Does the Purple Structure Exist?

What is the Structure of Authority in your relationship (or another relationship you are observing)?

Readership: All
Theme: IOIs and Vetting
Length: 1,300 words
Reading Time: 7 minutes


In response to Vetting Social Systems (2023/10/19), Red Pill Apostle posed a question that tests our understanding of power structures.

“What are the points supporting and detracting from the following:  The blended Blue and Red System doesn’t really exist.  There is always one person who is in control.  The purple system is just a mirage.”

What is the Purple System?

First of all, the classic definition of the Purple Pill is trying to apply Red Pill insights and praxeology to solve Blue Pill problems.  It is still a Blue hierarchy, but one in which the man is Red Pill informed and usually very confused.  In some cases, the Purple Pill is a transition stage, AKA Purple Haze, in which a man wakes up to Red Pill reality, but is still living in a Blue Pill structure / system.  It takes some time to realize that Blue Pill problems can never be solved without completely abandoning the Blue Pill system.  Men usually don’t complete the transition unless there is suffering involved, and the more suffering there is, the faster the transition is.

Purple Haze is rather rare anymore, since the Red Pill went mainstream. However, the Complementarianism of today resembles the Purple Haze of 5-10 years ago.  Confused, disoriented husbands wage a continual battle in their minds over every small matter concerning whether it is “right” to assume Headship, whether they really want to go through all the work of maintaining Headship, whether it is more graceful to submit to their wives’ whimsies, and how to keep the peace amid all of this ruckus.  Worse, they may not consciously realize all this internal conflict going on in their minds and therefore succumb to “going with the flow”, and taking a “Happy Wife, Happy Life” approach, thereby folding their Headship responsibilities.

On to RPA’s question.

Does a Blended Blue and Red System Really Exist?

Classic Manosphere lore unanimously states that there is only one person who effectively dominates the relationship.  This is succinctly summed up in Rollo Tomassi’s Cardinal Rule of Sexual Strategies.

“For one sex’s strategy to succeed the other must either be compromised or abandoned.”

The Rational Male: The Cardinal Rule of Sexual Strategies (2016/7/29)

Interestingly, or perhaps not so much, the power structure that existed before marriage invariably continues after marriage.  After the Honeymoon phase (about 2 years), we see that…

  • The Tingly Respect of a Red Structure tends to weaken or abate, because The Curse of Eve.
  • The mutual allyship / “friendship” of a Blue Structure mutates into daily sh!t tests, squabbles, and power grabs.

Wives need to accept male dominance / Headship and become comfortable with it for the marriage to last over the long haul.  Wives usually make their peace with God’s ordained order around the 7 year mark, and many of them (mostly in Blue marriages) can’t adjust and opt out of the marriage at that time, AKA The Seven Year Itch.

The reason for this is as Rollo wrote,

“When a woman’s love concept is the dominant one, that relationship will be governed by her opportunism and the quest for her hypergamic optimization. The ultimate desired end of that optimization is a conventional love hierarchy where a dominant Man is the driving, decisive member of that sexual pairing.”

The Rational Male: Intersexual Hierarchies –Part II (2014/5/13)

IOW, the Feminine Imperative and hypergamic satisfaction demands a dominant man.

There are other foundational factors too, including…

Adding all this together, the man has to wear the pants in the house (and the wife eager to be pantless), in order for the relationship to stick and click.

How to Identify the Structure?

That said, one question readers might have at this point is, “How do I know what Structure I am in, or what Structure I am looking at in another couple?”

Rollo gives us a clue about how to identify the structure.

“If you want to know who holds power over you, look at whom you aren’t allowed to criticise — or even hint at criticism.”

The Rational Male: Fempowerment (2016/4/24)

Here’s another clue – look at the nature of conflict between the man and woman.

A while back, I wrote about how conflict is indicative of the structure of a relationship and how this knowledge can be implemented to assume Headship.

In addition, I’ve written dozens more posts based on this model, too many to list here.  For those interested in reading these posts, look for the pingbacks under these 3 posts.

To summarize this concept in terms of identifying the structure and vetting, Dominance is shown by the one who is making the demands in the relationship, and the one who is complying to the other’s demands is the sidekick.

  • A wife’s demands tend to come in the form of nagging, shaming, or sh!t tests.  The husband responds by appeasing her, enabling her, tolerating her, or avoiding her*.  This is a Blue Structure.
  • A husband’s demands aren’t really a demand or even a request as much as it is an expectation that is reinforced by words and actions (maintaining Frame). The husband expresses an expectation of how the relationship is to be conducted with an explanation of the benefits. The wife responds to his expectations by either meeting it or by explaining why she cannot (submission, which makes it a Red Structure), or else ignoring it or making it clear in her words or actions that she will not meet it (non-submission, which makes the Structure questionable and unstable at best, or Blue at worst).

Of course, there is always some give and take, but there is always one person who does the majority of demanding with regularity, and if the other person doesn’t comply, then there is tension and conflict indicating a challenge to the power structure.

* The exception is when avoidance is used as a form of Dread Game.

Concluding Statements

The reason why the hierarchical structure of a relationship is not often easily identified is because most people are not cognitively aware of the mechanics of an intersexual structure of hierarchy and so they don’t pay attention to it.  (This is why I’ve often written about this — to increase awareness.)  People run on autopilot and do not monitor each and every interaction in terms of the nature, frequency, and ratio of bids and demands, and then analyze what the structure of the relationship is (like Dr. Gottman did).  They live in their own bubble and have other thoughts about the relationship or are mentally consumed with real life issues, so they seldom have any real cooperative interaction that would instantiate a clear power structure.  The underlying power dynamic will only be manifested in cases depicting the most extreme imbalances of power, which we recognize as meme worthy tropes.

In summary, if a relationship doesn’t expressly fit into a Red or Blue System, it does NOT mean there isn’t a relationship structure nor that the relationship is Purple.  It means people are too ignorant to know how to play their role properly and consistently — or perhaps they DO know, but they don’t care enough to go to the trouble of getting themselves and their spouse into the habit.  So it is an autopilot Blue System by default.

Readers are welcome to suggest other methods to determine the Structure of a relationship, or to debate other aspects of the Purple Pill / Structure I may have missed.


DeepStrength has written a post, Delusions of blue and purple and removing the haze (2023/10/22), which describes another Purple Structure. Men who are naturally attractive, and/or naturally good with women can believe in “true love” because it’s easy for them to arouse women’s desire. They have never really experienced the uglier side of female nature, and their sexual charisma props up their delusion that women will love them unconditionally for who they are, so it’s easy for them to coast through life without a clue. Click on the link to read more.


About Jack

Jack is a world traveling artist, skilled in trading ideas and information, none of which are considered too holy, too nerdy, nor too profane to hijack and twist into useful fashion. Sigma Frame Mindsets and methods for building and maintaining a masculine Frame
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20 Responses to Does the Purple Structure Exist?

  1. Dead Bedroom Dating says:

    I assume only getting glimpses of what a masculine order would actually look like – one of the reasons why I research ancient desert societies. It’s so out of whack with contemporary culture, that even if you fully convinced yourself of being in such a structure, you are still just navigating the purple haze.


  2. Pingback: Delusions of blue and purple and removing the haze | Christianity and masculinity

  3. ramman3000 says:

    “Readers are welcome to suggest other methods to determine the Structure of a relationship, or to debate other aspects of the Purple Pill / Structure I may have missed.”

    I don’t know anything about the Purple Pill. This may be the first time I’ve heard of it. There are so many terms-of-art that it’s like its own set of religious formulae, complete with liturgy (e.g. “AWALT!”).

    “A while back, I wrote about how conflict is indicative of the structure of a relationship and how this knowledge can be implemented to assume Headship. [..] Of course, there is always some give and take, but there is always one person who does the majority of demanding with regularity, and if the other person doesn’t comply, then there is tension and conflict indicating a challenge to the power structure.”

    It is probably better to never to marry than base a marital relationship on the impossible task of balancing tension, conflict, and demands in a structure of power. Sounds utterly exhausting. I don’t think I will ever understand men who actively desire this, and I doubt I have anything to suggest to such a person (other than to not desire that).

    “The mutual allyship / “friendship” of a Blue Structure mutates into daily sh!t tests, squabbles, and power grabs.”

    I guess I better tell all my secular, married, Blue Structure peers — living in the Northeast region — who married their best friend that they are experiencing daily squabbles and power grabs, because I don’t think they know.

    State-Level Women’s Adjusted Divorce Rate by Quartile, 2021

    Source: Marino, F. (2022). Divorce rate in the U.S.: Geographic variation, 2021. Family Profiles, FP-22-26. Bowling Green, OH: National Center for Family & Marriage Research.


    • Oscar says:

      “I guess I better tell all my secular, married, Blue Structure peers — living in the Northeast region — who married their best friend that they are experiencing daily squabbles and power grabs, because I don’t think they know.”

      North Dakota is the best and South Dakota is second worst. That might give you a clue, but it won’t.


      • Jax says:


        It’s lost on me. I thought perhaps gender ratio had something to do with it, but there are more men than women in both states.


      • Oscar says:


        I just meant that the chart does not support the idea that the secular Northeastern blue model is better. After all, as you noted, North and South Dakota are very similar, yet their outcomes are vastly different.

        Besides, no reasonable person who’s ever heard a country song could honestly conclude that Arkansas, Oklahoma, or any Southern state works on the red or gold models, and look at their outcomes.


    • Jack says:


      I guess you might be one of those men that DeepStrength wrote about in his latest post. Men who are naturally attractive, and/or naturally good with women — OR men who married a virgin unicorn in a Mennonite society (like yourself) — can believe in “true love” etc. because they have never really experienced the uglier side of female nature and their social community reinforces female submission which props up the delusion that women are chaste, faithful, kindhearted, submissive, and so on, and will love them unconditionally for who they are.

      Your ignorance shows in your statement,

      “I don’t think I will ever understand men who actively desire … a marital relationship on the impossible task of balancing tension, conflict, and demands in a structure of power.”

      Men don’t “actively desire” this. It’s what they’re stuck with. The question which I’ve been addressing is how men can understand this and deal with this. There are no easy solutions.

      I’m not flaming you. I’m just saying you’re living within a tall hedge of the Lord’s protection. You can be grateful for that.


    • Dead Bedroom Dating says:

      Here is another meta-study on divorce: The Coming Divorce decline:

      This paper analyzes U.S. divorce trends over the last decade, and considers their implications for future divorce rates. Modeling women’s odds of divorce from 2008 to 2017 using marital events data from the American Community Survey, I find falling divorce rates, with or without adjustment for demographic covariates. Age specific divorce rates show that the trend is driven by younger women, which is consistent with longer term trends showing uniquely high divorce rates among people born in the Baby Boom period. Finally, I analyze the characteristics of newly-married women and estimate the trend in their likelihood of divorcing based on the divorce models. The results show falling divorce risks for more recent marriages. The accumulated evidence thus points toward continued decline in divorce rates. The U.S. is progressing toward a system in which marriage is rarer, and more stable, than it was in the past.

      Registered (BP) marriage seems to turn into a special case now that cohabitation (RP marriage) became the norm:

      Although the age at marriage has risen (Kawamura, 2009), young adults are still forming coresidential unions at roughly the same ages, with their first union increasingly likely to be cohabitation (Kennedy & Bumpass, 2008; Raley, 2001).

      People still marry like they did, they just no longer ask the government and the church for permission.


  4. ramman3000 says:

    “Men don’t “actively desire” this.”

    Christian Patriarchy: where men actively desire a marriage thematically centered on power dynamics, but not just any marriage featuring power conflicts, but only one in which they’ve permanently and completely won.

    Christian Patriarchy: where power dynamics are central and presumed the only way a relationship can successfully work (without exceptional, outlier luck).

    How can you deny that this is actively sought after?

    “Your ignorance shows. [..] There are no easy solutions.”

    I’ve never heard an explanation for why huge numbers of Blue Pillers—Christian or secular—have marriages that are not plagued by the things you say must afflict them, marriages which “go the distance.” If being “naturally attractive”, “naturally good with women”, or having “power and status” is enough to have a fine, lifelong, loving marriage, then what need does anyone have for introducing power conflict to a marriage?

    Why did Paul say to Timothy that divorced men should have no leadership role among Christians? Why did he suggest that widows guide the younger women?


  5. Jack says:


    It seems like you are denying both The Curse of Eve and the reality of female hypergamy.

    “I’ve never heard an explanation for why huge numbers of Blue Pillers — Christian or secular — have marriages that are not plagued by the things you say must afflict them, marriages which “go the distance.”

    Here’s one.

    “The wife got married thinking she could have a Blue System marriage, and the husband actually plays the complementary role of a compliant Beta. After a few years, she discovers that she can only be satisfied with a Red / Gold system (i.e. Tingles, masculine dominance, etc., perhaps through an affair or herd pressure), and then she wants out. IOW, she quits because she’s bored, disappointed, and dissatisfied, and she wants MOAR.”

    Σ Frame: Vetting Social Systems (2023/10/19)

    The explanation is that the wife has certain traits that dampen the rocking of the boat such that she never gets to the point where she actually switches systems. Traits such as…

    — She has a low libido.
    — She is sufficiently content with the Blue system (marriage in general).
    — She has enough self-awareness to know she can’t trade up and make it stick.
    — She lacks the confidence, initiative, finances, self-sufficiency, etc. to actually pull it off.
    — She actually has a conscience and cares for the family more than her own feminine imperatives.
    — She actually has maturity / moral agency and is willing to sacrifice her own interests for the family.

    In fact, secular culture labels these things “female oppression”.

    These traits are quite rare. Which one is the reason why your wife hasn’t jumped ship? I’m guessing it’s a combination. Congratulations! You’ve permanently won the power dynamic! And you’re still in a Blue system — that’s the amazing grace of God!

    Liked by 1 person

    • ramman3000 says:

      “Here’s one. [..] These traits are quite rare.”

      If these traits are quite rare and those traits are required to “dampen the rocking of the boat,” then they don’t adequately explain the existence of not-rare-at-all successful “Blue System” marriages.

      “It seems like you are denying both The Curse of Eve and the reality of female hypergamy.”

      No, I’m rejecting your paradigm as an adequate explanation or guide. Your explanations do not account for the existence of many successful marriages that are not plagued by power struggles. Your explanation is wanting. In particular, your description of “Blue System Marriage” makes it sound like your experience of “Blue System” married couples is extremely limited to just those that fit your paradigm and the experiences of your readers, rather than a universal explanation.

      When a Climate Alarmist says “this weather event is Climate Change”, he can do so for any weather events, whether cold or hot, wet or dry, windy or stagnant, ice growth or ice loss. Every weather event, every temperature change, every change in CO2 levels confirms his theory. It is unassailable because it is circular reasoning.

      Dark matter physics is another such example. Scientists saw what seemed to be “1 + 2 + x = 6” and assumed that “x” must be, without considering that the whole equation might be fundamentally flawed. So they’ve spent billions of dollars and years of time trying to find dark matter and have found nothing over and over again. Scientists cling to its mathematical necessity to balance the equation, regardless of how all of many tests have failed to replicate the theory (i.e. falsified it).

      Your paradigm is the same. I attempt to falsify your paradigm by citing the numerous happily married people, whose marriages simply don’t match the frame you are trying to shove them in. Remember when Jason used to do this with his own secular family, and everyone shot him down for it as if he was a fool? When every piece of information I cite must fit in your unified field theory because you assume your paradigm is true, then of course everything fits within it. But this is obviously also circular reasoning.

      This comment by info is a good example. Had Paul wanted to use active/passive subordination-based language in Ephesians 5 that he had used in 1 Corinthians 15, he would have done so. Instead, he used the middle voice and elided verbs (as did Peter in 1 Peter 3!). But when info reads the passage, he can say, in effect, “Even though Paul used this inward-focused language, he meant the same thing as if he used the outward-focused language: patriarchal hierarchy!” This logic is utterly unassailable because it is circular.

      When I pointed out that you use the same tactics that you criticize in others, you called it a category error. If you want to understand my position, try to reflect on that one thing.


    • @ Jack

      “The explanation is that the wife has certain traits that dampen the rocking of the boat such that she never gets to the point where she actually switches systems. Traits such as…”

      Along with what you said, I think that God created marriage from the beginning to be a fairly robust institution with pair bonding being a central factor.

      Most natural marriage as the Catholic and Orthodox put it have some amount of momentum because it is a Created system which is meant to be permanent. One has to willfully rebel enough via many of the traits and mechanisms that you listed that they would rather opt out rather than opt in.

      This is how you can get many blue pill and feminist-oriented marriages that stay together because of God’s natural system. Even the feminist ones are following a hierarchy, albeit the wrong one, which can subsequently maintain its integrity even when they overtly opposed to God. However, it is also true that they tend to collapse much more readily because the feminist women tend to more and more find their male submissive partners unattractive. More disordered type of unions like h0m0sexual ones dissolve at far greater rates, since they are based on a perverted order from the beginning.

      Liked by 1 person

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