Mandated Agricultural Failures

International Standards and Technology impose more burden than benefit.

Readership: All
Theme: Political Shenanigans
Length: 1,500 words
Reading Time: 5 minutes + 11:29 minute video

Readers have probably seen the stories about recent events in Holland, Sri Lanka, and other countries, but not much has been said about how all these events are related.  This post will attempt to connect the dots and construct a frame of reference that may be helpful to the reader’s understanding of these issues.

Environmental Mandates in Underdeveloped Countries

Over the past few years, many countries around the world, with an especially large number of South-Asian and South-East Asian countries, are making extremely intense efforts to improve their agricultural industries, reduce pollution, and construct various infrastructures (roads, water, power generation systems, electrical grids, etc.).

Many of these projects are planned, funded, and managed by Western entities such as IEA, WHO, and the World Bank.  Many others, predominantly those in Africa, are supported by Chinese tech firms and brokerage investments. As part of these agreements, specific goals are implemented in an effort to match what is being called “international standards”, which is a nice way to describe a carbon copy of the wealthy, materialistic, post-industrial, technologically advanced West.

Many countries enter into these international agreements in good faith and for many reasons.

  • They’re seeking to establish good business relations and trade with foreign countries.
  • They wish to build a stronger tourism industry.
  • Some are facing dire situations.  For example, the water pollution and water shortage in Bangladesh are problems addressed by these projects.
  • So called “developing” nations are inspired to go along with these programs because they’re star struck by the dream of making their own country as materialistic, sophisticated, and technologically advanced as the U.S. and Europe.

For example, the Indonesian government is playing by the international guidelines with an eye on health and environmental preservation.  The Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture Regulation No. 43 of 2019 concerning Pesticides (MOA Reg. 43/2019) stipulates that pesticides should be classified based on their hazard level, which are further divided into prohibited and non-prohibited hazardous pesticides.  Prohibited pesticides cannot be used as determined by their active ingredients or additives or based on test results.  These prohibitions and standard tests are based on international criteria such as those set out by the Food and Agriculture Organization, the International Agency for Research on Cancer, the World Health Organization Joint Meeting on Pesticide Residues, and the Stockholm Convention (article 10 (2) of MOA Reg. 43/2019).

Farmers are busting their donkeys in a diligent effort to make it work.  Sri Lanka also joined Indonesia in this experiment, with similar outcomes, except that the Sri Lankan economy is so small that it cannot shoulder that kind of debt, resulting in a crisis situation.  Whoops!  Well, not every culture is worthy of “democracy”. Countries deserve the governments they have, and all that, right?

Some countries are, in effect, offered investment funds on the condition that certain environmental protocols are adhered to, such that the environment improves and does not degrade, which for some nations, is an impossible task.

Image Source: S. A. Sarkodie, Vladimir Strezov, “Effect of foreign direct investments, economic development and energy consumption on greenhouse gas emissions in developing countries”, Science of The Total Environment 646:1 (2019) 862-871.  (DOI)

Some governments (e.g. Indonesia, Malaysia) recognize the disconnect and are paying farmers subsidies until sustainability can be achieved.

OTOH, less developed countries that don’t join these programs are placed at a disadvantage.  They can’t receive investment funding, they can’t get preferred trading deals with foreign countries, and they cannot depend on foreign help to address dire emergency situations.  Without this regular economic activity, cooperation, and influx, their economies languish as others surge on.

Where is all this money coming from?  Uncle Sham, of course!  Japan, China, ASEAN, and Holland (!!!) are also big players. Fiat loans are given freely, and the responsibility to pay them back in real cash falls on the little people.

Little do they know that it’s all built on debt – debt that will soon transform their ancient societies into fawning pawns of the Western PTB.

This is the 21st century version of colonialism — economic entrepreneurship and political alliances, not done by force of arms, but through the lure of $$$ and “modernization”.

Environmental Mandates in Developed Countries

Holland appears to be an extreme outlier, compared to all the other nations in these various agro-economic renovation plans.  This is because Holland is a country that is already well developed, perhaps more so than many other European countries, so they don’t possess the starry eyed dream of obtaining all the trappings of American wealth.  The Dutch have less to gain, and more to pay for all of these experiments.  In fact, Holland is one of the top five countries making foreign direct investments. And since they’re already liberalized, they’re not strongly averse to protesting.

American farmers are not exempt from the pressure either.  Although they have long been following U.S. guidelines regarding fertilizers and pesticides, they are increasingly faced with technological problems related to farm machinery which are increasingly being controlled by cloud-based computerized operating systems.  When these systems break down, and they frequently do, then farmers must call a technician to come to their farm and pay large sums for their services.  The frequency and ubiquity of this problem is forcing many farmers to demand ownership rights and user policies that would allow them to modify these programs and how they are implemented in their equipment.

Farmers Are Hacking Their Tractors Because of a Repair Ban (2020-3-4) Length: 11:29

If the technological bottlenecks prove to be too slow in corraling the beast of burden, then a spate of explosions at oil/gas facilities or pipelines and mysterious fires at food processing plants should do the trick.


So far, all of this sounds wonderful, doesn’t it?  There’s just not much to criticize.  Poor countries are getting investment funding for all sorts of projects that will make life better and more humane for everyone.  The poor are being westernized and democratized.  Right?  Demarxocracy is prospering.  Soon the Liberal Utopia can be (almost) instantly realized!

The underlying problem here is that all these high technology, natural, “green”, new, or return-to-nature methods didn’t come about naturally as a natural result of the natural development of a green partnership between business and industry themselves, but were mandated into place by carrot-on-the-stick policies outlined by thinkbanks and imposed by governments enviously eyeing incentives offered by the World Bank.  As such, there is a major disjoint between the theory and practice, and this disjoint looks quite different for each country. In some countries, farmers continue to trust their governments and are doubling down to make ends meet out of service to their country. In other areas of the world, farmers are drawing a line and shoving off the grand flying flaxseed.

So the real news is not the riots or fuel shortages (move along, nothing to see here), but that all of these worthy projects are experimental in nature, and like most other environmental and social issues, it looks much better on paper than it does in practice.  But tedious facts don’t make a heart tugging liberal news story that could draw public sympathies.

Of course, foreign bankers and the cognitive elite know much more about farming in Indonesia (or wherever) than Indonesian farmers do.  So we must be ejumacated and told that…

  • It will take some time for “organic” farming to produce the total yields that nasty chemical farming did in the past.
  • It will take some time for farmers to reformulate their agricultural strategies and techniques, and it will take some more time for them to recoup their losses.
  • It will take some time before “green” energy can produce enough power to support the grid (unless we “cheat” by redefining natural gas and nuclear energy as “green”).
  • It will also take some time for 92.54% of the human population to die off.

So we must be patient!

Illustration by Nicolás Ortega for Foreign Policy.

In the meantime, we must swallow the Paper Marxism (in the form of agreements, contracts, fiat loans, mandates, policies, promissory notes, proprietary computerized equipment, environmental regulations, etc.) in the hope that the bureaucracy will keep everyone dutifully employed running this juggernaut, and everything will eventually work out for the benefit of those at the helm.

If only those #@%& farmers would stop blocking traffic, playing with goats, rioting, etc. and do it the right way this time!


  1. Inside Indonesia: In search of sustainable farming (2010-9-5)
  2. Mongabay News: For Indonesian farmers used to ‘instant’ results, going organic is a tough sell (2021-11-2)
  3. Foreign Policy: Sri Lanka Organic Farming Crisis (2022-3-5)
  4. Patriactionary: Hoorah, Holland! (2022-7-3)
  5. Okrahead: Hunger Yes, Games No – Part 1 (2022-7-4)
  6. Patriactionary: Holland heating up! (2022-7-4)
  7. Patriactionary: Go, Dutch! (2022-7-5)
  8. Practical Eschatology: The Peasants Are Revolting In The Netherlands (2022-7-6)
  9. Sp!ked: A people’s revolt against eco-tyranny (2022-7-6)
  10. Vox Popoli: Dutch Uprising (2022-7-6)
  11. Practical Eschatology: Things Heat Up In The Netherlands (2022-7-7)
  12. Vox Popoli: The Dutch Farmer Rebellion (2022-7-7)
  13. Okrahead: Hunger Yes, Games No – Part 2 (2022-7-8)
  14. Patriactionary: Inspiring Dutchmen! (2022-7-8)
  15. Patriactionary: Farmers rising up in Italy, Poland, too! (2022-7-8)
  16. Gunner Q2: The Centrally Planned Starvation Of Sri Lanka (2022-7-12)

About Jack

Jack is a world traveling artist, skilled in trading ideas and information, none of which are considered too holy, too nerdy, nor too profane to hijack and twist into useful fashion. Sigma Frame Mindsets and methods for building and maintaining a masculine Frame
This entry was posted in Building Wealth, Collective Strength, Conspiracy Theories, Cultural Differences, Culture Wars, Elite Cultural Influences, Government, Holding Frame, International, Models of Failure, News Critique, Politics, Power, Satire, Science, Socio-Economic Class Studies, Trust, Zeitgeist Reports. Bookmark the permalink.

25 Responses to Mandated Agricultural Failures

  1. Lexet Blog says:

    I’m working on a post about rising beef prices. It’s absolutely insane how we are intentionally screwing ourselves.


  2. Lexet Blog says:

    Right to repair advocates are trying to make it easier to repair machinery. As it stands now, you can only rely on certified techs etc. That means if you aren’t nearby a dealership or repair center, you are screwed. The world of tractors isn’t as competitive as vehicles unless multiple dealers are in the same area.

    But new environmental standards F with modern tractors like crazy. Some have these special “clean engine” programs that stop the tractor after a set time period, and the process cannot be stopped. New Holland has a few models with this tech. It f__ing sucks.

    Liked by 5 people

  3. Oscar says:

    Read Genesis 47:13-26 for a primer on how governments use crises (in this case, a famine) to enslave people.

    Of course, the famine in Genesis happened naturally. But, if there is no natural famine to exploit, creating one will work.

    Liked by 4 people

  4. feeriker says:

    What’s maddening is that the manipulation by the reigning elites is sofa king obvious, yet the normie majority still cannot (or more likely, refuses to) see it.

    Liked by 3 people

  5. Joe2 says:

    Sri Lanka’s new President will be elected through Parlimentary votes on July 20. The intent is to stabilize the country and provide leadership to the program of rebuilding the country’s economy. The SLPP government mandate is over and the SJB party will lead.

    I hope the new government can turn the economy around and alleviate the ongoing suffering in the country.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Oscar says:

    Off topic: Incrementalism works.


  7. anonymous_ng says:

    OT: Is anyone familiar with Gottman’s 8 Dates marriage advice??

    Seems like some folks at church want to go through it.

    A quick look makes it seem like it’s probably decent communication advice etc, but it seems to me more about focusing on the color of the curtains while the house burns down. I mean, sure, better communication can help, but you know what else helps, having lots of sex with one another.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oscar says:

      Sex is a form of communication. That’s why it’s called “congress”. Maybe pointing that out will get counselors to recommend it more often.

      Liked by 1 person

    • catacombresident says:

      You’ll have a tough time getting information about the Gottmans’ book without paying. Even reviewers are charging for a full review. I found a free summary here:

      My take is that it helps goofy couples who never bothered to actually talk before they got married. It’s a list of topical areas arranged as exercises with leading questions, etc. You go on a date with your spouse and sit down to chatter about these 8 different topics. I’m willing to bet half of us here could probably come up with a comparative list of things too many couples have never discussed.


  8. Oscar says:

    If you can’t starve ’em, sterilize ’em (allegedly).

    “Compared to June 2021, the birth rate [in Taiwan] in June 2022 is down by -27.66%. This is far worse than the previous month’s (May) drop of -23.34% and indicates a worsening birth rate trend.”
    “Young people were being happily vaccinated.

    The result? An “impossible” birth rate drop of -27.66% is basically a slow death sentence for the population of Taiwan, if it continues, especially combined with a 26% increase in deaths.”

    Igor’s Newsletter: Taiwan: Birth Rate Dropped -27.66% in June 2022!!! (2022-7-10)

    Did the depopulationists screw up with the shot? Because (in the States, at least) the people least likely to receive the shot are the people whom the depopulationists want dead most — conservative Christians.

    Did they inadvertently accelerate inevitable population trends?

    Liked by 2 people

    • okrahead says:

      Accelerate yes, inadvertently no.


      • Oscar says:

        Do you mean that the depopulationists want conservative Christians to outbreed, and eventually outnumber everyone else? Because that’s the demographic trend I was talking about.


    • Jack says:

      I saw Igor’s Newsletter about the birth rate in Taiwan.

      The change is not quite as drastic as it appears from reading Igor’s account, but it’s still sobering.

      The births have been decreasing compared to the previous year since mid 2020.

      The last increase compared to the previous year was in June 2021.

      Taiwan is shrinking fast!

      As for “vaccinations” in Taiwan, the entire public followed the U.S.A.’s lead in full faith — this, in spite of their stellar response to the initial outbreak. Many employers required their employees to get the shot under penalty of dismissal. My wife lost one job because she refused to do that. Her current employer doesn’t require employees to get the shot, but those who don’t are required to do a test every day and the test kit costs about USD$12. (No, the employer doesn’t cover this cost.) I even had a couple doctors lecture me about how I needed to get the shot too. Now, 83.8% of the population is “fully vaccinated”. My wife and I are the only people I know who have not got the shot. Most all my students are fully on board with it too.

      I know several people that had strange reactions to it. Some were off work for several days or looking sick and haggard for weeks. The left side of my SIL’s face was paralyzed for a few months. She couldn’t close her eye, so she had to give herself eyedrops all the time to prevent her eye from drying out. She couldn’t close her mouth, so she was drooling all the time.

      In spite of the “vaccinations”, lots of people still got covid anyway. I talked with a student who got the shot, and then contracted covid. She was convinced that the shot made it less severe and reduced her symptoms, and she was annoyed that I didn’t agree with her.

      Liked by 3 people

      • zeonicfreak says:

        Me and my family, along with a few relatives of my extended family haven’t gotten the shot. All of it was fishy from the start. The Flu shot was never pushed like the COVID one, and anyone who can see beyond the BS knows this all stinks and is fabricated to some degree.

        In terms of how ive seen people react to the shot, I have a cousin who is a long distance runner and got a hole in his lung after getting his. He’s in fantastic health and never had any health problems and that all of the sudden happens to him. One couple his wife has the shingles and she’s 30 as a reaction to it to the point she couldn’t see out of one of her eyes. An old church friend has long COVID now, and he did outdoor stuff in the mountains in Washington state with him and his wife. The list goes on and on. My thing is you know your body, why are you letting fear of some “experts” convince you to take something you personally know nothing about. I’ve had COVID twice and ive been fine, if anything it boosted my immune system where after the first time I wasn’t sick for over a year and a half till I got some minor form of it 6 months ago.

        It’s all lining up to the mark, and it seems today’s Christians don’t seem to know nor care that there is some correlation with getting the mark in Revelation. That was the instant red flag when all this was going down, and how the G-man was pushing it on everyone.

        Liked by 1 person

  9. okrahead says:

    The cutoff of Russian LNG to Europe, arranged by the EU’s own bone-headed leaders, will make the problem worse. Nearly 50% of the population relies on calories produced using artificial nitrogen fertilizers, which CANNOT be replaced with other types of fertilizers to get the same results. If there is no nitrogen fertilizer, created using the Haber-Bosch Process, society’s available food is cut by 1/2. LNG is a necessary component to produce nitrogen fertilizer; Europe’s main manufacturers are Germany, Poland, France, Belgium and the Netherlands, all of which are losing access to LNG thanks to the EU’s sanctions on Russia. I hear bureaucrat sous vide is rumored to be the new favorite dish of 2023.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Oscar says:

      There’s still a lot of coal in Europe, and where there’s coal, there’s natural gas, because the same geological processes that make coal, make natural gas. Think Pennsylvania. That’s why methane explosions are so common in coal mines.

      So, why aren’t Europeans exploiting their coal and natural gas?

      Because it makes Greta cry.


  10. Oscar says:

    On topic: this seems like it should be a bigger story.

    “Several hundred protesters shouting slogans gathered in the early morning at the entrance to a branch of the People’s Bank of China (PBOC) in Zhengzhou, a Chinese city located 380 miles southwest of Beijing, reported the AP. The protesters are among thousands of depositors who found that they could not withdraw their money from the accounts for months due to an upgrade of the bank’s internal systems, Reuters reported.”

    Daily Caller: Protests Rage As Chinese Banks Won’t Let People Withdraw Their Funds (2022-7-11)

    Is it just me, or does that sound like an excuse?


  11. Oscar says:

    Off topic: It’s a start.

    “Colleges have lost 1.3 million students in the past two years according to a report from the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center.

    According to the survey, college enrollment has decreased since the start of the COVID shutdowns with a 3.5 percent drop last spring semester and a 4.1 percent drop this most recent semester.

    This adds to an overall 9.4 percent decrease or 1.3 million enrollment drop since the spring 2020 semester before COVID lockdowns began.”

    The College Fix: College enrollment drops by 1.3 million in two years (2022-7-12)


  12. Pingback: The Power Play Tactics of Trans-National Corporations | Σ Frame

  13. Pingback: 10 Dark Aspects of Trans-National Corporations | Σ Frame

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