An Interview with American Pilgrim author Roosh Valizadeh

“Pursing something for merely material benefits is idolatry, and you will surely be punished for it in this life.” ~ Roosh Valizadeh

Readership: Christian Men;
Authorship: This interview was conducted by Stephen L. M. Heiner, and the transcript contained in this post originally appeared on his eponymous blog on 2021 February 25.
Reader’s Note: Key takeaways have been highlighted in blue.
Length: 4,400 words
Reading Time: 17 minutes


  1. Views and Expectations of Women – Before and After
  2. On Government
  3. Self-improvement, the internet, and technology.
  4. On Conspiracy Theories
  5. The Effects of the Sexual Revolution on Marriage
  6. On Nature and Traveling
  7. On City Living
  8. On Cultural Shifts
  9. Some Advice to Secular Men
  10. Tattoos
  11. Bird Watching
  12. Overcoming Challenges by Trusting God
  13. Denominations
  14. Carrying the Cross
  15. Prayer
Roosh considers American Pilgrim to be his first true book, despite having written books for years.

Foreword: I recently had the chance to review an advance copy of American Pilgrim by Roosh Valizideh. He was gracious enough to answer some questions I had after finishing his newest book.

Views and Expectations of Women – Before and After

Stephen: In your introduction, you write, “[Y]et it totally escaped me that I was receiving from women merely what I gave them.” Did you have an inkling of this earlier in the process? That “pickup” wasn’t all it was cracked up to be, even as you were succeeding at it?

Roosh: No, I did not see the truth until after I stopped fornicating. While pursuing women for sex, I was deceived into believing I was a “high value” man because of superficial qualities centered around my appearance and personality (but only the traits I would selectively reveal to women), and that I was entitled to a woman who was both sexually appealing like a pornographic actress, since I regularly watched porn, but also traditional with qualities such as honor, loyalty, and dedication. When I did not receive the woman I thought I deserved, one who existed primarily in my mind, I interpreted that as not indicative of my true worth or sense of delusion, since I obviously had “value” from being able to bed so many women; but this was a fault of the women themselves, which is why I spent an inordinate amount of time publicly complaining about their collective flaws and weaknesses.

The reality of what was happening is that I was pursuing harlots and succeeding with them — and them alone — because I mirrored their moral character. We both had no faith and looked to the opposite sex to “save” our miserable lives (from not having God). In other words, I was the harlot I slept with and then publicly criticized. But these women did not save me, and I surely didn’t save any woman, so I would whine endlessly that the world is filled with “sluts” and “whores.” Without Christ, I simply couldn’t see the error of my behavior, and it wasn’t until after repentance that this was clear to me.

On Government

Stephen: You said, “If [John] Hancock had known that his signature would be used to promote sodomy, he would not have signed the Declaration of Independence.” But, joking aside, aren’t we looking just as much at the results of a revolutionary government? You say later in the book: “I couldn’t see the founders as supernatural men worthy of worship. They were ambitious, intelligent, conniving… but hadn’t they been seeking their own glory and power? They overthrew the godly authority of the king… to establish a secular nation.” Also: “Americans had no resistance to the evil that encroached on its shores, because from the very beginning, the intention might have been to dethrone God.” America thought it could do its own thing, as the first country in the history of the world without an established religion, and despite a few good decades here and there, John Hancock and others like him helped deliver us to the sodomites…

Roosh: Jesus Christ tells us that no good can be done without Him, so the key question to ask is how much of Him the founding fathers called upon in genuine faith when they established the United States. This is an important historical question because if the founders depended more on their Freemasonic relationships and need for power than even their sola scriptura doctrine, since many were Protestants, we cannot be surprised today that America has become the primary source of Satanic darkness in the world.

The founders did have a strong sense of natural morality that cannot be compared with the average American citizen of modern times, but it took just a couple of generations for that natural morality based on parchment and paper to be eroded into the godless state we have now where little children are being biologically altered into different sexes due to encouragement from the government and major institutions. This is due in part to the founders planting a bad seed with their flavor of democracy. When that seed matured, the United States went on to be de-Christianized without much fuss and effort.

Many Conservatives today proclaim that America is a “Christian nation,” but all we can say with certainty is that most Americans at its founding were Christian in identification. One would have to look to the Byzantine era or possibly Czarist Russia to see what a Christian nation really was like. In my view, to use “Christian nation” and “democracy” in the same sentence is a contradiction in terms. Without a Christian monarch, Satan can make swift work of the country through whipping up the passions of the unruly mob.

The Garibaldi Castle in Khryashchevka, Russia.

Self-improvement, the Internet, and Technology

Stephen: You responded to one of the people you met who was asking about self-improvement: “I think you should work hardest in your relationship with God. Everything else is seeking approval from other people.” Later, “Step by step, I’m addressing my lust, anger, and pride.” This is the wisdom of the Desert Fathers. Do you really think people can hear those words through all the deluge of social media’s likes, followers, and Tik-Tok videos?

Roosh: If their heart desires Christian wisdom, then yes they can be enlightened through Tik-Tok, but it’s surely easier to learn it through books or speaking face-to-face with holy men. I think it has become clear to most Christians that social networking is a tool that Satan uses to distract and corrupt souls, but God can certainly weaponize these platforms for good to exert His will.

After I repented, I harnessed all my online platforms — blog, YouTube, Twitter, email newsletter, forum — to share my faith. Immediately, 30–50% of men dropped out, many in anger. I’m in the process of building an explicitly Christian community from those who remained and the new audience I’m slowly gaining. There still remains a temptation for me in using an app like Twitter, where I can receive instant feedback to a low-effort tweet that spikes my dopamine and keeps me planted at the computer screen instead of performing spiritual labor or reading religious texts, so I must come to the conclusion that no matter how strong my faith gets, it will pale in comparison to those Christians of the past who didn’t have the internet and social networking. In the Book of the Apocalypse, we learn how faith will steadily decrease until the end, causing a great apostasy, and even our Lord Jesus Christ asks if He will find faith on the earth when He returns. Each of us has to make difficult decisions about how much technology to use to share our faith, and then “fast” from it as if it were food to not become overly dependent.

On Conspiracy Theories

Stephen: As I read your discussions with attendees of your talk who work in the military and intelligence services and ponder how much “conspiracy theory” is indeed, “conspiracy fact,” do you wonder if your short story, Jake Ultra, will end up being nonfiction instead?

Roosh: Jake Ultra is about a conservative young man who wants to improve his country by “fighting back.” His actions begin a cascade that drastically changes the country. I wrote this story in my secular days when I believed that might makes right and the only way to “win” is through force. From a spiritual perspective I was wrong — the best way to win is through saving your soul; nothing can spite Satan more than watching you ascend to serve the Father at His right hand upon your death, but how many men in America possess this level of worldly detachment where they can watch their country descend into absolute evil and not fight back with anger? And who would say that that anger is not righteous? Saint John Chrysostom said, “He who is not angry, whereas he has cause to be, sins. For unreasonable patience is the hotbed of many vices, it fosters negligence, and incites not only the wicked but the good to do wrong.” Is this not a good time to fight back when, recently, Congressman Emanuel Cleaver, while in the U.S. Capitol, prayed not to God but to “Brahman,” even finishing his blasphemous prayer with “Awoman” instead of “Amen”? I wish I knew the answer.

Our elites believe they can gradually ease us into the prisons of isolation and technological destruction, but the Bible is full of stories, most notably the Tower of Babel, that describe how God makes a fool of the plans of men. A giant metal spring is being compressed through persecution and oppression by the elites and it will eventually be released to cause great turmoil, but how that will happen I do not know. We must also not forget that God can use natural disasters to bring men to repentance (who expected freezing Texas to descend into something resembling the third world this month?). No matter which way you look at our current situation, all empires fall, and the United States is long overdue for such a fall.

The Effects of the Sexual Revolution on Marriage

Stephen: Speaking about some relatives you got to meet for the first time, you noted, “The three of us had zero children, a typical outcome for first-generation Americans. Our parents did not understand that the new country they moved to for opportunity and comfort would render us sterile.” But I would say that’s only recently become a typical outcome. What changed?

Roosh: The sexual revolution went into overdrive after our parents’ time. They may have dated only a little before marriage, but they didn’t make their “sex life” an obsession like many Gen X’ers and Millennials have done. It didn’t help that our generation was able to experience nonstop pornography, cheap international travel, mobile lifestyles due to remote work, and the aggressive cultural propaganda against traditional marriage. I truly believed that marriage was “slavery” because it “shackled” me to a woman who would merely divorce me for no reason. That may very well be the case with secular marriages in which you choose a spouse based on emotional compatibility and how “happy” they make you feel, but that’s not what Christian marriages are built on. I don’t have the actual statistics on hand, but I once read that the divorce rate of a Catholic couple who goes to church every week is less than 5%. That looks like good odds to me.

To serve God through your spouse, however, not only takes faith but maturity, of which I can’t say I ever had before Christ. I was always focused on my own desires and needs, never wanting to make a sacrifice that impeded my pleasures. My narcissism, pride, and self-centeredness were such that I saw myself as a little god with which the world revolved around. Unfortunately, that’s the default outlook of a young person today.

Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, U.S.A.

On Nature and Traveling

Stephen: We both went to Yellowstone the same summer, and I was so keen to see the buffalo and wildlife. I only spent two days there but I did appreciate how you pointed out the commoditization of the beauty of nature. “When beauty is roadside, you will attract only the most basic, camera-toting tourists.” I felt that you had those glasses on from They Live and were able to see some of the underlying problems while I was just snapping pictures of elk.

Roosh: As a traveler, I’m jaded. I’ve spent so many years on the road that if I’m simply in proximity with another traveler, I will focus on the negative of the situation because he will remind me of all those years I wasted to seek novelty and women abroad.

I don’t wish to throw away travel completely, especially in a post-coronavirus age in which we spend so much time at home that a little trip may be beneficial for our mental health, but I will focus more on journeys to monasteries or parks that are not nearly as crowded as Yellowstone.

On City Living

Stephen: You also have some harsh critiques for city life, despite the fact that you have lived in cities for most of your life. What would you say to those who are saying that running off to the countryside is a false solution?

Roosh: The New Jerusalem that God has waiting for us is a city. If you strongly desire to only ever live in the countryside, you may be disappointed in Heaven!

The city itself isn’t inherently evil, but when it’s filled with people lacking faith, it becomes a vortex of sin that can make you wonder if hell has been realized on earth, especially in West Coast cities like Seattle, San Francisco, and Los Angeles. Today I can walk through a European city and genuinely feel God, because its old parks, statues, and architecture were created by God-fearing men centuries ago when faith was stronger, but in America we tend to tear down the old in order for money-hungry capitalists to build yet another sterile glass tower. It’s possible to walk several blocks in an American city and not for a brief moment feel God’s presence. Even urban American churches are covered with the propaganda of the times.

I do hope one day to live in the countryside, but doing so alone can be a recipe for disaster. As Dr. E. Michael Jones told me, I would need a lot of “spiritual firepower” to essentially live as a hermit. I think it would make more sense to live there with a family instead of as a single man. In the meanwhile, the suburbs seem like a reasonable compromise.

Пустынник (“Hermit”); М. В. Нестеров (1888-1889).

On Cultural Shifts

Stephen: I don’t think most people know that a lot of the public libraries are de facto daytime homeless shelters. Did you expect that going into the tour?

Roosh: I did not, since most of the American public libraries I had been to prior to the tour were located in family-oriented neighborhoods. The city libraries have become so bad that they no longer serve their original function to educate the community, and since children’s books are getting more “woke” with all manner of false egalitarian and homosexual messages, I don’t believe libraries are safe places for children anymore. Well, maybe they’re “safe” if you’re a leftist mom who wants her children to be groomed by transexuals during Drag Queen Story Hour. I wouldn’t be surprised if the private library makes a return in our lifetimes, perhaps in a weird mobile form (“Hey kids, here comes the library truck!”).

Stephen: You met up with some people and spent time with their families, people that you could not have met if not for the internet. Do you still think there’s a chance to connect with good people out there or are even those possibilities going to be ruled out by the version of the internet that is coming?

Roosh: The trend I notice is greater isolation and more distrust of your fellow neighbor. I meet families inside my church quite often but besides my priest, none have invited me to their home to break bread. It looks like the modern ideal of family will have to be observed from a distance, or maybe you can read about it in books before embarking on the task yourself and learning through trial and error.

That makes me wonder: what is Christian hospitality? It’s easy to invite your family or friends for a feast, but aren’t we called to invite everyone, including the destitute? Sadly, even inviting friends may be going by the wayside. People of weak faith are so scared of the coronavirus that they don’t want to step foot in other people’s homes. I regularly hold Italian-themed dinners in my home, and my invites have been refused by those who fear infection, and no one else I know is holding dinner parties. I have no doubt that Satan is pleased at our self-imposed isolation.

Some Advice to Secular Men

Stephen: Another key idea you put forward comes out in the quote: “If you marry a secular woman, you will have a secular outcome.” We are so drenched in secularity, particularly in America, that this message might not get through, especially if someone who hears that has no faith. What non-faith argument(s) would you put that quote in?

Roosh: I would tell secular men that you will attract the female version of yourself. Whatever spiritual state you are in, only a woman with a very similar state would embrace you, so if you have no faith, you will only attract a faithless woman. These men have to ask themselves what kind of marriage they will have with such a woman, and if that’s a risk they want to take. Since most men are justifiably not willing to take that risk, they fall back — since they have not God — onto pornography, video games, bodybuilding, casual dating, or other hobbies that feed their narcissism, lust, and pride.

I’m sure I could make convincing arguments to secular men that warn them of leading an excessively materialist lifestyle, but I would have to frame them around receiving benefits in this world, such as getting a “good” wife or being happy with your existing consumer products. Yet that will still fail them. Pursing something for merely material benefits is idolatry, and you will surely be punished for it in this life. I’m learning that it’s only faith-based arguments that are worth making. Otherwise, you are enabling the faithless to remain without faith, and that will cause severe damage to their souls.


Stephen: You’re very triggered by tattoos on women. Why do you think that is?

Roosh: So many women I’ve fornicated with have had tattoos, so I’ve come to associate it with harlotry. Of course I was no better than they at the time, and many tattooed women have repented, but as much as I mourn over my past sins, I don’t want to be reminded of them at every moment with a woman I one day marry, especially if she has a tattoo on her arms or face.

A Northern Cardinal

Bird Watching

Stephen: You’ve really developed an interest in birds. My bird feeder faces the interior of a courtyard here in Paris, so I don’t get nearly the diversity that you did at your mountain hideout. I’ve got a group of four sparrows that visit the feeder religiously in the late afternoon. Have you always cared for birds? What do you find special about them?

Roosh: I believe God gave me the birds as a healthy hobby upon repentance. I didn’t mind birds in the past but didn’t go out of my way to observe them deeply, let alone learn about individual species. After returning to God, I suddenly began to notice them everywhere. I was utterly fascinated: enchanted by their movements, sounds, and even unique personalities. To observe God’s creatures flying about, singing their hearts out, taking care of their babies, and foraging for food touches me deeply, and I thank God every day for allowing me to see his birds in this way. Just the other day I saw a Northern cardinal singing his heart out, signaling the approach of Spring. My response two days later was to buy birdseed so I could see more of them.

Overcoming Challenges by Trusting God

Stephen: While a good part of the book is a travelogue of sorts, you were also waging battles: you had health challenges, all kinds of temptations, both mental and actual, and the occasional Ortho-on-Ortho argument. Were you worried at any point that you would have to cancel the remaining stops? That you couldn’t make it?

Roosh: Yes it was a constant worry. My mind imagined all ways that the tour would be thwarted, from having car problems to being canceled by hotel venues to being severely tempted or getting ill. There was also the threat of protesters, who came to my Denver talk holding signs but did not hurt the event.

The trip was a good way to start building my trust in God, because I logically knew that the plan for my trip and lectures was so hard that I would need His help to complete it successfully, which — spoiler alert — did happen. Funnily enough, when I had much simpler plans after the tour, I completely failed, so I am beginning to understand how God opens the doors for you to accomplish something if you’re serving His will.


Stephen: Your visit to a Joel Osteen service was interesting: most would never have bothered to venture into such a circus, so thanks for taking one for the team. What percentage of your readers are Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant, of no faith, etc.?

Roosh: This is hard to quantify since I haven’t done an official survey, so here is my best estimate based on the interactions I’ve had with readers through social networking, email, and my forum:

Catholic: 25%
Protestant: 25%
Agnostic: 25%
Orthodox: 15%
Atheist/Muslim: 10%

Catholics have a strong representation in my readership; it’s possible they outnumber all other groups. If you focus on the differences between Catholics and Orthodox, you can write many volumes, but the similarities are enough to allow both to engage in meaningful Christian fellowship, at least when it comes to describing the evil of this world and then countering it with faith, communal worship, and receiving the sacraments. Once we get into the world of Protestantism, however, which doesn’t have sacraments (outside of a form of baptism) or saints, the differences become more apparent so any fellowship there must be carefully done to not provoke a theological debate which invariably turns ugly.

Since I’m still a spiritual baby (am I a spiritual “toddler” yet?), most of my articles or observations about faith are broad enough that it doesn’t chafe Catholics, but if God wants me to take on the road of theology, like Jay Dyer, then I think that fellowship may be broken. I’ve always been a practical man, whether teaching pickup or sharing faith, so I expect my work to always be helpful to Christians who are not necessarily in my Church.

Carrying the Cross

Stephen: Over the years you’ve picked up an interesting group of readers (and trolls). Has the blowback from the repudiation of PUA died down or do you still deal with it?

Roosh: I still deal with it. Up until the day I die I will be labeled a “pro rape guru”, “pickup artist”, and the like. Google and Wikipedia ensure my past is at the forefront of my being, and I still see comments of men complaining that they miss the “old Roosh”, the one who was spiritually dead and on his way to hell. Just the other week, the CEO of Parler was attacked in the Daily Mail because he once shared with a friend that he liked my pickup work. Of course the article forgot to mention the whole bit about me converting to Christianity, but I suppose that would hurt their narrative of painting me as irredeemable and not deserving of forgiveness for my past misdeeds.

In the end, I deserve all the false allegations and hatred because of how I lived in the past. I’ve hurt a lot of people, both online and off. Those who malign me today remind me of the man I was and must never go back to. They also keep my pride in check, that I’m not perfect or holy just because I’ve had a relatively easy two years as a Christian.


Stephen: Everyone came to you in the book with their own particular situations and I laughed when you said your next book would be entitled Ask God and would have one page with one question: “Have you asked God?” What would you say to those who say, “I’ve asked, and nothing came back” or “I don’t believe in God”?

Roosh: If you don’t believe in God then you will have to use the secular tactic of listing the pros and cons of a particular decision and then choosing a course of action that minimizes your downside while maximizing your upside, without heavy consideration of moral implications. This tactic may work for a time but will fail in the end, because while you’re obsessed with material gain, more of your soul is being controlled by the demons. You will die before you die.

If you asked God for help on the matter, and nothing came back, then you have your answer! I doubt that God created us so that we can pull our hair about deciding which house to live in, whether to sign a loan at so-and-so interest rate, which job to take, or in my case, whether to wear a face mask in Walmart. He is most concerned about our salvation, so I imagine He will not intervene if you’re focusing on inconsequential matters. I’ve asked God for a lot of things, and the feeling I get back from Him is the following: “Make the decision that you believe will best serve Me. If your decision is wrong, I will correct you and teach you why, because when you learn through your mistakes, your faith will become stronger and be able to better endure what is to come.”

The real difficulty is finding a way to be in such strong communion with God that your instinct often becomes the correct one, so instead of praying on specific items, I would argue it’s more important simply to maintain a daily prayer rule, attend church, and read the Bible. The stronger your faith, the less you will have to reach out to God for individual matters.

Closing Statements

Stephen: So, what is your next book?

Roosh: I think I’m ready to write a novel, which perhaps is foolhardy in an age where few people read novels, but I believe that is at least partially due to publishing houses putting out woke rubbish. I’m a big fan of Russian literature. If I can write a book with a spiritual theme that is only 10% as good as a Dostoevsky novel, it may have a great impact on people’s faith. I consider American Pilgrim my first true book, so we’ll see what God guides me to create in the future.

Stephen: Thanks for taking the time to answer these, Roosh. Keep on the path.

You can follow Roosh’s work on his website and, for the moment, Twitter. If you’re interested in reading more good books this year, you might be interested in my monthly online book club.


About Jack

Jack is a world traveling artist, skilled in trading ideas and information, none of which are considered too holy, too nerdy, nor too profane to hijack and twist into useful fashion. Sigma Frame Mindsets and methods for building and maintaining a masculine Frame
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64 Responses to An Interview with American Pilgrim author Roosh Valizadeh

  1. Ugh. So before everything was about chasing poon, but now 2+2 = Jesus.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. He seems to be a more mature Christian in just 2 years than many of the people in Church. A good sign for his witness for Christ. Hopefully, he’ll have a similar trajectory as Paul from one many considered a huge sinner and persecutor to one God has turned his life around completely.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Novaseeker says:

      I guess I’d see him more as a low-brow Augustine, who went from being an intelligent but secular sexual sinner to being a very strict (proto-Puritan in some ways) religious Christian.

      Paul is someone who went from one form of religious zealotry to another. A better analogy would be one of the contemporary converts to Christianity who was formerly a zealously observant Muslim.

      Liked by 3 people

    • feeriker says:

      He seems to be a more mature Christian in just 2 years than many of the people in Church.

      One could argue that most people who have spent their entire lives living within the church and living under its institutional framework have never fallen to anything approaching the depths to which Roosh fell and that thus required a radical faith-based transformation that requires fervent and constant prayer and devotion in order to keep from backsliding into Hell.

      Liked by 2 people

  3. Novaseeker says:

    It’s an interesting interview, but it’s still so general and vague to me. I haven’t read his latest book there, and so I may be being unfair based on snippets from an interview, but I’m still a bit skeptical of him, while being supportive in a mild way in the hopes that he is sincere. It would be a bit more convincing to me if we heard more about his Armenian apostolic faith and its distinctives and why they matter to him, because that seems to me would be much harder to … fake, for lack of a better word.

    Liked by 2 people

    • cameron232 says:

      It doesn’t matter what I think of him but I have wondered if this isn’t just a different way to earn a living – go from selling PUA books to selling religious books (yes I know he unpublished his PUA books). And maybe high on internet fame.

      A lot of men nowadays don’t want to work a real job – whether it’s cubicle warrior, lawyer, plumber, welder, janitor.

      Sorry if this is unfair to him. I guess if he worked a regular job and just wrote a not-for-profit, no-advertisement blog and maybe donated his financial gains from PUA to a monastery then maybe I’d be convinced.

      Liked by 3 people

      • professorGBFMtm2021 says:

        CAMERON&also JACK,great post!
        So you think like I &GBFM,always have since GBFMtm,debuted on roissy in early/mid- ’10?I hope too,that he has ”seen the light”,but actualy having sex,let alone dates with tattooed or nose- ring women?I have barely even talked to them as I have always said,but some, I think beleave me not,people are still shocked that MANOWARtm is a real-life band,right!?Just like men that have tattoos or peiercings,I have never even been to any bars,let alone other known hangouts!If I need fights with anybody,I’d join UFC,like ”real man tough guy” preachers like driscoll,wilson&bayly(Thats not how their still seen by us old-timer readers of these DAL’?),but this is who I have been since I was a little child that knew that jesus was true,not the flesh,devil&world!P.S.Of course,people still think ,hes the guy who wrote all those bang books,even some of us here,think this is likely true!Why?He was one of the 3R’S of game,that I,DETI&NOVA know him from,especialy &DR.SCOTT,also!We we’re here in the manosphere in the early days reading dalrock mainly,but some of those other redpill voices too!If KISS became a christian band tomorrow,any of us would beleave it?CAMERONP.S.My regular job?Being myself,as in ”just be yourself”!Like ROOSH,also now beleaves!


      • Eric Francis Silk says:

        @ professorGBFMtm2021

        Do you purposely make it a point of mentioning Manowar in every comment?
        Did you know that you can listen to Manowar’s Achilles: Agony And Ecstasy In Eight Parts, then listen to Symphony X’s The Odyssey right after, and you’ve just experienced the collected works of Homer in musical form?

        Liked by 1 person

      • Random Angeleno says:

        Roosh has been effectively cancelled from corporate America. One look at his past history and no one will have anything to do with him. He is living out the temporal consequences of his sexual sins. Many paths are closed off to him including most regular jobs. That is part of those temporal consequences. Did you ever think of that?

        So if he’s going to keep writing, why not write for Christ? But proselytizing for Christ is lower than a regular job? Okay if you say so. I’m sure Paul ran into massive skepticism following his conversion. His old reputation as a well known persecutor preceded him. He had to win Peter and the other apostles and disciples over. Roosh ditched all his old content and revamped his forum. Sure lost of lot of followers that way, but there were others who got the message he is now sending and have converted or reverted as the case may be. Sure skepticism is warranted in such cases as his, but so far I have nothing against him.

        Further it’s notable that he didn’t pick some newfangled churchian house of worship. He went back to the Orthodox faith of his childhood. I get that too.

        Liked by 3 people

      • cameron232 says:

        I have some skepticism about internet celebrities in general – it’s probably an older guy thing this skepticism. He may very well be sincere, IDK – if so good for him.

        Liked by 2 people

      • Gunner Q says:

        “go from selling PUA books to selling religious books”

        It’s what he knows how to do. I think Roosh has a weak spiritual core. He went from heavy ego-reliance on women to heavy ego-reliance on Orthodox teachings. That’s an observation, not a criticism. God did not make us all misanthropic individualist hobos.

        If so then his returning to write books is a good sign. He’s transitioning from dependence upon others to dependence upon self. I will be interested to see if the book contains original material or Church dogma. Whether he’s owning his new faith instead of being fed it.

        Liked by 2 people

  4. professorGBFMtm2021 says:

    This is the first time I have mentioned MANOWARtm in 6? weeks!People easily beleave, the band that is seen(Especialy by us older metal heads in america) as the epitome of power-metal exists,the name manowar,dos’nt mostly explain the genre?Especialy with their ballads of brotherly love such as ”courage”,”father”&”hail&kill”(Thats one in my book!”Brothers I’am calling..from the valley of the kings, a dark march lies ahead” that dos’nt sound like todays world&the manosphere?)Yes,I purposely mention MANOWARtm,when I do,because of its obvious pre-dating of the terms manosphere or the ”androsphere”(By only 30 years or so!) that was being pushed around ’12,that dalrock actualy did a post on!But you are right their odyssey is much better than KISS’ oddyssey of ” a child in a sundress” from ’81’s the elder album!P.S.I,like jason have never liked,how roissy,roosh&rollo& even athol kay somehow told unknown to all truths.See what has happened to the first popular puagamers?Namely eben pagan/david deangelo(Who has renounced his old ways to start preaching the egalitarian ways of fake-life!)


  5. Joe2 says:

    “America thought it could do its own thing, as the first country in the history of the world without an established religion, and despite a few good decades here and there, John Hancock and others like him helped deliver us to the sodomites…we cannot be surprised today that America has become the primary source of Satanic darkness in the world.”

    Since America was flawed from the beginning, was never great, and is the primary source of Satanic darkness in the world, I suggest Roosh give up his US Citizenship and permanently move to a European city where as he states he can “genuinely feel God, because its old parks, statues, and architecture were created by God-fearing men” and, therefore not be subjected to viewing “yet another sterile glass tower” built by “money-hungry American capitalists”. And while doing so, he can write a book about bird watching.

    Liked by 6 people

    • Oscar says:

      @ Joe2

      I was stationed in Germany for five years. I spent a lot of time touring cathedrals, because few man-made things are more beautiful than a medieval cathedral.

      But, you know what? Those cathedrals are empty. They’re not houses of worship. They’re museums.

      God isn’t found in buildings.

      Acts 17:24 God, who made the world and everything in it, since He is Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in temples made with hands.

      God is found in the midst of His people.

      Numbers 14:14 and they will tell it to the inhabitants of this land. They have heard that You, O Lord, are in the midst of this people, for You, O Lord, are seen eye to eye, while Your cloud stands over them; and You go before them in a pillar of cloud by day and in a pillar of fire by night.

      Matthew 18:20 For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.

      It’s like when British Christians brag about the Queen bearing the title “Defender of the Faith”. So what? How well is she doing her job?

      Liked by 1 person

  6. feeriker says:

    “Roosh has been effectively cancelled from corporate America. One look at his past history and no one will have anything to do with him. He is living out the temporal consequences of his sexual sins. Many paths are closed off to him including most regular jobs. That is part of those temporal consequences. Did you ever think of that?”

    As a man, he is being punished for being a PUA/player (the male equivalent of a female “slore”) by a gynocentric, misandric society. If he were a woman he would be celebrated right now and would have more book and movie deals, to say nothing of job offers in the real world, than he could absorb.

    Liked by 6 people

    • redpillboomer says:

      “As a man, he is being punished for being a PUA/player (the male equivalent of a female “slore”) by a gynocentric, misandric society.”

      I think this has been an unexplored area for the RP community as a whole, Christian and secular. Forget the last clause above “by a gynocentric, misandric culture”, and focus on the “being punished for being a PUA/player”. The RP community rails on and on, and rightly so, about the women and their slorishness. The community even brings up quite frequently the down-line consequences of the CC lifestyle, the things that typically begin to show up strongly in the women’s thirties, “Where have all the good men gone?” and “Why can’t I find a husband?” etc. However, what about the men who are “pumping and dumping”, “Netflixing and chilling” with all the “Tinderellas” out there? What are the down line consequences for the male version of the slore?

      I think Roosh’s situation gives us an insight. Men don’t get off the hook with all this sexual degradation stuff either, it appears. I think to some degree, intentional or not, we’ve giving the men something of a pass on the consequences of their sin. Where is the male PUA/player at, spiritually, socially, psychologically when he’s, say, in his forties? Roosh may be a good case study on an area that seems to rarely get mentioned the Manosphere. IDK. Thoughts?

      Liked by 2 people

      • cameron232 says:

        It’s hard to relate to “male-sluts” because a. I don’t have the capability to be one. b. I don’t have the personality/temperament to be one even if I had the capability.

        Male porn stars have documented high rates of drug use and suicide or other forms of early death. Yes, there’s a personality type (sociopath?) that doesn’t seem to be affected by it as much, but many are. And that’s just the psychological consequences – I’m sure the spiritual consequences are terrible.

        We like to remind women of the consequences of things e.g. “no virginity might mean you can be discriminated against by marriage-minded Christian men even if you are saved.” I’m sure there’s consequences for men too – even if the resulting divorce rate isn’t as high for former male-sluts.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Novaseeker says:

        Obviously the spiritual damage is high and observable in all cases.

        I wouldn’t compare them to male porn performers. Porn performers are guys who have sex with girls on camera in front of a bunch of strangers watching, directing, angling, etc. It’s kind of a combination of showman and gigolo, and it’s certainly spiritually very damaging as well, but it’s very different from being a male player. One of my college friends is a male player, still, in his 50s. He’s very damaged by it in various ways, and is “hollow” in ways that many people in this age range are not, but he isn’t like one of the guys in porn.

        It’s slightly different for girls, now, because (1) the “cut” for girls to enter porn is much lower than it is for men, so the participation rate is much higher, which means that quite a few girls have done a couple of shoots or films without becoming long term porn actresses, whereas almost no men are in this category and (2) there is a sliding scale (as we have pointed out here) now which runs from Instagram to porn, with several stops in between, of which there is simply no parallel for men. So, again, that means that the participation is higher on the female side, and therefore represents a broader swathe of women than the male side does.

        As in everything else involving sex, in porn it’s lots of women and a few men — a few men appear over and over and over again in the films, because the “cut” to be in them is strict: penis length and girth, height, musculature are all becoming very critical as the penetration rate, pardon the pun, of porn among women as viewers/consumers has risen dramatically, especially among women under 30, and as we know the “cut” for a man to be “visual eye candy” for women sexually is extraordinarily high.

        Players and male porn actors are both very spiritually damaged, but in different ways, just as the typical college slut is spiritually damaged, but in a different way from the way a porn star who has done 300 films is, or the way a hooker is. These are all related to sex, but the kinds of defilement involved are different.

        “I think to some degree, intentional or not, we’ve giving the men something of a pass on the consequences of their sin.”

        Not really, no.

        First, I don’t think that the Christian side of the sphere has ever given male players a break morally — it’s always been a criticized lifestyle throughout the Christian RP sites.

        The reason for why women get focused on at the older ages rather than men is not a moral one, but a practical one.

        As yourself this: where are the legions of male players in their 40s who are writing stories on Medium and in The Atlantic about “Where Have All the Good Women Gone???”.

        There aren’t any. That’s a huge female genre, and it’s almost entirely absent among men in that age range.

        What you have instead are some guys who dropped from the player lifestyle, mostly a bit earlier in their lives (Neil Strauss himself is one of these, as was Tucker Max). These are guys who, by and large, found a specific woman whom they fell in love with in their 30s, and decided to exit playerhood for. And since they were already writers, they wrote about that, because it would be of interest to readers — especially their earlier critics. There are without doubt many guys like this who, being successful with women at younger ages, fall in love eventually and “settle down”. That’s a fairly old story, and it’s only interesting when it involves someone who went on record in print in wildly “misogynistic” ways prior to changing their ways, like Strauss and Max. The more garden variety natural who sleeps his way through his 20s and marries a girl he falls in love with at 35 isn’t writing any books or drawing any attention, because he’s an old story … guys like that have been around since foreva.

        When you get to the age of the Kate Bolick types, however, the women who pass the epiphany phase and can’t find a man to marry, you don’t see attractive men who have been successful with women saying that in that age range, generally speaking. The reason is this: most of the men who have been successful with women throughout and are single in their 40s are not single because they couldn’t find a woman to marry, they are single because they like it, for one reason or another. Again, I know because I know a guy who was a close college friend who was and is still a player, and likes it. He has slowed down a lot, but he’s still basically the same — he was married for around 3 years in his 30s and had a pretty uneventful divorce because it really didn’t make any sense for him to be married, given his proclivities. Spiritually and otherwise damaged, without question, but he isn’t personally dissatisfied with his life, and isn’t writing articles on Medium and sending pitches for articles to The Atlantic. Why would he? From his perspective, he doesn’t have a problem with his life like Kate Bolick does.

        The men in these age ranges who have issues in this area are coming from one of a few perspectives: (1) unattractive and never successful with women, (2) divorced, (3) dead bedroom/bad marriage situations, (4) tradcon dads (“dadcons”) who are worried for their kids. None of those are players or men who have histories like Kate Bolick. Some of the guys in group (4) are ex-players who fell in love and married at some stage like Strauss/Max did, but they aren’t players now, they are married now and are dadcons.

        So, yes morally critique male players — the Christian RP has never endorsed it as a lifestyle and has critiqued it a lot, actually. But the reason why they’re just not that visible as a source of criticism is that unlike the Kate Bolicks and Tami Lahrens of the world, they aren’t complaining about “where are the good women at, y’all?” The men who are doing that are not the players, and the players, generally speaking, are not complaining.

        Men and women are simply differently situated in the mating situation from soup to nuts.

        Liked by 5 people

      • cameron232 says:

        Before mansosphere I used to read paleocon (think Rockford Institute) sites and religious traditionalist kind-of-paleo types like Jim Kalb and Lawrence Auster. These types always condemned the “enjoy the decline” Roissy types.

        “…and as we know the “cut” for a man to be “visual eye candy” for women sexually is extraordinarily high.”

        As far as I can tell, “traditional” porn (the most popular kind not freak fetish stuff) primarily (though not exclusively) makes its money off male customers. I assume the male eye candy is because the point of this type of porn is for the male viewer to imagine that he is that guy – the male viewer doesn’t want a fantasy where he’s a short, bald, chubby, cocktail-weenie-wielding loser – the entire point is that the male viewer fantasizes about being the object of (hot-female) desire. Not arguing with you just making a side point.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Novaseeker says:

        Cameron —

        Yes, although Ron Jeremy, the most well-known male porn star in history, and active in the 70s-90s, was not anything to look at, at all. To some degree you’re right, in that as more men are watching porn, they want “male role models” in there as well, but to a large degree the viewership has changed. The porn sites themselves say this. It’s mostly pooh-pooh’d by men our age, because it isn’t women our age who are watching, it’s the under-30 women. And they are indeed watching quite a lot of porn now, so porn is changing, and the men involved are changing too.

        Liked by 1 person

      • cameron232 says:

        I read somewhere that Ron Jeremy wasn’t fat and ugly when he did his early films – but I can’t say I’ve ever viewed his fine art. He’s being charged with rape so I guess he’s a messed up dude.

        Presumably in early porn there were a limited number of lord humungous dudes that also looked good physically and were willing to do that sort of thing – they kinda had to settle for what they could get I would imagine but then again I’m no expert on that industry. We watched Little House on the Prairie in our house.

        Liked by 1 person

      • redpillboomer says:

        “…porn among women as viewers/consumers has risen dramatically, especially among women under 30, and as we know the “cut” for a man to be “visual eye candy” for women sexually is extraordinarily high.”

        I wasn’t aware of this sociological trend with the under 30s females. Do you think it contributes to their ‘settling’ problems in their 30s? Something along the lines of, “If he doesn’t look like my favorite male porn star(s) do, i.e. over 6′ tall, tremendous musculature definition and very well hung, I’m not interested?”

        As a little side note, when I was about 11 and on a summer club swim team, I remember one day being in the locker room with this older guy, probably in his twenties, getting dressed in an open locker not too far from me. In my memory, he had this incredibly huge penis, flaccid of course but incredibly big nonetheless, that made me think even at that young age, “Wow, I didn’t know our privates could get that big when we grow up!” It actually somehow colored my young thinking going forward that that was the standard, i.e. if you didn’t look like that guy, then the girls won’t like you. Of course, years later, as a young adult I found out quite differently. However now, if the young women are watching all this porn, that might be the current female generation’s thinking too, similar to my 11-year-old thinking.

        Liked by 1 person

      • professorGBFMtm2021 says:

        I first knew girls loved porn at age 8 in the ’80’s when a girl that was quite peculiar,Non-chalantly told me about her watching porn on cabletv(’86!) then!So when even NBC nightly news afew years back admited about how much women especialy under age 25 watch it,I thought dos’nt everybody know this?

        Liked by 2 people

      • feeriker says:

        The point I was trying to make is that if Roosh were female and a “recovering slore/CC rider,” “she” would be showered with praise by the wider world for “her” candor and courage in trying to turn “her” life around, and would also be seen as something of a victim.

        As a recovering male PUA, however, Roosh will never be forgiven for his past by huge segments of the world (and, tragically and especially, by Christianity, Inc.) and will also never be allowed to forget it, either (whereas anyone who reminds an “ex” slore of her past is screamed down as “judgmental”).

        Liked by 3 people

      • cameron232 says:

        @Nova, the porn sites themselves say more women are watching? They’re (the sites) not the most honest people in the world. Is there other evidence this is true?

        Someone awhile back here said women aren’t particularly interested in traditional porn – they can tell the woman’s acting is fake. If they watch hardcore, they prefer very amateur stuff where the woman is less likely to be obviously faking it. They seem to prefer the 50 shades type stuff.


      • Novaseeker says:

        Actually the porn industry never said women were watching porn when they weren’t — like back when you are thinking about. What changed is that the porn industry started to make porn that was more appealing to women — different camera angles, scenes constructed from the woman’s perspective, much more attractive men being involved, and playing to female fantasies. Porn wanted more women viewers, so it started making porn that was more appealing to women and younger women have been watching. This is also a part of why younger women are so much more likely to be involved in the OASIS, by the way — it isn’t as “out there” for them as for prior generations of women because they are already consumers of porn themselves.

        I know this is hard to believe for older men — I get it. Oh well. Times change.

        Liked by 3 people

      • Sharkly says:

        “As a recovering male PUA, however, Roosh will never be forgiven for his past by huge segments of the world (and, tragically and especially, by Christianity, Inc.) and will also never be allowed to forget it, either (whereas anyone who reminds an “ex” slore of her past is screamed down as “judgmental”).”

        I’ve seen churchian players that are forgiven and “restored” to ministry while they’re still porking the girls in the discipleship group they lead. Your “story” of “repentance” just has to fit their churchians’ goddess worshipping narrative. In case you want a churchian approved “repentance” that might actually help you bang more churchian slores, it goes something like as follows.

        Woe is me for I have sinned, I bedded lots of hot young women, because I’m a womanizer who has a weakness for banging hot chicks. We men are all bad and dirty animals like that. These goddesses deserve better. I’m a bad dude, and I’m real sorry about it.(wink) These innocent daughters of the King that I took advantage of, deserve better from me. Give me the opportunity to make up for my sins by continuing to lend my cool panty-dropping persona to your worship team. I promise I’ll stop banging these poor helpless goddesses who need me to be Christ to them, instead of just a hunky physical lover. We all need to feel pity for these girls I took advantage of, and not condemn them for riding my dick. They couldn’t help it, I took advantage of their trust.
        Women are all goddesses men are all bad, that’s just how sin works, nothing to see here folks, move along. I lurrrve Jesus, and know He would want you to forgive me, and restore me. So, we’re all just recycled-virgins and sinners, Am I right.
        Then the next coolest church leader comes alongside and encourage the crowd to accept Chad’s “humble repentance” and restore him as quick as possible. And the church women then go way out of their way to prove to Chad how forgiving they are and how comfortable and accepting they are to be around a renowned conqueror of top-tier coochie.

        Don’t doubt me, that’s a paraphrase of a true story I witnessed about 25 years ago. Last I heard (20 years ago) the dude had married a churchian hottie, but was still part of the “Lay-ministry” there, if you know what I mean. The church aided and exalted that player who continued to use their congregation as his personal brothel, and I gradually quit attending there after getting accused by a female church “leader” there of wanting him removed from leadership because of “envy” over his “sexual success” with so many in their singles group. LOL The place was a megachurch business that blatantly used sex appeal to market their brand. They weren’t about to allow their best on-stage chick-magnet to be removed. And like in an old western movie, that town apparently wasn’t big enough for the both of us.

        Roosh however, still claims that women were made for men, and are not goddesses, nor are they innocent in their fornications and adulteries. Roosh does not claim to have “victimized” women, he claims everything was entirely consensual. Furthermore his testimony illustrates just how many of them want to sin, and warns about just how “easy” they are. Roosh’s testimony is still red-pilled, not a blue-pill pleasing “all women are perpetual-recycling-virgin goddesses” delusion. So, in the eyes of most churchians, Roosh still doesn’t get it, he’s not repentant, because he doesn’t apologize to womankind, and hasn’t put all women back up on the pedestal to be adored and worshipped as his deity. So that is why they are skittish around Roosh, whereas they would gladly restore him to help lead their goddess worship, lickety split, if he was inclined to becoming a blue-pilled Feminist fanboy.

        The fact that a smart former-player like Roosh hasn’t yet descended to gaming and taking advantage of the churches blue-pilled woman-worship, is what leads me to believe that this is not a grift, and God’s Spirit may truly be at work in him. Trust me, Satan and his churchian minions would love to parade Roosh on an apology tour, recanting his red pill past. Whereas Roosh seems to just be repentant of his real sins, and not of his “sins” against Feminist dogma. Roosh is still being a rock of offense to the blue-pilled churchians. Churchians can’t forgive Roosh, because he still is making their goddesses look bad. And Roosh is now just as vocal in condemning sexual immorality as he once was in promoting it. You’d think they’d welcome the change, but they’re far more interested in him “repenting of” his patriarchal/anti-Feminist knowledge than in his turning from abject immorality to Jesus Christ.

        Liked by 2 people

    • professorGBFMtm2021 says:

      This is mainly my point,men who worship females&fornicate with women are seen as the heroes to emulate by most people period!Dos’nt matter what year,were talking about either!But men who take it serious about men ruling over womens fallen nature are usualy seen as ”evil” by these same men&people,before&after they become a ”good man”.Most male adulterers are told bad person,in front of the cameras&microphones,but are cheered on off-camera as was bill clinton,when husbands thought it was a honor,for him to ”flirt” with their wives!I still can’t beleave,such people exist!Otherwise roosh is headed in the right direction as others have said, also.P.S.Women have almost always been pitied as ”the abusie” even as they ”accidently” run their husband over with their motor vechile,that is not counted as a wife killing her husband in the national FBI statics in the U.S.!This is, of course, is my final comment on this post.

      Liked by 2 people

  7. feeriker says:

    “In my view, to use “Christian nation” and “democracy” in the same sentence is a contradiction in terms. Without a Christian monarch, Satan can make swift work of the country through whipping up the passions of the unruly mob.”


    Unfortunately, this is something that most of the American people, and none of their “leaders” grasp, nor ever will, even as “democracy” pulls down the last remnants of the nation into destructive flames.

    “People of weak faith are so scared of the coronavirus that they don’t want to step foot in other people’s homes. I regularly hold Italian-themed dinners in my home, and my invites have been refused by those who fear infection, and no one else I know is holding dinner parties. I have no doubt that Satan is pleased at our self-imposed isolation.”

    Our Satanic overlords did their homework thoroughly over the years and picked the perfect strategy by which to destroy America’s institutional church, a body that said overlords knew consisted largely of people with very weak faith, or no genuine faith at all. A year into the scamdemic (and after the worst of “the plague” has passed), and most “churches” have still not fully reopened, pastors are still completely AWOL, outreach is limited or non-existent, and congregations have fragmented or broken up completely. To those of weak faith or who lack insight, this is cause for despair. For the rest of us, we recognize it as the tares being separated from the wheat an consigned to the flames, just as Our Lord warned us.

    Liked by 4 people

  8. MLT says:

    Did Paul speak of monasteries? Did he speak of celibate clergy? Monks and nuns? I think that Roosh and like-minded Christians would be better served by reading 1 Timothy 3. That chapter basically speaks what God requires of church leaders. As the Bible properly divided should be the final authority in faith and practice. I am sure that Paul never heard of monasteries, nunneries, celibate clergy, monks, and nuns. Those came centuries after Paul’s death. One of the reasons that God requires married pastors is to reflect Jesus and the church with the pastor symbolizing Jesus and the pastor’s wife likewise the church. Is not the true Christian church Jesus’ bride? How then can unmarried priests (pastors) represent Jesus and the church? The Roman Catholic Church and these assorted Eastern Orthodox churches are more similar than not in practice and having unscriptural church practices such as largely unmarried clergy, having monks and nuns, et cetera. Is the Armenian traditional church similar to the Eastern Orthodox Churches? At times, such questions should be part of the Christian walk.

    Liked by 2 people

  9. SFC Ton says:

    Roosh was a boring buttsore beta when her thought he was someone and he comes across as boring etc in those qoutes

    Two thumbs up if he’s saved but still don’t see much value in his words

    Liked by 2 people

  10. Adam says:

    I thought that the interview with Roosh was profound. He gave honest answers to honest questions. He strikes me as a fellow truth seeker. But I must admit to being rather perplexed by the general attitude against him here in the comments. I will make no suggestion as to why this negativity exists. But I do find it interesting.

    Liked by 4 people

    • Lexet Blog says:

      It’s healthy to be skeptical of public figures who do 180s and still try to be public figures. People who are culture warriors/“conservative” are easy marks for celebrities, until true colors are revealed and the fan base turns on their idol.

      They all rallied around Bono over abortion before they dumped him over climate change. Kanye is another example. Then we have Milo who is on his own “I lost my fame and rediscovered Jesus” journey.

      Roosh was on the decline when he pulled books that weren’t selling. The PUA community is on YouTube now, and they no longer blog. Newcomers don’t know the OGs and don’t care. They would rather pay for Youtubers to say what they can read on RoK for free.

      There’s also the weird fact that there were blogs many many years ago that made remarks about Roosh being a tradcon in disguise.

      It will take a few years to see if roosh is for real. In the meantime I find it awfully feminine for guys to do all this public soul searching/self discovery nonsense.

      Somewhat tangential:

      The Christian red pill is an arena that has no true leader, and is a market in search of products/a figure. Roosh fills a void. 21 convention is ironically trying to have its hands in this market and the PUA market.

      Liked by 3 people

      • cameron232 says:

        It’s impossible in many cases to tell if these people are who they say they are – these internet celebrities. Has anyone verified that Mr. Roosh was really a successful pickup artist who banged a bunch of chicks or was it all a way to sell books (and internet clicks – I think the RoK site was monetized but I can’t remember) to thirsty dudes who wanted to hear about some other guy’s exploits in hopes of becoming same.

        Liked by 2 people

      • professorGBFMtm2021 says:

        Your right about armenia first declaring christianity as their national religion in 300A.D.I wonder how many in the church,twice on sunday(This pre-dates constatines 321A.D.Edict on worshipping on sunday too!) churchians know this?But us ”old religious fossils” on dead blogs do?This dos’nt say much of what passes as christianity. today?

        Liked by 1 person

      • cameron232 says:

        Constantine created Catholicism – my foot!

        Liked by 1 person

    • Sharkly says:

      Even if one does not yet believe that Roosh’s conversion is legitimate, I would think that Roosh would at least be welcomed as a “Fellow Traveler”. Why would we not want to gain more converts to God’s side?

      Mark 9:38(ESV) John said to him, “Teacher, we saw someone casting out demons in your name, and we tried to stop him, because he was not following us.” 39 But Jesus said, “Do not stop him, for no one who does a mighty work in my name will be able soon afterward to speak evil of me. 40 For the one who is not against us is for us. 41 For truly, I say to you, whoever gives you a cup of water to drink because you belong to Christ will by no means lose his reward.

      Philippians 1:15(AMPC) Some, it is true, [actually] preach Christ (the Messiah) [for no better reason than] out of envy and rivalry (party spirit), but others are doing so out of a loyal spirit and goodwill. 16 The latter [proclaim Christ] out of love, because they recognize and know that I am [providentially] put here for the defense of the good news (the Gospel). 17 But the former preach Christ out of a party spirit, insincerely [out of no pure motive, but thinking to annoy me], supposing they are making my bondage more bitter and my chains more galling. 18 But what does it matter, so long as either way, whether in pretense [for personal ends] or in all honesty [for the furtherance of the Truth], Christ is being proclaimed? And in that I [now] rejoice, yes, and I shall rejoice [hereafter] also.

      If Roosh teaches something false, then point it out and correct him, be a brother to him, don’t try to turn him back away from sharing his newfound faith. And even if Roosh is 100% doing it for money and fame alone, still, praise God that Roosh is helping to spread the Gospel of God’s patriarchal holy kingdom!

      I look forward to the day when Jack feels it fitting to promote Roosh V from the “Classic Manosphere” category on his sidebar to the hallowed ranks of “Christian Red Pill”.

      Liked by 6 people

      • cameron232 says:

        @Sharkly, FWIW, I’m not trying to pick on the guy or cast him into outer darkness – he may be sincere and a great guy.

        I suppose it’s the nature of the internet – it’s sometimes hard to know what’s real and what’s not – who’s real and who’s not – particularly the celebrities.

        Liked by 2 people

      • Jack says:

        “I look forward to the day when Jack feels it fitting to promote Roosh V from the “Classic Manosphere” category on his sidebar to the hallowed ranks of “Christian Red Pill”.”

        This is a good suggestion. It’s been two years since his conversion, and this interview reveals that his faith is maturing. Consider it done.

        Liked by 4 people

      • Sharkly says:

        Well, obviously some care and skepticism is warranted considering Roosh’s past, but so far I have been very impressed with his transformation.

        I personally have my differences with the trinket adoring “Orthodox”, but I think Roosh’s mentoring and transformation under their care is something that makes me grudgingly acknowledge that there are some things they are doing well.
        I’d much prefer Roosh idolize a silversmith’s handiwork, than continue to live enslaved to seeking fulfilment laying down intertwining with the defilers of men. Ideally he will not be bedazzled and entranced by the beauty of some created thing or creature, and he will dedicate his service and all glory directly to our Creator.

        Matthew 7:20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.

        Liked by 3 people

      • cameron232 says:


        I think he is Armenian Apostolic which is Oriental Orthodox/non-Chalcedonian – distinct from Eastern Orthodoxy of Scott and Nova – although obviously they’re much closer to EO than to Protestants. I think the Armenians have the oldest national church in the world, predating Constantine.

        I assume his Armenian ethnicity had something to do with his choice. This is strange for Protestants/Evangelicals because they don’t recognize the visible church in the same way. Eastern and Oriental Orthodox have ethnic/national churches – I think they assume that’s part of the natural order.

        Liked by 2 people

      • Random Angeleno says:

        No one is perfect; we shouldn’t be expecting perfection from Roosh. It’s been a couple of years since his conversion so I’m with Sharkly about calling him a “fellow traveler”.

        Regarding Roosh’s choice of Armenian Apostolic Church, that was the faith tradition he grew up in. He returned to his roots like many reverts do. Like I did. Like Sharkly, I wouldn’t pick nits over this. Welcome home.

        Liked by 4 people

      • cameron232 says:

        I’m not so much skeptical of Roosh in particular. I think it’s my skepticism of internet celebrities in general – it’s probably that I’m old and that sort of thing is alien to me. Someone mentioned that Milo fellow – he was a flaming homosexual who alluded to subversive traditional Christian teachings e.g. women staying at home and having babies– but it was hard to tell if he just liked being subversive – flaming homosexuals are subversive types. One minute, it’s how women should stay home with babies, the next he’s going on-and-on about how he enjoys sex with black guys. Now he’s supposed to be converting to Catholicism. Well, I hope for him it’s sincere. It doesn’t really matter what I think – we’re just writing comments on a relatively obscure blog. Blogs are now old fart format anyway. The kids all do videos.

        I’m not discouraging people from reading Roosh, not encouraging people to criticize him in the comments on his blog, not saying you shouldn’t befriend him. I guess it’s just the world of internet celebrities – it’s hard to know what’s real.

        Liked by 3 people

      • Novaseeker says:

        we’re just writing comments on a relatively obscure blog. Blogs are now old fart format anyway. The kids all do videos.

        It’s true, really. Blogs are pretty much dead for most below a certain age (35ish), barring a few extreme, bookish/word-nerd outlier types. Almost everyone at those ages is video only — oral transfer of knowledge like in pre-literate eras of history, because internet video solved the “problem” of oral knowledge transfer (that it couldn’t be preserved reliably well … well now you can preserve the original oral teaching forever, so no more transmission/reliability problem) and so our kind has reverted back to its old preferred mode of oral knowledge transfer for the most part.

        This has also reached into older age groups, too, but in a less total way — older people are much more inclined to watch than to read overall (for the same basic reason), but the difference is that as you get a bit older, the degree to which people are outright put off by reading something more than a tweet’s length decreases, so you have some chance of reaching some people.

        Honestly, I don’t think you can reach many actionable young people today through writing. It’s the wrong medium for the young, and the old are already all convinced and set in their views. What you can do is create a clearinghouse where people can share their settled ideas with the clearinghouse and then individuals can take what they like, how they like, like a grab-bag approach. But actual advocacy in this medium is more or less dead, I think, at least for these kinds of issues. Video is 1000% where it’s at.

        Liked by 3 people

      • anonymous_ng says:

        @Nova – oral transfer of knowledge like in pre-literate eras of history,

        There was a time that I liked to watch TEDx talks. Then, I realized there is a format to TEDx talks, for a ten minute talk, there is approximately one to two minutes of actual information sprinkled amongst eight or nine minutes of emotional manipulation.

        Eventually, I started looking for transcripts because it was so much easier to pick out the tidbits of information without having to deal with the emotional manipulation.

        This then is to my mind the strength of the written word, it more easily engages the logical part of man. I’m not saying that there is no emotional manipulation going on in written sources. One has only to read a couple of articles at The Atlantic to see that there exists a similar attempt at emotional manipulation there, but I can skim through the fluff and find that important information more easily.

        Liked by 2 people

      • Jack says:

        The lure of video format is that many people WANT the emotional “manipulation”. This is the aspect that offers meaning to them. So it is understandable why most content is 80% fluff.

        Liked by 1 person

  11. professorGBFMtm2021 says:

    The term purple-pill,was first used on dal’, as far as I know around late’12 or early’13 to describe(By rollo tomassi ,I think!) athol kays new mainstream women-inclusive direction in his marriage forums on married-man sex-life,but the real beginning that best described it,could go to roosh v.,as he would wobble on redpill,while telling at least half-truths,in other words roissy&rollo knew more about being redpill than roosh ever did!Hence what almost everyone is seeing in our comments on here!He was one of the three main puagamers of the manosphere ,while tucker max,david deangelo&neil strauss plus mystery was the ones known to most outside of the manosphere!P.S.I actualy like rollo,no matter,what some might think!He has never gone as overboard as roissy or especialy roosh in his claims of women for instance,let alone with those mainstream puagamers like tucker max!


  12. Pingback: RooshV on Women – Cornerstone

  13. Scott says:

    Armenians are non-Chalcedonian Orthodox. As such, they are in communion with Coptics, Ethiopians, Syriacs, Eritrean, and Malankarans.,Church%20and%20the%20Malankara%20Orthodox

    Liked by 1 person

  14. feeriker says:

    “Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.” Matthew 7:20

    Indeed. I’m perfectly willing to accept Roosh’s conversion as genuine until he does something that thoroughly convinces me otherwise. Let us also not fall into the trap of seeking perfection as proof of sincerity. (“Let him who is without sin cast the first stone…”)

    “I assume his Armenian ethnicity had something to do with his choice. This is strange for Protestants/Evangelicals because they don’t recognize the visible church in the same way. Eastern and Oriental Orthodox have ethnic/national churches – I think they assume that’s part of the natural order.”

    I’ll dispute the claim that Protestants/Evangelicals don’t have ethnic/national churches, in practice if not in law. Has anyone ever attended an American Evangelical Protestant service recently on the Sunday before Memorial Day, Veteran’s Day, or Independence Day? If the name of Jesus is mentioned anywhere amid all the jingoism and flag worshiping idolatry, it’s purely by accident.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Oscar says:

      I’m perfectly willing to accept Roosh’s conversion as genuine until he does something that thoroughly convinces me otherwise.

      Amen. I never read, or listened to Roosh in his PUA days, but I’ve been following his conversion story for about a year now. It looks to me like he sacrificed a lot of worldly gain to follow the Lord. If he and Milo are genuine believers, we will know them by their fruit. We should all pray for them either way.

      Liked by 1 person

  15. Scott says:

    I assume his Armenian ethnicity had something to do with his choice.

    It did for me.

    Liked by 2 people

  16. Pingback: Red Pill Grifters | Σ Frame

  17. Pingback: Rethinking Rites of Passage From a Biblical Perspective | Σ Frame

  18. Pingback: Dealing with Discernment | Σ Frame

  19. Pingback: The Black Pill as a Socio-Sexual Phenomenon | Σ Frame

  20. Pingback: Farewell to Kings | Σ Frame

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  22. Pingback: The Essence of the Black Pill | Σ Frame

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