The 13 Harbingers of Masculine Doom

The spiritual forces afflicting men in the 21st century.

Readership: All
Theme: Redemptive Masculinity
Length: 1,100 words
Reading Time: 6 minutes

The 13 Harbingers of Masculine Doom

Ever since the sexual revolution, Western men and women alike have been conditioned, or rather converted (in the evangelical sense) to a fundamental belief in the The Centrality of Sex in Western Culture, and have since come to see the world through sex-colored lenses. The vast majority of Men have been especially hard hit by this paradigm shift because of several compounding factors I’ll call The 13 Harbingers of Masculine Doom.

  1. Aesthetics — The innate male susceptibility to feminine beauty and sexuality (i.e. men are visually stimulated); the desire to put on a socially acceptable image and/ or “compete with the Jones'”; Political Correctness; the neglect, rejection, or ressentiment of intrinsic beauty.
  2. Bastardy / Broken Homes / Parental Divorce — Removes Headship and the metaphysical knowledge of God from the home. This kills a man’s emotional affect and charisma, thereby rendering him socially inefficacious, especially with women.
  3. Bitterness — Feelings of powerlessness, too much suffering, overwhelming loss, and not enough acceptance, joy, and thankfulness leads to deep resentment towards life itself and possibly towards God Himself. Men who succumb to bitterness give up, check out, retreat into their man-caves, and embrace the Black Pill, thereby missing present and future opportunities for grace, love, mercy, and renewal.
  4. Chivalry — Long established male social norms of altruism and female pedestalization which feed the male ego and give a faux expression to the male mythos of heroism and honor.
  5. Concupiscence — A continually aggravated sexual desire and/or a supercharged libido, leading to lust, masturbation, fornication, etc.
  6. Depression — Anhedonia; blunted affect display; feeling “dead” inside; lack of energy; lethargy; melancholia; repressed anger; thoughts of suicide; etc.
  7. Frustration — An arrested ego development resulting from false notions of the self and/or relatively unsuccessful intersexual interactions.
  8. Hereticism — Gnostic teachings, heretical doctrines (e.g. Blue Pill churchianity, gender equality), and various misapplied scriptural eisegeses that reinforce any of these Harbingers by applying a twisted religious significance.
  9. Idealism — The innate male propensity to adopt a dreamy idealistic outlook on life and/or love (i.e. Oneitis, The Soul Mate Myth, etc.); the abstract delusion of “making the world a better place”, also as applied to polity and sociality.
  10. Ignorance — An artificially created vacuum of Biblical truth and/or Red Pill knowledge, e.g. about attraction, women’s nature, and female mating tactics and strategies.
  11. Rejection — Feelings of being excluded, isolated, or unwanted; purposelessness; searching for “meaning”; social ostracization; soul wandering; “Toxic Masculinity”; etc.
  12. Secrecy — Intentional secrecy in some form, e.g. censorship, coverups, hidden agendas, shadowbanning, secret societies, etc. This secrecy can also take the form of passive-aggressive efforts by Alpha males and women (including mothers and wives) to keep Men in the dark.
  13. Sex Culture — A sexualized acculturation in a sex saturated culture shifts the focus of male awareness to a preoccupation on the things of the flesh; Feminism; Gynocentrism; etc.


Many of these Harbingers operate in conjunction with one another, and thereby create a self-supporting stronghold of sin and shame for men. Some of these strongholds are well-known to us, but others, not so much.

  1. Feminism is a combination of Aesthetics, (Female) Concupiscence, Chivalry, Idealism, Ignorance, Rejection, Secrecy, and Sex Culture
  2. The paradigmatic Blue Pill is a combination of Aesthetics, Chivalry, Frustration, Idealism, Ignorance, and Secrecy.
  3. The Black Pill is a combination of Bitterness, Depression, Frustration, Rejection, and Sex Culture.
  4. Convergent Churchianity is a combination of Chivalry, Frustration, Hereticism, Idealism, and Ignorance.
  5. The stronghold of Lust (e.g., masturbation, OASIS, p0rnography, etc.) is a combination of Aesthetics, Bastardy, Concupiscence, Frustration, Idealism, Ignorance, Secrecy, and Sex Culture. Here, the innate male susceptibility to sexual aesthetics combined with a sex saturated culture culminates in (1) a psychological obsession with aesthetic female attractiveness and beauty (i.e. indicators of female fertility, HWR, cleavage, etc.), (2) an intense thirst for visual titillation (p0rn), leading to lust, masturbation, and the use of p0rnography.
  6. The Occult is a combination of Hereticism, Rejection, and Secrecy.


  • The Red Pill is a clinical analysis of these Harbingers.
  • The White Pill is trusting God to successfully deal with these Harbingers.

Faux-Masculine Archetypes

These 13 harbingers are manifested in particular concentrations (given in the list below) in the following Faux-Masculine Archetypes. Some archetypes are borne out of particular strongholds (given in brackets).

  1. Bad@ss Chad = Aesthetics — Rejection.
  2. Mopey Dopey = Depression + Frustration + Rejection.
  3. The Abusive Criminal / Thug = Bastardy + Frustration + Rejection.
  4. The Armchair Philosopher = Frustration + Idealism.
  5. The Blue Pilled Alpha = [The Blue Pill] + Hereticism + Sex Culture.
  6. The Bungling Dimwitted Lazy Husband = Aesthetics + Hereticism + Ignorance + Rejection
  7. The Boring Loyal Dude = Chivalry + Idealism + Rejection
  8. The Dark Triad = Aesthetics + Concupiscence + Secrecy + Sex Culture.
  9. The Decadent Christian (Antimonianism) = Aesthetics + Concupiscence + Hereticism.
  10. The Decadent Christian (Ressentimentalism) = Aesthetics + Hereticism + Idealism.
  11. The Decadent Christian (Legalism) = Frustration + Hereticism + Idealism + Rejection.
  12. The Incel = Bitterness + Frustration + Ignorance + Rejection + Sex Culture.
  13. The Lecherous Horndog = Aesthetics + Concupiscence + Sex Culture.
  14. The Male Feminist = [Feminism].
  15. The Playboy = Aesthetics + Idealism.
  16. The Responsible Figurehead / Sock Puppet = Chivalry + Hereticism + Secrecy.
  17. The Sebaceous Soy Boy = Hereticism + Ignorance + Rejection.
  18. The Simp = Bastardy + Ignorance + Rejection
  19. The White Knight = [The Blue Pill] + Concupiscence + Hereticism.
  20. The Workaholic = Aesthetics + Depression + Frustration + Idealism + Rejection.

It should be noted that if any of these types subscribe to any of the various Strongholds listed in the previous section, then the Harbingers associated with that Stronghold are added to the Harbingers inherent in that type. The compounding effect of these factors is why churchianity is a Beta Factory.

The sum total of all these factors have led the vast majority of males to become pussy whipped without the typically accompanying allure of honeycraft.

Causes / Sources

In the past, cultural influences (feminism, divorce, widespread sexual promiscuity, etc.) and various aspects of churchianity (Chivalry, complementarianism, etc.) have been summarily blamed for the downfall of men. However, when we look closely at the 13 Harbingers listed above, we see that these Harbingers can be categorized into the following groups with some overlap.

  1. Innate male tendencies — Aesthetics, Concupiscence, Idealism, and some aspects of Chivalry (i.e. being a defender and protector, dignity, ego, heroism, honor).
  2. False Worldly Beliefs — Chivalry, Frustration, Hereticism, Idealism, Sex Culture,
  3. Promulgated by Men (e.g. cruel Alpha males, absent or careless fathers, heretical pastors, etc.) — Bastardy, Hereticism, Ignorance, Secrecy
  4. Perpetuated by Women — Bastardy / Divorce, Ignorance, Secrecy.
  5. Compounding Factors — Bastardy / Parental Divorce, Bitterness, Depression, Hereticism, Rejection, Sex Culture.

Therefore, instead of blaming feminism or churchianity for men’s woes, we could make better progress in liberating men from sin by checking whether any of these Harbingers exist in the men around us, making them aware of it, and doing what we can to help them break free. In ages past, this was called accountability, mentoring, and/or teaching, but today, there is a shroud of ignorance that needs to be cut through first before accountability can take place. So mentoring and teaching is paramount.


About Jack

Jack is a world traveling artist, skilled in trading ideas and information, none of which are considered too holy, too nerdy, nor too profane to hijack and twist into useful fashion. Sigma Frame Mindsets and methods for building and maintaining a masculine Frame
This entry was posted in Antimonianism, Archetypes, Chivalry, Churchianity, Collective Strength, Convergence, Counterfeit/False Paradigms, Depression, Desire, Discerning Lies and Deception, Discernment, Wisdom, Ethical Systems, Evangelism, Faith Community, Faux-Masculinity, Feminism, Fundamental Frame, Gnosticism, Handling Rejection, Holding Frame, Identity, Inner Game, Introspection, Leadership, Legalism, Male Power, Maturity, Personal Growth and Development, Models of Failure, Moral Agency, Organization and Structure, Personal Domain, Personal Presentation, Personality Types, Power, Psychology, Purpose, Self-Concept, Society, Sphere of Influence, Strategy, Teaching, Zeitgeist Reports. Bookmark the permalink.

45 Responses to The 13 Harbingers of Masculine Doom

  1. info says:

    Aesthetics — The innate male susceptibility to feminine beauty and sexuality (i.e. men are visually stimulated); the desire to put on a socially acceptable image and/ or “compete with the Jones’”; Political Correctness; the neglect, rejection, or ressentiment of intrinsic beauty.”

    You know what is interesting. Other than God given Aesthetic preferences which are intrinsically Good. As I think you did a post one year back:

    Σ Frame: Descriptors of Beauty and Attractiveness (2021-4-23)

    Character once experienced to alter the efficacy of such biological features. Wife Goggles can get blown away with bad behavior.

    Or kept on and strengthened when the Wife is sufficiently feminine and Godly in her character. Aside from self-care in regards to health.

    There are even Old Women who “glow”. And as I remember Pastor David Pawson preaching recounting a story about the beauty of one particular Old Lady.

    Its because she fell in Love with Jesus. And has been in love ever since her salvation when she was younger. Which shows up even on her wrinkly Old face.

    [Jack: An excellent observation. Also see this post…]

    Σ Frame: Revisiting the Beauty of Purity (2021-4-9)


    • “There are even Old Women who “glow”. And as I remember Pastor David Pawson preaching recounting a story about the beauty of one particular Old Lady.

      Its because she fell in Love with Jesus. And has been in love ever since her salvation when she was younger. Which shows up even on her wrinkly Old face.”

      From what I’ve experienced I think this is the outward radiation of the fruit of the Spirit joy.

      You can usually tell when Christians have an outflowing of it because it radiates off them even when they aren’t talking. It’s kinda crazy.

      Same with peace as well. Jesus in the midst of the storm is a good example in the Bible, even though the disciples were flustered in the moment. They were astonished that he could sleep and not be worried about the outward circumstances.

      Liked by 1 person

    • info says:

      You know it would be interesting to see how such “corrupted women” turn out after genuine salvation.

      No one should expect naivete. But I wonder what impact the Holy Spirit has on those who have been “corrupted” in terms of their appearance and body language. As sanctification occurs.


  2. dave johnson says:

    It all stems from the rejection of the legitimacy of men using violence to put heretics and epheminates in their place. Had society not delegitimized private violence the previous generations would have just beat the sh!t out of the idiots who supported femenism etc. Probably the invention of the machine gun was the turning point, so WW1 more or less was the end. Because now any man that dares beat the sh!t out of the sh!theads has to face a machinegun from the gynocracy.


    • locustsplease says:

      The fact women can divorce, become prostitutes, and get all bills paid has a huge part. They have never seen a woman suffer except when they lose vanity items like cars and houses. There’s no “I divorced and now I am starving and begging for bread scraps.” But the govt has been in on this the whole time. In 1900, they knew so much about women to know they would do what’s going on today.

      I personally think most of what police do is enforce feminism. It wasn’t random men’s jobs to protect single women who b!tch about them. The only thing I want police doing is stolen property and murder.


      • Jack says:

        “The fact women can divorce, become prostitutes, and get all bills paid has a huge part.”

        I would categorize this under the stronghold of [Feminism} and/or secular / worldly influences as a causal and/or confounding factor. I’m sure thoughtful readers can come up with lots of other things I’ve missed.


  3. info says:

    Everything that is Good has its origins in God. When said Good becomes an end in itself is when idolatry occurs.

    Because God must be the ultimate purpose and end. And everything else is to be subject to him.

    What is explained in this article especially of Aesthetics goes to show that however good they are in themselves. And ultimately both our preferences and the existence of such come from God.

    Unless priorities are straight then they aren’t in their proper places. People have even made idols of their families over loyalty to God. Which is why when their children come out as a “Sodomite” they become pro-sodomy.

    Christianity isn’t anti-family. But even love of family like Aesthetics can be turned against us. All Goods without their subordination to God can and has been weaponized by evil against God.

    The Trinity of Goodness,Truth and Beauty exists for good reason. Because they all need each other to properly exist.

    And as much as possible they must exist as one. Like how Roman Aqueducts are architectural masterpieces of beauty, of the functionality of delivering water and the benefit is True and real.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Bardelys the Magnificent says:

      “Everything that is Good has its origins in God.”

      When we become “good”, we are merely becoming closer to God by being more like Him, which is what He wants for us.


      • info says:

        God the ultimate uncreated Good. Orders and brings harmony to the multiplicity of Good’s that is created. As well as brings those Goods closer to the perfection of God.

        Sin corrupts good. But in the end the skinsuit rots. Even the beauty of the whore is turned into corruption.

        As the sunlight goes away. The green plants wilt. Such is the nature of sin. But corruption isn’t always immediate at first in being obvious.


  4. Pingback: Things to Read (Red Pill Redemption 2) | okrahead

  5. okrahead says:

    Masculine vices can only be overcome by masculine virtues. Masculine virtues come from God, who is Himself masculine and the source of all true virtue. Hence true masculine virtue is synonymous with Divine virtue. I’m putting together a list of (mostly) modern literature that expresses masculine virtue as part of my thoughts on Red Pill Redemption.

    Okrahead: Things to Read — Red Pill Redemption 2 (2022-9-8)


    • Jack says:

      “Masculine vices can only be overcome by masculine virtues.”

      We need to be particular in how we define virtues and vices. The way I understand it, virtues and vices go hand in hand. Each man has an inherent set of virtues and a corresponding set of vices. For example, a man who is strong in being proactively aggressive is going to be weak in love and compassion. A man who is very loyal is also going to be very disloyal to things he is not loyal to. A very morally righteous man will be very low on patience and forbearance. These characteristics are wrapped up in the constitutional identity of each man and don’t really change. But as a man matures, he learns to bring out his virtues and control or temper his vices.

      This is the reason why I chose to use the word “Harbingers” for the sorts of problems listed in the OP. Other words we could use to enhance our descriptions include addiction, deception, flesh, iniquity, principality, sin, solipsism, transgression, unclean, worldly influences, etc.


      • Bardelys the Magnificent says:

        A while back I referenced the Four Temperaments. While not specifically Christian or gendered, they have been used by Christians for centuries to help us find our natural gifts and our faults. I will link them here again:


      • redpillboomer says:

        “These characteristics are wrapped up in the constitutional identity of each man and don’t really change. But as a man matures, he learns to bring out his virtues and control or temper his vices.”

        This is what I’ve found out as I’ve aged. It seems like for me the vices never really “go away,” However I’ve learned to control them with God’s help, i.e. by His Spirit and with the fruit of the Spirit — self-control. So sanctification, at least in my experience, has not been the obliteration of vices (fleshly desires), but an increasing level of self-control being exercised by me with God’s help.

        Sometimes it seems like we have the idea, or maybe it’s just my interpretation of what I hear when guy’s write about sanctification, that as we get closer to God and “increasingly sanctified,” these vices just “go away,” or “drop off,” or some other euphemism we use for some form of “disappear.”

        For me, it’s occurs more like a life long grappling between the flesh and the spirit; and gradually, with God’s help and his power, I gain the upper hand over it. However, it’s always there, this grappling, until the day we die and get our glorified bodies. In other words, you can’t “sanctify your way out of it” during this lifetime; you can only with God’s help, bring it under some degree of self control.

        Galatians 5:16-26
        16 So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. 17 For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They are in conflict with each other, so that you are not to do whatever you want. 18 But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law.

        19 The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; 20 idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions 21 and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.

        22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. 24 Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. 25 Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. 26 Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying each other.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Bardelys the Magnificent says:

        Two of those links didn’t work. Weird. Try again.


      • Maniac says:

        RPB, we’re all going to struggle with something for the rest of our lives. That’s why God urged Paul to write what he did in Romans 7:15-20. The message there is an empathetic one: if the greatest apostle ever struggled with certain issues, don’t be surprised or discouraged if you do too.


    • Jack says:

      Just to be clear, identifying one’s virtues, vices, and personality / temperament are part of “(1) Understanding and accepting who you are” in the previous post. The last link from Bardelys has an inventory at the bottom that can be used to identify someone’s personality type.

      There are many other kinds of inventories and personality models that could be used to help one learn more about one’s self. Here are some others I’ve found.

      — Meyer’s Briggs Personality Inventory
      — The Big 5 Personality Traits
      — The Smalley Trent Personality Inventory
      — The Enneagram
      — The 5 Love Languages
      — Jaiya’s Erotic Blueprints

      The Meyer’s Briggs and the Big 5 are widely used in helping people identify what type of work they are most suited for.

      My pastor uses the Smalley Trent model in counseling married couples as a way to help them realize how the other person “works” and what they bring to the table.

      Scott (who is a professional psychologist) has said that The 5 Love Languages are absolutely worthless in remediating conflict in marriage, but nevertheless, I do feel it is insightful for helping one understand one’s self and others.

      Jaiya’s Erotic Blueprints are useful for helping a married man or woman figure out “how to please” their spouse in bed. I’ll cover this one in an upcoming post.

      Also, I’ve invented a “Core Values” worksheet that I use in my speech courses to help students assess one’s strengths / virtues and develop confidence. I will probably share this here at some point in the future.

      Readers are kindly urged to add to this list.


  6. thedeti says:

    In the last post and in this one, it’s suggested we need to stop talking about women, and we need to focus on how men can get to a state of Red Pill Redemption.

    First thing, I think, goes without saying, develop a relationship with God.

    Second is that the focus needs to be off women and relationships. Young men today need to be taught to simply forget about girls and women, and focus on saving themselves and their own lives. They need to spend their time building something for themselves.

    Third: No getting serious with a woman until she’s fully vetted and she comes into your life. You test and vet her like crazy. She comes into your life. You don’t go into hers. She has to fit into your life; you don’t fit into hers. No exceptions. She accepts this or you walk.

    Fourth: No legal marriage. Covenant marriage only. No exceptions. She accepts this or you walk. Do all you can legally to insulate yourself from alimony and minimize child support obligations in the event she blows it all up. (Check laws of your state, YMMV.)

    Fifth: Accept that this might never happen for you. Accept the very real possibility that you’ll never meet anyone; or that whatever relationship you do have will end at her hand.

    Liked by 4 people

    • redpillboomer says:

      Good list Deti. Your second item needs some further elaboration as to how exactly to do this given young men’s hormones and God given desire for women.

      “Second is that the focus needs to be off women and relationships. Young men today need to be taught to simply forget about girls and women, and focus on saving themselves and their own lives. They need to spend their time building something for themselves.”

      I heard something I thought created a potential context for what you suggest above for young men. An older man was teaching his son about women. He stated simply to him, “Son, there are mothers, and there are whores, NEVER get the two mixed up!”

      He then went on to explain to his son what a “mother’ looked like, and what a “whore” looked like. (I’m talking in totality here, not just looks.) It all sounded like the Red Pill circa pre-1970s style.

      His instruction also included the idea to his son of building something for himself FIRST, then vetting the “mothers” out there to find one suitable enough to be the mother of his children. Only after that was accomplished, then he could invite her to BE A PART OF what he was up to in the world.

      Pretty sage advice from the “old school” patriarchy.

      Liked by 1 person

      • thedeti says:

        In secular terms, “wh0res are for practice; mothers are for keeps”.

        In covenant terms, wh0res must simply be identified early and avoided. Any mistakes with wh0res should be minimized and the damage contained.


      • Red Pill Apostle says:

        “Good list Deti. Your second item needs some further elaboration as to how exactly to do this given young men’s hormones and God given desire for women.”

        RPB, men are built to suck it up and deal. The amount of excrement a man can go through for what he wants is unreal. The secret is focus on the task and that the task has purpose the man values. It’s really that simple. Lose purpose and it falls apart. Lack a task and it falls apart. Have a task with a greater purpose behind it and watch a man move mountains.

        Fathers, train your sons to see purpose larger than themselves and to figure out the tasks that fulfill that purpose. Teach your daughters to recognize what those men look like and then submit themselves to those men.

        Liked by 1 person

      • redpillboomer says:

        “Fathers, train your sons to see purpose larger than themselves and to figure out the tasks that fulfill that purpose. Teach your daughters to recognize what those men look like and then submit themselves to those men.”

        Insert Red Pill training in there too for the sons; and for the daughters, “mother” training, IOW anti-sloot training. They used to do this. I’m old enough to remember the tail end of this training being given in the school system. When I was in Junior High they still had Home Economics courses for the girls, but shortly after that; and I mean like as I was leaving Jr High and entering HS, they did away with it. Oh, and they also did away with wood shop and auto mechanics for the boys.

        Liked by 1 person

    • locustsplease says:

      The blue pill is strong and abundant. I have tried to convince my friends of these things with little results. Even after seeing me destroyed beyond the scope of the law and swept under the table I have a buddy who won’t stop.

      He has a bitchy woman he is a beta slave for his father has signed over his name on all his father’s assets and he is getting legally married to this woman who gives nothing. I explained to him exactly how they will take any asset his name is on. They say you put $50 from general funds into maintaining a $100k car and now it’s marital assets. I had a 50k truck paid for before marriage they said I put tires on it while married and that’s maintaince from marital funds and I had to pay her off her %50 share.

      Of course her vehicle was off the table she’s a human being with rights what monster would steal some poor single mom’s only vehicle. Same with the home i made the payment remodeled the bathrooms and paid for a roof out of pocket so insurance didn’t increase and the judge said. He has provided nothing to pay for or maintain the home. It’s a one sided beating that with out a marriage contract all they can get is child support which is bad enough but really bad after they take your entire networth.

      If they don’t have the marriage contract best she can do is %10-25 taxable income for child support and if your rich in most states it dwindles down to almost nothing. As a business owner I can increase my networth 1mil a year and it’s not income if invested in deductible assets so the jokes on her.


      • anonymous_ng says:

        It’s worse on the marital assets thing. Most places if you have a non-marital asset and it gains in value, that gain is a marital asset, even if no marital funds were used to increase it’s value.

        My conclusion on how to protect yourself monetarily is to keep your passport current, and to own nothing subject to US court jurisdiction. Rent a house, lease a car. Own foreign property via a Cook Islands trust.

        Now, the judge might tell you to repatriate those assets, and you can decide to jump a plane to a foreign destination and in effect tell the judge to pound sand. Might not be able to return to the US, but you’ll still have your money.

        Regarding common law marriage. I’ve lived in one of those states. They only talk about the benefits of being married even though you didn’t go to the courthouse. There is nothing said about being called married when you purposefully did not want to be considered such.

        Also, sometimes it seems like the judges just make stuff up out of thin air because how dare a woman have to bear the cost of anything.


  7. Joe2 says:

    Fourth: No legal marriage. Covenant marriage only. No exceptions… (Check laws of your state, YMMV.)

    Yes, check laws and you must use an attorney because it is very complicated.

    Do NOT live in any “common law” state (and there are a few) such as Rhode Island because these states recognize a covenant marriage as a legal marriage. And it makes no difference if you should subsequently move because the determination that was made in Rhode Island will be honored in all other states.

    Check on how you should represent yourself on Federal and State Income Tax returns and other legal filings. You don’t want to run afoul of federal and state laws, yet you don’t want to represent yourself as legally married. The same goes for Social Security filings, Medicare, etc.

    Last, but certainly not least you need to know how to represent yourself on any birth certificate where it asks about parents and the implications for the child, if any.

    There are many nuances that need to be considered now and, no doubt, there will be more in the future. This will require ongoing legal advice.


    • thedeti says:

      it makes no difference if you should subsequently move because the determination that was made in Rhode Island will be honored in all other states.

      True. “A marriage, if valid where contracted, is valid everywhere.” But the law that will be applied to your divorce is the law of the state where you’re divorcing. So if you’re married according to Rhode Island law, but you get divorced in, say, New York, it will be New York state law that governs the terms of your divorce.


    • thedeti says:

      Last, but certainly not least you need to know how to represent yourself on any birth certificate where it asks about parents and the implications for the child, if any.

      Tell any woman you’re going to have kids with that you will NOT be listed on any birth certificate as the father until the child is paternity tested and you are satisfied beyond a reasonable doubt that every child born to her is yours.

      Tell her that you will paternity test every child born to her.

      Tell her this early on, before you get serious. Work it into a conversation. This must be part of the vetting process.


      • feeriker says:

        Paternity testing should be made mandatory everywhere following a child’s birth. To hear any woman object to this idea is to hear a woman you want to stay far the h311 away from.

        Liked by 3 people

  8. Oscar says:

    Off topic: I thought we were done with this crap.

    I’ve given Ted Beale some praise lately, now it’s time for criticism. Back in 2019-2020, his blog, Vox Populi, became a hotbed of Q-tardation, and here we go again.

    Vox Popoli: Remember, Hope is a Virtue (2022-9-9)

    I’m very much in favor of hope, and opposed to despair. You guys know that I oppose despair here habitually (whether I’m effective or not is another matter), but this is ridiculous.

    Hope has to be based on something real in order to be virtuous. This is just fantasy.


    • feeriker says:

      You probably noticed that once his Orange Man “God Emperor” completely cucked on 1/6/21, Teddy never uttered so much as a single syllable of admission that he had been pwned by the Narrative and played for a fool. Instead he engaged in his usual delusional little boy raging against “gammas,” banning from his blog (at least for a few days) anyone who dared tell him, “I told you so.” There’s no reason for anyone to believe that he’s changed or learned any lessons since then.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Maniac says:

        Teddy is a narcissist, and as such he’ll never admit to being wrong about anything. He’s the Bill O’Reilly of the manosphere.

        I haven’t visited his site in a while, but I hear he suspended comments. Probably to cover up his tendency to respond in knee-jerk fashion to even minor criticism, thus proving that he’s one of the “Gammas” that he supposedly so detests.

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  9. Pingback: Black Pill Competition | Σ Frame

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