A True Prophet of Western Politics

A favorable op-ed on Ed Hurst’s unique political views.

Readership: Those who are fully disconnected from the Matrix

To most Christians, it may appear as though the political spectrum of the Right conforms more closely to Christian principles as a nation. Indeed, for all my life, most Christians have believed that the political Right is the moral Right, and have voted accordingly.

Likewise, most Christian leaders and organizations throw their political hat in with the Republican Right. However, the religious leaders of our day are increasingly embracing the corrupted values and lifestyles of the Left.

On the other side of the aisle, I’ve found that many Leftist principles envelop a Christ-like attitude towards one’s fellow man, although their values and purposes have descended into outright paganism. Another no-go.

So in sum, I’ve never been content with the comprehensive narratives offered by either the Right or the Left. Many of those in my generation (X-er’s) have felt the same way, although for different reasons, which has led to the growth of the third parties over the last 30 years, such as the Libertarian and the Green. But none of these parties have gained significant traction. Moreover, it is becoming apparent to everyone that no clear political lines can be drawn along Biblical or other ideological grounds. It seems that “the system” just won’t allow it.

This phenomenology begs the deeper question of, WHY is it all so stymied?

The Flimsy Nutshell answer: It’s all puppet politics to appease and control the masses. We don’t know what’s really going on behind the scenes. But occasionally, we get a harrowing glimpse of the truth, which no one is ready to believe, much less accept responsibility for.

To make the social landscape even more confusing, false teachers, and false leaders abound these days. It’s nearly impossible to find a voice that speaks the values and viewpoints of God concerning modern politics.

So I want to devote this blog post to promote a fellow blogger, Ed Hurst, at “Do What’s Right“. He’s been blogging for many years, and he has more than 900 followers. He’s also written a number of books on various subjects, including A Christian Guide to the Sexual Marketplace (2013), and Redemption and Sexual Identity (2014). They’re available online for free.

Concerning his approach to scripture, he states his unique approach in his page, Philosophy.

“…holding to the Western epistemology guarantees you cannot understand the Bible. Your subconscious mind will be imbued with an arrogant assumption you do understand it, and better than those who wrote it. That’s wrong. Further, the Hebraic approach is what God designed as the proper viewpoint for humans in this world, so if you don’t embrace it, you fight God.”

Elsewhere, he says,

“You do not measure the Bible against Post-modern Western social expectations. Instead, you measure the West and every other society and culture against the standards God set forth in His Word. It’s not that God expects us to clone the Hebrew society in our own day and time; it won’t fit. Rather, in “rightly dividing the Word,” we discern the underlying facts of human nature manifested in Hebrew customs by reading about them from within the ancient Hebrew moral standards.”

This is a view from outside the crucible of the Western Aristotelian epistemology, and all of its offshoots. He defines mysticism as simply holding a non-Aristotelian epistemology. I feel this is a philosophical tool likely to yield some astute insights that are commonly ignored by today’s thinkers, and indeed has, as can be seen in many of his posts.

To the point, Ed has been able to put into words my deeper beliefs, or should I say, suspicions about western politics. As he writes in his post, The Current Path of the US (November 30, 2018),

“The “left” and “right” in our current political context is just a front to whip up the crowds. It never ceases to amaze me just how deeply the troops on the ground truly believe the crap they are sold. There is a wealth of mythology on both sides that really has nothing to do with actual government policy.”

Read more in his latest post, The US Is Terminal (December 5, 2018), and other works under the tags, Politics and Globalism.

Now you will see how deep the rabbit hole goes.


About Jack

Jack is a world traveling artist, skilled in trading ideas and information, none of which are considered too holy, too nerdy, nor too profane to hijack and twist into useful fashion. Sigma Frame Mindsets and methods for building and maintaining a masculine Frame
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4 Responses to A True Prophet of Western Politics

  1. Ed Hurst says:

    I’m grateful for your favorable review. Let’s pray more believers question fundamental assumptions and seek God’s face for a better answer. It doesn’t have to agree with mine to be blessed.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Jack says:

      Agreed. One thing I have learned in my 40+ year walk with God – what God wants for us as humans created in His image is to choose what one believes. Most of sin and evil could be described as the obfuscation of the choices we have available to us, or the destruction of our ability to enact those choices.

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Gunner Q says:

    “This phenomenology begs the deeper question of, WHY is it all so stymied?”

    It’s just regression. Without the guiding light of Christ, humanity regresses to its natural state of Original Sin-style rebellion. The devil arranges his lies such that escaping from one lie only leads you into another, which we see today in Leftists versus con-servatives. As for why we lost that guiding light, that is God’s doing, not ours. We cannot bootstrap our society out of the devil’s snares and when it pleases God to not help us, we will fail.

    “The “left” and “right” in our current political context is just a front to whip up the crowds. It never ceases to amaze me just how deeply the troops on the ground truly believe the crap they are sold. There is a wealth of mythology on both sides that really has nothing to do with actual government policy.”

    This is not an accurate description of California’s politics specifically and US politics in particular. What’s happening is a religious war between Christ and the devil with two unique points to make:

    Every leader in society, secular or religious, is solidly evil. Whether they know better or not, whether they champion this cause or that, every single one of them is opposed to God’s Will for humanity… specifically, by repeating Original Sin.
    Their targets, we ordinary Christians, are so heavily armed that direct confrontation would be fatal. Hence all the monetary manipulations, frivorce court false accusations, genocide-level immigration and so on. They’re all ways to keep us atomized us while slowly picking us off. Every time we try to organize, see Point #1.

    “…holding to the Western epistemology guarantees you cannot understand the Bible. Your subconscious mind will be imbued with an arrogant assumption you do understand it, and better than those who wrote it. That’s wrong. Further, the Hebraic approach is what God designed as the proper viewpoint for humans in this world, so if you don’t embrace it, you fight God.”

    This is terrible theology. Christianity is understandable even by lackwits; the hard part is accepting Christ, not understanding Christ.

    I went into the links to learn more about this “Hebraic epistemology”, a term I haven’t heard before. Quoting from the link “Philosophy”:

    “It can be boiled down to saying Western Civilization is inherently materialistic, worships youthfulness, and recognizes only what can be measured (owned and controlled) by human perception. … Christian theological assertions are tacked onto the outside of this and do not fit.”

    That is atheism. I must ask, does Hurst even understand what materialism is? It’s the seeking of wealth as a virtue, not the fact of wealth. America is very wealthy but one can see how NOT materialist we are in our high levels of private charity. Also, in the men who intentionally choose a minimalist lifestyle as their response to social ills.

    Modern America does not worship youth. It worships victim status.

    No Christian believes, or ever believed, that observable reality is all there is. That’s how we invented science in the first place, by trying to understand the secrets of Creation. My own ancestors would disagree vigorously with a reductionist understanding of Western Civ in light of the Scottish Church’s awakenings in the 18th and 19th Centuries.

    “I cling to Hebrew epistemology (asserting it is also not the same as Jewish). Hebrew epistemology is a particular branch of Ancient Near Eastern (ANE) epistemology.”

    If that means you oppose reductionism and prosperity gospel then great. If that means you believe Christianity went off the rails centuries ago and Western Civilization needs to die then problems.


  3. ramman3000 says:

    I agree with Gunner, specifically this:

    “This is terrible theology. Christianity is understandable even by lackwits; the hard part is accepting Christ, not understanding Christ.”

    I’d also say that Christianity is understandable even by young children. Children 6-12 understand it enough to believe and be baptized. I was one of them when I was young, and my children are indicating a similar desire.

    The cancer is rejection of God, which the most have done, especially those in power (regardless of party affiliation). Materialism is merely a symptom of self-worship.

    “Christian theological assertions are tacked onto the outside of this and do not fit”

    This is tacking Christianity onto atheism, which sounds a lot like American in general and mainstream Christianity specifically.

    You cannot serve two masters. You will hate one and love the other. You can’t serve both God and money (or self).


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