The Logic of WGTOW

Women Going Their Own Way.

Readership: All
Theme: Problems with The Red Pill / Infighting
 1,600 words
Reading Time: 8 minutes + one 34 minute video


In general, The Red Pill and its many variant offshoots, such as MGTOW, are utterly repulsive to women, and for a multitude of reasons which fall into one or more of the following categories.

  • Men getting more of something and/or Women getting less of it (e.g. goods and services, a favorable market position, moral superiority, power, influence, status, etc.)
  • It violates their ego / false self-image / Feeelz / pride / solipsism.
  • An aversion to accountability, agency, responsibility, etc.
  • An allergic reaction to truth, beauty, and goodness.
  • The very idea of any of the above.

With the partial exception of the first, women cannot use any of these reasons to justify rejecting the fundamental truths of The Red Pill, because doing so does not strengthen their position.  Even the first sounds whiny.

Women’s most effective argument to date, as we will see below, is that the truths of The Red Pill, and Men in general, are an inconvenience and/or a hindrance to their own aspirations (e.g. averting their Existential Fear, control / social dominance, hypergamy, garnering resources, ‘independence’, etc.), which are deemed superior to all others.  The first point above is coopted to explain the various inconveniences.

The WGTOW Argument

Info shared the following video, saying,

“Now I have a video like this one shown to me via Algorithm* and the connection to the rise of the 4B movement.**  This is happening in parallel to the rise of the Manosphere.  It’s their own version of the MGTOW movement.”

* This YouTube account was just opened on 2024/3/14.  On 2024/6/10, she had 1,250 subscribers, but her channel had only been viewed 987 times.  (See adjacent image.)  How the hәll did that happen?  By 2024/6/14, just 4 days later, the numbers were 2,270 and 18,382, respectively. It’s obviously being promoted by The Algorithm.

** In case readers are wondering, here’s an article about the 4B Movement in South Korea. (Sorry for the liberal slant therein. To my knowledge, this topic has not yet been covered in depth by the Manosphere.)

The Cut: A World Without Men — The women of South Korea’s 4B movement aren’t fighting the patriarchy — they’re leaving it behind entirely. (2023/3/8)

Here’s the video Info shared.

yv_edit: The Pillars of Patriarchy: Women’s Invisible Labor (2024/6/7)  Length: 34 minutes

Some of her talk seems to directly respond to (or mimic) my post, Revising Our Concepts of SMV and MMV (2024/4/26), only from the female perspective.  For instance, she talks about the exchange of “goods and services” in the form of men doing housework and maintaining the relationship.  (I’ve never heard of anyone else breaking down SMV/MMV in terms of “an exchange of goods and services”.  I picked up that terminology from studying supply and demand.)

Here, Lisa argues that…

  1. Marriage requires more cost, investment, risk, and time from women than staying single or having children outside marriage.
  2. Women invest more in communication, being dependable, and working out problems than men do.
  3. Men focus on competition, hierarchy, and status which are unproductive.
  4. Marriage is more stressful on women than men because their efforts are ‘unreciprocated’.  News Flash: Men can’t read minds and they don’t care about the same things women do.
  5. Men will step out and/or replace a woman like she’s a burned-out light bulb.  Obviously, she’s referring to a subset of HSMs.
  6. Men are inherently selfish because they’re always ‘rewarded’ for it.  Women are psychologically rewarded (1) when they are generous and (2) when men are selfish.  Sounds like the science of ‘Ch@dology’.
  7. Men are more likely to self-destruct than women.  Men are twice as likely to be alcoholics, 3x more likely to be drug addicts, 3x more likely to be incarcerated, and 2-3x more willing to gamble.  We already know these statistics, but her conclusion from this is that men are irresponsible layabouts who cannot be depended upon and who contribute the majority of relationship stress.  Again, Ch@dology, and the good men are invisible.
  8. Abusers are more likely to be domestic partners / spouses.  Thus, it is safer for women NOT to get into relationships with men.  No mention of the gender ratio of abuse.  If all is told, it would be safer for men NOT to get into relationships with women too.
  9. Men benefit more from marriage than women do.  (This is not true when women opt for a No-Fault divorce.)
  10. Marriage makes men more productive and higher earners.  The opposite is true for women.  (Oh no!)
  11. Marriage and having children detract from a woman’s career and independence.  (Oh no!)
  12. Married women carry most of the mental load of maintaining the home.  Men remain ignorant of this or take it for granted.
  13. Women do all the work and men do not help with housework and raising children.  As if that were his sole purpose in life.
  14. Men can always postpone or reschedule their duties, but women cannot.
  15. Married women get stuck with all the repetitive, time-sucking, urgent drudgeries of daily life and this interrupts their routine.  (Oh no!)
  16. Even when women out earn their husbands, they still do more domestic work than men.
  17. Even men who actively strive to be equal, egalitarian partners do less domestic work than their wives do.  Men only outperform women in home repair and yardwork, but this can be outsourced.  News Flash: So can housekeeping.
  18. Men become lazy and parasitic in marriage.
  19. On average, married men are healthier, more active, more fit, and live 7 years longer than unmarried men.  (Oh no!)
  20. The family tends to follow the man’s decisions and not necessarily the wife’s. (Oh no!)

From her perspective, the value of a man is based on how much convenience he brings into a woman’s life.  If he does not actively add to her convenience then he is absolutely worthless.  Or if he poses any INconvenience, God forbid, then he is a parasitical dead weight who’s holding her back in life.

This is the essence of gynocentrism.


All in all, her conclusions are…

  1. Marriage helps men and hurts women.
  2. Marriage is a lose-lose arrangement for women.
  3. All of marriage life is skewed and lopsided in favor of men. (Oh no!)
  4. Women are the heroes and pillars of society, and men are irresponsible, selfish, unreliable, etc.  Everything is men’s fault (as usual).
  5. Women have no choice but to see and admit that relationships with men are detrimental to them in nearly every way.  This is why women ‘glow up‘ after a break up / divorce.

The strengths of her argument are…

  • From what I can tell, she has her facts straight.
  • All the information she’s presented has been around for decades and is well-recognized as being true.
  • She politely explains her viewpoint in a reasonable manner without getting worked up.

The weaknesses of her argument are as follows.

  • She’s not saying anything new or that we haven’t heard before.
  • It is entirely biased / one-sided, or as we often say, ‘gynocentric’.
  • She’s omitting a lot of facts relevant to the male viewpoint.
  • She hasn’t addressed any of the grievances brought up by The Manosphere or MGTOW.
  • There is no mention of how marriage enhances women’s socioeconomic status, because this would undermine her argument.
  • She hasn’t addressed the effects of marriage or marriage quality on children.
  • She hasn’t compared the pros and cons of women marrying Men against the pros and cons of women staying single.  Hint: Go look up why so many women are rejecting feminism and want to be SAHWs.
  • She hasn’t compared the pros and cons of women marrying other women either. News Flash: It’s much worse.


Overall, this video, and WGTOW in general, is a nicely concocted sales pitch for men to get married and for women NOT to get married.  It is also an indirect encouragement for women to continue on with their Feminist rebellion, and by extension, their sexual promiscuities as well (even though they may deny it).

We might view WGTOW as a new development in the gender war.  But in fact, nothing will change.  Women will go on doing what they’ve always done since the advent of the Sexual Revolution and Women’s Liberation — banging Ch@ds, chasing degrees and careers, hitting the wall, becoming contentious Cat Ladies / Karens, and then being alone for decades…

The only thing that will change is that they won’t be settling for the Ernie Engineers and Paul Plumbers of the world just to have one attention sloring day at the altar of a God they never knew.  Those men won’t get to marry a bicycle, they won’t be divorce gr@ped, and they might not have any children that would be taken away from them.

As it has been said before, “The trash takes itself out.”

A little less suffering in the world would be warmly welcomed.

Also, those who willingly opt out of the institution of marriage make it easier for those who are serious about it to choose from the remaining options.

So you see, WGTOW might actually be a blessing in disguise.

Nevertheless, WGTOW is one more step down the long descent to the bottom of the Abyss.  As time goes on, we’ll eventually get to the point where ONLY top SMV individuals who are emotionally and spiritually mature and who explicitly WANT marriage and family are going to marry and have kids.


After only 3 days of deliberation in the comboxes, the Σ Jury quickly reached a verdict on the matter: The substance of WGTOW is sorely lacking.  WGTOW is merely an imitation of MGTOW. This social poseuring lacks fangs because it is men who are the arbiters of commitment, not women.


About Jack

Jack is a world traveling artist, skilled in trading ideas and information, none of which are considered too holy, too nerdy, nor too profane to hijack and twist into useful fashion. Sigma Frame Mindsets and methods for building and maintaining a masculine Frame
This entry was posted in Collective Strength, Conspiracy Theories, Courtship and Marriage, Culture Wars, Decision Making, False Authority, Female Power, Feminism, Gynocentrism, Handling Rejection, Indicators of Contempt, Intersexual Dynamics, Media, Models of Failure, Politics, Power, Relationships, Sex, Society, Solipsism, South Korea, The Herd. Bookmark the permalink.

42 Responses to The Logic of WGTOW

  1. feeriker says:

    As has been said within the sphere for years, MGTOW is a choice for men, WGTOW is an inevitability for women who have made themselves unmarriageable (indeed, unfit for any type of intersexual relationship other than as a sex toy with a pulse) by their attitudes and life choices. This latest evolution does nothing other than codify in writing those factors that make such women unfit for any form of male companionship.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Jack says:


      “MGTOW is a choice for men, WGTOW is an inevitability for women who have made themselves unmarriageable”

      Yes, similar to how voluntary celibacy is a choice for women, and !nceldom is the default for men who are not sufficiently Tingle inducing.

      Same truculence, different perspective.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Info says:

        Interesting perspective here too:

        Cornerstone: WGTOW (2024/6/14)


      • Jack says:

        I read Cornerstone’s piece. He further explores some things I mentioned above. The main contribution of his writing, IMO, is that WGTOW is not a badge of honor, but rather one of failure and perhaps shame as well. This view corresponds to the traditional Asian view of women in Education — that it is only a good choice / investment if…

        1. The family is independently wealthy.
        2. She has no other choices (e.g. marriage or concubinage)
        3. If the family, for whatever reason, has to depend on her for economic support.


  2. Pingback: WGTOW – Cornerstone

  3. Oscar says:

    From what I can tell, she has her facts straight.

    She doesn’t. For example….

    Abusers are more likely to be domestic partners / spouses. Thus, it is safer for women NOT to get into relationships with men.

    It’s been well documented that…

    1. Women are at more likely to initiate violence than men
    2. Lesbian relationships are by far the most physically abusive
    3. The safest place for both women and children is in a home where the mother and father are married

    Therefore it’s statistically safer for women and their future children for the women to marry men.

    Far from having her facts straight, she’s playing fast and loose (heh!) with the facts.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Jack says:


      “From what I can tell, she has her facts straight.”

      “She doesn’t.”

      It is her logic that is twisted, not the facts she cites.

      It is true that…

      “Abusers are more likely to be domestic partners / spouses.”

      But she concludes,

      “…it is safer for women NOT to get into relationships with men.”

      She doesn’t go into the gender ratio of abuse — that women perpetrate more domestic violence than men, and that it is reported much less frequently.  She omits that bit because that would undermine her argument. It is basically cherry picking. That is why I wrote,

      “If all is told, it would be safer for men NOT to get into relationships with women too.”

      I also mentioned this in the Summary, that she omitted some important facts.


      • Oscar says:

        I also mentioned this in the Summary, that she omitted some important facts.

        Right. Deliberately omitting important facts is the opposite of having ones facts straight.


  4. Red Pill Apostle says:

    “Men are more likely to self-destruct than women. Men are twice as likely to be alcoholics, 3x more likely to be drug addicts, 3x more likely to be incarcerated, and 2-3x more willing to gamble. We already know these statistics, but her conclusion from this is that men are irresponsible layabouts who cannot be depended upon and who contribute the majority of relationship stress. Again, Ch@dology, and the good men are invisible.”

    Female self-destructive behavior is merely expressed differently than men’s. Men engage in behavior that they ultimately know is antithetical to what they want but can’t help themselves or don’t want to. Women do the same thing but with relationships. They chase men they know are bad for them them because of tingles, or in a relationship, they engage in behavior that will surely not result in what they say they want.

    The core issue is the same but the genders express them differently. One might argue that the percentage of women with self-destructive tendencies is higher than that of men based off marriage data now that same sex marriage is legal. G@y men have the lowest percentage of divorce, followed by heterosexual marriage, and then lesb!@n marriage has the highest percentage (along with the highest percentage of abuse).

    “Married women carry most of the mental load of maintaining the home.  Men remain ignorant of this or take it for granted.”

    I’m going to paraphrase a joke/truth that is applicable. Men, the secret to a long happy marriage is good communication with your spouse so that you can work with your wife to solve the problems that would not have existed had you remained single.

    The truth is that much of the mental load of maintaining a home exists because the wife wants things to be just the way she wants them. There is a reason the stereotype of a simple bachelor pad not being good enough for a woman’s tastes exists.

    Should a woman adjust her desires, she could greatly reduce her mental load while then splitting that load with her husband. More commonly she wants what she wants, takes over the interior (nesting), and he does not care if she wants to implement her standards while at the same time not being interested in maintaining them. Hence, the way his place looked before she came in and thought it needed “fixing”.

    Liked by 5 people

    • Oscar says:

      “Married women carry most of the mental load of maintaining the home.”

      Translation: women create unnecessary drama, then bitch about being stressed out.

      Liked by 3 people

      • Red Pill Apostle says:

        Yup. This is why comparing a man’s low maintenance bachelor pad to the maintenance level of the marital home is a good way to quantify how much of women’s “mental load” is self inflicted.

        The husband would be perfectly happy with how his home was set up when he was single; minimal furniture, good entertainment systems and enough storage space for his stuff. This way he can afford the toys he wants AND have the free time to go have fun with them.

        Liked by 4 people

      • Oscar says:

        If I was still single, I’d live in the woods in a 40×40 shop with an office, kitchenette, and bathroom.

        Liked by 2 people

      • feeriker says:

        “Translation: women create unnecessary drama, then bitch about being stressed out.”

        Yes, and it appears to be hardwired, although they’re not really “stressed out” by the drama, just exhausted by it. Drama that doesn’t cause extreme stress (to themselves, but more ideally to everyone else around them) is drama that doesn’t satisfy.

        Human beings need three things to survive: oxygen, water, and food. Female humans also require drama, which usually falls on the needs hierarchy scale between oxygen and water.

        Liked by 4 people

      • Oscar says:

        Dude, aren’t you married to a Hispanic woman? You know all about drama!


      • Red Pill Apostle says:


        Me and Mrs. Apostle just wrapped up the house build in the middle of the woods on 10 acres. We can’t see our neighbors. There are no blinds or curtains on any of the windows. My boys walk around outside in their underwear and my wife doesn’t care (clothes are a form of oppression from the evil patriarchy …. at least that is what I’m telling my wife 🙂 ).

        I have a few more projects to complete before work on clearing land for the shop begins.

        You don’t have to be single to make the dream a reality.


      • Oscar says:

        Me and Mrs. Apostle just wrapped up the house build in the middle of the woods on 10 acres.

        Congratulations, that’s great!

        You don’t have to be single to make the dream a reality.

        We’re saving up for something similar. One of the disadvantages of moving here vs. Missouri is that real estate is a lot more expensive here. There are some things I really miss about Missouri. Real estate prices and BBQ are chief among them.


    • Bardelys the Magnificent says:

      Female self-destructive behavior is often papered over because men bail them out. Male self-destructive behavior usually sticks out because he has to dig his own way out, which takes time. A woman can completely nuke her marriage, for instance, bankrupt herself and her husband, and find herself married again and living high on the hog within a month. 99.9% of men cannot turn around such a life-upending scenario that quickly. He may recover better, but it takes longer, so the stench of failure hangs around until he does. Women never carry such a stench, or at least it doesn’t stick as well or as long.

      Liked by 3 people

    • naturallyaspirated says:

      This needs to be brought up more when men are criticized for not putting the same effort / time into cleaning the home.

      Women do not get to hold everyone in the house hostage to their standards of how things should look, frequency of cleaning, etc., then cry “Inequality!” when the rest of the house doesn’t care or put in the time to reach her imposed vision.


      • Jack says:

        Agree. A woman with high standards of keeping the home clean and in order can be a great blessing. Most children do need a mother’s prodding to learn cleanliness and how to keep the house clean. But if she is obsessed with unrealistic expectations, like keeping the home looking like those shown in Better Homes and Gardens at all times and flying into a rage if it is not, then it becomes a curse, especially if she uses those standards to shame the family members as lazy sloven pigs. Family members should learn not to leave dirty socks on the floor because they want to maintain a bright living environment, NOT because they’re afraid of provoking the Mother Unit’s wrath. A wise wife / mother will recognize the general habits and needs of the family and maintain a balance.


  5. feeriker says:

    “Dude, aren’t you married to a Hispanic woman? You know all about drama!”

    Yes, and, miraculously, I was able to make her understand shortly after we met that 1) my tolerance threshold for drama is very low, and that 2) I’m immune to its emotional appeals. She was a quick study.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. thedeti says:

    Maybe I’m just missing the point.

    So, women are “going their own way”? Women are intentionally forgoing marriage and motherhood now?

    Excuse me, but since when did anyone force women to marry anyone, much less now, much less these men they’re not sexually attracted to? The answer is, never. Has not ever happened, ever. Ladies, you don’t have to marry anyone.

    So you’re going your own way, huh? Great. Then you can finally turn your attention to doing all this work you said you were going to do. Finally, about 70 years after you said you’d do it. Let’s get to it, Ernestine Engineer, Paula Plumber, Tina Teacher, and Louise Lawyer. Get to trade school and get to work. Fix the infrastructure. Get into the sewers. Fix the power lines. Pick up the garbage. Run the water treatment plants and power plants. Change the oil in my car, repair my smartphone, and repair the roads.

    Provide me my health care, from cradle to grave. Get me my meds, take my blood pressure, give me my discharge instructions, and feed me and wipe my a$$ at the nursing home. Make sure the stuff gets to the Big Box Store when we need it. That means move the stuff from the ships, load the trucks, drive the trucks, unload the trucks, and put it on the shelves. Make the trains run on time.

    There’s work to be done, and you ladies will have all kinds of time to do it, since you won’t be doing those pesky marriage and motherhood things. As for me, I’ll be one of three places: poolside, playing video games, or sleeping. You don’t need help from us men, because Sistahs are Doing It For Themselves, right? You got this handled, right? You can do everything men can do, only better, backwards, and in heels, right? Now’s your chance to prove it. In fact, with things burning down around us, we kind of need you to prove it. Yesterday. Yeah. That’d be good.

    Hop to it.

    Drizzle drizzle.

    Liked by 5 people

    • Red Pill Apostle says:


      Women are not going their own way, or at least they are not going their own way in significant numbers. For a woman to go her own way requires her to be the arbiter of commitment and that is not the case for all but a few outliers.

      The reality is that most sane women, at some point in their lives, desire relationship and children.

      MGTOW is men taking their commitment ball and going home. WGTOW would be women taking their sex ball and going home. But, as you’ve repeated pointed out over many years, most men aren’t attractive enough to get laid with any frequency, so WGTOW is more status quo for most men than anything significant.

      The only way WGTOW would have any significance is if marriage meant husbands got all the sex they wanted. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

      Liked by 2 people

      • Jack says:


        “For a woman to go her own way requires her to be the arbiter of commitment…”

        “WGTOW would be women taking their sex ball and going home.”

        “The only way WGTOW would have any significance is if marriage meant husbands got all the sex they wanted.”

        This distinction between the gender differences is the key to understanding why WGTOW is a flop.

        From another viewpoint, WGTOW = Refusing to bear children and withholding sex in marriage, but women have been doing this since before Feminism / the Sexual Revolution.


  7. thedeti says:

    “…banging Ch@ds, chasing degrees and careers, hitting the wall, becoming contentious Cat Ladies / Karens, and then being alone for decades…”

    You forgot “having bastard children by Ch@d and Tyrone” and “aborting some of their Ch@dspawn”.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Jack says:

    Here’s what I find hard to believe about 4B / WGTOW.

    The 4B movement claims…

    1. No marriage.
    2. No childbirth.
    3. No dating.
    4. No heterosexual sexual relationships.

    1 is easy to accept.  No man will want to marry a woman who doesn’t want to marry period.

    2 is easy too, because of abortion and contraception.

    3 is where I begin to question how serious they are.  Any woman who holds to this principle utterly hates men.

    4 is hard to believe.  Maybe some women can do this, maybe even most in Korea. But I think there will be a lot of women who ‘betray’ the 4B movement on this point by having secretive liaisons with men.

    This ‘betrayal’ will be more pronounced in the parallel WGTOW movement in the West.  Women will parrot these platitudes to gain attention, herd acceptance, and social status points — until the Tingles strike, and then it will be all over for them.

    If women are really serious about foregoing sexual relationships, then 4 would be the only point on the list. All the others would follow from that. So why do the other three need to be spelled out?

    If women are really serious about foregoing sexual relationships, then supporting women’s ‘right’ to get an abortion should become less of a priority for them.  We’ll see about that.

    There is another possibility. Perhaps what is left unsaid, and left off the list of core principles, is that sexual promiscuity is A OK, as long as it doesn’t lead to a marriage (1), pregnancy (2), or a relationship (4). But if ‘dating’ (3) means sex, then this cannot be the case.

    It will be interesting to see how this plays out.

    Ultimately, all these 4B / WGTOW women are really immature, selfish, and solipsistic.  They don’t understand the female nature very well.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Oscar says:

      “No heterosexual sexual relationships.”

      Considering the prevalence of physical abuse in lesbian relationships, Korea’s about to turn into one giant taekwondo tournament.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Jack says:

        That is another thing that is unclear about the 4B movement. By specifically stating “No heterosexual sexual relationships”, are they subtly endorsing homosexuality as a substitute for heterosexual relationships? Since they are swearing off of men, will we see a sudden surge in dildo sales, or are Korean 4B chicks going to be scissoring each other whenever they get the urge? There will probably not be much forthcoming information about this, so we can only speculate.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Oscar says:

        Lesbian relationships have always been a feminist ideal.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Jack says:

        Thinking about this some more, if Korean 4B women are anything like Western Feminist women, they won’t be denying themselves anything that they don’t already do or have. Straight Korean women probably won’t become lesb0s overnight just to comply with 4B. Just like in the States, the women who jump on the WGTOW wagon are only those who are already subsumed by Feminism and don’t see how it has wrecked their relationships with men. Like deti said, WGTOW only codifies what is already happening.


    • feeriker says:

      TL;DR version: The tenets of the 4B Movement are about as logical and coherent as women themselves.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Bardelys the Magnificent says:

      It’s even more simple than that. Since women copy men, they took the MGTOW talking points, said “Oh yeah?”, and made a “women’s” version that’s an exact mirror of the men’s. It’d be funny if it weren’t so sad.

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Pingback: A Clue to Our Divine Duty – Catacomb Resident

  10. thedeti says:


    We can’t say “Chad” anymore?

    It has to be “Ch@d”?


  11. Oscar says:

    Here’s an interesting, sort of on topic poll.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Jack says:

    Why The Algorithm?

    Are MEN and WOMEN being pitted AGAINST EACH OTHER?

    “Who benefits from turning men and women against each other? Who benefits from men being weakened on a social level?”

    “A lot of this disregard for male’s issues is part and parcel to a divide and conquer strategy to turn women and men against each other that will maintain the pre-existing power structure in important ways.”

    Take a guess as to what he means by “the pre-existing power structure”. He’s not referring to pre Sex Rev Patriarchy.


    • Oscar says:

      Pitting men and women against each other was always feminism’s goal. Its purpose is to empower government by destroying families, or better yet, preventing them from forming in the first place.


  13. Jack says:

    I see Lisa has posted Part 2 of her video series. She’s taking the “Fragile Masculinity” angle. I may also pick this one apart in a future post.


  14. Pingback: Vectors of Conflict | Σ Frame

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