The Abusive Criminal / Thug

Brute strength must be backed with clear moral purpose.

Readership: Men; Single Men;
Theme: Faux-Masculine Archetypes
Length: 1,000 words
Reading Time: 3.5 minutes

Here’s one last faux-masculine archetype for this month, The Abusive Criminal / Thug (C/T).

Descriptions of The Abusive Criminal / Thug

“A thug is a person in rough conditions who is oppressed and is trying to survive, trying to come up without dying.

Mopreme Shakur

The Other McCain has a considerable repository of C/Ts which I will leave to the reader to review.

The articles listed above were used to glean the characteristics given in the next section.

Characteristics of the Criminal / Thug Archetype

The common stereotypical traits of the C/T are…

  • Lower intelligence on the average.
  • Goals are immediate or short term.
  • Generally low in Conscientiousness.
  • A low level of restraint and self-control.
  • Self-image is based on a prideful sense of autonomy.
  • Motivated by deep insecurities, fear, panic, and dread.
  • Often rely on coercion, intimidation, and outright terrorism.
  • Grew up without a strong father figure or other male mentor.
  • Lacks a clear moral purpose to guide and reinforce his actions.
  • True misogynists, but frequently get away with it. (See below.)
  • A heavy reliance on brute strength to accomplish short term goals.
  • Usually subscribe to a Power vs. Fear ethical paradigm (i.e. a gangster mentality).
  • Fail to think things through to the inevitable consequences and long term outcome.
  • Purposes are based on self-centered illusions within an alternate paradigm of reality.
  • Sexually promiscuous, afforded by the large number of women attracted to this type. (See below.)
  • Usually subscribes to leftist / liberal ideologies, but many examples can be found among the far right. 
  • They have a low interest in religion and are usually atheists or agnostics, but there are a few examples of radical religionists.
  • Stereotypical indicators include having a multitude of large tattoos, brandishing pistols, smoking weed, flashing or wearing gang symbols, etc.

Thugs appear to be aggressive, strong, and tough, but deep inside, they are confused, cowardly, dishonest, fearful reactionaries who lack the conviction, sincerity, and courage to protect the values they hypocritically claim to support. Thus, they rely on brute force, fear tactics, and intimidation to enforce their will on others.

It’s well known that men who fit the C/T archetype have poor or absent father figures, and this fact is often used to further denigrate men in general. However, focusing on the poor character or absence of a father tends to displace the public’s attention to the primary parental influence over these types — their mothers. Mothers of C/Ts are, more often than not, angry, contentious, moody, overbearing harridans — or worse, substance or sex addicts, Bipolar, Narcissistic, and so on. Has it never occurred to anyone that this may very well be one of the main reasons why the father didn’t stick around to raise the son?

The Popularity of the Thug Image among Blacks

The American black community associates the C/T with masculinity. There exists a common impression, even among blacks themselves, that black masculinity is all about territorial gang activities, street brawls, drug sprees, and sexual promiscuity with oversexed hoes. Black men who reject or refrain from these behaviors are seen by other black men as lesser men, “acting white”, or “Oreos”. For example, the gangsta rappers used to make fun of Will Smith for making “rap for white people” because he didn’t rap about murdering people, his genitals, or pimping his ho’s.

Elspeth noted that men like this are aggravating and perpetuating the institutionalized racism which has undermined the black community since the Great Society reforms of the 1960s, which IMO is the modern whitewashed and governmentally bureaucratized version of the K K K.

“Sadly, most of the “You’re acting white!” people are too stupid to recognize they’re denigrating themselves.”

Case Study — Kyle Rittenhouse, the Anti-Thug

To further our understanding of the Abusive Criminal / Thug, here I’ll present the diametric opposite archetype.

Kyle Rittenhouse is the Anti-Thug. He has the aggressive killer hallmark of a thug, but he also has had a clear moral purpose — and best of all, he’s a babyfaced kid with a cheesy smile and a slice of killer in his eyes. He’s the full epic hero of his generation!

Lara Logan and Kyle Rittenhouse. Trigger discipline and eye discipline. Note the side arm under his jacket. He’s packing and not allowing himself to be distracted by voluptuous mammary glands. H/T: Oscar.

Feral Wimmin have Intense Tingles for some Criminals and Thugs

Chateau Heartiste (CH) has the most poignant low down on how wimmin are attracted to Criminals and Thugs. I will leave it to the reader to relish these old classics from Roissy. There may be others I missed.

Masculinity Rating

This archetype is a unique form of masculinity because it captures a ressentiment of moral and ethical values. Authority and Respect are truly earned, not through traditionally moral behaviors and service to ones community, but through Strength, domination, and the Law of the Jungle. As such, the weakness of this archetype is in Honor and Purpose. Even so, this type earns the second highest masculinity rating of all those I’ve covered this month (behind the Extroverted Armchair Philosopher). However, it should be duly noted that this only occurs within an alternate Power vs. Fear ethical system.

Strength: 8-10
Honor: 0-4
Authority: 6-10
Respect: 6-10
Purpose: 0-6

Average Score: 6


About Jack

Jack is a world traveling artist, skilled in trading ideas and information, none of which are considered too holy, too nerdy, nor too profane to hijack and twist into useful fashion. Sigma Frame Mindsets and methods for building and maintaining a masculine Frame
This entry was posted in Adultery and Fornication, Agency, Archetypes, Attraction, Authenticity, Child Development, Collective Strength, Conspiracy Theories, Cultural Anthropology, Culture Wars, Elite Cultural Influences, Faux-Masculinity, Female Evo-Psych, Forgiveness, Generational Curses, Hypergamy, Male Power, Media, Misogyny, Models of Failure, Personal Presentation, Power, Psychology, Purpose, Racial Relations, Relationships, Self-Concept, Self-Control, Sexual Authority, Single Parents, Society, Socio-Economic Class Studies, Sphere of Influence, Tattoos, White Wash, Zeitgeist Reports. Bookmark the permalink.

90 Responses to The Abusive Criminal / Thug

  1. info says:

    If normal ordinary Men are better armed and well trained to deal with the criminal threat, it would do us good.

    Likewise with mandatory execution for all murder by either Men or Women in accordance with Genesis 9:6.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Pingback: Faux Masculine Archetypes | Σ Frame

  3. feeriker says:

    Sadly, if we were to create a poll aimed at young American women that asked them to vote for which man gave them more “tingles” and for whom they had more respect — Kyle Rittenhouse or [pick any gangstah thug-du jour who has murdered at least one person] — we know that Kyle would go down in flames.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. feeriker says:

    It occurred to me also that it might be instructive to American woman to put out a message to the effect of “There is a fine line between a Kyle Rittenhouse and an 311i0+ R0dg3r. It’s up to you to not turn one of the former into one of the latter.”

    Unfortunately, I think most American women would really prefer the latter, so probably not a good idea.


    • Jack says:

      “…it might be instructive to American woman to put out a message to the effect of “There is a fine line between a Kyle Rittenhouse and an 311i0+ R0dg3r. It’s up to you to not turn one of the former into one of the latter.”

      Unfortunately, I think most American women would really prefer the latter, so probably not a good idea.”

      You are referring to Devouring Mothers, right?


  5. “It’s well known that men who fit the C/T archetype have poor or absent father figures”

    Exactly, Great post, as usual.

    The stats are irrefutable, and I’ve seen it firsthand in meeting many hundreds of felons while doing prison ministry (blacks and whites). Every now and then you meet a guy who came from a good family and was just a knucklehead and went on an armed robbery with friends, but over 90% of the time the fathers were poor or absent over the last 15 years. And the succession of boyfriends the mothers often took in viewed the kids as rivals and not someone to take care of. While I often say that a terrible upbringing doesn’t give you one free manslaughter, it is no surprise when these kids turn to gangs and drugs and “don’t act white” behavior.

    The Leftist policies that encourage single motherhood — again, regardless of race — are absolutely satanic. I’ve seen many remarkable cases of redeemed lives, because Jesus is that great. But it is still a small percentage of the total.

    Liked by 4 people

    • Ugh – the “over the last 15 years” was in reference to how long I’ve done the ministry, not the length of time of absent fathers. I need to quit trying to type from an iPad . . .


    • Oscar says:


      Most of us here are middle aged dads. We’re already doing what we can for our own sons, but what can we do for boys who don’t have fathers at home? I’m not just asking you. I’d actually like to see what others think, as well.

      Liked by 2 people

      • Hi Oscar,

        Great question. I’ve spent most of my volunteer time on the carnage end of it, once these guys have made many serious mistakes and caused untold generational damage themselves. But some do change and became different fathers and husbands when they get out.

        I was never a Scout type, but that used to be a good program. But in a murder/suicide the Left destroyed them.

        I’m meeting with a couple guys for breakfast tom’w about our church’s men’s ministry (mercifully it is the antithesis of what I’ve heard many times here about Churchian men’s groups). I’ll bring it up with those guys. One of the reasons I got involved with this was to get to know younger single and married guys to share some of the things I’ve learned in life and from guys like you all. Just a sample of true biblical wisdom on relationships could be radically life-changing for them. They need a major reset button on male/female dynamics.

        So many of you all posting on here have great wisdom for youth. Would the churches let you share those things with young men / youth groups who are interested?

        Liked by 2 people

    • redpillboomer says:

      Amen. I did prison ministry for about five years and I can concur with what you said. Interestingly, of the “smaller percentage of men” in prison that accept Christ, there seemed to me to be a disproportionate number who went into the ministry or some para-church related ministry when they got out. I’d say it seemed like, roughly 20-30% of the “jail house conversions” who did just that. Prison conversions, when genuine, can lead to significant life rebounds when they get out and back into civilian life. “He who is forgiven much, loves much; he who is forgiven little, loves little.”

      Liked by 2 people

  6. Oscar says:


    I like that you placed the “simp” and the “thug” back-to-back, because they’re kind of like two sides of the same coin. They typically have similar parents – an overbearing mother, and an absent father. They just happen to have different personalities. Both may even come from the same family.

    One boy has a naturally disagreeable personality, and produces a lot of testosterone, so his overbearing single mother beats him (kids raised by single mothers are 30x more likely to be physically abused than kids raised by their father and mother) to keep him under her thumb, but that stops working when he’s about 13. He goes out looking for a tribe, and he finds it in a local gang, where he is mentored by the older boys and men.

    His brother, on the other hand, has a more agreeable personality, and produces less testosterone, so he tries to appease his mother, and she turns him into a substitute husband, and devours him.

    Frankly, I don’t know which fate is worse. The thug will have a Hobbesian life (poor, nasty, brutish, and short), but at least he’ll get to be a man, if a bad man. The simp, on the other hand, will have a much softer, more pleasant life, but he’ll never be more than a mama’s boy.

    I’d like to get some opinions on that from the bretheren.

    Also, I like this line.

    “This archetype is a unique form of masculinity because it captures a ressentiment of moral and ethical values. Authority, and Respect are truly earned, not through traditionally moral behaviors and service to ones community, but through strength, domination, and the Law of the Jungle.”

    We need to remember that honor, authority, and respect are manly virtues, but they are also amoral. If your peer group is a gang, you will earn honor, authority, and respect through immoral actions. If your peer group is a men’s charitable organization, then you’ll earn honor, authority, and respect through moral actions.

    Same principle, very different results.

    As for Kyle, it’s a cliché because it’s true that something changes in a man’s eyes when he’s taken a life. Destroying God’s image on Earth changes a man, no matter how deserving of death the the dead may be.

    This was a great series. Thanks, Jack.

    Liked by 4 people

    • info says:

      The Israelite soldiers after killing have end wash themselves because they defiled themselves with the enemies blood.

      No doubt it impacted David whom I notice have an easier time killing after serving as a commander in Saul’s army.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Oscar says:

        Very few men can kill without remorse. According to psychologist, and retired Lieutenant Colonel Dave Grossman, it’s about 2% of men.

        That includes morally, and legally justified killing in self defense.

        Kyle Rittenhouse is clearly not one of the 2%. The way he broke down when he testified in court made that obvious.

        However, the men who can kill without remorse (and there’s no way to identify them ahead of time, as far as I know) also look different after they’ve taken a life.

        It’s almost like the killer himself died a little inside. It’s hard to describe.

        If you want to see an extreme case of “killer eyes”, look at Putin. That dude is 100% dead inside.

        Liked by 1 person

      • info says:


        Do you think Putin actually turned to Jesus Christ? For a Man like him. Its definitely the only way out.


      • cameron232 says:

        I remain skeptical of our claims that we can read people’s eyes through pictures. About as reliable as Tarot cards. Not just Putin but e.g. when some of ya’ll claim that about pics of Mychael looking at Scott. I’m sure Mychael is very smitten with Scott I’m just calling BS on the idea we can all read these things that “can’t be faked” in pictures.

        GW Bush when he was driving around the ranch with Putin swore he could look into Vlad’s eyes and see he was trustworthy. Ann Coulter’s comment at the time is an ex KGB could let you see whatever he wanted you to see in his eyes.

        Liked by 1 person

      • cameron232 says:

        Orthodox are rather different in outlook from genuine-conversion-experience say the sinners prayer with Billy Graham American evangelicals so it’s hard to judge if Putin “turned” to Jesus or not. He could be a sincere practicing Orthodox Christian or a fake more interested in Russian nationalism than Christianity. Neither you nor I can discern that. We can take educated guesses.

        Scott if he were here would have a valuable opinion on this. Novaseeker too.


      • anonymous_ng says:

        Grossman is problematic. Many have asserted that his conclusions do not hold up under examination.


      • thedeti says:

        That right there is thousand yard stare.

        From which was derived thousand c* ck stare.


      • Oscar says:


        “Do you think Putin actually turned to Jesus Christ?”

        I can’t know for sure, but I suspect that if he had, he wouldn’t be sending Chechen Muslims to kill Ukrainian Christians right now.

        “For a Man like him. Its definitely the only way out.”

        Same is true for all of us.


      • Oscar says:


        “I remain skeptical of our claims that we can read people’s eyes through pictures. About as reliable as Tarot cards.”

        I’m not talking about pictures. Watch video of the man. And I’m not just talking about video. Have you read about the history of the KGB? It’s an organization that eats its own. To thrive in the KGB, as Putin did, a man would have to be incredibly cunning, and absolutely ruthless.

        And yes, you can see it in his eyes.

        “GW Bush when he was driving around the ranch with Putin swore he could look into Vlad’s eyes and see he was trustworthy.”

        How much of what GWB did and said aged well?


      • Oscar says:

        One more note on Putin:

        The man is almost 70 years old. Russian men tend to not live all that long. They tend to be congenitally prone to heart disease, for example. And, as far as I can tell, Putin has no clear successor. Historically, the time after an emperor dies (and Putin is an emperor) without a clear successor is dangerously chaotic.


      • cameron232 says:

        You mean sending Chechen Muslims to kill Ukranian pagan neo nazis. Oh yeah – that’s real. Wasn’t even controversial in the MSM until Russia invaded in February.

        Empire Solves Ukraine’s Nazi Problem With A Logo Change


      • cameron232 says:

        I’ve seen lots of video of Putin. I can’t tell if he’s a complete sociopath or a sincere Orthodox Christian. If you have that gift, that’s impressive.

        I’ve known Russians and worked with an immigrant Russian woman for years. Not a super warm people and not easy to read them. Very stoic.


      • Oscar says:

        “You mean sending Chechen Muslims to kill Ukranian pagan neo nazis.”

        No, I meant what I wrote. I’m aware of the Nazi influence in Ukraine, and the some of the reasons for it, but the vast majority of Ukrainians being killed are not Nazis.

        As for Putin, if he’s not exceptionally cunning, and absolutely ruthless, explain to me how he achieved his rank in the KGB.


      • cameron232 says:

        No clue. My childhood in the 80s when the KGB was active – I was an American boy watching the GI Joe cartoon. How would I know what 1980s Putin did to climb rank?

        Ukranians don’t seem to have a problem fighting alongside pagan neonates. Do Christians do this?

        Even if I were convinced Putin murdered a dozen men to climb that doesn’t preclude the possibility that he changed and wants to be an Orthodox Christian.

        Or he could be a sociopath bent on Eurasian dominance.

        I don’t believe I have the gift to tell by watching videos of him and reading his eyes or whatever.


      • cameron232 says:

        Yeah quite a headline.


      • Oscar says:

        “No clue. My childhood in the 80s when the KGB was active – I was an American boy watching the GI Joe cartoon. How would I know what 1980s Putin did to climb rank?”

        Thanks for proving my point.

        “Ukranians don’t seem to have a problem fighting alongside pagan neonates. Do Christians do this?”

        Do you think you’d do any differently if your country was being invaded?

        “I don’t believe I have the gift to tell by watching videos of him and reading his eyes or whatever.”

        Did I say anything about a “gift”?

        I’ve said the same thing about Ukraine that I said about Syria. No matter which side we take, we’ll be supporting villains. We need to stay out of it.

        Liked by 2 people

      • cameron232 says:

        Me too so we’re in violent agreement. My original point was that I am skeptical of claims by internet commenters that they can read people from pictures (and video if you like). This claim to being body language experts. I’ve worked with native Russians. They don’t have expressive mannerisms. The opposite. They come off as stoic and a bit cold. They ain’t easy to read.

        Yes we should stay out. We’re in violent agreement.


      • Jack says:

        “I am skeptical of claims by internet commenters that they can read people from pictures (and video if you like). This claim to being body language experts.”

        Scott et al. have made it clear to me that it is of crucial importance for men to be able to read IOIs, IOC, microexpressions, “body language”, and non-verbal cues. CH, Gunner Q, and Rollo on occasion have argued that “physiognomy is real”. Rollo stated that Blue Pilled men can’t “read the room”, whereas for Christians, discernment is an important hallmark of spiritual maturity. Moreover, there is a stark contrast between being Blue Pilled and being aware/discerning. I review such things from time to time and I encourage readers to develop an eye for this sort of thing. In real life, this is extended to applied discernment — what information one can “read” in people and in an environment. I think it’s helpful for men to discuss what they see in photographs of people and videos of interactions, and hone their skills in “reading”.

        Liked by 1 person

      • cameron232 says:

        This sidebar started with Putin being “100% dead inside” based on your analysis of his eyes.


      • Oscar says:


        “…we’re in violent agreement.”

        Ha! That’s a funny way of saying that! Hey dude, skepticism is always warranted. I could be wrong. But yeah, we need to stay out of it. Of that, I’m quite certain.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Joe2 says:

        “As for Putin, if he’s not exceptionally cunning, and absolutely ruthless, explain to me how he achieved his rank in the KGB.”

        It’s a mystery. Just like how a politician in our country can get elected to the U.S. Senate at age 29, serve in the U.S. Senate for 36 years, then serve as the vice-president for 8 years and then go on to be the 46th president of the United States while having some type of diminished cognitive ability, according to his critics. Cunning, ruthless, genius or dumb luck? Who knows.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Oscar says:

        “This sidebar started with Putin being “100% dead inside” based on your analysis of his eyes.”

        Based on the dead look in his eyes, his background in the KGB, and my experience with men who’ve killed. Yes, that’s my opinion. Can I prove it? Of course, not. Could I be wrong? Of course. Am I the only person here who’s expressed an opinion he can’t prove? Obviously not. Have you never expressed an opinion you can’t prove? Of course you have. I’m not sure why it matters so much to you.


      • cameron232 says:

        Oscar why do I care? It’s an interesting discussion because there’s a war going on involving him that might become WW3. Is he a sincere orthodox Christian or the Slavic Hitler?

        The discussion with you and info jumped out at me because, combined, it sounded not far from “I can look into his eyes and te ll he’s not a Christian.”


    • info says:

      “Destroying God’s image on Earth changes a man, no matter how deserving of death the the dead may be.”

      It seems that as per (Romans 13 and Genesis 9:6). Some Men will have to be executioners.

      I do wonder if God gives grace to such Men by comparison to other killers. Such a burden yet commissioned by God himself to carry out his Wrath on the Wicked is sanctified by his sanction. A necessary thing to cleanse the land of innocent blood:

      Numbers 35:33
      33 Do not pollute the land where you live, for bloodshed pollutes the land, and no atonement can be made for the land on which the blood is shed, except by the blood of the one who shed it.

      Making execution necessary to remove God’s curse from the land where innocent blood was shed.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Oscar says:

        “I do wonder if God gives grace to such Men by comparison to other killers.”

        I think so, but there are still consequences. See King David, for example.


      • info says:

        You are right. God’s mercy is the only way for those Men.


    • Oscar says:

      “Cunning, ruthless, genius or dumb luck?”

      You’re missing an obvious possibility. Some one else is pulling the strings. With Biden, that’s a lot more likely.


  7. catacombresident says:

    Back to back… yes. There are echoes of Jacob and Esau here. They had both parents and a different culture with different results, especially in the case of Jacob, but Esau was just a privileged thug. Maybe in a different culture, our simps and thugs would turn out different.

    Liked by 4 people

    • Jack says:

      “There are echoes of Jacob and Esau here.”

      Taking this comparison to the logical conclusion, Rebecca would have probably had some Oedipal mother tendencies, and yet, she was chosen by God as a wife for Isaac! Furthermore, there are passages that suggest Isaac and Rebecca had a very close, warm relationship! This makes me think that any young man could become a Simp or a Thug, and that it’s God’s grace, and somewhat of a miracle when it doesn’t happen.

      Liked by 2 people

  8. Devon70 says:

    Women like good-looking criminals. They don’t care about unattractive criminals.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. redpillboomer says:

    I’ll admit my experiences with the “thug type” are very limited. I will say that some of the black males (and most were black, maybe a white or hispanic here or there) that exhibited the “thug persona,” but weren’t really “thugs” outside of the training courses we participated in together. They did attract female attention, especially younger female attention; however, the couple of CC riders I knew, who normally might have had an affinity for this persona (and one admittedly did in her early twenties), seemingly lost interest in these types of men as the women got into their latter twenties. Why? Well, I concluded it was the RESOURCES issue. These men were still attractive in general to the older twenty something, early thirty something ladies, but they didn’t have the coin to draw them now that the women were looking for alpha bucks (the ideal) or beta bucks (settling) to create a serious LTR with them. IOW, a shift had taken place in the ladies sexual strategy. At the time I was in the last throes of blue pilldom and didn’t quite get it, but now I see it more clearly. These guys, the “thuggish men” were a lot of fun in their early twenties, but now in the girls’ late twenties, didn’t have the resources they wanted from a man. These ladies turned their attentions toward the players with coin, not the bad boy “thuggish” guys with little or no coin.

    Btw, as an interesting aside, the three “thuggish black males” in our courses and I, got along quite well. We were so different: me the retired, white military officer, and they the guys with the “dreadlocks and swag,” but at some level we understood and respected one another. Weirdest thing at the time, but now I get it more readily. They respected me, I.e. my archetype, I’d guess you’d call it the ” conventional warrior archetype;” and I respected their archetype, I’d guess you call it the “street survivor warrior” archetype.” Made little sense to me at the time, but now I get it much better. We both respected the “warrior” inside each other, the “alpha” aspect of one another, if you will. I better understand now WHY the women were attracted to them, they were just the other side of the coin to me; opposite sides, same coin in many ways–the straight version and the street version.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Bardelys the Magnificent says:

      “I better understand now WHY the women were attracted to them, they were just the other side of the coin to me…”

      Your side of the coin didn’t have drugs.


    • locustsplease says:

      I was a bouncer for a few years at bars and the biggest night club in my area. I have probably been in 60 street-bar fights. I’ve never punched a black guy. We always had many black men at the club I have kicked out many some looked like starting nfl players they were that built. They were not perfect patrons but the white guys were way less timid of swinging a fist or make a comment that would get themsleves choked.

      I think they were scared to get a beating from a white man they couldn’t handle the shame. When push came to shove they left they would flip you some shit and push my buttons but who didnt. I don’t blame them it seemed like a tribal thing I’m in this tribe want to enjoy myself and really outnumbered. Same thing when I go on the black side of town I would rather run than swing.

      I loved working the door that’s where %100 of the action goes thru. Anyone gets kicked out they just get tossed to me no explanation.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Rock Kitaro says:

        “I think they were scared to get a beating from a white man they couldn’t handle the shame.”

        Honestly, I have wondered about this for a long time when it comes to black on black homicides.. I look at the youth crime rate, the violence and tendency to draw their guns over mere words. There’s a saying that white people are more “outdoorsy”. There’s stereotypes about black people not trusting wild animals or getting “in the water”… I really think the fear of getting beat up, whether it’s jumped, or knocked out in front of your peers, it plays a huge part for the black homicide rate…. I’m thinking.


      • cameron232 says:

        Don’t know about wild animals. My wife’s last job, 22+ years ago was selling puppies. Children would take field trips to the store and my wife would let them pet the puppies. Multiple (by no means all) little black girls had very visible terrified reactions to the puppies, waving hands, yelling. My wife never saw this reaction to the puppies from any other demographic. No clue what this was about. I don’t know if it’s some sort of shared folk memory of dogs being used against black folks. No clue.


      • cameron232 says:

        A particular great grandparent of mine who was full of un-pc folk sayings used to say:”two-on-one is n-word fun.” For context her brothers used to go down to the docks to get in fights. The implication seemed to be that black men/boys were tribal and had a rep for jumping in when their guy was losing. Of course there’s no shortage of black guys who can handle themselves one-on-one. Black men haven’t exactly been failures at e.g. boxing.

        FWIW this was my most un-PC relative and, yes, it was a she. You’d be quite shocked at how unPC many white women used to be given how woke they’ve become.


      • thedeti says:

        Even if no one else will say it, I will.

        White men can’t punch or take swings at black men, ever, at all, even when it’s the job of the white bouncer to do that to a troublemaking black man at a bar. Because that would be “racist”.

        It’s “racist” for a white man to tell a black man who’s making trouble to stop making trouble. It’s “racist” for a white man to enforce the rules of a public house on a black man. It’s “racist” for a white man to forcibly remove a black man from said public house for not following the public house’s rules.


      • cameron232 says:

        Well yeah Deti. We moved to honkeyville upper Midwest a few months ago. My wife takes the kids to the park and sees these two boys about 9 years old fighting. White boy, black boy. White boy is very burly (his burly dad is sitting on the bench watching) and is just beating the crap out of the black boy. Just throwing slobberknockers. Wife gets upset and breaks it up.

        As middle class White folk you just have a negative visceral reaction to that sight. Images of the Klan or whatever. Been trained in antiracism our whole life.


    • info says:

      Unfortunately that doesn’t translate to Male Headship in the home. Many soldiers are just complete weaklings when it came to their wives.

      Liked by 1 person

      • locustsplease says:

        My father is one. High ranking army will die like the wicked witch of the west when he has to tell a woman no. I actually can’t think of any military buddies who are dominant with women constant I’m so lucky to have her. I wasn’t in the military but know maybe 10guys who were.


      • info says:

        Why this disconnect between their masculinity in war and their masculinity in regards to women?

        The Red Pill definitely helps. But it is incongruent with our design.


      • info says:

        Masculinity in War should result in Masculinity in the Home because of our design. But this isn’t so.


      • Oscar says:

        “Household 6” is a common term in the Army for the wife. 6 is the commander’s call sign number. For example, when I was a commander, I was “Hammer 6”. That means the wife is the household commander. Very White Knight.


  10. Pingback: A Summary of Faux-Masculine Archetypes | Σ Frame

  11. anonymous_ng says:

    I ran across this one while trying to find more information on Putin and his approach to Orthodoxy, does he attend liturgy regularly etc.


  12. thedeti says:

    Years ago a blogger named Ricky Raw ran one of the first manosphere blogs called The Rawness. It’s either shuttered or private. Anyway, he was one of the first to assert that the “hypermasculine thug” who came from the streets and lived with his single mom was really quite feminine. The hypermasculine thug always got himself into legal trouble from kicking the sh_t out of some other tough who had “dissed” him.

    Ricky Raw always pointed out (paraphrasing): These guys always had such thin skins. The way they had all these petty disagreements and fights with people, they acted like women. They always had a “beef” with someone. They were always feuding with someone or groups of others. They could never let anything slide. They could never walk away from someone just sh_ttalking them. Every “dis” had to be redressed; every beef resolved through beatdowns; every feud resolved through total victory or death.

    These guys could never be “the bigger man” and just walk away from sh_ttalk. Even the smallest insult became a war. It was petty, it was small, it was feminine. Fighting about absolutely everything is something girls do. That was lost on these street thugs.

    Liked by 1 person

    • thedeti says:

      And Ricky theorized that this came from boys living with their single mothers and watching how their mothers and the women around them resolved disputes. These boys’ only dispute resolution model was watching women constantly emoting, fighting, disagreeing, manipulating; and carrying years-long beefs, grudges, and feuds.

      They learned this from their mothers and from other women who raised them. They had never seen a grown man in their lives work something out without getting hyperemotional, or work it out by letting it go because it wasn’t important enough to expend any mental or emotional energy on.

      Liked by 2 people

    • thedeti says:

      I also give you two versions of Tupac Shakur. First, the inveterate thug:

      And now, the hyperfeminine blue pill pedestalizer and supplicator:

      Here’s an example.

      “Since we all came from a woman, got our name from a woman, and our game from a woman, I wonder why we take from women, why we rape our women, why do we hate our women? I think it’s time we killed for our women, be real to our women, try to heal our women, ‘cause if we don’t, we’ll have a race of babies that will hate the ladies, who make the babies. And since a man can’t make one, he has no right to tell a woman when and where to create one.”

      Liked by 1 person

      • cameron232 says:

        See Tupac’s pedestalizing Dear Mama song.


      • Oscar says:

        “I wonder why we take from women, why we rape our women…”

        That’s pretty rich coming from a guy who was convicted of gang rape.


      • Devon70 says:

        There’s a short video someone made that has an early very blue-pilled Tupac and the later very black-pilled Tupac.

        Liked by 1 person

    • cameron232 says:

      Well I agree tough guys who can punch your head in can have effeminate thought processes. Alpha Brock Lesnar got Mark Mero’s sloppy 2nds. Jim Cornette claimed half the locker room…. well you know.


      • Oscar says:

        In Brock’s case, that’s probably a White Knight thing. He grew up in South Dakota on a dairy farm. You can’t get a much more stable upbringing than that.

        Liked by 1 person

      • cameron232 says:

        Hmm. Maybe Brock should’ve picked JDFF.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Oscar says:

        JDFF FTW

        Liked by 1 person

      • Joe2 says:

        It was love at first sight. Sable was unfaithful to Mark and is 10 years older than Brock who also had twins with his former fiancee four years before marrying Sable. Coronette’s claim about the locker room is like the pot calling the kettle black. Wrestlers report that Coronette had them engage in sex with his wife as condition for employment and career with Ohio Valley Wrestling (OVW).

        Now back to our regularly scheduled programming…

        Liked by 1 person

      • cameron232 says:

        Cornette doesn’t pretend to be anything but a scumbag. The whole industry is scummy which is why Bruno Sammartino disassociated himself from it. Brock picked a ho’ who was a decade older. Of course any decent father wouldn’t let Brock near his young virginal daughter. Brock was an arrogant ass in MMA and it was good to see him lose even if part of me was rooting for the Viking.


      • cameron232 says:

        This is a rotten thing to say but Brock’s daughter is an example of why some women prefer pretty men (peacocks) over hypermasculine men (gorillas). The daughter looks like Brock wearing a wig.

        Reproductive fitness is reduced for a woman when she looks like a caveman.


      • Oscar says:

        “Brock’s daughter is an example of why some women prefer pretty men (peacocks) over hypermasculine men (gorillas). The daughter looks like Brock wearing a wig.”

        One of his daughters. I think the younger one looks normal, unless I’m confused about who his children are, which is likely.

        That happens a lot with high testosterone men. One daughter will take after mom, and another will unfortunately look like dad with a wig.

        That has to be frustrating for the unfortunate daughter.

        Liked by 1 person

      • cameron232 says:

        I think she’s the only daughter. By the ex fiance.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Oscar says:


        You may be right. Dude’s family is confusing.

        Liked by 1 person

    • Bardelys the Magnificent says:

      There’s also the theory on why they love shoes and jewelry so much. They got it from their momma.

      Liked by 1 person

  13. feeriker says:

    “Why this disconnect between their masculinity in war and their masculinity in regards to women?”

    I don’t know how it “used to be” in our fathers’ or grandfathers’ generations (I’m thinking here of the Korean and WWII generations), but the modern U.S. military has, for nearly the last half century, been flooded with all of the same PC egalitarian nonsense with which the rest of secular society has been infected. This includes indoctrination of male servicemen with the idea that women are fully equal in all ways with men (plus not a little threat/coercion mixed in, making it absolutely clear that any mistreatment of the “damsel warriors” by their male comrades will result in very unpleasant and sometimes career-ending consequences).

    More generally, most men who have served in the military over the last half century have been conditioned from early childhood, just like the rest of American maledom, to see women as equals, yet somehow still requiring male protection. This leads to the same blue pill/save-a-ho/p*$$y pedestalization attitudes that infect the general male population.

    Liked by 1 person

    • anonymous_ng says:

      I don’t know how it used to be either, but historically, we did not have a large standing military. Military posts were not near population centers. And, I’ve heard that lower ranks had to get permission to marry, and it was seldom granted.

      So, you had far fewer wives sitting at home with nothing to do while their husbands were away, and before hormonal birth control, women controlled themselves more because the consequences of their infidelity could be drastic.

      But, you’re not wrong about how service members today still grew up immersed in the same feminism soup as the rest of the country.


      • cameron232 says:

        A male ancestor of mine impregnated another man’s wife while the man was away fighting WW2. I don’t know what the consequences were but when the man came back from the war he raised my ancestor’s son with his wife.

        My wife’s grandpa was cuckholded too and he stayed and raised the child.

        Men have been tolerating this sort of crap for awhile.


  14. Jack says:

    As the two links from deti illustrated, Thugs are (or can be) pedestalizers. This goes against my earlier impression that most Thugs just use women, not pedestalize them.

    If Tupac is representative of all Thugs, then he makes a good case study in the habits and psychology of Thuggery. But I’m not sure whether this is a common identifying trait of all Thugs, or if this is unique to Tupac.

    I’m thinking that Criminals / Thugs should be added to the list of Male Feminists for this reason, but I’m not sure how prevalent this is. What are the other reader’s impressions? Are Thugs also pedestalizers?

    If pedestalization IS an identifying trait of Thugs, then I wonder how much of this is due to the influence of the feminized culture, and how much is a result of mommy issues.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. thedeti says:

    Just as a meta-observation:

    There is more off topic content in the comments than has been the case in previous months here. A sign that SigmaFrame is becoming something of a community.

    Liked by 2 people

  16. thedeti says:

    “I am skeptical of claims by internet commenters that they can read people from pictures (and video if you like). This claim to being body language experts.”

    I don’t agree. I think this is a skill that is essential to have and that can be learned. The Will Smith/Jada Pinkett thread was a good one for the photos Jack included. I’ve seen the way Mychael looks at Scott in some of their photos. You cannot fake that. It’s automatic and the women themselves don’t know they’re doing it. The Manosphere Ladies’ Auxiliary denies this because it’s in their interest to do so. I again refer to you to that subreddit, GirlsMirin. Women can’t fake that. It’s innate.

    You can tell a lot from body language, facial expression, the use of the eyes — all of it yields enormous amounts of information. You fail to learn it at your peril. You fail to detect it at your peril.

    Liked by 1 person

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