t have any right to determine for another person what their risk is and whether the consequences “count” so you can score points in an argument.


      • Jack says:


        “You didn’t take the kind of risk that Scott (who unpublished his works!), Jason, Sharkly, and I have taken.”

        What kinds of risks have you taken? We know about the others.

        “Would you like it if someone like Jack blatantly lied about you in public (see footnote 1) and you had absolutely no ethical, moral, religious, or legal recourse to defend yourself against such libel?”

        Seems like you are insinuating that I lied about something, and that you are facing some sort of retribution as a consequence. I am not persecuting you, just reporting the facts. Your motivations don’t change the facts, but thanks for telling us your motivations. I can appreciate your convictions even if I don’t agree. Maybe you should reassess the source of your suffering.

        In your footnote 1 you wrote,

        “The act of pointing out the error and failing to persist in it is what derails the discussion.”

        No. What derails the discussion is your continued insistence, a denial actually, that the topic at hand is false or superfluous. You think you are addressing the falsity of the topic, but in doing so, you’re breaking the good faith necessary of any argument.


      • ramman3000 says:

        “No. What derails the discussion is your continued insistence, a denial actually, that the topic at hand is false or superfluous.”

        If I’m wrong about what derails the discussion, then my supposed boast is also wrong:

        “This is the second time Derek has boasted of disrupting the discussion at Σ Frame.”

        What I’m “boasting” about is disproving the argument. If it turns out I didn’t actually disprove the argument, but was as you say “breaking good faith”, then I couldn’t be derailing the discussion. I could only think, incorrectly, that I was derailing the discussion.

        You would have no cause to say what you did in the OP, where you clearly think that I do derail discussions. It’s a false equivalence where we are not talking about the same thing, but you use my words and call it persecution as if we were talking about the same thing.

        Plus your claim contains a number of factual errors, which I put in footnote 1. You can retract your statement or not. I have nothing further to say.


      • Riuoku says:

        “Would you like it if someone like Jack blatantly lied about you in public (see footnote 1) and you had absolutely no ethical, moral, religious, or legal recourse to defend yourself against such libel? Do you think people who Google my name will care that I’m falsely accused? You really don’t have any right to determine for another person what their risk is and whether the consequences “count” so you can score points in an argument.”

        The fact that you are opposed by what they would assume is misogynistic radical-right extremists would be considered a compliment. Being ridiculed by christian manosphere may actually land you a job somewhere! You’re comparing yourself to people that actually lost their jobs or got deaththreats?


      • ramman3000 says:

        I’m declared guilty-by-association because I don’t give my bona fides to a bunch of anonymous people. That’s rich.


      • Dead Bedroom Dating says:

        “You’re comparing yourself to people that actually lost their jobs or got deaththreats?”

        That’s harmless. There are places where referring to the rather tame GOP party platform gets you into jail. That’s something Americans have trouble understanding, because they assume their window of allowed opinions being globally acceptable and everything outside that window being globally unacceptable. And they are used to being the ones who define that for the whole planet.

        Anyway the whole idea stems from the good old Speaker’s corner tradition, which never got traction outside the Anglo bubble. Guess what: In most places of the world in most times of human history you were not supposed to have an unpopular opinion, state it publicly and live. Wasn’t too long ago that the Holy Inquisition put you on the stake for having incorrect theological views.


      • ramman3000 says:

        “That’s harmless.

        Here is what Christ Jesus said:

        “Blessed are you when people insult you and persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil things against you because of me.”

        This is exactly the kind of “harmless” stuff that has been happening of late. In the OP alone, Jack said at least five false things about me, any one of which should have already resulted in a retraction or correction.

        Have you wondered why Jack allows blatant falsehoods to stand uncorrected? And why allow a Deti guest post to affirmatively advocate sinning? Do you understand why commenters trying to minimize what has been done to me as if it were of no import?

        I suppose you are correct that it is ultimately harmless, which just goes to show that anonymity is unnecessary because faith in God and the promise of glory is sufficient to bless and protect from the harmful effects of persecution and suffering.


  6. jvangeld says:

    Hey Jack, remember that time you took a month to have us consider giving up on weddings entirely? It sure seemed like you were trolling your own blog. It was rough and generated some hard feelings among the commenters.

    I know I resolved to take a bit of a break from SF after that wrapped up. Which caused me to miss some good stuff. How do your month by month stats look?


    • Jack says:


      “Hey Jack, remember that time you took a month to have us consider giving up on weddings entirely? It sure seemed like you were trolling your own blog. It was rough and generated some hard feelings among the commenters.”

      Are you referring to the theme on Sacramental Marriage on May 29 – June 25, 2023?

      My intention was not to convince people to give up on weddings, but to further an ecumenical understanding of marriage as both an ecclesiastical and a social construct. The idea that formal weddings are a farce and do not contribute to marital harmony is an unintended conclusion that spilled out of the study. IMO, overall, this study helped us appreciate marriage for what it really is, rather than to place our hopes in an abstract ideal.

      “How do your month by month stats look?”

      Here’s the graph for monthly views and visitors. I added it to the 2023 Performance Report. Seems like February is always a hot month.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Dead Bedroom Dating says:

        “The idea that formal weddings are a farce and do not contribute to marital harmony is an unintended conclusion that spilled out of the study.”

        It was a great series in that regard. It furthered my understanding of a custom none of my ancestors really participated in through thousands of years of history, while the contemporary “no strings attached” narrative didn’t happen at all.

        People from the “registered wedding culture” usually like to paint others as “savages”, who need to be “civilized”, and use terms like “fornication” to stigmatize their families. Thanks to the blog I no longer fall for this frame.

        I identified the false “wedding creates marital harmony” narrative being part of the false sexual prosperity gospel, which has been spread in Evangelical circles during the recent decades. That was a result of myself engaging with the blog content.


      • Jack says:

        I hope readers have not gained a negative view of marriage beyond what modern culture inflicts. The point is that we cannot place faith in vows, papers, and ceremonies, and think that we’re in the clear. What is really important is the strength of the relationship.

        Liked by 2 people

      • Dead Bedroom Dating says:

        It was good in showing that abandoning all cultural roots is not the way to go. Which applies to both the “sexual revolution” (leading to the alphabet lifestyle) and “no kissing before marriage” (leading to 30+ singles). Both are fundamentally anti-life – one the reasons why these got so much financial support.

        What also happened is that authorities usurped the term “marriage” forever and we cannot undo that. So outside very specific contexts (like Roman Empire history) people understand “marriage” as legal papers and “divorce” as court proceedings. This is the reason why we came with new acronyms like “LTR” to describe what has been the norm everywhere for thousands of years, the de-facto middle ground between unchecked promiscuity and a dead bedroom legal contract.

        However once you start advocating a sensible balanced approach to relationships, family and child rearing, you will encounter disruption from whatever camp, feds included, because that happens to be actually pro-life and pro-creation.


      • jvangeld says:

        Thanks for clarifying, Jack.

        Liked by 1 person

  7. Pingback: 2023 Sigma Frame Performance Report | Σ Frame

  8. Pingback: 1 Corinthians 14:34-35 - Derek L. Ramsey

  9. locustsplease says:

    I had to lay off the manosphere for awhile. I understand all topics throughly after 9yrs. I still owe jack an article. I did some research for it and hurt me too much. Then I’m having ptsd about my own divorce and can’t escape reality which is necessary for my happiness. Still paying her. I thought I would b past the punishments of my divorce but I’m not. I I I I mememe alone too much.


    • Jack says:


      “I still owe Jack an article. I did some research for it and hurt me too much.”

      It was an invitation. You don’t owe me anything. My idea is that writing and publishing your story could be therapeutic. If you find that it’s not, then go easy on yourself.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Red Pill Apostle says:


      My personal experience is that writing is a catharsis. It feels good to express the hurt and frustration rather than keeping it bottled up, and there is the added benefit of helping others in a similar situation understand the good, the bad and the ugly. If we don’t learn lessons and then pass them on, nothing will change.

      Liked by 2 people

      • locustsplease says:

        Yeah I get that. My life needs to improve it can’t stay the same or get worse I’m exhausted. I didn’t realize dating a girl at 24yo was going to end with me literally throwing my life in the toilet for 15years! Did I actually deserve this?


    • naturallyaspirated says:

      Divorce sucks, ask me how I know. Having a strong family and preserving that was arguably my main goal in life. Failing at that is quite an adjustment to sense of self.

      I will say that realizing my previous ignorance of intersexual dynamics, feminism, masculinity, and how that ignorance led to fundamentally poor choices, has softened the blow to my soul and allowed me to move on in a healthy way with a new understanding of those essential concepts, better aligned with reality.

      Liked by 1 person

      • locustsplease says:

        If it wasn’t for my Christian faith I would have been long dead. I had a serious temper and nihilist by nature. My divorce gave me dangerous financial long term problems and very little support. I quit having sex and the lack of manipulation is great but the hopeless of not being to move on until my ex is paid for is crushing it’s been so long its like even when it ends it won’t b over.

        Liked by 1 person

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  11. OKRickety says:

    I appreciated Scott’s posts and comments, although I think he seemed surprisingly ignorant that his romantic success with women was not typical of most readers.

    I presume he gave no reason to have his work “unpublished”. Such behavior leads me to wonder what changed. I can think of no good reason for his request. In contrast, Dalrock agreed to leave his blog available, leaving a valuable legacy appreciated by many.

    But I especially miss Novaseeker. I think he was the most insightful and erudite of all writers / commenters I have read over the last ten years or so. I hope his departure is due to favorable improvements and associated priorities in his personal life.


    • Jack says:


      Readers are not made privy to the details, but Manosphere / Red Pill authors are subjected to intense sufferings. In fact, that suffering is what makes them powerful authors.

      — Jason was rejected by the church.
      — Sharkly has had insurmountable difficulties in his marriage and his church.
      — Scott was doxxed and cancelled. He lost his job, his ranch, and now his marriage is on the rocks. He had to move abroad and he is not doing so well.
      — NovaSeeker changed jobs and moved out of state. I think he was also getting burned out on the Red Pill. I’ve heard he is not doing so well either.
      — I’ve told of my failed first marriage and terrible divorce. Recently, my income has taken a big hit, and worse, my wife and I were defrauded out of ~$230,000 in an investment scam. We’re forced to sell our house to pay creditors and it still won’t be enough. For a time, I was looking forward to a comfortable retirement, but now all our savings are gone and I’ll probably be in debt for many years.

      Anyway, what you read here comes at a cost. Please pray for us.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Oscar says:

        Holy crap dude, I’m sorry to hear about your troubles! I guess I’ve missed more than I realized while I was away.

        Liked by 1 person

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