The Battle for Headship begins on the Home Turf

Know what it is you’re fighting for.

Readership: Men
Theme: Headship
Author’s Note: This post contains comments from readers. Links to the original comments are embedded in the initial words.
Length: 2,000 words
Reading Time: 10 minutes


The previous post, The Challenges of Moving Towards Headship (2023/4/5), had a case study that highlighted how women are exceptionally skilled and well practiced in haranging men, while men are often caught unawares.

Bardelys the Magnificent wrote,

“Problem is that men do not play these games and very seldom come across them, so they are hard to spot in real time. Wonder if there are ways to practice or create these scenarios to better spot them?”

Yes, it would be helpful for men to have some practice training in how to exert frame and regulate a conversation. Commenters offered some good examples of different ways to shift the frame in these types of situations. However, going over verbal responses isn’t enough. Men need to practice these things in real time, and long enough to build up skill in dealing with wimminz.

Devon70 reminded us of the futility of such efforts.

“In the modern U.S., guys should avoid arguing or confrontation with women because only negative can come from that. Guys get cancelled for glancing at a woman in a gym. It isn’t worth it, especially when you’re older. […] Just walk away and avoid them.”

Yes. This is one of the risks, or “costs”, that I mentioned at the end of that post. Men need to make an impromptu decision analysis to determine whether the benefits of a particular interaction are worth all the trouble.

If a man is up on his social game, he might be able to shift things in his favor and redeem his social image / reputation. But what about those men who don’t have the skills and qualifications necessary to “win”, but still need situations like this to “practice”? After all, a man can’t get good at this sort of thing without practice. But as Devon pointed out, the risks are too high to engage in practice.

Perhaps skills of this sort are best taught by other men, or during one’s familial upbringing. This would put the onus for instruction on more experienced men and fathers respectively. Perhaps an agreeable and trustworthy woman might be found who would be a willing subject for this purpose, but that would be a rare find, and it would still pose risks.

I’ll proffer that the home is probably the safest and best place for a man to learn such skills. Practicing on sisters (for younger men living with parents) or wives (for married men) would be less risky than practicing on classmates, coworkers, or strangers. So the remainder of this post, I’ll focus on the contributions of Sons, Husbands, and Fathers towards this endeavor.

The Warlord is a Warrior

Under The Glorious Warlord (2023/3/20), thedeti wrote,

“The glorious warlord implies glorious warriors.  Which gets down to the real issue here – a man needs something he’s willing to fight and die for.  The warrior gets up and fights.  Usually he knows why he fights, for whom he fights, and what he’s willing to do in the service of his master.

Most men have nothing they’re willing to fight or die for.”

Well, here’s something we can “fight” for.

  1. Skilled men can take it upon themselves to coach younger men on how to parry with women.
  2. Fathers can school their sons on how to handle women.
  3. Married men can start by fighting for Headship in their marriages.

Think of this as soldiers training for battle — before the battle begins and the casualties start mounting.

Women themselves may or may not be involved.

Non-Warlords Fail to Prepare for Battle

Now, before the reader says to himself, “I’m no good at that stuff. I’m not cut out to be a freaking dating coach / PUA / etc.” Remember, a man fails to be a Warlord when he gives in to Herodianism.

  • “Whatever, man…”
  • “It doesn’t matter…”
  • “Go along to get along…”
  • “Happy Wife, Happy Life.”
  • “Whatever she says, goes…”
  • “When Mama ain’t happy, nobody happy.”
  • Etc.

Instead, he should be saying stuff like…

  • “Let me tell you how it goes…”
  • “Here’s what I’m doing, and here’s what you can do to help.”
  • “Let’s have beef steaks for dinner tonight, dear. Thank you!”
  • “Look closely at that floral pattern on the bedsheet. Does that daisy have 12 petals or 13?”
  • “I’m so happy when I come home after a long day and you greet me with your headlights on!”
  • “You always stop talking whenever I kiss you. You’re the best wife on the planet!”

Sure, you might make a fool of yourself, but at least you’re getting some practice in. Practice makes perfect!

Readers are welcome to offer other suggestions in the comments.

Enjoying the decline — and going no where fast.

Case Study — The Contention

Lastmod responded,

“And most wives will say:

  • “Help you?  I help you daily!  You need to be helping me!  Don’t you know what I deal with all day?  And now this………”
  • “I just worked eight hours like you.  You never appreciate me…..  You don’t…  You have not…”
  • “I have asked you for months to fix this and that…….  It’s still not fixed!  Why should I do anything more for you?”
  • “I already thawed chicken the night before, and you got mad last week when I bought rib eye, saying it’s too expensive and I am wasting money…”

“Any man that allows floral patterns on the bedsheets as a married man… has more problems that I can or you can help him with.

It boils down to this.  She has to have the hots for you from DAY ONE or it will never work.  Most married men who try this will be given a barrage of answers like I mentioned above or it will look “phony”, like when I was “being a man and approaching girls and exuding confidence”.

Today in these matters, it’s the difference between the Have’s and Have Not’s.  Most men probably gave up when they realized their “tough guy” stance didn’t work.  It’s easier to take the “Happy Wife, Happy Life” stance and just deal with it.  Because we know in a divorce…. the court doesn’t care if she didn’t “follow your masculine leadership”.  They will side with her, and the married man will be forced to move back home, or move in with his old college roommate, or with his family, or be regulated to alcohol, other addictions, or suicide.”

“Just tell your wife what to do, bro!”

This goes back to what I wrote in the last post, The Challenges of Moving Towards Headship (2023/4/5). To reiterate, a man can impose Headship Authority whether or not a woman finds him attractive. Of course, it’s easier if she does, but most men don’t have this luxury.

Rebelling against the Wifely Master

Unfortunately, the overriding gist of what LastMod wrote is true for most men.  Much of this is because modern Blue Pilled men esteem wimmin and/or their wives as their lord and master (and wives implicitly expect their full obedience). But let’s sidestep all the contentions, “Happy Wife” stuff, issues of attraction, p00n worship, and so on, and let’s reframe the situation as one of Headship — not brute force authority as some readers may imagine, but a social dexterity that allows a man to roll out of a verbal punch and come out on top, much like what Tim Tackett demonstrated in the video above.

A man has to come to a point where he sees that this inverted structure of authority does not glorify the Lord and is, in fact, the source of the many problems he is facing in his marriage and family. And if/when a man ever comes to that point, he must decide whether to buckle down and obey the wife more perfectly (and risk being disrespected and/or tossed away by her whenever he doesn’t measure up), or else stage a rebellion against the wifely master. In the latter case, the battle for Headship begins on the home turf!

Jesus described this situation as thus.

“If anyone comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple.

Luke 14:26 (ESV)*

Looking at the state of relationships between the sexes these days, in general, I think men are acclimating towards the new norm of distrusting and “hating” women* en masse.  Those of us who are family minded are saddened by this state of affairs, but on a positive note, it’s good for men to be turning away from the idolatry and pedestalization of wimmin.

* Readers should be mindful of interpreting “hate his own wife” / “hating women” in context.  It speaks of the importance of placing Christ first and is not intended to be a blanket policy of m!s0gyny.  Cane Caldo explained this context very well in Making Heads or Tails of It (2014/2/13)**

You’ll waste a lot of time fighting worthless battles if you don’t know who the enemy is.

The Battle begins in the Home

To address LastMod’s statements:

“Most married men who try this will be given a barrage of answers like I mentioned above or it will look “phony”, like when I was “being a man and approaching girls and exuding confidence”.”

It doesn’t matter.  It only matters if the goal is poon.  What matters more is that he’s working towards Headship.

“Today in these matters, it’s the difference between the Have’s and Have Not’s.  Most men probably gave up when they realized their “tough guy” stance didn’t work.”

Most men are the Have Nots, but it doesn’t matter.  Remember, this is a gynocentric view of men.  What matters more is that he is glorifying and pleasing God in his own way.  BTW, the “tough guy” stance is sooo 20th century.

“It’s easier to take the “Happy Wife, Happy Life” stance and just deal with it.

Yes, it’s easier.  But as deti said,

“Most men have nothing they’re willing to fight or die for.”

The key idea in this case is not so much that men have nothing at all, but that they lack the WILLINGNESS to choose their battles.

“Because we know in a divorce…. the court doesn’t care if she didn’t “follow your masculine leadership”.  They will side with her, and the married man will be forced to move…”

Yes, a man will have to decide whether Headship is something he wants enough to fight and die for it.  As it has been said,

“The measure of a man is in how far he is willing to go to do what he has to do.”

Understanding where the Battle Lies

Deti wrote,

“Usually he knows why he fights, for whom he fights, and what he’s willing to do in the service of his master.”

Yes.  Most modern men don’t recognize Headship as a battle that needs to be fought, and perhaps die for.  The crux of this problem is that too many men believe that pedestalizing their wife as their lord and master is the Christian way to approach things.  It is not.

Deti said,

“A man needs something he’s willing to fight and die for.”

If a man who has been through the wringer can come to see a broken home, a failed marriage, fighting a termagant for the welfare of his children, etc. as a hill he fought and died for (figuratively), this may give him a sense of dignity, honor, and self-respect.  But men need to know what it is that he’s fighting for — glorifying God through Headship — resisting being dominated by a woman, and refusing to let his children be devoured by a consuming mother and the rebellious lies of this world.

Many men have already fought this battle, and many more are still fighting it.  It’s time they received recognition for their valor — instead of being denigrated for not fulfilling the intransigent Feminine Imperative.

** H/T: JvanGeld


About Jack

Jack is a world traveling artist, skilled in trading ideas and information, none of which are considered too holy, too nerdy, nor too profane to hijack and twist into useful fashion. Sigma Frame Mindsets and methods for building and maintaining a masculine Frame
This entry was posted in Agency, Attitude, Boundaries, Calculated Risk Taking, Collective Strength, Conflict Management, Courtship and Marriage, Decision Making, Determination, Discerning Lies and Deception, Divorce, Drama, Enduring Suffering, Fundamental Frame, Game Theory, Gynocentrism, Handling Rejection, Headship and Patriarchy, Holding Frame, Honor, Identity, Inner Game, Intersexual Dynamics, Introspection, Leadership, Male Power, Maturity, Personal Growth and Development, Models of Failure, Models of Success, Moral Agency, Personal Domain, Power, Purpose, Relationships, Respect, Self-Concept, Sphere of Influence, The Power of God. Bookmark the permalink.

44 Responses to The Battle for Headship begins on the Home Turf

  1. whiteguy1 says:

    Yep, 1000% Yep.

    Just finished walking this path, and it was almost impossible. BUT I made it through the other side more closely looking like the man God wants me to be.

    What was the cost you ask?

    85% of my net worth (between her and the lawyers).
    3 years of my life in limbo as I was ground down through the court system.
    Being slandered in my own church.
    Alienation from both of my teenage daughters.

    Would I still battle it out for headship knowing these were the costs?

    Absolutely without question.

    What has happened to me after all this?

    I’m physically stronger than I have ever been in my life (did 3×10 100lb kettle bell swings Wednesday!)
    I have a better paying job.
    I have 3 side businesses going for the sheer joy of them (though retail life is a pain)
    I’m still flexing my creativity
    I’m closer to my parents and sister than I have ever been in my life
    I have better, higher quality friendships than I even thought possible
    I’ve got a feminine girlfriend (who is 14yrs younger than me) that snuggles into and delights in my frame/headship
    My faith in Christ is stronger
    My discernment and wisdom is beyond my expectations (I take no credit for this, it’s all the work of the Holy Spirit)
    Most of all I’m comfortable in my own skin.

    Would I wish any man to go through what I did to get to this point?

    Oh h$ll no! If you choose to walk this path my greatest hope is that your cost isn’t as high as mine! But if you do, you can survive it!

    Happy Easter Brothers (and Sisters)!

    HE IS RISEN! (That’s where our hope lies eternal)

    Liked by 4 people

    • Oscar says:

      Your story is simultaneously terrifying and encouraging.

      Liked by 2 people

    • Red Pill Apostle says:

      More people need to hear stories like whiteguy1’s in order to realize that a difficult wife is a boat anchor on man’s life. I know a few men who, a few years post divorce, look back and say it was expensive but it was the best money they ever spent.

      Liked by 2 people

      • whiteguy1 says:

        Looking back at old pictures… Sheesh! Talking about resting b!tch face! Amazing how I chose to ignore it. She was never a joyful person even when she had by all measures a pretty amazing husband and life (as a stay at home mom with only 2 kids).

        She was lazy, mean, and fat. (All things she had control over.) Of course all these items were my fault. Got violent with me when she couldn’t cope with me building my frame. She has BPD, and I’m sure something else. I offered to help give her support to do the hard work, but she “Nope’d out.”

        But at then end the day, she was an emotional, spiritual and financial parasite, and good riddance to her. I’ve got 13 months of child support left, and then I will have finally cut the drain on my wallet.

        Oscar, what I do to keep myself on the level now is that I’m building a safe and secure landing spot for my girls if/when they decide that they’ve had enough of crazy’s emotional drama. Hope is a powerful thing.

        And that’s what Jesus was talking about, being willing to walk away to fulfill God’s mission for you, even at the expense of your family. It’s not easy, let me be honest, it was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do, not ‘fighting’ in this earthly realm to the bitter end for my kids.

        Liked by 2 people

      • Oscar says:


        Are you considering marrying again?


      • whiteguy1 says:

        Howdy Gents!
        Just got back into town doing the family Easter thing. I hope everyone had some joyful celebration.
        Lemme see if I can answer some of the questions and thoughts of the crew.

        Kids, yeah if it is the Lord’s will. But with conditions of course, I won’t go into details here, but I spelled out to her what I am and am not willing to do up front, and she’s ok with it.
        I’m in the US
        3.We’ve been dating almost 3 years now, well past the honeymoon phase I would say, and she does a pretty darn good job of taking care of my needs.
        4.Yeah EoS, she’s still been messed up by western culture, however she’s shown to be trainable and reprogrammable, helps that she behaves like our own women’s auxiliary with me (as defined by Deti)
        I’m not going to say she’s NAWALT, she’s still a woman of the USA but she’s wired a bit different from the herd, she a pediatrician who is starting a fellowship to specialize in pediatric palliative and hospice medicine at the cancer hospital. (Think medically complex and sometimes terminally ill kids)
        After what happened with crazy, the women of my family have been screening her hard, and so far she’s been partially accepted in with the women folk.
        7.My family is solid UMC, and she had a great relationship with her dad (who passed due to a freak illness 13 yrs ago)

        Thanks EoS I appreciate your concern brother, I’m going into this relationship on my terms with my eyes wide open, and how I want it to look while at the same time striving to serve the Lord as best I can.


    • whiteguy1 says:

      Oscar, yep, that’s the plan. HOWEVER, it’s going to look a lot different than the first time. I’m establishing the playing field (lawyers, finances, etc.), and screening hard on this one. 48 yr old WG1 ain’t that young naïve 27 yr old marrying a 32 yr old mentally unstable carousel rider after knowing her for only 6 months…

      Liked by 1 person

      • Oscar says:

        Are you planning to have kids with her?


      • If I was 47 and starting over I would just have a girlfriend. Then, when it starts to get difficult I would just break up and do it again, repeat until death.

        By “difficult” here, I mean this.

        When it gets to the part where the amount of effort you are making exceeds the amount of good times / affection / passionate days of care-free fun and sex, you are done. At that point the relationship has crossed over the threshold of early euphoria / honeymoon stage and she is starting to have her claws in you. From here, you can keep pushing the ball uphill, or squeezing the lemon harder (or whatever metaphor you want), and the returns will be less and less. It has become not worth it at that point.

        (See Rollo Tomassi for WHY this happens, if you care. But it’s basically inevitable.)

        It’s not that love should be “easy”, but it should not be so difficult as to make it a proposition of diminishing returns that makes you wonder if you would be better off without her in your life.


      • And allow me to be clear. The reason the above happens is 100% modern womens fault. They are not raised (and have not been for multiple generations) to understand that in order for a romantic relationship to work “forever” there is some effort required to understand (and care about) and deliver what men need, and to actually do those things.

        Liked by 2 people

      • Sorry, I always do this.

        And, at 47, there is zero probability you will meet someone who is the exception to all that. However, if you are good looking and “LAMPS” enough, you will be able to draw in women roughly 10-15 years younger than you who will be fun, for a while. At your age, that’s really all you need anyway. You can do literally everything else for yourself.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Joe2 says:


        “I’ve got a feminine girlfriend (who is 14 yrs younger than me) that snuggles into and delights in my frame / headship.”

        So she is 34 years old. Care to share her background and how you met her?


      • Thank you, Joe for pointing out that I missed that part in WG1s comment!

        Reading back over what I have written, however, my advice is the same. Meeting the 34 year old and having her as his girlfriend was totally predictable and he should keep her at a distance for his own sanity. She will not continue to be “delight” in his frame forever, unless she is from a different planet.

        I realize that I am probably now the only believer on here who is on record as giving this sort of advice. That is, if you are a man over 35 and you have been through the hellscape that is western marriage/divorce/frivorce and you decide to just keep it light from now on with serial monogamy, I will not hold it against you. You will have to account for it on judgement day, but I cannot believe that this is something you are in danger of losing your soul over.

        I get it. It’s technically fornication / promiscuity. But who are you saving yourself for? Including my current marriage, my N is 22, and if it collapsed tomorrow, I would be on the market dating 30-somethings. My thinking on this has evolved over the years and currently it lands on this.

        WG1, please do not allow yourself the delusion of thinking this one is “different.” This girl was born in 1989 with ALL THE BAGGAGE you can imagine that comes with having her developmental trajectory, her views about men, marriage, sex, tainted by the decades that followed. No one escaped it.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Jack says:

        I think WG1 is not in the U.S., so his situation might be different. Still, being wary of wimminz wiles is wise.

        “I get it. It’s technically fornication / promiscuity. But who are you saving yourself for?”

        The benefits of avoiding fornication / promiscuity are primarily for the young, the married family (with children), and for society as a whole. For the individual who has passed mid-life, is single, and has already racked up a high N count, I’d say the personal benefits (e.g. sexual purity, enthusiastic devotion, marital bonding, unbridled passion for one’s mate, etc.) are lost for the most part. However, it is still important not to draw others into sin and thereby ruin their chances for finding something better (referring to younger women here), and to serve as a role model for others, especially one’s children.


      • She’s 34, not “young”.

        If he was plowing the field with early 20 something virgins from church that would be a different matter (and weird).

        I realize my advice runs afoul of precise letter of the law Christian doctrine on this matter.

        It’s just not reasonable to expect all but the most monk like men with sex appeal, and who still have the drive for it to just lop that part of themselves off because the woman they chose to commit to followed the current cultural script.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Oscar says:

        Every man is free to do whatever he wants with the life God gave him, and every man will answer to God for what he does with the life God gave him, whether he thinks it was reasonable or not.


  2. Years ago, Dalrock had a post and the picture associated with it was a woman with a sly grin and her hand on a TNT detonator. I asked him what men are supposed to do in this situation.

    His response was exactly right.

    “Are you going to push that lever down or are you going to make me a sandwich?”

    Deti has essentially had to employ this attitude every single day of his marriage and it sounds miserable. I have to do it sometimes too and it is horrifying knowing what you might go through if you call the bluff. If it’s not a bluff, hold on to your britches buddy, you are in for a wild ride.

    Its just how things are.

    Liked by 1 person

    • thedeti says:

      “If you decide to push the lever down, here is what will happen. I will take you through the nastiest and costliest divorce this county has ever seen. If I’m going to the poorhouse, so are you and so are the kids. There will be nothing left, because it will all have to be sold to pay the lawyers.

      “I will put in the divorce pleadings every nasty thing you ever did and said to me, and I will swear to them under oath. I will send those pleadings to all of our family members including the kids. I will sit the kids down and tell them everything. I will tell our parents everything. I will tell your employer and all our friends everything. Every nasty detail. Everything.

      “I’ll sue for grounds-based divorce- extreme and repeated mental cruelty. I’ll offer my earnest testimony on every nasty thing you’ve done and said to me. It will all go in the court record, transcribed, and sent to your children and family. They will know and learn every sordid detail.

      “There will be absolutely no agreements on anything. I will force court hearings and trials on everything. Everything gets split down the middle. If we have to sell everything and split the proceeds, that’s what we’ll do. I am not giving you that house. I will force its sale before I give it to you. You can go buy something else. I will be damned to hell if I am going to give you the house I bought with my money. Either I’m keeping it or it’s getting sold.

      “I will do everything I can to minimize any financial obligations I have to you. I want full custody of our son who still lives with us. I want him to live with me. You can have reasonable visitation and pay child support. And you WILL pay every red cent of child support you owe. I will chase you to the ends of the earth for it. If you owe it, by God you WILL pay it – with interest. I will not rest until you execute every last one of your obligations to your son. I will garnish your wages. I will attach your bank accounts. I will haul you into court on citations to discover assets. I will have you arrested on orders of body attachment if you fail to appear for any court hearing.

      “I will not pay you one more dime of alimony that I have to. If you demand alimony, you’ll be in court over it forever. If I am required to give you money based on relative percentages of our respective incomes, I have a right to know what my obligation is based on. I will force court hearings every time your financial situation changes. I will regularly require you to give me an accounting of your income. I will regularly require you to give me an accounting of all forms of financial support you obtain, including from other men. I will regularly keep tabs on who you live with, who gives you money, where you do your banking, where you work, and where your retirement accounts are. If you’ve got a Golden Girls situation, you get less alimony. You shack up with a guy, less alimony because you have “remarried” for all intents and purposes. And of course if you remarry, no more alimony at all.

      “If it works out that you owe me alimony, you better pay up, because I will demand that you give me every red cent of alimony you owe, with interest, and I will not rest until every cent of it is paid – with interest.

      “Or – you can go with the property you brought into the marriage, the car I bought you (of the 11 cars I have purchased for this marriage over its course), your clothes, and some furniture. I keep everything else. You can move out, find your own place to live, and start paying child support.

      “Your choice.”

      Liked by 1 person

    • Red Pill Apostle says:

      It’s much easier to deliver a sandwich line like that when you are confident you’d be fine without her. Plus a woman with her hand on the relationship detonator has already proven the type of woman she is, so it is not really that big of a loss.

      Liked by 2 people

    • thedeti says:

      “Deti has essentially had to employ this attitude every single day of his marriage and it sounds miserable.”

      No, just the last 12 years since getting redpilled. It was not as miserable as the first 15 years of my marriage which were basically living at the whims of an unhappy woman. The last 12 years have actually been better, because it’s “I get what I want and need, or I walk.”


  3. Oscar says:

    I may have missed part of the author’s point, but I would say that the battle for headship begins with the flesh.

    Jack is right that we have to accurately identify the enemy. The Christian’s enemies are the flesh, the world, and the Devil, in that order. I need to discipline myself before I can exercise headship over others. I shared the following scriptures before.

    Hebrews 12:11
    No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.

    1 Corinthians 9:26-27
    26 Therefore I run in such a way as not to run aimlessly; I box in such a way, as to avoid hitting air; 27 but I strictly discipline my body and make it my slave, so that, after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified.

    How do I discipline my flesh? By building good habits. By setting and working towards goals incrementally.

    Like I said before, a man gets strong by diligently adding 5 lbs. to the bar each workout for a long period of time. That’s discipline.

    A man gets rich by diligently adding a percentage of his income to his 401k or IRA for years. That’s discipline.

    Obviously, some men receive authority before they master themselves, but that almost always ends in disaster.

    Think about it. By whom would you rather be ruled; by Marcus Aurelius, the stoic philosopher, or by Commodus, his hedonistic son?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Jack says:


      “I may have missed part of the author’s point, but I would say that the battle for headship begins with the flesh.”

      This angle will be addressed in an upcoming post entitled, The Battle Within. I had originally intended for it to be posted before this one, but I didn’t finish it in time.


  4. Red Pill Apostle says:

    “But what about those men who don’t have the skills and qualifications necessary to “win”, but still need situations like this to “practice”? After all, a man can’t get good at this sort of thing without practice. But as Devon pointed out, the risks are too high to engage in practice.”

    I disagree with the risks being too high to honestly interact with women from a place of authority when you are not married to them. This is when the costs are the lowest. The cost goes up in this order: strangers, acquaintances, friends, dating, engaged, married, married with kids involved. When you get to married with kids involved you are playing the highest stakes game. And even then with enough grit you can pull it off as whiteguy1 laid out for us in the first comment.

    A man should work to have some social awareness to know how much authority exists given the nature of the relationship, then practice exercising that appropriate amount of authority. With a friend it might be as simple as saying, “Let’s go do X this weekend” instead of asking what the person might want to do. With a girlfriend he might plan a date and expect her to go along with him.

    Women expect men to have opinions, likes and dislikes and to express those. This makes it easier for women to express themselves or at least figure out what they want (which is an age old dilemma). For example, if I ask Mrs. Apostle where she wants to go for dinner, her response is almost always from a place of consensus, which is something like, “I don’t know… What are you thinking?” and then we go back and forth for an hour before defaulting to ice cream because it got too late. But if I say, “I’d like Italian tonight”, she’ll either agree or that will get her thinking about what sounds good to her and then I’ll pick from one of those if I wasn’t dead set on my first choice. It can really be as simple as a man’s opinion moving the conversation along.

    If a man can talk and he knows what he wants he has the qualifications to practice. The less he cares about the outcome of the interaction the better and the less risk he faces because he won’t be seen as an easy target.


    • Bardelys the Magnificent says:

      “Women expect men to have opinions, likes and dislikes and to express those.”

      This is an excellent point. We make a big deal about “mission”, and rightly so, but it may take a man many years to figure this out or implement it. It’s truly a daunting task. So what do you do in the meantime? Swear off interacting with women entirely? No, start with having some opinions, express them on occasion and stand by them. Any man can do that, and any woman can respect him for it. This is a much easier jump into the water than telling a young man to have mission or GTFO.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Jack says:

      “Women expect men to have opinions, likes and dislikes and to express those.”

      In general, this is true. But some women will use this to start an argument. (My wife is like this sometimes.) If you’ve got a woman like this, be prepared for responses like, “That’s nonsense!” “That’s not right!” “You’re wrong!” etc. If you say something more personal about her habits, nature, personality, or anything Red Pill, then a fight or verbal spar will ensue.

      We might think watching her responses to your opinions would be a good vetting flag, but I think it’s not very reliable, because for some reason, women are much more agreeable before marriage and don’t do this so much. But if she does do this before marriage, that’s a huge red flag.

      Jack’s Law of Marital Conflict: Any extended argument within marriage is caused by a contentious unsubmissive wife, 100% of the time.

      “This makes it easier for women to express themselves or at least figure out what they want (which is an age old dilemma). For example, if I ask Mrs. Apostle where she wants to go for dinner, her response is almost always from a place of consensus, which is something like, “I don’t know… What are you thinking?” and then we go back and forth for an hour before defaulting to ice cream because it got too late. But if I say, “I’d like Italian tonight”, she’ll either agree or that will get her thinking about what sounds good to her and then I’ll pick from one of those if I wasn’t dead set on my first choice. It can really be as simple as a man’s opinion moving the conversation along.”

      This is good advice in general. But I had this backfire on me just a couple days ago. My wife had a long day at work, so I decided to pick her up after work and take her out to eat. I suggested a restaurant, and she agreed. Then after we got to the restaurant, she said she was tired and wanted to go home and rest. So we bought food to go. After we got home, she said she wasn’t hungry, and neither was I. So in the end, we wasted some time and money to get food that neither of us wanted to eat. Then she got angry because I didn’t want to eat the food we bought, and I told her that I bought it for her. Then she said it was nonsense for me to buy food for her when I wasn’t hungry myself and she was in a p!ssy mood for the rest of the night.

      All in all, I went out of my way to make a pleasant evening for her, and this is the thanks I got. I see this as mostly a miscommunication, partly her fatigue, and partly her ingratitude. She should have just told me she wanted to rest and didn’t want to go out to eat as soon as I told her my plans.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Anonymous says:

        One of the features of Masculinity is enforcement of boundaries:

        Higher testosterone levels make men kind-hearted. But the underlying answer is a man’s impulse to protect or enhance his status. Testosterone makes you reluctant to accept a disrespectful business proposition and highly vindictive towards a person who proposed it, i.e. provoked you, but when your negotiating partner shows you respect, you respond generously:

        “We found that those in the placebo group with high levels of testosterone were more likely to both punish (β = 26.10,  SE = 9.41,  P = 0.006) and reward (β = 32.02,  SE = 11.72,  P = 0.007) their proposer than those with low levels of testosterone (Fig. S4 and Table S2). These effects indicate that, even among those with typical endogenous levels, high testosterone is associated with increased rates of both retaliation and generosity…”

        Dreher, J. C., Dunne, S., Pazderska, A., Frodl, T., Nolan, J. J., & O’Doherty, J. P. Testosterone causes both prosocial and antisocial status-enhancing behaviors in human males. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 113(41), 11633–11638 (2016).

        Like God himself. Higher Testosterone Men would offer more extremes of reward and punishment. Heaven or Hell as God would preach as Jesus Christ.

        Also Testosterone is associated with not only dominance but effectively fitting into a Hierarchy once the status of everyone is settled:

        “…recent research suggests that testosterone enhances strategic social behaviour rather than dominance seeking behaviour. […] The results showed that, among the most senior participants, higher testosterone was associated with lower acquiescence. Conversely, higher testosterone among the lower-status participants was associated with higher acquiescence. Our results suggest that testosterone may enhance socially dominant behaviour among high-status persons, but strategic submission to seniority among lower-status persons.”

        Inoue, Y., Takahashi, T., Burriss, R.P. et al. Testosterone promotes either dominance or submissiveness in the Ultimatum Game depending on players’ social rank. Sci Rep 7, 5335 (2017).

        Like the Heinrich to Gustavus. An effective 2nd in command.

        Liked by 1 person

      • lastholdout says:

        “Then she got angry because I didn’t want to eat the food we bought, and I told her that I bought it for her.”

        I might be wrong, but it appears you stepped into some D.E.E.R. doo. As if you were either Defending or Explaining.? (The D.E.E.R. article did a lot for me in terms of my headship. It made me mindful of how I respond not just to my wife, but to anyone. When you step in D.E.E.R. doo, you are likely entering into the other person’s frame and subordinating yourself.)

        “I see this as mostly a miscommunication, partly her fatigue, and partly her ingratitude.”

        Of course it was miscommunication. You should have known she really didn’t want to eat when she told you she wanted to eat. 😉 Actually, you should have been tipped off to a no-win unpleasant evening when she whip-sawed two or three times.

        Us men get tripped up when we try too hard. It is admirable that you wanted to “make a pleasant evening for her.” I learned to quickly abandon those thoughts when they aren’t reciprocated with love and appreciation, call them out for how they are behaving, then walk away and go work on the car.

        Liked by 2 people

      • info says:

        Also High Testosterone behavior bears great resemblance for God’s jealousy for his honor. His reputation. As Moses often prayed. That God be merciful towards Israel for his Name’s sake.

        God is zealous for his own status and couldn’t tolerate his glory to be shared with another.

        Which is recorded as a Righteous plea for mercy.


      • Red Pill Apostle says:

        “Women expect men to have opinions, likes and dislikes and to express those.”

        In general, this is true. But some women will use this to start an argument. (My wife is like this sometimes.) If you’ve got a woman like this, be prepared for responses like, “That’s nonsense!” “That’s not right!” “You’re wrong!” etc. If you say something more personal about her habits, nature, personality, or anything Red Pill, then a fight or verbal spar will ensue.”

        Jack, the fight only occurs if you choose to fight. Sometimes I let myself get pulled into the argument momentarily, but my general mindset is that when it comes to Mrs. A we are not partners or equals. I’m her head and she is my help. The boss does not argue with the employee, the boss gives direction and instruction and if the employee is difficult there have to be consequences because the boss can’t let that behavior stand unaddressed.

        I dealt with this last week. Mrs. A had a more mouthy, disrespectful and emotional week. (I’ll let you figure out why, gentlemen.) There were a few instances where she was unhappy with my take on things and I ended our “discussions” by telling her she was being disrespectful and disobedient and reminding her these are biblical no-no’s for her. So later in the week when she wanted to spend time together by going for a walk, I declined and explained that she’d been difficult, I really did not want to spend time with her and I was going to the gym instead. Her facial expression showed she wasn’t happy when I delivered the message but the next day she apologized for her behavior.

        The bottom line is that she can try to start an argument, but he has to go along with it to be an argument. I slipped a little last week by engaging, even if only for a few minutes but then recovered.

        Liked by 3 people

  5. Oscar says:

    Off topic: Nature itself teaches you.


    • info says:

      Strength and Gentleness does the best. The Alpha Male most like Christ is the most longest reigning. And his tribe is the best thriving.

      The meekest of them all.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Oscar says:

        Weak men are “gentle” because they have to be. If they’re not, stronger men will put them in their place quickly enough. Give a weak man any power and all his anger, bitterness, and resentment lead him to take “vengeance” on the unfortunate people under him who most likely had no part in whatever perceived mistreatment made him bitter in the first place.

        Strong men choose to be gentle because they can. Therefore, when a strong man is gentle it’s actually a reflection of his character.


  6. Devon70 says:

    We all have to decide what is the best way to spend our finite amount of energy and time. For me, that’s taking long nature hikes with my dog and hanging out with male friends. Both activities improves my physical and mental health and I can’t say that about my interactions with most women. Even some non-manosphere people recognize how difficult it is for men to get by in Clownworld.

    Happy Easter.

    Liked by 1 person

    • thedeti says:

      And women wonder why men aren’t approaching them.

      And women wonder why men are GTOW.

      Remember: This applies only to unattractive men. She’s talking here about an unattractive man.

      Attractive man approaches: Hot.

      Unattractive man approaches: Creepy, grapey.

      Attractive man initiates conversation: Interesting.

      Unattractive man initiates conversation: Creepy, grapey, who does this guy think he is?

      If there was a button women could push that would kill all beta men, women would smash that button until their fingers bled and all the bones in their hands were broken.


  7. Pingback: The Captain and First Mate Analogy | Σ Frame

  8. Pingback: The Peaceful Unity Marriage Model | Σ Frame

  9. Pingback: Men’s Altruistic Idealism in an Age of Apostasy | Σ Frame

  10. Pingback: The Next Step | Σ Frame

  11. Pingback: Testosterone is Associated with the Assertion of Social Status | Σ Frame

  12. Pingback: Testosterone Facilitates Social Interactions | Σ Frame

  13. Pingback: Testosterone Makes Men more Punitive and also more Generous | Σ Frame

  14. Pingback: Summary of Chemistry (Testosterone) | Σ Frame

  15. Pingback: 9. The Law of Activity | Σ Frame

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