Glorifying God in the Flesh

Whatever you do, do it for Jesus.

Readership: All
Theme: Glory
Author’s Note: This essay was submitted by WhiteGuy1 on 2023/3/6.  Edited with section titles and images added by Jack.
Length: 1,200 words
Reading Time: 4 minutes

Good afternoon, Gentlemen!

Jack asked me to write something about Glory, and I responded quickly and with enthusiasm.  BUT, as I started down the path of actually putting my thoughts to ‘paper’ I pulled up short.  The task is not as simple as first glance. 

So I’m gonna take a swing at this, I’m probably going to fall flat on my face, but isn’t that the purpose of this blog?  To think about things, debate, and argue with other men to get to the TRUTH?  Iron sharpens iron and all that. 

Since I’m an engineer by trade, lets see if we can get to the fundamentals and then build something actionable, because studying without action is just navel gazing, be it spiritual or otherwise, and I LOATH MEN like that.


Glorify, transitive VERB (meaning ACTION you navel gazers!)

to make glorious by bestowing honor, praise, or admiration

Hmmm…  Well, how am I gonna do this without having that person in front of me?  I mean I can bow to a king, sing his praises, fall on my face, go to where he’s at and say all these things.  Kinda hard since he’s not “here” walking the earth.  ACTION!  Remember?

So let me take another swing at this.

Why were we placed on this earth?  Why was I born, why were you born? 

everyone who is called by my name,
whom I created for my glory,
whom I formed and made.

Isaiah 43:7 (ESV)

Well that’s pretty simple, I was created and formed and made to glorify God.

So how do a I, a man, given a body, soul and spirit, glorify my Creator? 

He must have made a way a simpleton like me could Glorify a infinite being.  How do I know this?

Righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne;
steadfast love and faithfulness go before you.

Psalm 89:14 (ESV)

So we’ve established that God created us to glorify him, and he’s a just God.  So the logical conclusion is that he equipped me glorify him.  He wouldn’t give me a task without giving me the tools to do it right?

God has equipped each of us with a unique set of tools to glorify Him.

Now a quick side bar, for those who look onto others with envy or jealously about how God made another man.  Seriously, God made you exactly the way He wanted to. He doesn’t make mistakes, so why are looking at another man wishing you had what he was gifted with?  Don’t let pride or envy get in the way of doing right. This is like stepping on your own Johnson! It hurts and doesn’t do you any good. 

Let’s look at these tools. We all have skills, strengths, and of course, weaknesses.  Let’s call these our earthly gifts.  I might not be able to compose a symphony like Beethoven, but I’ll bet I can dig a better ditch and probably faster than he could.  Does that make him greater than me?  Well… yeah, if the contest is who can write better music.  Or on the flip side, if it’s about who can dig a deeper hole, I could kick his @ss!

But that’s not what we are talking about.  God is a just God. He grades each of us individually.  Each of us are given a set of basic tools in this life, and what he does to improve and strengthen them is what is important.  I view these earthly gifts like genetic traits.  You are given the basics; God expects you to do something with them… like to glorify Him.

Bring forth the blind people that have eyes, and the deaf that have ears. ~ Isaiah 43:8 (ESV)

How Does a Man Glorify God in the Flesh?

We might be astounded at the esoteric grandeur of this seemingly monumental task, but I think it’s really not that difficult to understand.

Let’s say there is a man who is 6’10” and has excellent eye-hand coordination, but he sits around smoking weed and playing video games until he dies.  Everyone would say he “wasted his life”.  Maybe.

OTOH, let’s say the same man develops the basics that God gave him and he plays for the NBA.  But just like many men in the NBA, he becomes a man who wallows in sin and is a total degenerate.  We would say he wasted his life just as much, in spite of his accomplishments.

Now let’s flip the script.  The same man plays for the NBA and thanks God for the gifts He gave him on national television.  Then I would say, yep!  He used the gifts God gave him to fulfill his purpose on earth.

So here is the actional task.  God gave you something you are good at, music, organizing, post hole digging, building, art, basketball, photography, endurance (you can work like steam piston all day).  Whatever skill that is, develop that, take pride in what you build on God’s given foundation, quietly thank God for what he gave you, and SHARE IT WITH THE WORLD.  This is one of the ways you can glorify God.

Andre Iguodola, Christian NBA Basketball player.
Image Source: WayNation: 5 Players in the NBA Who Have Spoken About Their Faith (2018/5/31)

Let me give you a personal example.  I have an eye for photography.  I’m good enough that I could quit being an engineer and do photography full time.  I didn’t get to this level on the first day.  I had to practice.  A LOT!  I’ve taken 10’s of thousands of pictures to become this good. 

But how I do I choose to use this physical gift?  I capture those precious moments of friends and family and give it to them, for free!  Why?  Because I want to share what God gave me.  Because it shows He gave me something and I’m using it!  But this is just one of the many ways I give glory to God.  I do the very best I can in my actions, knowing in my heart and mind that God gave me this gift to Glorify Him.


Boiling it down to it’s essence, God made YOU to glorify Him.  He gave YOU all the building blocks to do this.  Figure out where your foundation is strongest (remember, the Perfect Creator knows what He gave you) and build up from there.

“So then, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.”

1st Corinthians 10:31 (ESV)

It doesn’t matter what it is, music composition, ditch digging, taking pictures, investigative journalism, or whatever…  Anything!

Image Source: 4 Brother’s Blog: Digging Ditches to Be Happy (2016/11/13)

Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might, for there is no work or thought or knowledge or wisdom in Sheol, to which you are going.

Ecclesiastes 9:10 (ESV)

Build it up to the best of your abilities.

23 Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, 24 knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward.  You are serving the Lord Christ.

Colossians 3:23-24 (ESV)

Show people what God made you to do, bless the lives of others, and always give Him all the credit and praise.

And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.

Colossians 3:17 (ESV)

If you always remember where this gift came from, then you will be glorifying God to best of your fleshly body.

I haven’t gone into the spiritual side of things on purpose.  That will be the next action plan. 


About Jack

Jack is a world traveling artist, skilled in trading ideas and information, none of which are considered too holy, too nerdy, nor too profane to hijack and twist into useful fashion. Sigma Frame Mindsets and methods for building and maintaining a masculine Frame
This entry was posted in Agency, Attitude, Building Wealth, Collective Strength, Confidence, Decision Making, Determination, Discernment, Wisdom, Fundamental Frame, Glory, Guest Articles, Headship and Patriarchy, Holding Frame, Identity, Inner Game, Leadership, Male Power, Masculine Disciplines, Maturity, Personal Growth and Development, Models of Success, Moral Agency, Music, Perseverance, Personal Domain, Personal Presentation, Physical Training, Power, Purpose, Respect, Self-Concept, Sphere of Influence, Stewardship, The Power of God. Bookmark the permalink.

51 Responses to Glorifying God in the Flesh

  1. Rock Kitaro says:

    Nice, man! Great post!

    Liked by 4 people

    • whiteguy1 says:

      Thanks Bud.
      Jack did a good job of expounding it more at the end at backed it up with scripture. (One of my weaknesses. I know the scripture, but I don’t KNOW the scripture.)

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Oscar says:

    “Since I’m an engineer by trade…”

    What’s with all the engineers in this place (says the engineer)?

    “…let’s see if we can get to the fundamentals and then build something actionable, because studying without action is just navel gazing, be it spiritual or otherwise, and I LOATH MEN like that.”


    That’s why I’ve never been able to immerse myself in philosophy. With very few exceptions, philosophers sit around navel gazing and jaw jacking and never actually doing anything of value.

    I completely agree with Nietzsche that people can endure any “how” if they know “why”, but at some point you have to stop talking, start doing, put your ideas to the test, and evaluate how they work in the real world.

    Great post, brother.

    Liked by 5 people

    • Red Pill Apostle says:

      And yet, it is philosophers that start the movements that have been both the most uplifting and damaging in human history and sometimes a little bit of both.

      The pen is mightier than the sword for a reason and it is because ideas are where actions start. How we think drives how we feel, how we feel drives what we believe, and what we believe drives our actions.

      Almost all of us here, you, me, thedeti, Eye of Sauron, Jack, RPB, et al., have stories consistent with old philosophies being disregarded for ones that align with truth. If it were not for some men willing to pontificate via navel gazing, the road would have been longer and harder.

      I do understand what your are saying about beating a dead horse though. At some point belief has to become action or we’re in the definition of insanity. But there is a role for the philosopher because there are new men who are hungry for the lessons we take as common knowledge. I know because I talk with men who have “I’ve never thought of it that way. That’s so true.” moments quite frequently.


      • Oscar says:

        I never said philosophy is unnecessary. I said philosophers — with very few exceptions — ignore the crucial steps of practical application, evaluation, and revision. Worse still, they seldom live with the consequences of their inane ideas.

        That’s why “But that wasn’t real Communism” is a meme now.

        And by the way, same goes for theology.

        James 2:20 (NKJV)
        But do you want to know, O foolish man, that faith without works is dead?


      • Jack says:

        “But that wasn’t real Communism”

        The reason many Communist systems are a bloodbath is because…

        1– In the beginning, that’s what it takes to overthrow the ruling powers.
        2– During, that’s what it takes to get people to work when they get paid even when they don’t, just to produce stuff that is given away for free.
        3– In the end, that’s what it takes to shake people out of the delusion of “Free stuff for all” and restore a working system.

        It’s the ancient Humanitarian / Utopian lie at work, which brings the opposite of Humanitarianism and Utopianism.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Oscar says:

        True, Jack. There’s another reason. Communists see people as expendable objects whose only purpose is to be spent on whatever means are “justified” by their ends.

        Starve five million Ukrainians to death? Meh. “You gotta break some eggs to make an omelet.”

        We wouldn’t have to keep repeating this cycle if the navel gazers took their heads out of their recta for once, honestly evaluated the real world results of their ideology, and said, “That was terrible! Let’s not do that again.”

        Did I mention that I hate Commies with the visceral intensity that only originates in childhood?


      • dave sora says:

        “The pen is mightier than the sword.”

        It’s a lie. Because swords cut off demographics and demographics are destiny. Words just wear out the person who thinks the pen is mightier than the sword, and then their enemies decapitate them.


      • Aaron MacDonald says:

        Speaking of demographics, Christians and the Red Pill world appear to be cozying up to Islam in the last couple of years. With Andrew Tate and Sneako both recently converting – it’s full speed ahead.

        There are currently several towns in the UK that are Muslim majority and the USA has Dearborn Michigan.


      • info says:

        @Dave sora

        Words commanded the Soldiers of the Bolsheviks who put an end to the Russian Empire.

        The Pen of the Bureaucrat manifests itself in obedient police officers kicking down your door for violating the law written by Scholars.

        Chinese Scholar Officials never wielded the sword themselves but the subordinate Military followed their commands.


      • whiteguy1 says:

        I heard a good saying from an acquaintance of mine who studies the great books, Plato, Socrates, etc. I’m paraphrasing here… He said if a philosopher hasn’t been punched in the mouth or broken a bone at least once in his life, he isn’t worth listening to.

        Navel gazing is easy if you’ve never had to deal with reality, and a fat lip is reality.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Oscar says:

        “I heard a good saying from an acquaintance of mine who studies the great books, Plato, Socrates, etc. I’m paraphrasing here… He said if a philosopher hasn’t been punched in the mouth or broken a bone at least once in his life, he isn’t worth listening to.”

        Plato was a wrestler. Plato wasn’t even his real name. It means “broad”, as in broad shoulders. His wrestling coach gave him that nickname.


      • info says:

        “Navel gazing is easy if you’ve never had to deal with reality, and a fat lip is reality.”

        That is true. But Navel gazers have the power to implement their vision to reality through the Bureaucracy. But without having to deal with the reality themselves except through political purges.

        Lenin never led Men in Battle. Trotsky never fired a single shot himself. But they were obeyed. They organized the Men of War and won against the White faction of the Russians. Both were Intellectuals who wielded the pen and the word.

        Hence the Soviet Union came into being.


    • whiteguy1 says:

      Thanks brother.
      How can you tell you are talking to an extroverted engineer?
      He’s looking at your shoes instead of his own when he’s talking to you.

      Liked by 2 people

  3. Lastmod says:

    Sadly, the majority of men are not given the “cool gifts / skills / talents” to make the world better for God or man. Most just have a skill. Usually only one that they can do passably, combined with a decent enough work ethic to make a semblance of living of sorts.

    I remember taking some sort of “spiritual gifts” test thing at The Salvation Army. Mine? I’m the guy who has the gift of “Service” (which for the most part, means I’m taking orders from everyone else). I found it odd, that the upper level men and women seemed to have all the gifts, or if not that……. a tendency to have “most” of them or a competence for most of them. None of these folks seemed to have service, or if they did it was “service” as in being the leader telling those with Service what was needed to be done.

    I calmly commented, “If the disciples had all the gifts, talents and skills this room has, they wouldn’t have even needed Jesus or the Holy Ghost.”

    Nor did I recall a test or questionaire Paul passed around to find who had what gifts.

    I was told that “You need to be happy with your gift.”

    I have a decent work ethic, and most people do have that today, because it’s pretty much work or starve for the lower class. When $100K/year is considered a “middle class” income by any metrics for a decent life….. Well, again, most will be left out. “They are just not trying hard enough”, I suppose. So nothing special there. I can knot a tie perfectly in my sleep. What else can I do well? Nothing really.

    I don’t think an NBA player, Christian or not, is worth a a 5, 12, or 15 million dollar a year contract. That goes for all “pro sports”.

    I don’t think the head of the Boy Scout of America should be pushing an income of over a million a year. Baden Powell ran it from his home and slept in a tent with higher numbers than it has today.

    It’s difficult to give God “glory” when those all around you seem to be blessed with so much more, and you are again told, “Did you know in heaven, we will all have…. no tears / no suffering….. but you just endure”, and “When I was 6, I had a hard time too! Buck up!”

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oscar says:

      “Sadly, the majority of men are not given the “cool gifts / skills / talents” to make the world better for God or man. Most just have a skill.”

      If you think that’s insufficient, you missed the entire point of the OP. Not to mention one of the major themes of the entire Bible.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Jack says:


      “Sadly, the majority of men are not given the “cool gifts / skills / talents” to make the world better for God or man.”

      By your own estimations. Did you ever have the thought that maybe people have the gifts / skills / talents that they do because God deemed it best for reasons unknown to us (or them)? Or maybe people actually do have those “cool gifts / skills / talents” but they never develop them because they’re too worried about fitting in to the worldly life script / corporatocracy, making money, and “getting by”? IOW, they don’t trust God to provide.

      “Most just have a skill. Usually only one that they can do passably, combined with a decent enough work ethic to make a semblance of living of sorts.”

      I’m convinced everyone has something, but few really develop it to its full potential.

      “I found it odd, that the upper level men and women seemed to have all the gifts, or if not that……. a tendency to have “most” of them or a competence for most of them.”

      Did you ever have the thought that maybe that’s precisely the reason why they are “upper level”, as you put it?

      You really must read 1 Corinthians 12. I’ll copy it here just to make sure you do. Read verses 15-26 especially.

      1 Corinthians 12 (NKJV)

      Spiritual Gifts: Unity in Diversity
      1 Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I do not want you to be ignorant: 2 You know that you were Gentiles, carried away to these dumb idols, however you were led. 3 Therefore I make known to you that no one speaking by the Spirit of God calls Jesus accursed, and no one can say that Jesus is Lord except by the Holy Spirit.

      4 There are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. 5 There are differences of ministries, but the same Lord. 6 And there are diversities of activities, but it is the same God who works all in all. 7 But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all: 8 for to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, to another the word of knowledge through the same Spirit, 9 to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healings by the same Spirit, 10 to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another discerning of spirits, to another different kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues. 11 But one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually as He wills.

      Unity and Diversity in One Body
      12 For as the body is one and has many members, but all the members of that one body, being many, are one body, so also is Christ. 13 For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body — whether Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or free — and have all been made to drink into one Spirit. 14 For in fact the body is not one member but many.

      15 If the foot should say, “Because I am not a hand, I am not of the body,” is it therefore not of the body? 16 And if the ear should say, “Because I am not an eye, I am not of the body,” is it therefore not of the body? 17 If the whole body were an eye, where would be the hearing? If the whole were hearing, where would be the smelling? 18 But now God has set the members, each one of them, in the body just as He pleased. 19 And if they were all one member, where would the body be?

      20 But now indeed there are many members, yet one body. 21 And the eye cannot say to the hand, “I have no need of you”; nor again the head to the feet, “I have no need of you.” 22 No, much rather, those members of the body which seem to be weaker are necessary. 23 And those members of the body which we think to be less honorable, on these we bestow greater honor; and our unpresentable parts have greater modesty, 24 but our presentable parts have no need. But God composed the body, having given greater honor to that part which lacks it, 25 that there should be no schism in the body, but that the members should have the same care for one another. 26 And if one member suffers, all the members suffer with it; or if one member is honored, all the members rejoice with it.

      27 Now you are the body of Christ, and members individually. 28 And God has appointed these in the church: first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, administrations, varieties of tongues. 29 Are all apostles? Are all prophets? Are all teachers? Are all workers of miracles? 30 Do all have gifts of healings? Do all speak with tongues? Do all interpret? 31 But earnestly desire the best gifts. And yet I show you a more excellent way.

      Anyone reading this should pray and ask God to help you identify, develop, and use your spiritual gifts for His glory.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Lastmod says:

        “Did you ever have the thought that maybe that’s precisely the reason why they are “upper level”, as you put it?”

        So God gave lots of talents to you. Gives the guy who hands out the programs on Sundays none, but “He should be grateful for all that he has, and all the great things God has given him.”

        And then, said dude who has none or nothing “useful” is told, “He has to buck up / learn game / keep a rock solid frame / do this / do that …”

        You expect him to pull himself up by bootstraps and do exactly what you have achieved, when you were WAY above in intellect, and everything else…. But “God loves this guy just as much as he loves you.” I doubt you consider him as “blessed” and “just as good as you.”


      • Oscar says:


        “So God gave lots of talents to you. Gives the guy who hands out the programs on Sundays none.”

        You’re lying to yourself when you say that God gives some men no talents. God gives everyone something (Matthew 25:14-30).

        More importantly, you’re doing exactly what the OP warned you to not do (again, missing the point). Why are you focusing on what God gave others instead of focusing on how you can use the blessings God gave you for His glory?

        I have news for you, Jason. God gave lots of talents to you. He blessed you with many blessings others never got. Your contempt for the gifts God blessed you with is a major source of your misery.

        Grateful people are happier and healthier than ungrateful people. That’s not my opinion, it’s an easily observable empirical fact.

        Harvard Health Publishing: Giving thanks can make you happier (2021/8/14)

        Now you have a choice. You can start being grateful for all the gifts God gave you (including the ones you squandered), ask Him to forgive you for despising His blessings, and be happier for the years you have left, or you can keep being envious, ungrateful, contemptuous, and miserable.

        Your choice.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Lastmod says:

        No Oscar,

        It’s your choice. You decide which gifts are okay, or which ones are a blessing. You guys seem to have them all while the rest of the men have to “pray really hard” and “discover” which gifts they have, and then…… if they are not mastered, that’s a sin too… or not utilized in your life mission and purpose by age 12 or whatever…… “You failed!!!”

        I dutifully sat in a church every week for over a decade. I used the gift I was TOLD I had. I couldn’t decide for myself which one I had…… That’s reserved for men like you. Egos the size of God.

        All the gift did was make me “miserable” because the men like you, who seem to know everything, would still tell me I was “doing it wrong”.

        The skills I have are useless for the “glory of god”.

        I know I might as well be speaking a local dialect of Welsh to you. You won’t get it and even if you try…… your behavior here towards me would still slam me for getting it wrong. It’s pointless.


      • Jack says:


        “I used the gift I was TOLD I had. I couldn’t decide for myself which one I had…… That’s reserved for men like you. Egos the size of God.”

        The whole purpose of taking a spiritual gifts inventory like the one you took with the Salvation Army, and the reason why St. Paul wrote three chapters to describe spiritual gifts in 1 Corinthians 12-14, is because this knowledge does not come intuitively.

        1 Corinthians 13:12 (ESV)
        For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known.

        We don’t get to “decide” which gifts we have. We only get to discover them, usually through the observations of others. If someone takes the time to objectively examine your spiritual constitution and help you see these things about yourself, then that is an act of brotherly lovingkindness. But instead of getting to know yourself better, you reject their insights and dismiss them as egocentric.

        James 1:23-24 (ESV)
        23 For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man who looks intently at his natural face in a mirror. 24 For he looks at himself and goes away and at once forgets what he was like.

        Who is really egocentric here? In the future, please project a little brighter so that your hypocrisy reflects back on yourself with blinding intensity and becomes more evident to yourself.


      • Oscar says:


        “The skills I have are useless for the “glory of god”…”

        Once again, you’re actively choosing to lie to yourself, wallow in self pity, despise the gifts God gave you, envy other men, blame other men, seethe with hatred towards your fellow man, blame God, and reject repentance, forgiveness, grace, gratitude, and happiness.

        That’s why you’re angry, bitter, lonely, and miserable.

        I have great news for you, though. When Jesus returns to judge the living and the dead, you’ll get to tell Him face to face how the gifts He gave you are “useless for the ‘glory of god’”. Good luck with that.

        For everyone else reading, if you want to end up like Jason — angry, bitter, lonely, and miserable — then behave like Jason. If that is not what you want, then you might want to consider a different path.


      • Lastmod says:

        You still don’t get it.

        Jesus is not going to talk to every person that ever lived who knew Him or not and ask, “What did you do with the gift(s) I gave you?”

        That’s a foolish statement. He knows anyway what you did and didn’t do, before you even knew what you were going to do or not do. Jesus is well aware of who is going to be with Him or not. He knew the second you were born or conceived. He has zero reason to “judge” on our gifts or lack thereof. A grandious judgement of the the living and the dead is moot and pointless for him. What? Am I gonna “change His mind” when he already knew???


        He already made the choice and he already knows. Heaven will be a few people, hell is gonna be crowded and many christians are going to be very surprised they are there.

        Lonely? Yeah….. always was alone. When you breathe your last, turn cold and die, you’ll be facing that alone-ness too. Bitter? Once, at one time I was. Not really now, but you’ll disagree and you will be believed because you have an Ego the size of God. Miserable? No. Not miserable. Life is probably the best it has been for me since my college years, despite everything.

        So the advice to not be like me? Well, I got clean and sober. No big deal, easy for anyone to do. Nothing of worth in that right? Being productive, paying my taxes so you can get a military pension is better than not being productive. Staying out of trouble. I have done this well. I will never be arrested again for stupid stuff (mouthing off to police / failure to pay taxes).


      • Jack says:


        You still don’t get it.

        “Jesus is not going to talk to every person that ever lived who knew Him or not and ask, “What did you do with the gift(s) I gave you?”

        Actually, that’s exactly what will happen, only it will be God the Father, not Jesus. Jesus is our mediator. That’s why it’s called the Last Judgment. It’s better to face this question now while you can still do something about it, rather than to wait until you are held accountable for what you didn’t do. That’s foolishness.

        “He knows anyway what you did and didn’t do, before you even knew what you were going to do or not do. Jesus is well aware of who is going to be with Him or not. […] What? Am I gonna “change his mind” when He already knew???”

        The point of this exercise is not whether we can change God’s mind, but whether we are willing to change our own. That’s called repentance. However, God has been known to change His mind in response to an earnest petition from the righteous, so it doesn’t hurt to ask.

        “Well, I got clean and sober. […] Being productive, paying my taxes … is better than not being productive. Staying out of trouble. I have done this well. I will never be arrested again for stupid stuff (mouthing off to police / failure to pay taxes).”

        I do not mean to discount the progress God has made in your life in getting you free from addiction. But you have only done what any person is supposed to do to live a normal life. Your recovery from addiction was an act of God, and yet you claim to have done it all by yourself. That’s Egocentric! You need to ask yourself, “What have I done for God in response to His love for me?” It is not to prove yourself worthy of salvation, but to express your appreciation to God.

        Instead of mocking WhiteGuy1 et al. for sharing photos, etc. (comments which I kept in moderation), tell us what you have done to glorify God. You can start by giving God credit for your recovery from addiction.


    • catacombresident says:

      Could I also add that the purpose of our gifts is not to make the world a better place? This world is doomed and slated for destruction. It cannot be made better. Gifts are given solely at God’s discretion for His glory. The only thing we can do that makes a difference is glorify Him.

      Liked by 2 people

      • info says:

        It’s to lay down the foundations of God’s Kingdom. And those works will endure because they are of God and for God.


      • whiteguy1 says:

        Ding Ding, we have a winner for tonight’s Eeyore award gents. I mean DUH we live in a fallen world, doesn’t mean I’m not going to plant flowers, build a garden, push back against the chaos and destruction that’s around. I’m glorifying the Creator when I do that!
        You’ve earned yourself a homework assignment for catacomb.
        Read the book of Ecclesiastes all the way through tonight, and get back to us.
        No black pilling around here.
        (Though if you want to walk around in a hair shirt and beat yourself with a cane, well I hope you have fun)


      • Aaron MacDonald says:

        “Could I also add that the purpose of our gifts is not to make the world a better place?”

        They are to make other people’s lives better. Bring some joy, kindness to them. Bring some of God’s love to them.


      • catacombresident says:

        All three of you are wrong. I won’t bother to debate with fools who don’t understand that the greatest victory of all was Jesus’ death on the Cross. There is nothing more to say.


    • whiteguy1 says:

      LastMod, I was thinking about you specifically when I wrote this! One of my childhood friends is a DJ on the weekends, he does it for his church and his kids friends! But ya know what, I consider that a cool gift! I don’t know how y’all do it, keep two different beats/songs/going at the same time and transition from one to the other, keeping the crowd ‘moving’.

      If you noticed I said nothing of ‘spiritual’ gifts! It’s about earthly gifts on this one. What the salvation army (and a lot of works based churches, say are ‘gifts of service’ really means is “we need cheap/free labor”. I loath those people too.

      Liked by 3 people

    • locustsplease says:

      Milton Cooper said sports are Cesar’s circus. It’s designed to keep u entertained so you won’t battle Cesar. Phony wars drama endless talk shows dedicated to sports. Pro sports force tax payers to build their 1bil stadiums just for the honor of having them. They don’t actually make a profit or have any expenses. All the money they make then gets dumped on players. If they had to pay for their own facilities they would make 200k. Patrick mahomes makes a mil per week. There is zero chance he generates that much revenue. And still a whole team to pay.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Lastmod says:

        I’m a baseball fan. I don’t know all the stats. I don’t know what record each player has when they step up to bat. I can’t name who was the MVP of the 1964 World Series….

        But the sound that I will take to the grave is…. that hit of a ball on a bat under cloudless, brassy blue, 1970’s Kodak skies, then a roar of the crowd.

        Something about it just seems normal and natural to me. Something pure and real about it.

        I still go to games, but I am tired of all the pink gear for supporting breast cancer (even though prostate cancer is a silent killer of men). “What?!? You don’t like boobies???? What kind of h0m0 are you???” I hate every inning or pitch now sponsored by Pepsi, or Budweiser, or Tampax. I’m tired of being lectured by players about social / political stances and also told by same players when they get pushed into an uncomfortable position, “Oh, I’m here to play baseball, and you’re politicizing it!”

        I’m tired of owners / team mangement giving ultimatums. “Build us a new stadium or we’re LEAVING!!!”

        And I am tired of 36 million dollar a year contracts while I have to pay $8.50 for a Pepsi, $12.00 for some fries, $5.00 for a small bag of peanuts, and the ticket…. I have to drop $70.00 to $100.00 and pay $20.00 for parking.

        It’s been ruined, and it was such a great Victorian sport. You could forget about anything on a lazy summer afternoon at a baseball game. Now, you’re reminded what you owe thses players. “Autograph? $50.00, and you have to sign a waiver online with an app that you pay for.”

        Better to just stay home and listen to it on the radio. The last place where a small talent of calling the game is still needed.

        Liked by 3 people

      • locustsplease says:

        I was tired of breast cancer awareness 10yrs ago. They are just trying to get men to emasculate themselves. The towns’ mayors want pro sports to elevate themselves personally. There is no cost benefit; maybe they break even. My local college builds their own stadiums and facilities with private donations and media deals. Doesn’t cost students or tax payers anything, then the amount of people it brings does help local businesses.

        The NFL only grossed $2.7 billion in 2022. The Big 10 Conference will soon have a $100 million per year per team media deal. That does not include ticket sales, food, clothes, etc. And Big 10 teams don’t have $50 million to pay 1 player. Or several hundred million deals. The money just isn’t there. It’s smaller than the SEC and Big 10 combined.


  4. Pingback: On Public Education 2 : Charter Schools | okrahead

  5. whiteguy1 says:

    Aaron, way to stay on topic…

    I hope it’s clear to everyone that Aaron is a chick who wants to be in Andrew T@ter’s harem as a Muslim side piece because she married an Indian dude and he dumped her.

    Do you get paid by the word or post when you are trolling?

    Liked by 1 person

  6. info says:

    While the damage from transgenderism may be irreversible. Jesus still redeems:


  7. thedeti says:


    Because an Oscar-Jason p!ssing match brings God soooo much glory.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Pingback: Glorifying God through Obedience | Σ Frame

  9. info says:

    Because of the multi-layered nature of reality. So many things can go wrong in so many ways and go so right in many ways. Because of the fall, some of us are blind or need glasses / contact lenses and lasik, or are deaf, or so many other shortcomings that come with corruption in our genetic code.

    Yet despite this, the original intention of God is still there that gives us unique skills and abilities. Which would still be true absent the fall.


  10. Pingback: The Glorious Warlord | Σ Frame

  11. Pingback: Glorifying God through Spiritual Gifts | Σ Frame

  12. Pingback: Concluding Statements on Glory | Σ Frame

  13. Pingback: Christ is in You | Σ Frame

  14. Pingback: The Battle Within | Σ Frame

  15. Pingback: Why Do Men Need Visions and Dreams? | Σ Frame

  16. Pingback: The Cold Christian Shoulder | Σ Frame

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