The Godfather undermines Fatherhood.

Getting Snipped is now the quickest path to becoming a High-Value Man?  (Rollo Tomassi’s views on vasectomy.)

Readership: All
Theme: Honoring Fathers; Cultural Demise
Length: 2,000 words
Reading Time: 10 minutes + 18 minute video


In May of this year, Rollo endorsed men getting a vasectomy in a tweet (which has since been deleted) in which he said this was necessary to become a “high value man”.

The response? He was roundly hit with criticism and incredulity from all over the Men’s Sphere.

In case you missed it, here’s a video commentary from MTR covering Rollo’s spar with Destiny and Sneako on the topic.

Mediocre Tutorials and Reviews: Red Pill Godfather EXPOSED by Sneako and Destiny (2023/5/14) Length: 17:52

The Godfather really goofed on this one.

Confused about His Role

The main contention arose because people naturally read Rollo’s tweet as a blanket truth coming from the Godfather. However, a tweet is insufficient to fully explain all the specific contexts and motivations that are assumed in his statement. Things only got worse when he refused to walk back on the statement in his tweet — that getting a vasectomy is the way to become a high quality man. Instead, he continually buffered and couched his statements, saying things like, “It’s data, not advice”, even though the only way younger men could interpret his stance as an RP Elder is as advice. Instead, he should have explained all the assumptions and conditions under which his statement is true, and compared that to all the assumptions and conditions under which it is NOT. But of course, this is too much information to put into one tweet.

The way I see it, Rollo is suffering from a lack of social self-awareness, resulting in poor communication. Rollo’s current role in the Manosphere is different from what it was in the days of the Old Manosphere, and he’s having trouble with the PR details of recasting himself as a Red Pill authority to newer generations. As before, he is broadcasting himself as a philosopher who is an expert on intersexual relations, but he fails to acknowledge the immutable authority of his words as the last standing godfather of the classic original Manosphere.  (The other two were Roissy and Roosh.)

Another issue is that he is using certain catch phrases that each man could interpret differently (e.g. “high quality / value man”), and making broad statements without defining the context.  This is one thing Kevin Samuels always took care to avoid.  He defined the term “High Value Men” in nearly every discussion he had, because he knew that his viewers would have their own ideas or else define it to be whatever they wanted.  Rollo seems to be aware of this, but he fails to explain the psychological dynamics at play within his audience and break the fifth wall* effectively (with respect to men’s interests).

This doesn’t fly with his younger audience of Manospherians.  They are intent on getting actionable knowledge, and miss the fact that he’s just tossing out ideas and theories without framing it in the context he assumes, and without much thought about how this will be received by his audiences.

Rollo is no longer just a top rate Red Pill philosopher. Now, he is also an elder, a teacher, and a mentor, whether he likes or wants these roles or not. Now as a sage authority, Rollo must pay excruciating detail to every word he says and how that will be taken by his audiences, much like what he has done in his writings. Rollo should have stuck to blogging and writing books.  His books and blog posts will outlive him, but his podcasts won’t. But this will not change as long as his podcasts are earning him $$$.

One thing Rollo’s critics get wrong is in thinking he is a Boomer.  (Rollo’s birthday was on 1969/4/2, making him an Xer.)  Or maybe this is merely intended as a slur on his age.

* Breaking the fifth wall is to address the meta dynamics and the motives within the context of the current discussion. This is a key element of maintaining an effective argument in the 21st century.

Rollo’s Views on Vasectomies

I decided all this contention was worthy of digging into Rollo’s views of vasectomies in the past, so I swallowed my deep revulsion of this topic and took a dive into the annals of The Rational Male. Relevant excerpts follow.

There is no more permanent a devotion to the male sexual strategy than to get a vasectomy and thus deny a woman the ultimate culmination of her own.  If you ever want to experience just how close to livestock the Feminine Imperative considers men to be, just try getting a vasectomy before you’re married or without a wife’s explicit and written consent.  Legally it’s easier to geld horses or neuter dogs.”

The Rational Male: Making Up for Missing Out (2015/3/16)

In general, Rollo supports vasectomies as a form of responsible birth control for men who are sexually active and do not want an unintended pregnancy.  But in reality, this is only an appropriate choice for men who do not want to have children EVER.  Furthermore, this is a secular view that is explicitly anti-family.

“One reason I don’t think Vasalgel will be legalized for mass consumption (or will eventually meet stiff legislative resistance) is because it puts a measure of Hypergamous control in the hands of men.  We’ve already seen attempts to make ‘sex by deception’ equitable with r@pe.  And we’ve already seen the legislation that makes even approaching a woman on the street equitable with a hate crime.  My guess is that not disclosing a guy is on Vasalgel or he’s had a vasectomy could easily be construed as such too.”

The Rational Male: Spare the Rod,… (2016/10/2)

In the two quotes above, Rollo breaks the fifth wall by presenting a vasectomy as a way for men to take control of their reproductive choices in a way that allows them to continue having profligate sex, but still avoid being manipulated, pressured, or used by women or society at large.

IOW, Rollo is assuming that a man’s motivation is to have as much illicit sex as possible without being held accountable for it. This is basically the male version of the feminist standpoint on abortion and birth control.

Another thing implicit to the context he describes is that said men are immersed in a gynocentric culture that penalizes men for being fathers instead of honoring them.

I would agree that under the above assumptions / conditions his statement may very well be true for such a man.

However, outside of this context, in fact, taking this route is throwing the baby out with the bathwater, quite literally.

You will never be appreciated for your sacrifices, and certainly not while you’re making them.  Your presence is only as superfluous as you allow it to be.  While you will never be appreciated for it in any measurable sense, you will be liable for it, so my advice is to make the most of it in a Red Pill respect.  Your reward, your motivation, for being a Red Pill parent and a positively masculine example in your kids’ lives needs to come from inside yourself because it will never be rewarded by a feminine-primary social order.  If you don’t think you will ever find being a parent intrinsically rewarding, get a vasectomy now because it will never be extrinsically rewarding.

The Rational Male: Red Pill Parenting – Part II (2015/10/14)

Here, Rollo focuses on personal rewards and takes a negative view of being a parent, but he fails to consider the metaphysical, psychological, and spiritual benefits of being a virile man and being a father, e.g. the calling of Headship, the development of identity, having a sphere of authority, the joy of having children and grandchildren, and so on.

“In Selective Breeding, I made the argument that Women’s Existential Fear is the possibility of having her Hypergamous filter (feminine intuition) fooled by a Beta male and becoming saddled with his shitty genetics for the rest of her life.  This is a primal, evolved, fear for women that manifest itself, often unconsciously, in many of women’s behaviors that we either take for granted or we have social conventions that accommodate them.  Decidedly gynocentric societies will legally mandate against this existential fear.

But what about women who are already married or pair-bonded with men that their evolved subconscious knows is a suboptimal choice for her? What about women who are trapped in a marriage with a guy that her hindbrain confirms is not the ‘best she can do’? How does that primal fear of being saddled with a faithful Beta manifest itself?”

The Rational Male: Unconscious Contempt (2019/11/15)

Rollo goes on to answer these questions by saying in so many words that women feel comfortable – to the point of taking it for granted – in expressing passive-aggressive contempt for their husbands and veiling this contempt in humor and teasing.  This is the main point of his entire post.

In the same post, he writes,

“I feel it’s incumbent upon me to address what will be the predictable binary responses of literalist critics here:

  • No, I’m not saying don’t get a vasectomy.
  • No, I’m also not saying that if you did get a vasectomy you’re a pathetic loser Beta.

Judging by his other views expressed, these statements are merely politically correct buffers intended to reduce backlash.  A comprehensive understanding of this post as well as his other writings, tweets, and statements in recent podcasts illustrates that he IS telling men to get a vasectomy IF they want to be a high value man, and yet, if you’ve read any of his works and have paid attention, it is understood that they are pathetic evolutionary losers if they DO.

So how else are younger men supposed to interpret this double talk?

They are right to castigate Rollo on this point.

Returning to the last part of the last essay quoted above, Rollo smears a salty salve on the slashed scrotum sack as follows.

“I will however point out that when I see stories about how a Beta husband did come to the decision to get a vasectomy there are always a lot of subconscious reasonings that go along with it.  For all the notions of egalitarian marriages and self-praise for being rationally evolved above the hindbrain interpretations, on some level of consciousness a man electing to sterilize himself is a confirmation of the value he puts in his masculinity.  This is why women think it’s funny to ridicule your impotency.  Her hindbrain has 100% confirmation that you know your reproductive viability has no value.

A man’s reasons for getting a vasectomy may be valid and in some ways empowering for him.  I imagine there’s at least some confidence to be derived from knowing you won’t be held responsible for any “accidental” pregnancies.  I get why men would opt for it, but the way a woman’s feral brain interprets a man sterilizing himself is what I’m getting at here.  You may think, “Well, I don’t give a damn what women think about it.”  Fine.  Totally valid, but I’m outlining a woman’s instinctual response to a man permanently preventing his own reproduction.  There is a subcommunication underneath this decision that denotes emasculation, and this is what women resent.”

“In some ways I see wives celebrating their husband’s vasectomy for reasons that have nothing to do with improving their sex lives.  In the original Twitter thread, I had men tell me that they got a vasectomy at the suggestion of their wives, believing it would lead to greater sexual frequency (or any sex in a sexless marriage) only to admit that it never improved anything for them.  So, why the goading to get a vasectomy?  The dots I keep connecting are a subconscious desire on the part of women to geld a husband to ensure he never reproduces with other women.  It’s almost like a service she’s doing for the Sisterhood.  She’s making sure that her mistake never becomes any other woman’s mistake.”

The Rational Male: Unconscious Contempt (2019/11/15)

So, if I am getting this right, Rollo thinks Alpha men are maximizing their sexual strategy by getting a vasectomy.  But Beta men are a laughingstock and are cucking themselves for doing the same.


For many men, including myself, being a father is one of the key achievements of a life well lived. But Rollo offers a no-win strategy for those men who feel called to be a father.

Whether being a parent is intrinsically or extrinsically rewarding or not is unique to each man, and this is a separate (but related) question from the younger men’s focus on becoming a high quality / high value man.  Rollo failed to make this key distinction.

Also, Rollo fails to recognize the fact that men’s SMV rises as they age and thus, getting a vasectomy at a young age could jinx a man’s strategy later in life.

MTR suggested other ways for men to take responsibility for their sexuality (e.g. abstinence, condoms) without getting the snip.  But Rollo never satisfactorily answered the question of why a vasectomy is absolutely necessary for a man to quickly become “high value”.

In all, I’d say Rollo is taking his evo-psyche philosophies to their fullest logical conclusion as applied ONLY to the present SMP in the debauched West, but he fails to reconcile this with the foundational principle that evo-psyche assumes reproduction as an incontrovertible necessity.


About Jack

Jack is a world traveling artist, skilled in trading ideas and information, none of which are considered too holy, too nerdy, nor too profane to hijack and twist into useful fashion. Sigma Frame Mindsets and methods for building and maintaining a masculine Frame
This entry was posted in Abortion and Birth Control, Adultery and Fornication, Agency, Authentic Authority, Authority, Calculated Risk Taking, Communications, Conflict Management, Consent, Conserving Power, Contraceptives, Decision Making, Denying/Witholding Sex, Determination, Discerning Lies and Deception, Discernment, Wisdom, Ethical Systems, Female Evo-Psych, Freedom, Personal Liberty, Fundamental Frame, Game, Game Theory, Headship and Patriarchy, Holding Frame, Honor, Identity, Inner Game, Intersexual Dynamics, Introspection, Leadership, Legacy, Male Power, Manosphere, Maturity, Personal Growth and Development, Models of Failure, Moral Agency, Online Personas, Parenting, Personal Domain, Persuasion, Philosophy, Power, Psychology, Purpose, Relationships, Reviews, Self-Concept, Sex, SMV/MMV, Strategy, Teaching. Bookmark the permalink.

30 Responses to The Godfather undermines Fatherhood.

  1. RICanuck says:

    Vasectomy first:

    Back in my younger married days (late 20’s to mid 40’s), we socialized mainly with other Catholic couples and co-workers. I observed 7 pregnancies amongst 6 vasectomized men. Some of these men were in “good Catholic marriages”. One man did have everything go back, which caused strain in the marriage until he submitted a new sample for a count.

    Women need controlled risk, excitement, danger. Regular sex with a vasectomized man lacks that. It’s back and forth, hot, sweaty, boring, and repetitious. It’s sort of like ironing clothes. How many are turned on by ironing. There may be initial excitement once the pregnancy fear has vanished, but the excitement wears off.

    Rollo next:

    Dalrock published an essay on the movie “The War Room”. I left a comment that my takeaway from the movie is that the worst sin a Christian husband can commit is to criticize of hold accountable a Christian woman. Rollo responded with a comment that displayed a certain level of bitterness. His next essay was “Losing my Religion”. He does not have it as all together as he presents himself. One thing I wondered is, why has he only one child?

    I don’t think Rollo is a fraud, just a flawed. I am flawed also.

    Liked by 1 person

    • thedeti says:

      “Back in my younger married days (late 20’s to mid 40’s), we socialized mainly with other Catholic couples and co-workers. I observed 7 pregnancies amongst 6 vasectomized men. Some of these men were in “good Catholic marriages”.”

      Gee. Why do you suppose that might be?

      And don’t you find it interesting that these Catholic men had vasectomies, in direct contravention and disobedience of Catholic doctrine? Just goes to show how most US Catholics don’t take Catholic doctrine on sexual morality seriously.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Red Pill Apostle says:

        In the town I grew up in there was a case of a “good Catholic wife” who got caught at a motel with the retired high school biology teacher. She was a substitute for the high school who would sub for the biology teacher when he was out. She had 10 or so kids as proof of her adherence to the faith.

        Her undoing was that the retired biology teacher had a heart attack in the throws of passion and died. One of my high school friends was an EMT in the ambulance that responded and recognized them both. There was no word as to whether the stiff still had his stiffy but there was no evidence that a prophylactic was in use, which would indicate she still held to good Catholic doctrine with her atheist lover. The details are known because my poor friend had to witness our former biology teacher in all his uncensored biological glory.

        Liked by 2 people

      • Jack says:

        I wouldn’t be surprised if they had been shagging for years, and that at least one of her 10 kids was his. How did her husband respond to this event?

        Liked by 1 person

      • thedeti says:

        That story is the stuff of bad TV movies.


      • Red Pill Apostle says:


        I am not sure what happened with the husband as I left town for college and never looked back. I heard the story catching up with friends after the fact. If I recall correctly, this was not a one time low rent rendezvous (hat tip to Sammy Kershaw’s Third Rate Romance a red pill country classic) so it is quite possible that Mr. Substitute teacher was raising another man’s child.


  2. Anonymous says:

    One name blows up the have a vasectomy to be a high value man concept: Genghis Khan.

    Estimates are that he has 16,000,000 direct descendants or about 0.2% of the world’s population. He must have been a serious beta to have reproduced like that!

    A vasectomy is about control. Wife pushes him to get the snip because she’s done having kids but he’s not sure = weak man that needs to be productively shamed into being more masculine. He’s done having kids and wants to have sex without the potential of having to raise another child = strong man who is living on his terms. Vasectomies are much too dependent on the situation under which they happen to assign a fixed value to them (pun intended).

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Oscar says:

    I 100% endorse the snip for whores of both sexes. The last thing we need is more fatherless children, or baby murder.

    Liked by 3 people

  4. Devon70 says:

    Rollo is the old quarterback that can’t play but won’t retire. His ego is too big for him to admit he’s wrong or step off the field. He’s been replaced with younger grifters that are better.


    • Oscar says:

      Better at grifting?


    • Red Pill Apostle says:

      Rollo’s enduring contribution to the sphere will always be putting into words the marriage and dating marketplace and defining the valuations of the respective sexes when it comes to dating and marriage. His work in these areas is foundational for understanding macro trends with men and women when it comes to relationships. Everything from why May December romances much more commonly form long lasting relationships when compared to the feminist notion of cougars in their sexual prime picking up a young cub, to men having to build themselves into something to create value while women are just born with their value based on youth, T and A, and fertility.

      Liked by 4 people

      • thedeti says:

        In my opinion his lasting contribution to intersexual relationships is the twin graph showing SMV/RMV of men and women, showing the different peaks and where they intersect, and his explanation of women’s different phases from party phase to epiphany phase and then settling into beta bux phase.

        Liked by 2 people

      • farmlegend says:

        Rollo is a much better writer than he is a talker. His books, essays are quite good. The Rational Male books are, in my opinion, foundational for Red Pill knowledge.

        All young men ought to know about the dualistic breeding strategy hard-wired into the women in their lives. Wish I did back in the day.

        Liked by 3 people

  5. locustsplease says:

    I get where Rollo is coming from. Because if you’re working on your looks and building money to b 40 and able to then come back and snipe a gorgeous 20 yo, a vasectomy helps. I have 1 kid and the divorce and CS nearly sunk me and dramatically damaged me financially. If I could have worked on business instead of this other junk, it would’ve helped. Also, now whoever this next girl is has to consider I have another kid who’s almost a teenager.

    The high value men women want are single, at least 30, in a good financial position, in good shape, and mostly childless. It’s hard to remain childless being pursued by women. Then you lose substantial money and time.


    • Red Pill Apostle says:

      locust – A 40 year old man who wants to snag a 20 something can do it, but only for recreation. Most 20 something women looking for an established man are going to want a family. A vasectomy could actually make him less desirable as a mate unless she’s just in it for fun and games until the baby rabies set in. And, as Oscar is fond of repeating, character matters, so the recreational use only woman who is in it for fun and games probably isn’t the right lifelong choice.

      Vasectomies only work for men who are done having kids and are willing to limit their choices to those women who are done having kids.

      Liked by 3 people

      • Jack says:

        For me, the decision is simple. I would never let a man (or woman) take a knife (etc.) to my nut sack. I’d rather take my chances and trust God.


      • locustsplease says:

        @jack I would never get it myself. However it’s a strange topic that really touches nerves. Jesus claims he was born castrated and doesn’t speak up for other eunuchs who were made that way against their will which is an incredibly inhumane way of dealing with other people.

        The incles today imagine being a eunuch half your life everyone knew u before and after now your a slave the incredible demoralization. It’s hard to fathom.


      • locustsplease says:

        I thought they were reversible?


      • Jack says:


        “I thought they were reversible?”

        Almost all vasectomies can be reversed. However, this doesn’t guarantee success in conceiving a child. The success rate of reversing a vasectomy depends largely on how many years have passed since the vasectomy. Every clinic reports different numbers (see a sampling of sources below), but success rates range between 30% to 95% for the return of sperm to the ejaculate, and this starts to decline 10 to 15 years after a vasectomy. About 50% of reversals result in a pregnancy.

        The question that cannot be answered is, what is the probability that you’ll be one of those statistical (and evolutionary) failures, regardless of the reported and averaged success rates?

        Any man who gets a vasectomy needs to first face the reality that there is a 50% chance he may never have another child.

        Arizona Urology: What is the Success Rate for a Vasectomy Reversal?
        Cleveland Clinic: Vasectomy Reversal
        Mayo Clinic: Vasectomy Reversal


      • jvangeld says:

        locustsplease, Jesus talked about men who are born eunuchs. He didn’t claim to be a eunuch Himself.

        Matthew 19:10-12
        The disciples said to Him, “If the relationship of the man with his wife is like this, it is better not to marry.” But He said to them, “Not all men can accept this statement, but only those to whom it has been given. For there are eunuchs who were born that way from their mother’s womb; and there are eunuchs who were made eunuchs by people; and there are also eunuchs who made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. The one who is able to accept this, let him accept it.”

        Liked by 1 person

    • locustsplease says:

      Also, I stopped following Rollo awhile ago. When the heathen secular manoshpere started to irritate my Christian ears. The way he sits in his chair with the guitar behind him looks like horns.

      He had this wh0remongerer on constantly bragging about how many playmates, bikini models, porn stars, and assorted harlots he was friends with. Maybe it’s an accomplishment to incels. That was an accomplishment to me 15-20 yrs ago, but not now. And yeah, his vasectomy comment needed better explaining. I remember hearing about it and being confused. He is normally over analytical.

      Liked by 1 person

      • info says:

        It’s the normal conclusion to a Godless lifestyle. Even when he recognizes on the ground realities. Missing out on the real goal in life guarantees misuse of said knowledge.


  6. Shaolin says:

    Having just skimmed through X Splat’s seemingly menstrual rage post, I have to say that I definitely have a lot of respect for Rollo. However, I’ve been doing some reading and thinking about red pill bitterness and improving my life, and I recently ran into a two books; one by Plantinga and Personal Knowledge by Michael Polanyi.

    What I’ve learned from them (indirectly) is that the problem with his work is not its’ empiricism, but his trying to import the epistemology of the exact sciences to life in general. He arrives at sensible conclusions but necessarily brings about nihilism in his readers. The obvious reason is his attempt to “shake the ghosts out of the machine” and analyze it as it is.

    Instead of treating people as humans, he essentially creates an abstraction and assumes that is how people in general actually are. People, as he describes them, are evolutionary robots. Obviously you can see how that is unpalatable to us Christians. We believe in free will, an immortal soul, and a loving God. In fact, I believe most people do too. In that case, another way to restate the problem is that he takes naturalist materialism too seriously. Even the most ardent atheists cannot live that way and only claim to in order to win arguments. The man’s view of the world therefore describes only how soulless people behave (for instance, most of the girls on Fresh & Fit).

    I’m tired and rambling, but I’ll think about this and structure my thoughts better later.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Red Pill Apostle says:

      This is a good analysis of Rollo. His most important contributions, in my opinion, are his identification of general patterns of human behavior within the dating and marriage markets and the most important is looking at how the general markets work.

      His work’s usefulness is in identifying typical behaviors that are ultimately bad for relationships and marriage along with understanding the dynamics of what men and women look for in a spouse (his work explains why May-December romances are much more common longer term relationships than cougar-cub romances). Being able to identify and understand them is the first step for fixing them.

      Liked by 2 people

  7. Pingback: Ideal Women Don’t Exist | Σ Frame

  8. Pingback: Abortion is a Betrayal! | Σ Frame

  9. Pingback: 5. The Law of Motivation | Σ Frame

  10. Pingback: Lovebreaker | Σ Frame

  11. Pingback: Misappropriated Models | Σ Frame

  12. Pingback: Rollo Tomassi’s Concepts of ‘Love’ | Σ Frame

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