Synopsis of Sacramental Marriage

Links to posts.

Readership: Christians
Theme: Church Policy and Sacramental Marriage
 700 words
Reading Time: 3 minutes


The average number of views per day for this series jumped 27.1% compared to the previous month, indicating that men are intensely interested in figuring out the fundamental truths of marriage.

Even though it’s been a Pandora’s Box of contention, overall, this series has accomplished my intended goal of further understanding Sacramental Marriage as a construct. Other highlights include further insights on the Sex = Marriage paradigm and how marriage regulations have shaped the modern age.  Also, we have made some small progress on establishing an ecumenical discussion of such things.  IMO, the latter development is probably more important than the former in terms of being able to move the discussion forward.

Index of Posts

Posts included in this theme are listed below.

  1. Σ Frame: Cathodoxy’s Sacramental Marriage Construct (2023/5/29)
  2. Σ Frame: Regulations vs. Reality (2023/5/30)
  3. Σ Frame: The Necessity of Requirements for Sacramental Marriage (2023/6/1)
  4. Σ Frame: Church shouldn’t be an Elite Social Club for the Married (2023/6/2)
  5. Σ Frame: Are Common-Law Marriages the most Biblical? (2023/6/3)
  6. Σ Frame: Bridal Charades (2023/6/4)
  7. Σ Frame: Divided We Fall (2023/6/6)
  8. Σ Frame: The Peaceful Unity Marriage Model (2023/6/7)
  9. Σ Frame: Gentile Authority vs. Genuine Authority (2023/6/10)
  10. Σ Frame: A Concise History of Marriage Regulations (2023/6/12)
  11. Σ Frame: Superposition (2023/6/14)
  12. Σ Frame: Apostolic Apostasy (2023/6/16)
  13. Σ Frame: Ecumenical Translations (2023/6/18)
  14. Σ Frame: Sacramental Soteriology (2023/6/19)
  15. Σ Frame: The Mystery of Glorifying a Provision for the Flesh (2023/6/20)
  16. Σ Frame: Summary of Sex = Marriage vs. Church/State Sanctioned Marriage (2023/6/21)
  17. Σ Frame: Expectations, Laws, and Policies regarding Marriage (2023/6/22)
  18. Σ Frame: Meta Cognitions (2023/6/23)
  19. Σ Frame: Synopsis of Sacramental Marriage (2023/6/25)

Ed Hurst has written several posts that coincide with the topics and discussions at Σ Frame.

  1. Radix Fidem: There Is No Sacrament (2023/5/15)
  2. Radix Fidem: Covering Differences (2023/5/27)
  3. Radix Fidem: Radix Fidem and Weddings (2023/6/3)
  4. Radix Fidem: Evangelistic Arrogance (2023/6/7)
  5. Radix Fidem: Introducing Derek Ramsey (2023/6/8)
  6. Radix Fidem: Dealing with Allies (2023/6/12)

Catacomb Resident has also published a number of closely related posts.

  1. Catacomb Resident: Church Offices and Roles (2023/5/28)
  2. Catacomb Resident: The Fundamental Law (2023/6/2)
  3. Catacomb Resident: Covenant Warfare (2023/6/9)
  4. Catacomb Resident: Humility and Privilege (2023/6/12)
  5. Catacomb Resident: Maybe You Will (2023/6/13)
  6. Catacomb Resident: How Did We Get Here?  Part 1 (2023/6/14)
  7. Catacomb Resident: How Did We Get Here?  Part 2 (2023/6/15)
  8. Catacomb Resident: How Did We Get Here?  Part 3 (2023/6/16)
  9. Catacomb Resident: How Did We Get Here?  Part 4 (2023/6/17)
  10. Catacomb Resident: Making Marriage Work (2023/6/23)

The first 5 posts describe covenant life as expressed in a church fellowship.  This gives us an idea of the basic form a Christian community should take, to be contrasted against our common notions of church.  The 4 post mini-series is a commentary about Church / ecclesiastical history.

Over at Christianity and Masculinity, DeepStrength has written a couple insightful commentaries that are a must read.

  1. Christianity and Masculinity: Headship with Gentile and Genuine authority discernment (2023/6/9)
  2. Christianity and Masculinity: Moral agency and sex define a marriage (2023/6/14)

The second post explains how moral agency is a key component of marriage. I’ll add that this emphasizes the importance of vetting women according to their level of moral agency / spiritual maturity.

Other responses from around the ‘sphere.

And no epic saga would be complete without a formidable antagonist! Academic laureate honors belong to Derek L. Ramsey, Aristotelian philosopher extraordinaire and the godfather of Wikipedia, who contributed impeccable and inscrutable answers to all our questions in his own mysterious ways.  He has written a considerable number of posts in response to the discussions here, including the following of note.

  1. Derek L. Ramsey: Axioms of Faith (2023/6/5)
  2. Derek L. Ramsey: Why is the Sacrament of Marriage Important? (2023/6/13)
  3. Derek L. Ramsey: Sacraments are the Reason for the Priesthood (2023/6/13)
  4. Derek L. Ramsey: What is Grace? (2023/6/14)
  5. Derek L. Ramsey: Soteriology (2023/6/20)
  6. Derek L. Ramsey: Marriage isn’t Magic (2023/6/21)
  7. Derek L. Ramsey: Unity in the Church (2023/6/22)

For those interested in reading high brow doctrinal dialectics, more of his Protestant polemics can be found on Roman Catholicism and other topics.

Closing Statements

For the time being, I have nothing further to write about this theme, so next week we’ll start the theme I had originally planned for June: Honoring Fathers — a theme that was requested by Oscar.


About Jack

Jack is a world traveling artist, skilled in trading ideas and information, none of which are considered too holy, too nerdy, nor too profane to hijack and twist into useful fashion. Sigma Frame Mindsets and methods for building and maintaining a masculine Frame
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2 Responses to Synopsis of Sacramental Marriage

  1. Pingback: In Trouble Again (Really, It’s Not My Fault) | okrahead

  2. Pingback: The Effect of Theology on Relationships | Σ Frame

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