Come and See Hades

Most people don’t have any idea what ћәll is like.  Here is one film that captures the true wormwood flavor of perdition.

Readership: Adults

Warning: This post contains offensive language and videos that contain violence and graphic scenes.  Continue reading at your own discretion.


I’ve never appreciated horror films.  Whenever I happen to see one, it strikes me as being utterly stupid, childish even.  It’s nothing more than a drama drenched bloodbath.  Nothing to see here unless you’re a goth teenager who dwells on death and who wants to have the “thrill” of being grossed out.  (BTW, such individuals find a twisted satisfaction in the defilement associated with viewing such things, probably due to being under a curse of some sort.)

For me to have any appreciation of a horror genre film, it has to correlate very strongly with the reality of the spiritual world.  There is only one horror film that I can remember seeing that came acceptably close to my very particular satisfaction, and that is The Exorcism of Emily Rose (2005).

But then recently I came across a Russian film on YouTube, Come and See (1985).

The film’s title derives from Chapter 6 of The Apocalypse of John, in which “Come and See” is said in the first, third, fifth, and seventh verses as an invitation to look upon the destruction caused by the Four Horsemen of the ApocalypseRevelation 6:7–8 has been cited as being particularly relevant to the film.

“And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see!  And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him.  And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.”

The commentary stated that this was the most terrifying film ever made, and it wasn’t even listed as a horror film.  It was a historical documentary covering the Nazi atrocities in Belarus.  I watched the excerpts, and found that the director had truly captured the spiritual environment of ћәll – and I’m an extremely picky critic on these matters of spiritual accuracy.

Come and See was a big box office hit in the Soviet Union, but it never saw the light of day in the West.  The director said this film would never be acceptable to American audiences because it is presented as a real event.  I have to agree.  Americans could never stomach the horrors of ћәll as being a living reality.

What is a Nazi?

Since World War II, the word Nazi has been used as a slur to denigrate and reject others.  But what exactly is meant by calling someone a Nazi?

Here are a few concepts that represented the Nazi’s at the time of its greatest popularity in Germany.

  • Racial purity and organized eugenic programs.
  • National socialism as a form of government.
  • Machine-like quality and precision.
  • The beautiful vision of pastoral 18th and 19th century European culture.
  • The preservation, advancement, and glorification of the white culture and race.
  • Valuing ideological purity among members of society.
  • Nationalization of banking and industry.

But from the Russian perspective, the Nazi’s represent the following.

  • Barbaric atrocities against humanity during a time of war.
  • Death and ћәll.

Like pre-WW2 Germany, Feminazi’s see their agenda as being entirely right and good.  But from the other side of the gender war, they bring Death and ћәll.

Bastards are the Spawn of Hәll

As a corollary epiphany, seeing this film made me realize that growing up in a broken home can give a child the impression of ћәll as being a normative state of his non-shared environment.

This is particularly horrible if the child is relatively comfortable and well cared for, and has no noteworthy events that would clue him into the fact that his life is ћәll.  This spiritual blindness is exacerbated if he is also immersed in reading the Bible and attending church regularly.  The perilousness of this state is that he may never come to the realization that he grew up experiencing ћәll first-hand.  He is literally a son of ћәll.

If a child spends much of his formative years living in such a reality, then the familiarity of ћәll and the absence of God’s presence forms an indelible effect on his personality and soul.  There’s a real reason why the word bastard and it’s near equivalent, son of a bitch, have a negative connotation.

Noel Hadley at The Unexpected Cosmology has put up a post that examines the origin of a whole generation of bastards in the 19th century.  The Lost World of the Mud Flood: Fallen Women, Foundlings, and the 19th-Century Human Reset (2020 May 24).  Take a look if you want to see colorized images of the hardscrabble sons and daughters of early American industrialized ћәll.  Here’s one image that makes a hard impression.

child workers1

All the boys in this photo are clearly bastards.  The blatant spiritual confusion, the subterfuged fear and angst can be clearly seen in their eyes and faces.  Physical abuse and cruelty puts a hardset gleam in the eye, but I only see this on a few of them.  The deadpan dufus expression you see here on every single face is one of being rejected by mother and father, and thrown into a confusing, loveless, joyless world of ћәll.

Now snap back to the present.  The divorce rate hovers around 50%.  40% of children are growing up in single parent homes…  et cetera, ad infinitum, ad nauseum…  I won’t go into it further.  You’ve seen these statistics before, and are well familiar with them.

Do you know what kind of children are being produced in this mess?

You know what’s coming next…

You won’t need to “Come and See”, because Hәll will come to America!

Feminazi now takes on a new significance in meaning.


About Jack

Jack is a world traveling artist, skilled in trading ideas and information, none of which are considered too holy, too nerdy, nor too profane to hijack and twist into useful fashion. Sigma Frame Mindsets and methods for building and maintaining a masculine Frame
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10 Responses to Come and See Hades

  1. proprietor says:

    This film is probably propaganda. “Aryan” just means White European (and it also includes other Caucasians including Persians and some Indians), so obviously Russians are just as “aryan” as Germans. In fact, “Russia” and “Belarus” comes from “Rus” which means the Scandinavian Vikings, which is as “Aryan” as it gets. Stalin, who we already know killed tens of millions of Russians, is believed to have committed atrocities and blamed them on the Germans.


  2. Ed Hurst says:

    By another definition, Hell is eternity in God’s presence with a very clear understanding that you rejected His offer and can never be at peace with Him.


    • Jack says:

      @ Ed,
      Your comment is a little confusing. I understand some people don’t like anything about God. But your comment suggests that some people like this might make it into heaven. Could you please clarify what “offer” you’re referring to, because apparently to you it means something other than an eternity with God.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Ed Hurst says:

    Okay, there are Two Realms: this fallen world and the Spirit Realm. “Going to Heaven” means entering the Spirit Realm as a child of God. “Going to Hell” means entering the Spirit Realm as an enemy of God. Everything we find in Scripture on those two destinies is uniformly non-literal — the descriptions are parabolic because those things are ineffable to the human intellect. You simply cannot use human language to explain it directly. When you leave this fallen realm of existence, you go to the Spirit Realm; you enter the Presence of God and His domain. If you go there as His enemy, it will be Hell for you. How that plays out is impossible to state, except that we can surmise “separation from God” is a condition of the eternal soul, not a geographical distinction.

    The consistent symbolism God uses in the Bible is Himself in the role of nomad sheikh. Ancient Near Eastern sheikhs would keep their conquered enemies in their courts, typically with thumbs and big toes cut off, and too poorly dressed to go off into the wilderness safely. The only way to physically survive was to stay in the safety of the sheikh’s court, and remain under his baleful gaze as a despised low-life, under constant psychological torment, including verbal and physical abuse. That’s what everyone would envision. When Jesus made a reference to living in the trash burning pit outside the southern gates of Jerusalem (Gehenna), it was still a symbolic reference that could mean pretty much the same thing: Since our spiritual bodies don’t get consumed in literal fire, it would be an eternal torment. It all sounds pretty much the same to me.


    • Jack says:

      So it seems like you’re saying that the damned will coexist with the redeemed in the afterlife. The only difference is the state of their identity and the vast difference in their respective experience of that state. I’ve never heard this interpretation before.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Ed Hurst says:

        Common evangelical images of Hell are generally drawn from Western pagan mythology, and some is more Medieval superstition. If you read the ANE literature, such as “Epic of Gilgamesh” and similar stuff, it betrays a totally different mythology that shares a lot with Hebrew thinking. In the ANE, there was a respectful silence about the afterlife because they never expected to understand it. The image of Sheol was borrowed from various Mesopotamian cultures, one of the few things they figured they could say about death without speaking out of turn. Yet David clearly knew there was an afterlife, because he spoke of someday going to be with his dead son (2 Samuel 12:23). The Hebrew people knew God could call them Home, but dared not hold concrete notions what that meant.


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