The Taiwanese Life Script

A glimpse of the social structure in Taiwan.

Readership: All
Reader’s Note: The author has lived in Taiwan for almost 17 years at the time of this writing.
Length: 2,600 words
Reading Time: 9 minutes

The Contribution of Asian Culture

The majority of Asian societies are patriarchal. One of the most outstanding aspects of a patriarchal society is that people are expected to be respectful towards parents, seniors, and certain other people, especially males, who hold an authoritative position, such as a supervisor, manager, business owner, teacher, professor, community leader or even simply the head of a household.

The Chinese value of Filial Piety is a good example. Generally, Filial Piety means to be good to one’s parents, to take care of them, to show love, respect and support; to display courtesy; ensure male heirs, uphold fraternity among brothers, and eschew rebellion. Children are expected to advise one’s parents wisely, support them financially, defend their reputation and sense of moral righteousness, and display sorrow for calamities afflicting the family, such as financial turmoil, sickness, and death. Filial piety also entails that one should engage in good conduct, not just towards parents, but also outside the home so as to bring a good name to one’s parents and ancestors. It is considered honorable to perform the duties of one’s job well, so as to obtain the material means to support one’s parents in old age and add to the wealth of the extended family.

Thus, those people, including women, who grow up in these societies value education and professionalism, and learn to honor and respect others. During their lives they hone these skills to a fine art. This particular aspect of eastern societies does much to set in place many of the other qualities described later.

There is also a strong sense of collectivism, so people are very sensitive about the context and implications of any particular idea. People who think or behave in any manner that is ostensibly different from the norm would typically be either rejected, or labeled as an outsider, by some definition. Family members who act unilaterally and against the interests of the larger family are blamed and ostracized until they fall in line. So, far-eastern Asians view western individualism as selfish and absolutely cannot understand it as a value.

Also, because of the pressure to conform and cooperate, the majority of Asians tend to spend more time obsessing over family interests, and since weighty matters are decided by the leading patriarch of the family, the others are free to pursue various interests that are light-weight by comparison, such as health and fitness, and following gossip and fashion trends prevalent in popular media outlets. Westerners who notice this tend to interpret it as superficiality or pretentiousness, but Asians consider it to be a psychological luxury to not have to be concerned with portentous matters.

General Goals and Values

The Taiwanese approach to success is very disciplined. Much attention and effort are devoted towards education and “bettering one’s self” usually through developing some kind of talent or useful skill. This value is connected not so much to personal development, as westerners are inclined to think, but more along the lines of attaining social pertinence, preserving financial security, and developing the ability to make important life decisions without being limited by social or financial constraints. Thus, it is understandable why young people are encouraged to pursue education and career first and foremost, and this is seen to be a foundation to which other aspects of life may be discovered and added. This emphasis is expected and fully supported by the family.  It is not uncommon for aunts and uncles to pool their money in order to allow their most promising son or daughter to study abroad.

Social Structure

In Taiwan, the social code demands that everyone, no matter what their situation in life, should find some way to “fit in” to the cultural mythos (which is based on Confucianism and Filial Piety), and not cause disturbances, inconveniences, increased expenses without a good purpose, nor make an embarrassing scene. People who contribute much, accomplish much, and/or support others, are seen as better or more honorable, and people who are what we would call “parasites” or “trouble makers” are seen as bad or low.

Men in Taiwan, young and old, are under a lot of pressure, and are rated and observed much more than women are. Women in Taiwan, as in many Asian cultures, are less valued and scrutinized than males, simply because they contribute less to the wealth and honor of the family, and instead tend to be burdensome liabilities in this respect.  Females are considered to be a man’s property, or subject to a man’s control, but it is unacceptably rude and disrespectful to women to talk about it in these terms.

Westerners are typically offended by the fact that women are valued less than men in Asia, but the upside of this dynamic is that Asian women are liberated from heavy responsibilities and the burden of performance, and therefore lead relatively leisurely lives. A common saying that captures the attitude that Taiwanese women have in the face of a challenge is, “When the sky falls down, I will simply stay flat.  A man will eventually come along and take care of it.”

Those Asian women who wish to have more freedom in pursuing their own interests in life and who want to escape their responsibilities to family are drawn to western culture and non-Asian men from Western cultures, especially those who are white. (Western men who take an interest in Asian women should be aware of this dynamic.) Over the past 20 years, there has been an increasing number of Taiwanese women who pursue a lifestyle based on the feminist ideologies of western culture. This focus on herself, and her disinterest in family, are the same reasons why these women are considered to be less valuable, less desirable, or unsuitable for marriage by Asian men. As a result, about 25% of Taiwanese women marry western foreigners, and about 10% of Taiwanese men marry foreign women from surrounding SEA countries who have more traditional family values.

Social Hierarchies

Westerners experience humility by recognizing individual talents and weaknesses, expressed through personality. Asians tend to have a better handle on humility in recognizing one’s place in creation, where some people need your help, while you need help from others. Most Asians recognize that humility is the very same state that opens one’s heart to experience life. Whereas for westerners, it is not part of the common consciousness that humility is a part of life, but instead, humility is commonly misunderstood as piousness, obsequiousness, and sometimes shame.

Because of this appreciation of honor and humility, in Asia, and particularly in Chinese-influenced Asian cultures, a person’s place in life is very important for figuring out cues for the social hierarchy and who is worthy of respect. Things like age, job position, marital status, how many children one has, how much money one makes, etc. are all cues that indicate social hierarchy. These things are personal/private to most western-thinking people, but in Asia, it is more important to identify your standing in society so that others can know where you fit in.

In some places like Korea, this will even affect how they literally speak to you, by what honorary titles and tones they use.

Usually, the reveal is accompanied by a bit of humor because asking certain questions (like age) can be irritating or embarrassing. For example, if you are lucky and look younger than your age, it is always a good thing to let them know your actual age. (People in this situation often ask others to guess their age.)

Furthermore, in most of Asia, every interaction must have one person who is mutually recognized as the senior.  The senior has a responsibility to guide and nurture the junior. The junior has the responsibility to honor and respect the senior. Even among peers, senior-junior roles will be adopted based on the senior’s expertise in a mutually held value.  Upon first meeting, people prioritize identifying each other and quickly fall into these roles for the sake of social fluidity.

Thus, people in Taiwan have an intense need to constantly be informed of the “pecking order”, all the business and social dealings, and even who has what, in painstaking detail. (In comparison, the western concepts of privacy and individuality seem arrogantly selfish, and stinks of deception.) This strong need to stay informed seems to indicate that people don’t know how to interact unless they know their exact place in society, and this becomes a basic psychological need that consumes a lot of their attention and mental energy.

To make this clearer to the reader, I’ll offer a couple real life examples.

  • In my job as a professor, we have a department meeting every month. Before the meeting can begin, the secretaries must painstakingly assess every faculty member’s accomplishments over the last month to determine if there has been any change in the seniority. The rank is printed out and given to every person attending the meeting. There is one professor under me, and he is always smiling and bowing graciously to me, which felt awkward to me at first. (I’m sure he felt the same way.) But he helped me realize that to fit in well and establish good rapport, I should be kind of the same way to the other professors who are my senior.
  • Unlike the west, teachers are regarded to have a lot of authority, especially in their area of expertise, and should be respected. But in some of my classes, I have some students who are older than I am, which makes them a senior in terms of the social interaction. If one of them wants to discuss something other than what I have prepared, I have to relinquish some of the class time to do so. Still, it is recognized that I have control of the class and that others may not be so interested in his subject, so at some point, the senior student will indicate it’s enough, and allow me to continue with the lesson. I have the authority to refuse or cut them off short, but this would be seen by the entire class as disrespectful. On the other hand, if the student rambles on and on, and takes up a significant amount of class time, then this would be seen as disrespectful to me.

As you can imagine, there is a little dance going on behind every social interaction. An emphasis on loyalty and respect are nuances of the hierarchy, and judicious amounts of both humor and cynicism is to be expected.  Of note, the pecking order mentality also sweeps aside the western concept of social equality as being fake and mechanical.

Since the recognition of social hierarchy is a foundational tenet of the culture, it is unacceptable to question it. Since foreigners question it, they are seen as clueless.

Hospitality and Sincerity

Humans have a psychological need for precious moments of sincerity and compassion, so people value hospitality and sincerity all over the world. There are sincere and insincere people, and there is a concept that sincere people do not speak out.

In the US, we have a proverb, “Open rebuke is better than hidden love”. It stresses the importance of filling time with meaningful interaction, as opposed to holding good intentions but doing nothing. This may explain why westerners are more direct and expressive.

Compared to westerners, Asians tend to be very emotionally reserved and not outwardly expressive of their deeper thoughts and feelings, unless you personally know them for years, or if they happen to have a personality that is uncommonly out-going. In Asia, it is commonly understood that people have a hard protective layer that needs to be gently and patiently peeled off, step-by-step, in the process of developing a relationship. To westerners, this is interpreted as an apparent lack of sincerity.

In general, the Taiwanese greatly value honesty, sincerity, trust, and kindness, perhaps even more than Americans, but not towards strangers, as this is seen to be foolish, risky, and weak. This approach follows the evolution of a winning strategy, which I covered in a previous post, Strategies for the Iterated Prisoners’ Dilemma (2021 March 17). Over time, group socialization coerces players to be honest and sincere (sooner or later) for the benefit of participating in the group.

But once you get past the layers of face-protection and fear, Taiwanese are deeply sincere. Their candidness is then similar to that of southern country hairdressers.

Another way to put it is that always having a lot to say often works against sincerity. So westerners have their own way of being insincere. Part of the issue is that the most significant part of what one wants to say is inexpressible. There is probably no single best way to coping with this. This has a few implications.

  • Westerners say too much and Asians say too little.
  • Taiwanese are generally more polite towards strangers, while Americans are more genuinely concerned.
  • Westerners like to show more than what they really feel inside, while Taiwanese have a tendency to hold back.
  • Americans are seen to be rather flaky, in that they sound very open and empathetic, and they say a lot more than what they are willing to back up with action, after which one realizes some part of what was “revealed” was not genuinely felt or truly actionable.
  • What comes up in Taiwan speech is possibly the extreme opposite of flake.
  • Taiwanese elders do not appreciate eloquent speakers due to their lack of sincerity.

Likewise, westerners may see this reservedness and conclude that Asians don’t have any concept of helping their fellow man, but this is not true at all. If the person who needs help is a close family member or a trusted business partner, then all stops are pulled in order to see that person through. But outside of these covenant relationships, people only care for the interests of others when they are being paid for it, or when they have some kind of vested interest.

The means of helping one’s fellow man must also follow an absolute social hierarchy, and this simplifies moral norms of what actions are appropriate and/or necessary.

A junior is not to assume that a senior needs any kind of help, as this would be disrespectful. But at the same time, the junior should be aware that if the senior asks for help, then he is morally obligated to do so.

How would you know if someone is sincere and trustworthy? Time will prove everything, so relationships are built slowly over time.


The Taiwanese approach to living is practical, yet relaxed. Although there are a few busybodies (as there are in every culture), people mind their own business for the most part.

I actually find this to be a more wholesome and sensible approach to living. I’ve known students who came from horribly broken homes who were still very emotionally healthy, happy, and content, and I think it’s because of this generous social capital.

As you might imagine, this kind of social structure is much closer to the Biblical ideal compared to western progressivism, individualism, and gynocentrism (chivalry). In general, there is less of a societal wide drift away from God’s ordained order. I think this is why I enjoy living here so much.


About Jack

Jack is a world traveling artist, skilled in trading ideas and information, none of which are considered too holy, too nerdy, nor too profane to hijack and twist into useful fashion. Sigma Frame Mindsets and methods for building and maintaining a masculine Frame
This entry was posted in Authenticity, Boundaries, Building Wealth, Collective Strength, Cultural Differences, Discipline, Freedom, Personal Liberty, Headship and Patriarchy, Male Power, Moral Agency, Organization and Structure, Personal Presentation, Relationships, Respect, Stewardship, Taiwan. Bookmark the permalink.

38 Responses to The Taiwanese Life Script

  1. I see the attitude towards strangers apparent in Taiwanese driving. They behave as though they have no obligations towards others because they don’t know those other drivers on the road. But if you met them in real life and established a connection, no one would be kinder. Even a casual relationship, i.e. a guy at work you chat to sometimes, is enough.
    Hence Taiwan is a lovely place to live but a dangerous place to drive.

    Liked by 4 people

  2. cameron232 says:

    If women are valued less there – I wonder if that makes men more attractive to them or at least more respected.


  3. cameron232 says:

    Completely off topic but I had surgery one time and had two Asian nurses. They were both fascinated by my chest hair – it was kinda funny. I figured they had been watching Magnum PI reruns.


  4. Novaseeker says:

    The interesting thing is that, among men at least, there is in the West always a hierarchical interaction taking place. We are just very, very, very uncomfortable with it being open or expressed outside of certain contexts, like corporate or military or athletic groupings with express hierarchies. Social interaction outside of those formally expressed hierarchies also is based on hierarchy, but is implied and not expressed, and it also leads to a lot of resentment among those lower in the hierarchy for a couple of reasons: (1) the uppers in the hierarchy don’t, in the de facto/hidden hierarchies that prevail here, feel any sense of obligation “downward” to the lowers so it’s more of a one-way street dynamic and (2) the entire culture abjures, loudly and incessantly, all hierarchy of any form, which creates a resounding dissonance with the lived experience of all of these de facto hierarchies.

    I don’t think men can function without hierarchy. Either it is expressed and open, as in Western “situational” military/corporate/athletic organizations or in the open hierarchies in Asian societies, or it is implied, if denied, as in the “hidden” de facto social hierarchies of the West, or there is a lot of conflict between men about the hierarchy (as in certain subcultures in the United States, or in various non-Western societies outside of Asia).

    Liked by 4 people

    • cameron232 says:

      It’s funny you say that. My company has hierarchy but they downplay it – like were all equals (but not really). I know I work for another man- I resent them pretending i don’t. I’ve never worked for a woman – the day they try that i quit – I’d rather be dirt poor than a mangina-cuck without dignity.


      • lastmod says:

        I have had more female supervisors than male ones in my working career. From retail (Gap in high school and summers home from college) to bartending in grad school, to IBM, at The Salvation Army, and now in my current job. Some good. Some bad.

        My current manager is female and pretty good. I don’t like the ‘coded’ language and business-speak she uses with me “Jason, you need to utilize the tools I have provided to get the job done”

        what tools? Ah, yes…….the company diktats, not actual, practical day-to-day tools of getting the job done (a laptop that works, people replying to emails that they don’t reply to and practical understanding by everyone of ‘why we are here at this job’ instead of personal goals and vision and selfish grabbing / jockeying for titles and position)

        The worst boss I had was at IBM, and a man actaully. Got the job because daddy was a big shot there, had nice teeth and had a profile that would make female employees murder for him. He was a jerk,


      • cameron232 says:

        “Jockeying for titles”

        Yeah, that’s corporate America.

        Yeah, I should have become a garbage man like I wanted to do at 5 years old.

        Liked by 1 person

    • Joe2 says:

      What about churches? I found that churches have a very strong de facto hierarchy. It’s an imperative to know your place and an error to assume that the congregation are all considered equals. Nothing could be further from the truth. Know your place and don’t rock the boat.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Novaseeker says:

        Yes churches are “organizations”. We tolerate hierarchy within organizations in the West. It’s outside of them that we pretend there is no hierarchy.


  5. lastmod says:

    Interesting. I know all Asian societies are not a lock-step of exact norms or values. Perhaps some unifying, underlining spects. Interesting view on Taiwan. You obviously admire and love the place very much.

    So, explain why there is a female Prime Minister?

    My time in Asia is a surfical view compared to yours, and probably others here…..and most of my time there was in India…which isn’t considered Asia in many respects. I liked Japan…picked up, tidy, impeccably clean, polite people….but “clinical” in a sense. During the meeetings I was in while there (IBM at the time) they couldn’t function without a concensus, on everything. Which works when you have a winning product or market share tightly held….but if you are trying to grow your market, or make headway, or rebrand yourself and rebuild your reptation / trust to consumers………it seems to flag, and very little gets done. IBM should have and could have easily had a bigger market share in Japan with my division (Storage Systems) but lost to Hitachi, Mitsubishi and other smaller scale Japanese companies partly because any decision took a concensus to do anything. Even in my role, of how to UCD (User Centered Design) to the Japanese market in layout of its manuals for the servers….by the time the ideas would be agreed upon, the servers I was writing for would be three or four editions behind Hitachi in ease of use, or what customers were looking for…while Hitachi would be in the next generation of information developemnt for the product.

    I know they behave “long game” but when a division is losing money, share, and time…..long game doesn’t work. Decisions sometimes need to be made. I came back from Japan exhausted work wise. I got nothing done after three weeks. My work “tabled” and a “wait and see” appraoch was taken. I was told to go and get UCD implemented, with a plan. The Japanese were impossible here, and they were convinced they were doing a great job. This was 1999 / 2000.

    I found Japanese women “cute” and the ones I did chat up didn’t seem to want to date a westerner, or get to know one. Same in India. I know the answer now of why, but then I believed that “looks don’t matter to women”. Much wiser now.

    I admire how Japan was virtually crime free. I liked how India even in its staggering poverty, extremly ancient culture and family of religions (Hinduism), the graciousness to Westerners was touching. The impact of British culture on so many levels in India was surprising, and I didn’t see a resentment to past colonization. In fact, Britain and India are closer now in many ways than they ever were during the 19th century.

    Interesting article.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. professorGBFMtm2021 says:

    Thats when the west first started to slide into hell when fathers of daughters thought it would make them look better&badass in front of their wife&daughters to covertly or overtly put down some awkward young guy coming over to her parents home!How good of a idea was this?Who started this lack of mutual respect is’nt talked about much is it?Also why is not the 16 hour male(Most women have ”part-time”jobs in japan&america!) work-day in japan never discussed?Even though it is clearly the main reason japan has socialy failed since the 1990s especialy after most of the old-timers had died!You knew I was going to bring up stuff that was’nt included,right?


    • lastmod says:

      Well… In the West, many so-called Red Pilled men have a wife that works… not “because feminism” but for the fact its a necessity and has been for a long time.

      Liked by 1 person

      • cameron232 says:

        I agree that in many cases it is but also western people in general are very materialistic and want what they want (this includes men and women) Many could live on one salary.


    • lastmod says:

      When I was there, an average co-worker from IBM Japan easily put in 12-16 hour days. Truth. I held this work ethic while there to show them I was serious about getting what I was sent to do implemented. There was something “else” blocking change. I remember on a phone call back to San Jose, California after a particularly stressful day,

      “Just have IBM Divisional HQ say to this division in Japan, this is what we are doing. Listen to Jason-San and implement it!”

      “Oh… We can’t do that. We have to get them to agree to it.”

      “You certainly don’t let me operate this way when it comes to decisions on the projects back home.”

      “Just get them to agree. You’re a smart man, and your work in India was excellent. Just get them to agree. We’re expecting this to be implemented. Get it done.”


  7. lastmod says:

    I agree that in many cases it is but also western people in general are very materialistic and want what they want (this includes men and women) Many could live on one salary.

    Completly untrue. Asians are very materialistic as well.

    Liked by 2 people

    • cameron232 says:

      I didn’t say Asian people weren’t. I said western people because that’s what we are and I’m talking about our choices.


  8. cameron232 says:

    I agree that in many cases it is but also western people in general are very materialistic and want what they want (this includes men and women) Many could live on one salary.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Novaseeker says:

      Yes. It depends on life goals, where you live, “values”, and how much money the higher earner actually makes. All of those are factors into whether the dual-income approach is “necessary” or not.

      Liked by 2 people

    • Red Pill Apostle says:

      In today’s world it would take a sacrifice of wants and financial discipline we have not seen societally in generations for most people to live on one income. If you think of feminism as an attack on God’s authority order, because that’s what it is, women entering the workforce en masse is part of the attack strategy.

      Two income homes often weaken the family structure for a variety of reasons and I believe the economic ripples through society are merely the unintended cherry on top. I say unintended, because wise feminist is an oxymoron on par with freezer burn or jumbo shrimp, so I would be surprised if early feminists actually thought through the cause and effect. More workers chasing job openings suppresses wage growth which hits men’s earning capacity. Throw in a little materialism, give it a generation and now it’s a built in belief that both parents have to work, there will always be car payments and a 3000 square feet of living space is a good starter home.

      Liked by 2 people

      • lastmod says:

        No clue about economics. In 1974, infalation went through the roof. Many wives did their duty to the family, and husbands…. going back to work part-time. A little extra money. This wasn’t some evil, wicked “feminist plan”, or an attack on “god’s plan”.

        Lose the house? Or wife goes to work to help. Trust god to make sure the lights stay on… and with this recession came stagflation, reduction of hours……… a union job that could cover a modest household no longer worked.

        You came from a place where you never had to live in the real world…. Yes, yes…… The man should have gone back to school, got a STEM degree and worked it out. They should have just moved to a “christian community” in bumkalazoo, Iowa and started over. Easy to do right.

        We NEVER recovered from that recession. Never. Women entered the work force out of necessity and stayed because many in that vast lower middle class, that became the working poor, were left behind.

        Yeah, husbands at the time should have been “real men”, and told their wives to stay home while they lost the house, the car, and had to go on welfare.

        Liked by 2 people

      • cameron232 says:

        I was born in 1974 in Florida.

        I don’t know how it was in upstate NY. My father cleaned pools and did part time janitorial work. I think even around 1990 he was making 8-something an hour. Mom stayed home with us and while we lived modestly (small house, old cars), we never did without.

        When I started with my current company in 2000, I started at $31,000 per year gross. My wife has never worked since we married at the end of 1999.

        I don’t know if that’s possible elsewhere, but one salary worked in Florida for us.


      • SFC Ton says:

        There is more to the two income families than that.

        A goodly bit too politically incorrect for these parts.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Joe2 says:

        No, there was no nefarious plan of having women entering the workforce en masse as part of some attack strategy. It was simply due to changing economics.

        Take General Electric in Pittsfield, MA as an example. GE opened in Pittsfield in 1903 and reached peak employment of 13,000 in the 1940’s in a city of 50,000, but by 1992 only 530 remained. For many years, a blue collar factory job provided health benefits, a pension and an income sufficient to purchase a house and raise a family. What happened? GE began expanding globally rather than domestically. Thus, manufacturing which was prominent in the region began to fall off in the 1970s, a trend that continued into the 1980s and eventually resulting in the demise of GE in 1992. And the scenario that occurred in Pittsfield was repeated in numerous cities throughout the country.

        Women then entered the workforce en masse out of necessity for survival of the family since jobs that traditionally provided employment security were no longer available. As more women entered the workforce, household incomes began to rise which resulted in more disposable income. This caused an increase in prices to the level we’re at today where two incomes are needed to support a family.


      • Novaseeker says:

        What happened? GE began expanding globally rather than domestically.

        And why do you assume that this kind of move, which was undertaken by almost all manufacturers, was not a result of direct economic policies? For it surely was. The kind of “free trade” that results in the mass export of jobs is not the “default setting” in any meaningful sense. It reflects a policy choice, and that policy choice was to switch the economy from manufacturing to services by exporting the manufacturing jobs and, since the manufacturing workers were often not qualified to do the emerging service jobs, filling those positions by a massive increase in workforce participation by women, who were often well-qualified for the new kinds of jobs that came to dominate the economy. And, by increasing workforce participation in this way, wage inflation was kept in check, which would not have been the case if there had been a shortage in service-economy workers due to lower participation rates by women.

        None of that happened on “default setting”. There is no “default setting”. The rules in our society were deliberately set up this way to benefit the owners of large business enterprises, while the “little people” were moved around like pawns on a chessboard to configure them in the most profit-maximizing way possible.

        Again, this was not inevitable, it was not cruise control or a default setting. This was deliberate policy. The policy makers fully intended both parties in the household to be full workforce participants, because this benefited large businesses by keeping wages in check while maintaining a robust demand (spending money) — the “cost” was family life, which was very obviously not prioritized in any way by the policymakers.

        How this can be viewed as anything other than a master plan is beyond me, to be honest.

        Liked by 2 people

      • Red Pill Apostle says:

        Lastmod – Actually, pushing for women to be like men in the workforce is a huge part of the feminism. This push was not for women to help out in hard times. Throughout history women have helped support their families financially at times. It’s something lauded about the woman Proverbs 31 along with managing the household. But feminism stokes jealousy (it has since Satan told Eve God was holding back and she should eat the fruit to be like Him) and preaches that men and women are equal, which is 100% true when it comes to needing God’s grace, but not true when it comes to our predominant gender roles and God’s established line of authority.

        As for economics, the area of the economy that you referenced may never have recovered, but other areas most certainly did. The point is that you can not increase the supply of something while keeping the demand the same and expect stable pricing. Labor is no different. STEM degrees or related skills are no guarantee against this. Look at what tech companies do to keep domestic wages lower. They lobby the government to allow more work visas to import labor and by increasing the labor pool relative to job openings, they keep wages down. During the oil and natural gas boom of the Obama years, the supply and demand of labor was in the workers favor. There were more jobs than people who could do them and wage pricing went up. We can go full ostrich with our heads in the sand about this, or we can recognize these simple ideas as true and adjust accordingly.

        I want to apologize for calling you butt hurt in a past post. Most of the men here appear to have been through the ringer in one way or another. Your writing bleeds with frustration and hurt. I hope you find peace, like we all desire, here or elsewhere in life.

        Liked by 3 people

  9. feeriker says:

    “I would be surprised if early feminists actually thought through the cause and effect.”

    Feminist women almost certainly did no such thing. We can be assured, however, that the male anarcho-nihilists in power who forced the feminist ideology upon society most assuredly did think it through and wanted things to unfold in exactly the way they have.

    Liked by 2 people

    • lastmod says:

      They are not even close to being that intelligent. All I heard after the 2000 election was “Bush dumb”, and “Bush stupid”, and “Bush got C’s at Yale”.


      He could suddenly pull off a hush-hush operation on Sept 11th, and planned it way before he became president… All the details covered, the results planned exactly….

      Feminists are not that smart. They think VERY short term and don’t have the “gonads” to carry anything out unless its with the help of men……….. and that is SIMPLE to do, for Red Pill guys:


      Then they will do anything a woman asks…… Look at PUA, GAME, and this whole sphere. Everything is about the sex-act, getting some, getting some more, and talking about it most of the time…..

      and Blue Pilled guys “have ruined society”


  10. SFC Ton says:

    I have not spent as much time in the Orient as others round these parts but I mostly got the impression wives ruled through asymmetrical warfare.

    I know a fair number of dudes who married Oriental chicks with very mixed results. Did occasional work for a guy who married a chick from Taiwan. They were a legit international real estate power couple. No kids, always on the move but they seemed happy togther. Guys who bought Filipinos and Vietnamese girls seemed to do the best, Korean and Japanese see to have done the worse.

    Liked by 4 people

  11. Jason Piecuch says:

    Schenectady, NY, Amsterdam,NY, Utica, NY, a countless slew of small cities in New York State…..GE closed up one fine late 1970’s in Schenectady and that was it. The carpet mills…….Bigelow, Mohawk……closed up in the 1950 and left. Johnstown, Ticonderoga, Internatonal Paper in Plattsburgh………and many of these industries were not even heavy manufacturing. What replaced was service industry work (retail). And, many of these companies didn’t expand overseas……GE had work in Japan since the 1950’s…as well as IBM. Most of the AMerican jobs that left New York State went to Greenville South Carolina. Dalton, Georgia. Memphis Tennessee and Raleigh, North Carolina……and they didn’t take these higher paid workers with them that they left back in New York State.

    This wasn’t some master plan “hee hee, we’ll get women in the workforce, move and make men suffer, we are feminists!!!”

    It was many factors…but as usual, this corner of the internet defaults to feminists, chivalary, blue pill, cucks, and greek terms for manhood.

    It was many factors, but it wasn’t “because feminism”

    Hey…but since you state this and believe that it is……I don’t see any of these jobs returning because of your “bold” stance. Easy for you and many others to state this because you DON’T and didn’t grow up needing a job like this. You have the luxury is a softer field to make statements like this.

    Tell that to the unemployed truckers being undermined by Mexican trucking now…..I am sure that is because of feminism too


  12. Scott says:

    Here’s to all the single dads out there filling both roles! Happy Mother’s Day!

    Liked by 6 people

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