The Manosphere Blogger’s Prayer

A person’s enemies will be those of his own household.

Readership: Men
Theme: Problems with the Red Pill / Infighting
Length: 900 words
Reading Time: 5 minutes

34 “Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword.  35 For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law.  36 And a person’s enemies will be those of his own household.

Jesus in Matthew 10:34-36 (ESV)

The Manosphere Blogger’s Prayer

As I sit down to read and write,
I pray my wife won’t start a fight.
I’ll wait until she goes to bed.
If her eyes are closed, she won’t see Red.

Working late in dim blue light,
Typing hard with all my might.
If I can get the message out,
there’ll be more faith, and much less doubt.

My aim in writing is very clear,
the nature of women for men to hear.
To tell the world how women are,
clubbing, swinging, hitting the bar.

Loving Ch@d for just one night,
Cucking husbands left and right,
Aborting babies near and far,
Denying it all… It’s just how they are.

Keeping secrets, lying eyes,
The plain poor man they will despise.
But will ‘marry’ just to give one birth.
Then divorcing him for all he’s worth.

If she decides to stick around,
Domestic peace will not be found.
Emotional baggage shall be unfurled.
Blame and insults incessantly hurled.

Pining for Ch@d’s aborted spawn,
Marital duties will be withdrawn.
Compared to all lovers of her past,
He’s not the first, and not the last.

Get out while you can, my son!
Forsake concupiscent lusts and be done!
Else a higher purpose you’ll ne’er perceive.
Escape ye now from The Curse of Eve!

Apropos the message is done,
The battle’s lost, but the war is won.
If I can post before she’s pissed,
That’s one less fight I will have missed.

The Man

Dividing Soul and Spirit

Seriously, when a man takes the Red Pill it often results in the further deterioration of his relationship / marriage, or at least for a time. Because of their inherent desire for control, women like their men to remain clueless — clueless about his own SMV, clueless about what makes women tick, clueless about women’s darker fleshly nature, and also clueless about how to attain Headship dominance, unfortunately. A man’s Blue Pill naïveties also provide the ammunition for her to disdain him as an ‘immature boy‘. As long as a man has the wool pulled over his eyes and his mushroom kept in the dark, she can maintain the upper hand in the relationship much more easily.

But when a man swallows The Red Pill, his cluelessness wanes and is inevitably destroyed. She can no longer bulverize, gaslight, manipulate, project, and dump all the blame on the man. No more. Now she must face her own shortcomings, learn to instantiate agency, and grow up.

And some women just can’t or won’t do this.

We might compare this blowback to the negative aftermath of Thedeti’s Strategy, in which a man attempts to achieve Headship by tightening his belt and drawing some long overdue and much needed boundaries. Thedeti’s Strategy is offered as an effective method to resolve chronic domestic disputes by tempering a stubborn wife’s b!tchy behaviors. But the downside to this approach that is greatly feared and cited as a reason NOT to use this approach is that a shrewish wife may very well respond by stepping out or completely bailing out of the marriage altogether.

I have it on good authority from at least two first-hand sources that the same quandary can also result from simply taking The Red Pill.

Some women just can’t or won’t tolerate living with a man who can see right through them.

Case Studies

Stories of this phenomenon are all over the internet.

  1. r/relationship_advice: Husband [30/m] went “Red Pill“. I [27/f] have become bitter and fed up. How to respond? (2015/5/1)
  2. Medium: My Ex Took a Red Pill (2018/10/8)
  3. Mel Magazine: When YouTube Red-Pills the Love of Your Life (2019)
  4. r/AskFeminists: My boyfriend of almost a year turned redpill. (2020/6/23)
  5. r/relationship_advice: My boyfriend has fallen down the red pill rabbit hole and I don’t know how to leave (2022/8/5)
  6. Hyphen: Losing the love of your life to the red pill (2022/11/29)
  7. deMilked: 20 Women Got Raw And Honest On How Their Attraction To Men Has Been Affected By “Red Pill Men” (2023/4/1)
  8. BuzzFeed: Women Are Sharing How The “Red Pill Movement” Has Affected Their Attraction To Men, And It Actually Perfectly Verbalizes How I’ve Been Feeling (2023/8/25)
  9. Nairaland Forum: Red Pill Ideology Ruined My Relationship With A Nairalander (2024/1/21)
  10. r/AskWomenOver30: Has anyone else’s partner gone down the Red Pill route? (2024/1/27)

And there’s much more of the same stuff on YouTube.

With the exception of #6 (written by a Musl!m) and #9 (Nigerian), every article is written by a controlling or insecure feminist who was in a shaky / tenuous relationship with a previously Blue Pilled man. In every case, you’ll find that The Red Pill disturbed an inverted structure of visceral / sexual authority.


About Jack

Jack is a world traveling artist, skilled in trading ideas and information, none of which are considered too holy, too nerdy, nor too profane to hijack and twist into useful fashion. Sigma Frame Mindsets and methods for building and maintaining a masculine Frame
This entry was posted in Adultery and Fornication, Attraction, Authority, Boundaries, Choosing a Partner or Spouse, Conflict Management, Courtship and Marriage, Cultural Anthropology, Culture Wars, Decision Making, Denying/Witholding Sex, Desire, Discernment, Wisdom, Divorce, Drama, Elite Cultural Influences, Enduring Suffering, False Authority, Feminism, Freedom, Personal Liberty, Fundamental Frame, Headship and Patriarchy, Headship Authority, Holding Frame, Identity, Intersexual Dynamics, Introspection, Leadership, Male Power, Maturity, Personal Growth and Development, Models of Failure, Moral Agency, Power, Purpose, Relationships, Self-Concept, Sexual Authority, Sphere of Influence, Strategy, The Power of God, Trust. Bookmark the permalink.

2 Responses to The Manosphere Blogger’s Prayer

  1. thedeti says:

    That’s not a manosphere blogger’s prayer. That’s a pre-manosphere beta simp average frustrated chump’s prayer.

    More proof that everyone loves Red Pill; they just don’t love talking about Red Pill.

    And finally: Every one of the men these women are talking about are unattractive men. Attractive men can act however they want and get away with it. Unattractive men cannot. Women complain about Red Pill behavior only if the man is physically unattractive.

    Liked by 1 person

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