The “Orange Pill” for Attention Deficit Hypergamic Disorder

This post covers loopholes in the social mechanics that might allow crafty, determined men to get a middle leg up, and keep hypergamy in check. Doing whatever it takes to reach a predetermined, targeted life goal, this post explores the ‘Orange Pill’ in greater detail.

Readership: Master; Hardcore; Novice; Qualified;


Many men living in western culture today are deeply disappointed with what life has offered them. Concerning relationships especially, men are frustrated with the ‘liberated’ females around them, starved for sexual fulfillment, and hopeless about making any changes.

Yet, there must be something that a man could do to achieve a greater sense of purpose and achievement in his life. Sitting at home, watching pron, playing video games, etc. is not in any sense, progress. A man must always keep himself on the edge of a challenge, no matter how great or insignificant it might be.

If a man is unable to change the current social order to his liking, then he must find, or create, a different social order or dynamic, at least within his own life, and within his own vicinity. Thus, if a man doesn’t like, or can’t compete in the challenge at hand, then he should switch up the game, such that he is playing a life game better suited to his purpose and interests, and is in an appropriate match for the competition.

This post examines some possibilities and alternatives.

A Computer Simulated Study of Hypergamy, and an Interpretation of its Significance

Chateau Heartiste’s post, Technology And Female Hypergamy, And The Inegalitarian Consequences (January 4, 2018) offers an insightful commentary on an earlier post from Selonomics (feat. Martin Petrović), How Does Technology Affect Which Men Women Choose? (November 8, 2017).

Using computer simulations with data models, Selonomics confirms the expression of hypergamic tendencies in various Female to Male ratio scenarios, and offers impressive graphs to illlustrate how women’s hypergamy truly steals the show, as Manospherians have long suspected. Chateau’s post makes the point that women’s hypergamous nature or wishful intentions, do not necessarily correspond to a real world fulfillment of the same. In effect, there is a difference between implicit female hypergamy and ‘runaway’ female hypergamy. Thus, we have identified a glitch in the Matrix.

Exceptions to the Rule Pose Opportunities for Men

Developments in the western social scene over the past few decades have indeed made it quite challenging for a man to find contentment. However, I will assert that a sufficiently determined man can search and search until he finds what he wants. Giving up is not considered an option. A corresponding definition of the measure of a man has been stated in popular culture.

“It is not the violence that sets a man apart. It’s the distance he’s prepared to go.” ~ Forrest Bondurant, in the feature film, Lawless (2012)

A man has the time to do this (but women don’t). So in the interests of such determined men, this post puts the finger on the fact that there ARE cracks in the system which can be exploited, and will offer some examples in which solutions might be found.

CH points out that there are many loopholes in the social mechanics that keep hypergamy in check, and allow men to retain a seat of power. Here, we explore these noteworthy points in greater detail. The first five are gleaned from Chateau’s post.

  1. Game, e.g. dread, push-pull, displaying high value (DHV), disqualification, outcome independent mentality, assuming the sale, etc.
  2. Genetically determined preferences for monogamy, i.e. ‘nature’.
  3. Formal social regulations and informal cultural regulations, i.e. ‘nurture’.
  4. Cultural and geographic constraints, i.e. ‘propinquity’.
  5. Grass Roots Reform, e.g. Trump’s election and the ‘angry young man revolution’, i.e. ‘autocorrection’.
  6. Others? [Eds. note: I may add to this list upon future revelations.]
  7. A combination of the above.

From these points, we hereby concoct the “Orange Pill”, a sort of Adderall for the Attention Deficit Hypergamic Disorder, widely prevalent in today’s society. This is good medicine for those men who lack determined intent, and who are chronically insensitive to the demands of ‘fitting’ within one’s chosen social environment. These are briefly discussed as follows.

1. Game

For the past decade (since the debut of RP awareness), Game has been the single most endorsed tool available to (most) men for dealing with women. The whole PUA industry is built on low to mid SMV guys learning Game, so that they can compete with higher value guys in the SMP. Some might argue that only a very small number of men have been successful with this, but from a woman’s perspective, learning even some modest Game can take a guy from a 5 to an 8, and get him through the bedroom door.

I think the most efficient form of game that any guy could adopt is DHV. If a guy starts working out at the gym, gets a promotion, or has an investment that plays out well, this can take his confidence to a new strata. Yes, these things are difficult or unlikely, but it’s a LOT easier for a guy to gain 3 SMV chips by getting a promotion (i.e. playing the Status card), than it is for a woman to gain 3 points by doing… whatever. Losing weight, maybe? A man could simply wear a blazer and a pair of Johnston & Murphy’s, and bump himself up a notch. Seems like too few men are aware of this. Even guys who choose to snub women (i.e. MGTOW’s) would fare better in their careers by adopting certain aspects of Game that are relevant to their position.

2. Preferences

I know some Delta guys at church who are (to be brutally honest) pretty low on the SMV totem pole. However, they have stable jobs and great personalities, so they have a much higher MMV. As a result, they have reasonably stable marriages to wives who are 3-5 points above them on the SMV scale. This sharply counters the hypergamous model (which means they’ll probably remain Blue Pill), but I think this is largely because there are a lot of women who place a higher value on comfort and stability, and are not that into drama and sexual variety. I should also mention that many of these wives are Asian and/or they married young, which supports Heartiste’s claim about these preferences being genetic. One scientific study by Cheng and Smyth [1] revealed that Chinese nationals strongly prefer monogamy as a source of subjective happiness.

From an evolutionary perspective, hypergamy is an important mechanism which serves to improve the quality of the gene pool over time, and we’re talking several generations here. But genetically determined propensities for commitment and monogamy are going to weed out the gene pool of women who rely heavily on birth control and postpone marriage and childrearing past their ‘educational’ phase, and this will happen within only a generation or two.

3. Social and Cultural Regulations and Traditions

One’s social environment is a huge influence over what one accepts as the norm, especially those experienced during one’s formative years i.e. adolescence. Commenter Don Quixote added a statement on Deep Strength’s site, which illustrates an example of how social and cultural regulations can produce top grade men.

“With regard to #1 Mr. Success. Often these guys are second generation Christian, and got off to a good start from their parents, especially if they are clerics. These guys have kept themselves from evil and reap the benefits, they are prone to fall into the trap of excess wealth, and I have encountered these guys in the past.”
”Usually they sympathise with the frivorced types but they are clueless beyond their own church’s policy on the subject, so they will point you to a counselor, and hope you will be ok. This is usually a bad idea.”

Parents have a great responsibility to diligently teach and discipline their children towards this end. Parent’s hard work in this area contributes to their children’s joy and successes in their life, thereby becoming a generational stronghold.

4. Geographic Propinquity

Concerning point four, CH mentions how ambitious, hypergamous females recognize their lack of sociosexual opportunities and flock to the coastal metropolises to maximize the high horse they get off of their addicktion to chance choice.

I say, men can do the same!

Young men opting for a college degree should choose their school carefully. For those men who are interested in partying and soft harems, choose an educational institution with a high female to male ratio (i.e. more females than males). For men who are interested in a more conservative experience, and who wish to meet better quality women and possibly a wife, they should choose a school with a low female to male ratio. At these schools, the majority of men (not feminists) call the shots, while coeds tend to be higher quality and more selective about men. However, you will have more competition too. I know that seems backwards, but that’s how it works. If you want something in between, go to a place that is around 1:1. I have no idea how truthful or accurate it is, but here’s an interesting link on this subject. In summary, when there are more women than men, hypergamy abounds, and this agrees with Selonomics’ study.

Those men who are being strangled by the laws and social norms of Samerica can Google search, scope out, and tour (if possible) domestic geographic locations and/or prospective foreign cultures which might offer them more of what they’re looking for in life, whether it be gaining life experiences, padding a resume, developing a career, sexcapades, or even finding a traditional wife. If young thots/future cat ladies want to go to Grand Canyon University (sex ratio = 2.9:1, and quite a fitting name!) and take ‘missionary trips’ to Sierra Leone, then we should expect young men to respond in turn. Thus, we have the current mass exodus of sufficiently discontented males going to traditional, patriarchal societies (e.g. eastern Europe and south-east Asia), to quench their appetites for a taste of normalcy, as well as to escape the blue-haired, fish-mouthed crazies. Yours truly included.

For those men who are interested in exploring their opportunities in foreign cultures abroad, an overview of the cultural anthropology of a few other world cultures are described in the following posts.

My advice is for you to review these cultural characteristics carefully, and do a little bit of your own research, with the mind to identify a culture possessing an ethical structure that you think would most appeal to you. Then decide whether it would be advantageous to your best interests to travel there, with the intention of determining whether it might offer what you are looking for in life.

5. Grass Roots Reform

Recently, the rise of MGTOW has revealed that society, and feministic women in particular, are deeply terrified by the power of men in creating a shift in society that threatens, nay promises, to derail their apocalyptical train of alpha ecstasy and government enforced subsidies. Occasionally, the news reveals signs of the Feminist hiccup.

For example, this article from the Guardian (feat. Rebecca Solnit): Don’t let the alt-right hijack #MeToo for their agenda (December 10, 2017), expresses an inherent fear that FemLefties cherish, concerning the erosion of Matrix supremacy. This fear indicates a power that men have, which they are not totally aware of – the fact that they are the inventors, movers, builders and loin shakers of society – not women, as much as feminists would like to believe.

In other words, men are the ‘big gears’, and when big gears move slow, the little gears spin wildly. This phenomena is apparent in almost any female-male pairing, although many Blue Pilled men attempt to tone it down. Moreover, women depend on men for sex, security, sustenance and quality of life. In fact, this basic ontology has been the root complaint of feminism since its inception. When men realize that they have strings to pull, they will slowly develop control over the interaction, which women have monopolized in the past.


By presenting these cases, I am in no way saying that women don’t have any latitude or adjustability to their SMV/MMV/hypergamic advantages. To be sure, hypergamy has the upper hand, and this is a regular topic of discussion elsewhere in the Manosphere. This article only points out a few ways that men can deal with hypergamy in ways that soften the agony and abuse. Of note, it helps to remember the following.

  • A man’s overall value is not linearly dependent on his SMV, as it is for women.
  • Men have different experiences in life, compared to other men.
  • Men who are in different phases of life, with different experiences, have different goals and mindsets.
  • A man’s present experience changes slowly over time, often for the better.
  • Men have more time, a cornered market on resources, and thus, more power in the game.
  • Men can look for pockets of exceptions having the potential to offer opportunities to get around the stacked system.
  • A diligent and resourceful man can find a life that works for him.
  • Finding a good match and fitting the bill is the real challenge.
  • It’s up to each man to decide what he wants, and to do the searching.
  • Often times, a man has got to make some tough decisions about what is most important to him.
  • A mismatch or failure only indicates that one must continue searching further.

Best wishes to all my readers!


[1] Zhiming Cheng, Russell Smyth, “Sex and Happiness”, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 112 (2015) 26–32.



About Jack

Jack is a world traveling artist, skilled in trading ideas and information, none of which are considered too holy, too nerdy, nor too profane to hijack and twist into useful fashion. Sigma Frame Mindsets and methods for building and maintaining a masculine Frame
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12 Responses to The “Orange Pill” for Attention Deficit Hypergamic Disorder

  1. Farm Boy says:

    A man’s overall value is not linearly dependent on his SMV, as it is for women.

    This is so significant. I wish that I had known this back in the day

    Liked by 3 people

  2. SFC Ton says:

    I started suiting up when I went from E7 pay to high risk contractor pay. Wearing more expensive clothes did 0 for my success rate with females. I am fairly sure all it did was take me from alpha fucks to beta bucks.

    Went back to dressing like a saddle tramp and vaginas began to flow once more

    The plant was behind last November and December so I put on some arch flash clothes and pitched in on the production floor so we could hit out numbers and folks could earn their production bonuses. Those work clothes were a serious hit to my SMV. Same for when I am wearimg chicken farmer gear.

    Which lead me to a small experiment. I use to rarely mention being a business owner/ or any source of income beyond military retirement stuff or telling girls shit like I shoot people for a living, lion tamer, mid level henchman in the direct action department of an international organization bent on world domination etc . So I made the decision to mention owning a chicken farm/ or working in a factory when chicks would ask me what I do for a living. Nothing but dry vaginas.

    The point of them words is…. how you market yourself counts and Game is about bettering self marketing

    I see reformed bad boys turned church dudes do on in the mmp, but the only church dudes i see do well are men who are naturally in the top of the smp. Tall, good looking, high income etc etc. The traditional masculine 8’s and above if you will allow the poor analogy. Mid level church dudes seem to be the greatest losers in the smp/ mmp as they all seem to be stuck with bitchy women much lower on the smv/mmv scale

    Though I still think there is no mmv/ mmp for men.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sigma Frame says:

      SFC Ton, I hear you saying that within your ‘market niche’, it’s more complex than simply donning a tie, or whatever. You need to identify your target group, and fit into what those women deem ‘high value’, or what gives them the Tingles.

      Though I still think there is no mmv/mmp for men.

      I think there is, but a man has got to go hunting for it. It’s very rare, to be sure.


      • SFC Ton says:

        Well I think a mans smv is pretty much his mmv unless he is willing to be beta bucks. In which case….. lots of luck to him


      • SFC Ton says:

        Well when I was wearing suits more often I was hanging out in umc and above locals, wearing tailored mid price range suits $1500 or so, wearing my Rolex etc etc. I am fairly certain no matter the hunting ground, suits etc puts you in the beta bucks category and beta bucks dudes are pretty much prey critters for women


      • Sigma Frame says:

        wearing tailored mid price range suits $1500 or so, wearing my Rolex, etc. etc.

        Ton, obviously those particular females did not get the Tingles from suits and watches. When I lived in the D.C. area (~2000), it was a black leather jacket and having the right model of car that turned the Tingle gears. These examples seem to support the idea that ‘fitting into’ the localized scene which contains the targeted females is a crucial element of the attraction factor. I have to agree with that. Like you said,

        how you market yourself counts and Game is about bettering self marketing

        So by extension, if a man expects to find success (however that may be defined), he has got to either ‘fit into’ the target group, or find another target group in which he can ‘fit into’. Finding a good match and fitting the bill is the real challenge, and often times, a man has got to make some tough decisions about what is most important to him.
        I think this principle holds true when finding a job too. That is, the qualifying characteristics (e.g. one’s skill set, education, and personality) need to match the job being applied for, if one hopes to be hired for that particular job.

        I am fairly certain no matter the hunting ground…

        Try going outside the feminized Anglosphere. The problem then becomes sifting through the gold diggers. But if one is simply looking to get laid, that is not much of a problem.

        The underlying assumption of my post is that a determined man can search and search until he finds what he wants. Giving up is not considered an option. A man has the time to do this (but women don’t). This post merely puts the finger on the fact that there ARE cracks in the system which can be exploited, and offers some examples in which solutions might be found. It’s up to each man to decide what he wants, and to do the searching. From this viewpoint, a mismatch or failure only indicates that one must continue searching further.
        I will add these presumptions to the post to make my stance more clear. Perhaps Adderall is a poor representation of the overall message, but I thought ‘Attention Deficit’ Hypergamic Disorder was a good metaphor of the problem itself – a lack of determined intent, and being insensitive to the demands of ‘fitting’ within one’s chosen social environment. (No, I don’t take Adderall.)


  3. earlthomas786 says:

    ‘A man’s overall value is not linearly dependent on his SMV, as it is for women.’

    Of course…we don’t lose SMV over time like women do.

    I can still have kids at this age…if I was a woman I’d be near the end.


  4. I know some Delta guys at church who are (to be brutally honest) pretty low on the SMV totem pole. However, they have stable jobs and great personalities, so they have a much higher MMV. As a result, they have reasonably stable marriages to wives who are 3-5 points above them on the SMV scale.

    Do these “stable” jobs earn $200k+, because I’m REALLY struggling picturing a female 8 with a male 3 who doesn’t shit into gold toilets.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sigma Frame says:

      I am guessing they make at least $100K, and like I said, they are Asian. I think that is the crucial factor which indicates that it’s a genetic preference (point 2), or possibly a combination of genetics (2) and culture (3). There’s also the possibility that Asian women see something special in these guys that white guys like me don’t see, which goes double on point 2.


      • Are just the women Asian, or are the husbands as well? I’m aware of two relatively good-looking white guys who married very plain females from the Philippines for some reason. Their children are not attractive. Guess they thought that was the best they (the guys) could do. I’m not sexually attracted to Asian females, though I admit a few are quite pretty, but then I’ve never even had sex with a white girl who had brown eyes.


      • Sigma Frame says:

        KY Headhunter, in the cases I am thinking of, most of the husbands are Asian too. Being Asian, as we know, increases a woman’s SMV, but decreases a man’s SMV, which contributes to this discrepancy in SMV match. (Sorry to say this.) But although these guys got lucky in terms of SMV parity, they paid for it in other ways. An earlier post, Happy Wife, Happy Life, describes their relational dynamics in more detail. Of note, Deltas are known to willingly make a lot of sacrifices in order to score a woman who is a couple points higher than himself. So as I commented earlier in reply to Ton, a man often has to make some tough decisions about what is most important to him.


  5. Pingback: How to Understand Guys with Asperger’s or Autism | Σ Frame

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