
What are they?  How do they work?

Readership: All
Theme: The W!tchy War on Masculinity
Length: 1,200 words
Reading Time: 6 minutes + 1 hour video

What is a Trigger?

A ‘trigger’ is a colloquial name for a stimulus that excites the limbic system and thereby pulls one into an alternate conscientiousness of reality that is often emotionally charged or otherwise contains strong motivations. Triggers can be sparked by seemingly insignificant events, such as a sound, smell, taste, or hearing a certain phrase, which can set off a chain reaction of responses.  Triggers are most often viewed as negative, but there are certain situations where they can be beneficial.

The alternate reality introduced by a Trigger is most frequently a paradigm that one is already all too familiar with, often due to classical and sometimes operant conditioning, and which one has not yet “overcome” in the Biblical sense of mastering the inclinations of the flesh and sin. But this is not always the case.  Some triggers are biological and/or sociosexual in nature.

Learned Triggers

Some examples of how triggers can be introduced through classical conditioning are as follows.

  • A Dysfunctional Upbringing — Individuals exposed to domestic abuse during childhood associate certain behaviors, expressions, words, and social situations with peril and risk where none may be present.
  • Emotional Experiences — For some individuals, certain words, phrases, songs, or images can be triggers that cause them to recall prior emotionally charged experiences and thereby shift their sense of conscious reality.
  • Hypnotism — Has been known to implant beliefs into the subconscious that cause one to react a certain way to certain stimuli.
  • Romantic / Sexual Experiences — For example, when one avoids listening to a certain song, or going to a certain place, because it brings back bad memories of a lost love.
  • Traumatic Experiences — For example, when one gets food poisoning from eating a certain food, afterwards, the sight or smell of that food induces nausea and/or a gag reflex.

It should be noted that triggers can induce either a positive or a negative emotional / physiological response, depending on how the formation experience happens to strike a person’s constitution.

All this happens at the subconscious level, and is most often an involuntary response.

Image Source: Evozon: The neuroscience beyond the usability (2016/7/1)

Biological / Sociosexual Triggers

Some common examples of biological or sociosexual triggers.

  • Certain pathogens / substances trigger allergies.
  • The color azure is known to stimulate psychological alertness and decrease melatonin production (necessary for sleep) leading to increased attention and prolonged engagement. This is why this color is used on many websites, including F@ceb00k, L!nkedIn, WordPress, and others.
  • Someone displaying anger can be a trigger for violence in some individuals.
  • Various triggers related to authority, desire, reciprocity, scarcity, etc. are utilized in social transactions and sales presentations.
  • Certain ideas / topics related to women’s moral agency (e.g. moral guidance) and female sexuality trigger women’s hypoagentic defenses, characterized by a regurgitated flood of denials, excuses, justifications, objections, obfuscations, psychological projections, red herrings, etc.
  • Negs can be a trigger for psychological unrest and seeking validation in Insecurely Attached individuals.
  • Romance smut is a trigger for lust in women.
  • P0rn is a trigger for lust and sexual arousal in men.
  • Seeing a man gazing at porn is a trigger for disgust and indignation in women.
  • Female promiscuity is a trigger for disgust and indignation, in both men and women.
  • Dread Game, Fear, Jealousy, and witnessing live coitus trigger sexual arousal in women.

It should be noted that different people can respond to the same stimuli differently, and that different stimuli can elicit the same type of response, depending on how their psychological triggers work.

Triggers in Divination / Sorcery / W!tchcr@ft

Triggers are also involved in Sorcery (e.g. divination, psychoactive drug abuse, etc.) and W!tchcr@ft.

Sorcery often introduces paranormal or supersensory experiences that induce some form of metanoia and/or paranoia.  As a result, a participant attains some form of knowledge that forever alters one’s view of reality (unless repentance and healing is obtained).

Case Study — Married to Miss Ou!ja

Here’s a true example of how divination introduces triggers.

Stupid Stan played Ou!ja with a couple friends . He didn’t believe it was real, but he still wanted to check it out due to curiosity. One of the questions they asked the Ou!ja was, “What is the name of the girl Stan will marry?” The Ou!ja spelled out the letter “V”, and then said “Goodbye”. After this experience, Stan often found himself wondering what the V stands for. “Is it Vanessa, Vera, Veronica, Victoria, Virginia, Vivian… or something else?” He regarded all these musings as foolish superstition, but nevertheless, he behaved accordingly. Everytime he met a girl whose name started with V, he automatically went into simp mode. If he met a girl with a name that didn’t start with a V, he would not consider her seriously as a potential partner. 20 years later, Stan concluded that the V stood for “Virginity” — his own.

As an example of psychoactive drug abuse, people who have used L S D have reported experiencing hallucinations, hearing in color, synesthesia, and other bizarre extrasensory phenomenon.  Furthermore, users have reported having flashbacks many years after taking the drug.  Triggers are often a part of the flashback / recall, and are often unpredictable.

The more overtly controlling forms of W!tchcr@ft often employ triggers for exercising power over others. A very skilled W!tch can implant triggers into a target’s psyche using classical conditioning, and use these triggers to control the persons behavior. W!tches also steal joy away from restful and worshipful experiences using operant conditioning.

Feminology / W0kology implants various emotional triggers in its constituents by casting a spell of lies.

Triggers in P0rn / Sexual Semiotics

I’ve written a few posts about the encroachment of perversity before.

P0rn, as of late, is becoming psychologically sophisticated.  Aural binary beats, hypnotism, liminal conditioning, psychological triggers, and other subtle means are designed within p0rn to induce ‘sissyness’ and tr@nsgәndәr!sm in men, and ‘Bambi sleep’ (a form of gr00ming), bimbofication, and an appetite for BDSM in women.

Here are some articles about this phenomenon.

Genevieve Gluck has presented her own research on this topic in the following video.

Caution: May be NSFW.  I have not yet watched the entire video because it turns my stomach.  I may dig into it a little deeper over time.

Whose Body Is It?: The TRUTH about S!ssy Hypno P0rn with Genevieve Gluck (2021/3/27) Length: 1 hour


About Jack

Jack is a world traveling artist, skilled in trading ideas and information, none of which are considered too holy, too nerdy, nor too profane to hijack and twist into useful fashion. Sigma Frame Mindsets and methods for building and maintaining a masculine Frame
This entry was posted in Attraction, Child Development, Counterfeit/False Paradigms, Decision Making, Discerning Lies and Deception, Discernment, Wisdom, Erotic Blueprints, False Authority, Intersexual Dynamics, Introspection, Mysticism, Persuasion, Power, Psychological Disorders, Psychology, Relationships, Self-Concept, Witchcraft. Bookmark the permalink.

6 Responses to Triggers

  1. Bardelys the Magnificent says:

    This is why the Church always told us not to put any stock in dreams and apparitions, as the mind is easily tricked and we rarely remember anything accurately. Even the Apparitions at Fatima and Guadalupe are not considered canon, even though there’s lots of evidence they happened.


    • Riuoku says:

      Way too many Christians like to intoxicate themselves with prophecies like Three Days of Darkness, instead of focusing on what really matters. I was like this myself, since I am a Catholic, I even went to Medjugorje (which was proven to be either fake or demonic). People are not warned enough that any apparitions should be taken with extreme caution. Demons are intelligent, and know that it is an easy way to sway religious people.

      I was taught that before modernists took over the Vatican, Catholics used to very carefully scrutinize any reported apparitions, for reasons stated above. Not so much anymore. While the Medugorje is not officialy approved by the Vatican, it was highly supported by John Paul II. One of many reasons to stay away from the Vatican. If you are Catholic, I highly suggest switching to SSPX.


  2. Tomb Refugee says:

    I’ve never been a subject, but I’ve seen clinical hypnosis done several times, and it always felt deeply disturbing, like a betrayal of trust. I can tell you it won’t work on everyone, not by a long shot, but there’s not enough room on a blog to discuss how various elements of it work. It’s a nasty form of manipulation in my book.


  3. Info says:

    The Sorcery itself is very dangerous and deadly. Like drugs. Should be observed 2nd or third hand.


  4. Pingback: Summary of the W!tchy War on Masculinity | Σ Frame

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