Abortion is a Betrayal!

When a woman has an abortion, she’s not only rejecting her child, but also her man and her God ordained purpose in life as a mother.

Readership: All; Would be parents; Those who are sexually active;
Theme: The W!tchy War on Masculinity
Length: 1,700 words
Reading Time: 9 minutes

The Pandora’s Box of Abortion

Women know deep down that their true passion is to submit to a dominant man and that might entail pregnancy. Sexually liberated women insist on having an option to escape the consequences of sexual indulgence. They demand to have a release valve for their sexual freedom. They cannot be tethered to biology. They can’t be held responsible for the consequences of that, or else they would have to limit their pleasures.

The proliferation of these fantasies of sex sans responsibility on mass media, and their seductive appeal to the fundamental feminine desire for a gynocentric utopia, have slowly caused them to become more acceptable to the wider public since the 1960’s.

After having access to legalized abortion since 1973, it has become ingrained in modern women’s unconsciousness that abortion needs to be legal and available, simply because women now take sexual license for granted and the idea of having to bear the consequences of their sexual proclivities is grossly unacceptable, and even religious women feel this way.

Moreover, Abortion has shifted the feminine goalpost from sexual gatekeeping which has the specific goal of marital sanctity, to the Feminine Imperative which has no bounds. All these haywire arguments about abortions, condoms, IUDs, pills, castrations, vasectomies, moral agency, eugen!cs, laws and legislation, and who is responsible for what (see Case Study below), amounts to nothing more than a Pandora’s box of selfishness and sexual sin — which must necessarily be micromanaged for the blame to be shifted off of women’s dire allegiance to the Feminine Imperative.

Welcome to the Jungle!

So it is just as Thedeti and NaturallyAspirated have said. Abortion has become the most central issue for feminism. Legal access to abortion is a product of the sexual revolution that has irreparably changed western culture. Now, everyone in our society wants to have consequence free sex with whomever they want, how, when, and where they want. Conservatism’s attempts to regulate and/or ban abortion is now a lost cause, as modern women will never vote against it.

Case Study — Abortion “Rights” = Defilement Rebellion

In a previous post, Irresponsible Ejaculation Causes Abortion (2019/9/23) we looked at an example of how women wish to solipsize that abortion is the result of Menz irresponsibility, NOT Wimminz.  The crux of this claim argues that men should be more conscientious about using birth control, while assuming that men should want to avoid having children. They overlook the fact that sex is intended by God to result in procreation, and insinuate that a man is “irresponsible” if he should choose to inseminate her by not using birth control. This is another classic case of Psychological Projection that we see coming from women way too often.

Men may cause pregnancies, but men don’t make pregnancies unwanted by the woman.  Most women who abort their progeny go to so called “Planned Parenthood” clinics on their own initiative…  Often without even informing the man.  Often to the man’s utter dismay!

The Scourge of Shedding Innocent Blood

Roe v. Wade was repealed in June 2022.  At first, it was thought that this was a sounding victory for the pro-life crowd.  However, state voting in November 2023 brought with it the firm establishment of abortion in many states (e.g. Kentucky, Ohio).  Overall, deregulating abortion at the federal level has only shifted those “rights” to the state level.

On this, Thedeti said,

“Ohio soundly rejected a “heartbeat” law banning most abortions and approved a state constitutional right to abortion.

So this is shaking out pretty much how I thought it would. In fact, it’s even more favorable for abortion rights advocates. Most states, including battlegrounds like Ohio, are firmly in the camp of “we want abortion with some restrictions.”

Things have changed. The world has changed. Everyone in our society wants to have consequence free sex with whomever they want, how, when, and where they want. For women and top men, this is a reality. For all other men, not so much. But all other men are paying the price for it. Just how it is.”

I want to point out that it is not only “all other men”, but ALL men, whether they care or not. Culture is collective.

You see, when a woman chooses to have an abortion, it is more than just a refusal to accept responsibility. It is more than a selfish expulsion of her progeny. It is rewriting her life script to excuse herself from both the consequences of and the responsibilities for her actions.

It is more than a rejection of life. It is a rejection of her own flesh and blood. It is a betrayal to her lineage. It’s a rejection of paternity, of male authority, and of her God ordained purpose as a woman and mother.

It is more than a rejection of the man’s decision to take the chance of having a child. It is a betrayal and a rejection of the man himself!

It is a betrayal because the woman prostrates herself for the purposes of sex and procreation, implying that she respects and values the man enough to be willing to bear his children. But when the natural result of pregnancy comes, she renegs on her implied consensus to procreation in the act of coitus. It is female Onanism (Genesis 38:8-10).

It is a rejection because the woman is saying, in effect, “This man (and his child) is not worthy of my time and devotion in bearing and rearing his offspring.”

The woman is also saying, in effect, “I’m a s1ut / wh0re who only has sex for my OWN G-D pleasure and the fun of it all, or for the extrinsic benefits I can gain from it!”, respectively. “I don’t want no b@stard spawn!” Thus casting an indictment on the man as being unworthy of procreation.

Image Source: Vox Popoli: Meme of the Week 15 (2023/11/10)

The Effects of Abortion on Fathers

All this culminates in metaphysical forces that oppress men.

“As astonishing as it may seem, according to the experts, fathers of aborted children often feel even worse than mothers.”

“If you or a man you know is suffering from the loss of a child through abortion, help and healing is available by contacting www.menandabortion.net. You can also visit www.fatherhoodforever.org.”

Desni Linkovi: Fatherhood lost: How abortion affects men (2019/5/21)*

The book, Fatherhood Aborted: The Profound Effects of Abortion on Men, by Guy Condon and David Hazard, includes the following information about (would be) fathers who have endured the abortion of their progeny:**

Aftershocks of Male Post-abortion Trauma:

  • Dodges authority
  • Has trouble bonding
  • Keeps women at bay
  • Fears impending tragedy
  • Doesn’t own his mistakes
  • Feels inadequate as a leader
  • Has no solid sense of identity
  • Works to impress moral leaders
  • Has difficulty with commitment

They also lay out the following symptoms:

  • Rage
  • Depression
  • Fear of failure
  • Fear of rejection
  • Sexual dysfunction
  • Relationship struggles
  • Inability to trust friends
  • Loneliness or numbness
  • Addictions and sexual compulsions
  • Sleeplessness, bad dreams, nightmares

* H/T: Larry’s Musings: Socio-critical links: Feminism, new world order, and abortion’s effects on men (2019/5/22)
** H/T: Desni Linkovi: Impact of Abortion on Men (2019/5/22)

Abortion and Birth Control are W!tchcr@ft

Most regular readers will agree that abortion is redrum and the modern day version of child sacrifice. What readers might not know is that abortion is both an act and a result of W!tchcr@ft. As I will explain in a future post, W!tchcr@ft is the altering of reality to suit one’s sinful interests, notions, and preferences. Sexual sin and abortion alters reality, both temporal and eternal.

Also, W!tchcr@ft involves the use of medicine, drugs, or spells (Greek: φαρμακεία, pharmakeia, translated as “sorcery” or “w!tchcr@ft”). Drugs are both a defining and enabling element of both the Sexual Revolution and sexual liberation.

  • The so called “Morning After pills” and similar drugs cause a chemically induced abortion.
  • Hormonal Birth Control alters the mind and casts a spell over the user, as described in the following posts.
  1. Patriactionary: America – Land of the Doped Up Women (2011/12/6)
  2. Patriactionary: A new problem with ‘The Pill’ (2012/1/21)
  3. The Orthosphere: Birth control and the rhetorical tics of the Left (2012/2/22)
  4. Chateau Heartiste: The Pill and Divorce: The Real Connection (2013/5/29)
  5. Christianity and Masculinity: Oral contraception alters your brain (2015/4/14)
  6. One More Soul: The Contraception-Divorce Connection (2015/11/3)
  7. Christianity and Masculinity: Contraception’s under the radar effect on divorce (2017/9/27)
  8. Σ Frame: How the Pill Changes the Brain and Emotions (2019/10/28)
  9. Practical Eschatology: The Divorce Pill (2019/11/7)
  10. v5k2c2 (Derek Ramsey): The Pill Causes Bad Mate Selection (2019/11/8) [PDF]*
  11. v5k2c2 (Derek Ramsey): Alpha, Beta, and Reproduction (2019/11/13) [PDF]*
  12. Σ Frame (Marc@1 Flesh): A Deeper Look at Contraception and Abortion (2019/11/9)
  13. Σ Frame: Contraception Correlations (2019/11/29)
  14. Σ Frame: How the Pill Affects Pubescent Girls (2019/12/22)
  15. Σ Frame: How the Pill Affects Attraction and Mating (2020/8/26)

Galatians 5:20 identifies W!tchcr@ft as a “deed of the flesh” that excludes one from the Kingdom of God.

* H/T: Ramman3000

How to Deal with this Sin?

Whenever a woman chooses to have an abortion, the father is often left in the dark about it. Many women will never tell the man that they’re pregnant or that they had an abortion, and if they do, it is to extract something from him. Because of this ignorance, and the easy evasion of the responsibilities of being a father, many men are quite willing to overlook this betrayal. Some men have no qualms about the woman’s choice to transform his seed into b@stardized stem cells to be used for hellacious scientific research, instead of producing a family that would honor God. Some men are so shifty and faithless that they are glad to be absolved from all the blessings and responsibilities of being an ancestor of future generations. Some men are simply happy that they got a piece of @$$ and leave it at that!

Men, being men, have a tendency to ignore or deny all the symptoms listed earlier. Understandably so. It’s harrowing to face the fact that your woman did this to your child!

[Image removed because of community guidelines.]

Any Christian community should openly and vehemently forbid abortion to be used as a form of birth control.

How do men deal with the sting of betrayal, loss, and rejection of Abortion, whether personal or cultural, whether the lost child is his or not?

About Jack

Jack is a world traveling artist, skilled in trading ideas and information, none of which are considered too holy, too nerdy, nor too profane to hijack and twist into useful fashion. Sigma Frame Mindsets and methods for building and maintaining a masculine Frame
This entry was posted in Abortion and Birth Control, Contraceptives, Decision Making, Discerning Lies and Deception, Discernment, Wisdom, Female Power, Feminism, Introspection, Models of Failure, Psychological Disorders, Psychology, Purpose, Self-Concept, Single Parents, Solipsism, Stewardship, Vetting Women. Bookmark the permalink.

15 Responses to Abortion is a Betrayal!

  1. “Any Christian community should openly and vehemently forbid abortion to be used as a form of birth control.”

    Yep. That’s a great litmus test for any church. Killing other people is a major sin; killing your own child is worse. In 15 yrs. of prison ministry and 12 in pregnancy center ministry (counseling the guys who’d come in, teaching pro-life reasoning to volunteers, being on the board), I’d say that it is easier to convince the murderer in prison of his need for repentance than the “free” woman who offed her own kid. And those women vote, and for them to vote against abortion would be to admit that they m*rdered their own children.

    Side note 1: One of the younger volunteers noted how it wasn’t uncommon for her peers to get pregnant by a lower-status guy and then sleep with a higher-status guy to baby-trap him. Reason #1 for mandatory paternity tests. At least they didn’t kill their kids, but trapping a guy for life based on a wicked lie seems like a sick way to go through life.

    Side note 2 and minor spoiler alert: The demonic character in the movie Nefarious did a spectacular Screwtape Letters-type send-up of what abortion really is. While staying in character, he eviscerated the lame logic of the pro-choice guy. He also made a great mockery of the “Christian” Leftist priest who came to him on death row. It was worth watching for those scenes alone, though I thought the entire movie was well done.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Jack says:


      “One of the younger volunteers noted how it wasn’t uncommon for her peers to get pregnant by a lower-status guy and then sleep with a higher-status guy to baby-trap him. Reason #1 for mandatory paternity tests.”

      And Reason #1 for NOT marrying up a preggo until a paternity test has been conducted.

      It seems like the antithesis to the AF/BB strategy. Also, it fails to capitalize on the primary evolutionary purpose of hypergamy — to secure Alpha seed for higher quality offspring. So in addition to what you wrote, this strategy is a failure on multiple counts.

      Moreover, the plot continues to thicken as mating strategies continue to evolve.


      Here are the excerpts mentioned from the movie Nefarious.

      Nefarious Movie (2023) – Demon Speaks To James About Abortion Scene

      Nefarious Priest Scene

      Liked by 2 people

      • Thanks for posting the videos. I’m not sure if it was meant as comic relief in a horror flick, but I laughed out loud when the demon realized that he and the “Christian” Left priest were on the same side. So true and so well conveyed.

        Re. the AF/BB strategy relative to the example I gave — for what it is worth, that conversation happened 20 years ago. Not sure if things have changed strategy-wise for women, though the capacity for evil certainly hasn’t. And I’m all for mandatory paternity tests, whether married or not.

        Liked by 1 person

    • naturallyaspirated says:

      Not a fan of litmus tests, but if a religious community doesn’t see abortion as sin/evil……. I don’t know what to say.

      Liked by 3 people

  2. naturallyaspirated says:

    Good movie. I don’t know how it got made given Hollywood’s opinion of religion and abortion. Everyone reading this should watch it. Good stuff.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Jack says:

      Nefarious was independently produced. It was banned from theaters. The best movies are not coming out of Hollywood anymore, and if it’s banned, then it must be good.

      Liked by 5 people

  3. Jax says:

    [Image removed because of community guidelines.]

    What image was this?


  4. ramman3000 says:

    “10. v5k2c2 (Derek Ramsey): The Pill Causes Bad Mate Selection (2019/11/8)”

    You can replace the bad link with this link to a PDF of the original. I never republished it on my blog, or its sequel, Alpha, Beta, and Reproduction (2019/11/13), because they are not among my better articles. I probably never will. Take that as you will.

    Gunner Q’s comments are interesting, along with his refutation here, for anyone interested.


  5. Pingback: The Jezebel Spirit | Σ Frame

  6. Pingback: The Spirit of Athaliah | Σ Frame

  7. Pingback: More on the Spirits of Jezebel and Athaliah | Σ Frame

  8. Pingback: Summary of the W!tchy War on Masculinity | Σ Frame

  9. Pingback: 8. The Law of Envy | Σ Frame

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