Zeitgeist Report 2023 — Part 3

Evil days may be upon us, but only if we believe the lies.

Readership: All
Theme: Cultural Demise
Length: 1,800 words
Reading Time: 9 minutes + 20:47 minute video

The Current Ambience

As Thedeti described in Part 2, Western society is too debased and the times are too volatile for pursuing satisfying intersexual relationships and creating stable marriages and families. Intersexual competition has grown tighter and more brutal, and yet at the same time, it is more acceptable, even anticipated by some.

The overall consequence to the individual man (and many women too), is an atomized sense of loneliness. Without a stable society held together by a widely accepted and truthful mythos, life lacks meaning and purpose.  Men are living day to day, only thinking about how to keep their lives and fortunes together for the near short term. There is a spirit of hopeless pessimism in the air, and we have grown used to it.

The number of men who are choosing to embrace life on their own terms continues to grow, and this is becoming so prevalent that the stigmas thereof are slowly fading away, although not without heated protestation from women.

Western Men have given up on marriage to Western Women / in the West because…

  1. They have succumbed to the cultural lies and therefore see themselves as incapable of such.
  2. They have read the writing on the proverbial Wall and therefore see women as incapable of such.
  3. It is assumed that a capable, “high value” man meeting an agentic mature woman with all the bells and whistles associated with marriage that is now fully expected within marriage is an impossibility.

The Response

In response to all this, many men are returning to the basics. Men are doing this through a number of ways…

  1. Men who are able to snag an acceptable woman’s interest and who are interested in LTRs and having children prefer to cohabitate and take one day at a time. These women willingly agree IF they are interested in maintaining an LTR and family formation AND if the man piques their Tingleometer sufficiently. This trend signifies a societal-wide return to how marriage used to be before the modern age.
  2. Men who are NOT able to snag an acceptable woman’s interest and who are NOT interested in LTRs and having children are going it alone. Many men are finding satisfaction in this choice and are having no regrets. Thus, MGTOW, in the defacto sense, is at an all time high, although the label itself is falling out of fashion and fewer men are identifying with it.
  3. Some men are relocating to more conservative states and locales that are less W0ke, more friendly to men, have laws that are more respectful to men’s interests, and have lower taxes (i.e. ID, MT, AZ, SC, DE, NV, ME, FL, NH, TN).
  4. A growing number of men are traveling abroad to get a taste of other cultures, breathe the fresh air of normalcy, and search for adventure, life, and possibly love (e.g. Passport Bros). Top destinations at this time are Brazil, Colombia, Croatia, Ecuador, and the Philippines.

In sum, Men who are aware of the pitfalls of the debauched Western SMP, Feminist / W0ke culture, and Marriage 2.0 (or 3.0? 4.0?) have rejected the heartaches and snares thereof in order to retain peace of mind as well as their personal and financial integrity.

Yet, Western women, for the most part, have NOT forsaken their sinful notions of entitlement, of equality, of feminism, and continue to break their own hearts and ruin themselves in the crucible of the SMP, all the while ignorantly parroting all the associated lies and moxies, and even boasting of their debased glory and their “victory” over “The Patriarchy” which already died decades ago in the West.

Dodo Reactions: Filipinas Shutdown American Women Over Passport Bros – Compilation (2023/6/12) Length: 20:40

Embrace Reality by Rejecting the Lies

Here I’ll turn to Better Bachelor’s take on all of this, as I mentioned in Part 1.

The magic of Joker’s monologues is found in the way he addresses the hopes and fears of younger men, and offers them a touch of wisdom and a voice of encouragement, thus earning him an esteemed seat in the halls of the Manosphere’s greatest sages, saints, and sinners.

In this monumental monologue, Joker runs through the whole gamut of problems in society, from top to bottom, and then says in his own words that he is only scratching the surface. He then astutely concludes,

“The world can’t lie its way out of reality.”

Better Bachelor: From both the left and right, no one can outrun what’s really here. (2023/7/6) Length: 20:47

Excerpts and Commentary

Joker’s main opus begins at the 12:00 minute mark.

“My point of doing this video is to show you that at this point in time the government…  doesn’t matter, Right, Left, Center, whoever…  the governments are lying to you.  Businesses are lying to you.  The financial markets are lying to you.  Dating coaches and… and… whether it’s conservative or left-leaning or whatever, are saying that, “Our way is the right way to be happy in life.  Just get married and have kids.”  Or “Just have four boyfriends or girlfriends and two different baby daddies and get money from the government…  THAT’s the REAL way to be happy.”

The truth is everybody’s really miserable — online…  And I think the people there that are screaming and yelling the loudest online are actually the most unhappy.  And that if you really want to understand what’s going on in the world, take anyone in a place of power and whatever they tell you, believe the opposite.

That’s where we are right now.

That’s where we are right now.”

Comprehensively, this is essentially the same message Ed Hurst has been preaching for years.

“And people are continuing to try to lie their way out of reality, and reality is still going to happen.  It may happen in a way you like.  It may happen in a way you don’t like.  But more than likely, I mean, well, it’s definitely going to happen.  We can run down rabbit holes of why?  Why it’s all happening, and why they’re trying to control the narrative, and why they’re trying to get you to do a certain thing in a certain way to give them more or less power, or make you feel or not feel a certain way, and to emotionally manipulating to voting a certain way or thinking a certain way…  We can go down all those rabbit holes, and we’ll probably all have very diverse opinions on that stuff.  But before you even walk in the door on those conversations, the first thing you need to understand is, whatever you’ve been told is likely a lie and not the truth, and things are going to get pretty crazy in the years to come.”

At 15:37, Joker gives the same advice to men that my father gave to me as a teenager back in the 80s.

“I want you guys going forward to be armed in understanding that you can’t just believe what you’re told anymore by governments and the media.  You got to start doing your own research.  You got to look a little bit into it.  But your default setting, your default place should be, “Well they’re lying.”  That’s just, “Okay, I think they’re lying.  Let me see if they are, or are they actually telling the truth on this one.”  That’s really where you need to be.”

At 16:08, he describes the red flags of the Worldly liars pushing false narratives.

“And so the more someone’s pushing a narrative down your throat and just cramming it, slamming it down your throat, saying, “You MUST believe us!  You’re an –ist, or a –phobe, or a bad person, or whatever, and we should remove you and stop you!”  “[We need to make sure that] these [people on] Twitter can’t talk about this!” and “Elon Musk is evil for letting people talk about this!”  …says ex-government…  More than likely that’s a good starting place of saying, “Okay.  I think that’s a lie.”

Get away from it all!

At 16:40, Joker tells men to push away the plate of lies that is being served to them, and get back in touch with the daily realities of life and the common goodness found in daily living.

“So forgive me for being offline for a couple weeks but I needed to clean my soul a little bit.  I’d suggest you do the same at a certain point because the real world is still beautiful.”

This is a Must Do for every man.  In my writings and in real life, I often urge others to get out of the house every day, to go somewhere new — anywhere really, to meet new people, to take a short trip, to spend time in nature, to take up a new hobby or sport, or resume an old one, and so on.

Those who are circumspectful and wise have taken this life approach to the extreme — relocated to “warmer climates”, so to speak (Joker moved to TN), or have moved abroad (like Jack, EoS, Nikolai, et al.), or else have stocked their homes with canned goods, clothing, firewood, supplies, off-grid power generation systems, ammunition, etc.  Preparation is good and necessary to attain success in any endeavor.

However, I suspect that the actual event of a catastrophe as it pertains to the individual man will not happen as anyone might imagine it.  If you had hoped to hear some more predictions for the next 5 years, sorry. All I can say is that the REAL catastrophe will NOT be something that can be foreseen or very well avoided once it occurs.  The die had already been struck sometime in the closing months preceding the C0V!D lockdown.  The most we can be sure of at this time is that it is necessary for a man to remove himself from the lying voices and destructive influences of The Worldly system, and to filter the information and guard his heart against that which he cannot avoid.

Make the most of where you now stand.  Pray with diligence and vigilance.  Be thankful for all good things.  Always remember that God protects and provides for the faithful.  You can always anticipate this, no matter what The World™ may sling at you.

All the best~!


About Jack

Jack is a world traveling artist, skilled in trading ideas and information, none of which are considered too holy, too nerdy, nor too profane to hijack and twist into useful fashion. Sigma Frame Mindsets and methods for building and maintaining a masculine Frame
This entry was posted in Agency, Autopilot, Communications, Conspiracy Theories, Counterfeit/False Paradigms, Cultural Anthropology, Culture Wars, Decision Making, Depression, Discerning Lies and Deception, Discipline, Elite Cultural Influences, Freedom, Personal Liberty, Fundamental Frame, Government, Holding Frame, Identity, Inner Game, Introspection, Manosphere, Masculine Disciplines, Maturity, Personal Growth and Development, Media, Models of Failure, Moral Agency, Online Personas, Overcoming Addictions, Persuasion, Politics, Psychology, Purpose, Relationships, Reviews, Self-Concept, Self-Control, Society, White Wash, Zeitgeist Reports. Bookmark the permalink.

14 Responses to Zeitgeist Report 2023 — Part 3

  1. Pingback: Zeitgeist Report 2023 — Part 1 | Σ Frame

  2. Pingback: Zeitgeist Report 2023 — Part 2 | Σ Frame

  3. Oscar says:

    “Western society is too debased and the times are too volatile for pursuing satisfying intersexual relationships and creating stable marriages and families.”

    Every culture has subcultures. Those subcultures can be very different from the overall culture. The Amish are the most obvious example.

    Obviously, we can’t all be Amish, nor would we want to, but we can look for countercultural Christian communities. Men don’t have to move to a whole other country to do that. They may not even need to move to another state.


    • Bardelys the Magnificent says:

      Most men today are not Christian, otherwise your plan would work. Some men will do this, but not all those looking to find a wife will be successful. I think that’s been a barrier to more MGTOWs converting: there’s no place to go that has a high enough success rate to justify the effort. There’s no oasis of beautiful, submissive, loyal women found anywhere in the West, not even in most churches. That’s a damning fact that cannot be ignored or hand-waved away by telling them, “I found a good one, what’s your problem then?”

      Liked by 3 people

      • surfdumb says:

        It’s a temptation to rely on a pattern or model, or else the proverb wouldn’t tell us whether hard work in the morning or evening will result in gain. Likewise, telling guys life is as simple as building a Lego set misses our humanity and need for God’s blessing. The Lego set is the PSALM steps. Not much of a blog if all that is needed is, “PSALM stupid! I did it, you can too.” All those wasted hours discipling folks when it was as easy as setting a PSALM schedule for a daily, weekly, yearly basis. Set goals, make a schedule, life fixed.


      • Oscar says:

        “Most men today are not Christian, otherwise your plan would work.”

        I’m speaking exclusively to Christian men.

        “There’s no oasis of beautiful, submissive, loyal women found anywhere in the West…”

        Wanna bet?

        “…not even in most churches.”

        Key word: most.

        “That’s a damning fact that cannot be ignored or hand-waved away by telling them, “I found a good one, what’s your problem then?”

        Then it’s a good thing no one is saying that, isn’t it?


  4. Devon70 says:

    From what I’ve seen Joker has built an interesting life for a single guy and is a role model of sorts for lots of other guys that are going to have to build the best single life they can. Hammerhand is probably too negative for most but this is another single guy that has carved out an interesting life and has told men to not let their sex drive run their life.

    I’m 52 and when I was in my 20’s there weren’t any older single guys I could look to for guidance so I spent a lot of time fumbling around and finding my way. Younger guys that don’t have good prospects for marriage can look to people like Joker and see that being single isn’t the end of the world and you can still have an enjoyable life.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Pingback: Men’s Altruistic Idealism in an Age of Apostasy | Σ Frame

  6. Pingback: Rolling Forward | Σ Frame

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