Leaving a Legacy to Future Generations

I have a small number of grandiose posts that took hours to write, and these have been up for more than 8 years, but as of the beginning of December, they have only had 2 hits. To create a single post, it takes me several hours to brainstorm, research information, collect links, and compose my micro-thesis. So naturally, I don’t want to waste my time creating posts that no one would be interested in reading. But more than just garnering ego-gratifying hits, I want to write something that would prove useful to people’s lives – and not just at the present moment, but for some time on down through the years. So lately, I started praying about what I should post in this blog.

Then last week, my post listed 16 Qualities of an Irresistible Woman. When I wrote that post, I did not expect it to be very popular. In fact, I had seen many posts on the very same topic coming out of syndicated sites over the past decade. So I thought most people would think it to be a common, and therefore uninteresting subject. But I was wrong. (I guess my hard-learned modifications made it stand out.) It was linked by Boxer and reposted by Notes from a Red Pill Girl within a day. Then, that one post got 348 hits over the next 3 days!

I realized several things from this development.

  1. Red Pill Girl has a sizeable, worldwide following. I will assume that the majority of her followers are either younger females, or Red Pill wary moms who are concerned about their daughter’s success in the current marriage market.
  2. After browsing some of the profiles of those who commented, I realized that there are a lot of women, not just men, who are interested in Red Pill perspectives and ideologies.
  3. The feminist embedded media is wrong! There are, in fact, a substantial number of people who know the Anglo culture and media machine is systematically extrapolating human values and societal norms beyond their reasonable limits, and has been doing so for far too long.
  4. There is a deep hunger for fundamental Truth. People are open to, and looking for, Red Pill perspectives and information.

time for change clock

A Pivotal Change is Coming!

A lot of the classic Manosphere bloggers have dropped out of existence over the last three years, and some of them have deleted their blogsites altogether. I know many of them checked out because of the persecution that their writings attracted from the larger societal forces of Feminism. It got pretty dirty for some of them. Those bloggers who are remaining in the Manosphere are listing in slow decay, without unity, focus or direction. Nevertheless, their impact has been deep and permanent.

Because of this large turnover in the Manosphere’s megaphones, I believe that the Age of the Manosphere, as it has been characterized in the past, will quickly peter out and end soon, or else, it will morph into a new form of Red Pill online correspondence.

What will this new Red Pill sphere look like?

From my online research on WordPress over the last couple days, I have found several female Red Pill bloggers. The most noteworthy ones have included the following.

Honorable mentions go to the following ladies, who are not really hard core Red Pill, but are certainly inspiring nonetheless.

YES! The Red Pill is good for women too! I am getting the impression that women will be the next to jump onto the Little Red Pill Wagon, and this will be good for the sphere. If more women become Red-Pill-aware, and started contributing their ideas and viewpoints, then the Red Pill sphere might become more ‘gender balanced’ (forgive my use of the G word), less cynical and harsh, less ‘chauvinistic’ in reputation, and more unified. There might even be a few clear purposes that arise out of this female participation.


I am beginning to see what needs to be done. There is a widespread need for Red Pill awareness among folks, but a lot of people still have negative and inaccurate opinions towards the Red Pill. I expect that those women who accept the Red Pill mantle will prove to be significantly instrumental in the Awakening.

Those of us (especially older people, X’ers and Millennials) who have slogged through the trenches of the dismal dating and marriage market, trying to survive Feminism’s war on traditional marriage and masculinity, need to speak out right now, and declare everything that they have learned, good and bad, right and wrong, holy and sinful, spiritual and carnal, all for the benefit of the upcoming generations, i.e. the iGen*. The iGen’s are ever in touch with internet technology, like no generation before them, and so blogging is perhaps the best tool to get the Holy Red Pill Word of the Gospel out to them.

Hopefully, a new wing of evangelistic, female Red Pillers might renovate the old Manosphere, and in doing so, save some youngsters from falling into the many snares of pretty-lies hidden in post-modern, western/Anglo society, the Pit, and the relentless swing of the pendulum.

*The iGeneration is also known as the Homeland Generation – those born roughly between 1995 and 2014.


About Jack

Jack is a world traveling artist, skilled in trading ideas and information, none of which are considered too holy, too nerdy, nor too profane to hijack and twist into useful fashion. Sigma Frame Mindsets and methods for building and maintaining a masculine Frame
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34 Responses to Leaving a Legacy to Future Generations

  1. Stephanie says:

    I love Dames that Know – they work very hard, and have for years, to push out good writing and their experiences.

    Another one you may be interested (feel free to deleted if this is considered spam!) is a young woman who isn’t married yet, but writes awesome stuff!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. M J Davis says:

    You put into words exactly what I was thinking. There are a surprising number of “red pill” women writing today. I believe they get it and are searching for the missing red pill men. If you look at any gathering of couples and families you quickly discover these men are difficult to find. Most are shuffling around doing the bidding of their Happy Wife, Happy Life wives. It is difficult to watch. I think women actually resent being the dominant one in the marriage and wish their men would step to the plate.

    Therein lies the problem. Taking the reigns requires work, and the balls to face intensive shit tests thrown at them by doubtful wives who need to be convinced they can let go and allow their husband to lead. You can’t blame the wives for doubting. Many men are happy with the role of bumbling male, unable to operate without a wife to guide them. While wives see them as just another child to raise.

    Then, husband gripes about a lack of sex, or variety. Well, do you blame her Ray Romano? Who wants to have sex with someone they see as a child????

    Whether advice is given from a Christian perspective or not, it is sorely needed by men today.

    The Red Pill is portrayed by the media, and feminists, as a fringe group of males who live in their parents basements, angry because they aren’t getting laid. In fact, the evidence shows just the opposite. Red pill men are desirable to red pill women and feminists alike. Actions not words show ones true feelings and look at who most feminists end up dating (and sometimes marrying).

    The beta male who caters to her every whim quickly loses attractiveness to women no matter their political leanings…. and often takes on the role of cuckold, where it appears he has found a comfort zone…

    Keep up the good work. I enjoy your writing.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. thedeti says:

    You’re off base here, in a number of respects.

    First, Dames That Know is not red pill. It’s run by Ashley Pariseau, who used to hang around Susan Walsh’s site Hooking up Smart and occasionally locked horns with Rollo Tomassi. Ash espouses a “purple pill” philosophy that seeks to “build the better beta” and coopt masculinity to better serve women.

    Second, with all due respect to the women who post in and around the manosphere, those women with “women’s auxiliary” blogs aren’t helpful to men.

    A) men go to women’s blogs for stroking and to “feel better”. Men will then begin looking to women for dating and sex advice. Red Pill 101 says don’t ask women for advice – because the advice they give is female centered and designed to serve women’s interests, not those of men. Men should look only and solely to men for advice.

    B) This is a safe space and locker room created by men, for men. Women can be around, and can comment sometimes. But whenever women insist on being in the locker room, they demand that the environment change to suit them. The raw language and graphic nature of discussion topic causes them great offense. Women cannot handle men talking about their natures, or about the dark underbelly of female sexuality. They simply cannot handle it and always run screaming from the room. Men and women cannot really talk about intersexual relationships in any real, meaningful or productive way, together.

    C) Women have to work very, very hard not to attention whore; and women getting lots of attention from men at their “red pill” blogs feeds into women’s greatest weakness – craving attention from men.

    This experiment was already tried and failed 4 years ago at Hooking Up Smart. Walsh couldn’t handle it then, neither could Lena, neither could Laura Grace Robins (now “Stone” at Two Birds and a Stone), and neither could Sunshine Thiry. Elspeth is about the best at it, and she doesn’t seem to like it anymore.

    Men and women talking about these issues isn’t going to work, because women cannot help men with these problems. Shit, women had a huge hand in CREATING these problems. Women “helping” men with these problems has created millions of pussyboy bitchboy beta men who couldn’t assert their way out of paper bags and who couldn’t attract a woman to save their lives. They created this by divorcing those men’s fathers, reproducing with shitbags, and continuing to have sex with shitbags while demanding those pussyboys foot the bill.

    So no, I want no part of a red pill sphere in which women set a large part of the agenda and in which the red pill starts turning purple.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Sapphire Morningstar says:

      wouldn’t red pill women be helpful in guiding other women? just like these red pill males help other males, women like myself need redpill women. Man can not teach a woman nor can a woman teach a man

      Liked by 1 person

      • SFC Ton says:

        They are trying to build beta betters to better suit the feminine imperative vs trying to build up men for the sake of the individual man

        Liked by 2 people

      • Sigma Frame says:

        SFC Ton, seems like you’re describing a female who doesn’t really fit the description of a Red Pill woman. More like Violet Pill, or something.


      • SFC Ton says:

        I’ve not yet meet an actual red pill woman. Which isn’t to say I don’t like interacting with some of the girls who wander into the manoshpehre but they are all violet pill at best

        Liked by 2 people

      • Sigma Frame says:

        SFC Ton, you make an interesting distinction. Is it even possible for women to be truly Red Pill? Is the Red Pill exclusive to men?
        In my view, a Red Pill woman is one who can understand the basic Red Pill tenets (as outlined by Rollo, for example), and accept them as truths. Then, women fall into a spectrum of how much they are willing and able to apply those truths to their lives.
        It’s similar for men, in that men become Red Pill when they believe the core concepts, but some men will make better use of them than others. Nevertheless, there has been a fundamental shift in the thinking of all.
        For example, if a man can’t learn Game, does that exclude him from being Red Pill? If a woman can’t learn to be respectful and submissive, does that make her Violet? I think not. That speaks more to the constitution and ability of the person, rather than what they value as truth.
        I would be interested to hear your definition of a Red Pill woman.

        Liked by 1 person

      • SFC Ton says:

        Can a man fail to learn Game and be Red Pill? Sure. Red Pill isn’t Game. Red Pill is understanding the duplicitous and feral nature of women. Game is based on Red Pill wisdom but is not Red Pill itself. Men can have Game and still not come to terms with the reality of a woman’s biological programming.

        I have not yet meet the chick who will stare down the barrel of the true nature of women and then advocated restoring the social and legal controls to limit their options.

        Most Red Pill men are also unwilling to take thier thinking to their full logical conclusion as well.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Ame says:

        Violet’s a whole lot better than mauve … i absolutely HATE the color mauve 😉 🙂 😉

        Liked by 1 person

      • SFC Ton says:

        LOL I don’t know what mauve is and I reckon it ain’t worth googling.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Ame says:

        No, it ain’t! It’s a putrid grayish rose color … blech! 😊


      • Ame says:

        And I know that doesn’t have anything to do with anything, but, you know … I’m a woman, so I’m not going to be logical anyway 😄


      • SFC Ton says:

        LOL ain’t my blog but darling you know damn well I like women being women 😉

        Liked by 2 people

    • Sigma Frame says:

      TheDeti, thanks for your valuable perspectives. I’ll express my thoughts on each of the points you made.
      First, based on your description of her, Ash sounds like a ‘worthy opponent’ for those men who are seeking to “build the better virgin wife/homemaker” and coopt feminine wiles to better serve men.
      Second, “women’s auxiliary” blogs would be meant to serve budding Red Pill women, not men directly. However, if more women became Red pill aware, then that would greatly serve both men and society in the long run.
      About expanding the sphere to include Red Pill women…
      A) Those men who go to women’s blogs for stroking and to “feel better” are resorting to the Beta comforts of the Blue Pill, and are not clinging to the Red Pill tenets, as you pointed out. We all know the incel fate of men like that. They need to realize that looking to women for dating and sex advice will only invalidate/postpone their Red Pill awakening. Red Pilled women should refuse to be ‘Mommies’ to these grown men, and give them a kick in the pants to get back into the Red Pill ‘locker room’ and ‘keep practicing’. (I think women do this naturally, but they could learn how to do it more respectfully and effectively.) I agree that men should look only and solely to men for advice, but Red Pill women should also be looking to men for leadership, guidance and direction. True Red Pill men will need to accept this duty, sooner or later, and do so in a loving, selfless manner.
      B) The Manosphere is a safe space and ‘locker room’ created by men, for men (totally agree), and I believe that this male ‘locker room’ should, and will, always be around, in some capacity. Women should be around (in general), and maybe some very mature Red Pill women might enter the ‘locker room’ without getting pissed off and creating a disruption, but women should never be allowed to insist on making demands. Demanding Harridans are not Red Pill by nature, and Red Pill men should give those women a kick in the pants to get out of the men’s space and go back to the female ‘locker room’ to ‘practice’ some more. (Instead of being demanding, women should offer SUGGESTIONS and make REQUESTS, and a wise man should take those female insights into serious consideration.) I agree that IMMATURE men and women cannot talk about intersexual relationships in any real, meaningful or productive way, but I believe MATURE men and women should at least come to respect and appreciate the inherent differences between the sexes, and this could be one of the goals in getting men and women on the same page.
      C) “Women have to work very, very hard not to attention whore; and women getting lots of attention from men at their “red pill” blogs feeds into women’s greatest weakness – craving attention from men.”
      I don’t think much can be done about this, but we could become wiser in dealing with it. BTW, men also like female attention too.
      D?) “This experiment was already tried and failed 4 years ago at Hooking Up Smart…”
      From what I can see, Walsh’s site is a sincere attempt to help people (especially women) largely burdened with Blue Pill laden thinking, who are struggling to survive the current Hook Up culture. Dalrock took down Walsh on several points by essentially revealing that she was compromising too much with the Feministic culture at large. The Hook Up culture is obviously not a Christian approach, and is, in some ways, women’s version of a PUA venue, since they tend to dominate the interaction. (Going back to the ‘women are gatekeepers of sex’ idea.) In my opinion, buying into any Blue Pill societal norms or non-Christian philosophies will not offer any long term solutions, and I believe this was the cause of Walsh’s fumble.
      E?) “Men and women talking about these issues isn’t going to work, because women cannot help men with these problems…”
      I agree that women can do very little to “help” men who are undergoing the process of developing their masculinity. As you said, women want men, not little “pussyboy bitchboy beta men who couldn’t assert their way out of paper bags and who couldn’t attract a woman to save their lives”. (Nice!) However, it is good and right for women to help other women, as you and Sapphire wrote.
      I don’t know how much you can accept Christian teaching, but in Genesis 2:18-20, it says that God’s purpose for creating women was for her to be a helper (ezer) to man. I believe this means that women can and should help men, families, and society in other ways, and a mature Christian Red Pill woman should take the idea of ‘serving others’ to heart. From what I saw in those female-hosted blogs, many women are eagerly waiting to serve a worthy man or a good cause for the joy and sense of purpose that it promises.I deeply believe that the Christian version of Red Pill is going to be necessary for men and women to overcome their self-centered, feral prerogatives, trust each other, and work together successfully.
      F?) “So no, I want no part of a red pill sphere in which women set a large part of the agenda and in which the red pill starts turning purple.”
      If we let women grab the reigns and steal the show, then it would no longer be so Red Pill, now would it? I agree that men should be setting the agenda, but we should let women in on the plan. Women and relationships have always been a central focus of the Manosphere. But now it’s time we cut to the chase, use the principles that have been gleaned, and start ‘walking the walk’.
      Sorry if I sound crass. My conclusion is that this movement is growing to include Red Pill women, and it’s not such a bad thing to be feared.

      Liked by 3 people

      • thedeti says:

        With respect to all this red pill stuff and men’s self improvement and sexual strategy, their prime consideration should be learning things they need to know to care for themselves and their families, and their eventual husbands if they don’t have husbands yet. What women need to do is the following:

        1) First and foremost, tend to their own needs and the needs of their husbands if married, and their extended families if unmarried. If participation around the manosphere is detrimental to this prime objective, stop participating.

        If your husband says he needs something from you, find a way to give it to him, get it for him or do it for him. If he needs your help, help him. If he needs you to work, find a job. If he needs for you not to work, don’t work. If he needs your input on something (and he will), give it to him prayerfully and with mindful consideration, speaking the truth in love.

        2) If they are married, what their husbands need is care and work as a helpmeet. Take care of their husbands and respect their husbands. Feed them and f*ck them. Keep their stomachs full and their balls empty.

        3) If they are unmarried and want to be married, then job 1 is throwing all available time and effort into finding suitable attractive marriage minded men. If you need to fix something about yourself so you can attract men, fix it. If you need to do something, do it. If you need to stop doing something, stop doing it. Pick a man you’re sexually attracted to and are compatible with, and lock him down.

        4) If they’re going to participate in or around the manosphere, BE QUIET AND DO NOT TELL MEN what they should be doing, learning or thinking. Talk to other women. Learn from the older women and serve as an example to younger women.

        5) Leave education on sex, dating, mating, marriage, picking wives, and leading families, to your sons’ fathers. Under no circumstances should you be trying to teach your sons ANYTHING about intersexual relationships. You will RUIN them. You won’t intend to. You’ll have the best of intentions. But, with all due respect, you aren’t capable of teaching them. You have nothing helpful for them. You cannot make a boy into a man. You can’t. (And no complaining that your son’s father isn’t around. Waaaay back up there in 2) and 3), you all were being prudent in picking a good decent sexually attractive man to marry and to father your kids. So if your kid’s father isn’t around to handle this, that is YOUR FAULT.)


      • Sigma Frame says:

        I just discovered TheDeti’s last comment in the spam filter. Now it’s free.


      • thedeti says:

        With respect to this red pill stuff and intersexual relationships and participating in the manosphere, what women should do are as follows:

        1) The prime thing women should be doing is tending to the needs of their husbands if married, and if not married, then to their families. If participating here is detrimental to that (if ANYTHING AT ALL is detrimental to that), STOP DOING IT.

        If your husband needs something from you. find a way to give it to him, get it for him or do it for him. If he needs your input (and he will – if he never asks for your input he’s a crappy husband), give it to him prayerfully and with considered thought, speaking truth in love. If he needs you to work, find a job. If he needs you to not work, do that.

        2) If you’re married, take care of and respect your husband. Feed him and f*ck him. Keep his stomach full and his balls empty.

        3) If you’re unmarried and you want to be married, then job 1 is finding suitable, attractive, marriage minded men, and fixing or eliminating ANYTHING getting in the way of that goal. If you need to fix something, fix it. If you need to get something, get it. If you need to do something, do it. If you need to stop doing something, stop it. If you need help with this, get it.

        4) BE QUIET and DO NOT TELL MEN what they should be doing, saying or thinking. The men need to work this out for themselves. You have nothing useful to offer them. You can’t help them.

        5) Learn from older women. Teach younger women. Do both with a gentle spirit and without pride or haughtiness.

        6) Leave to your sons’ fathers all instruction on intersexual relationships matters. Birds and the bees, girls, male nature, female nature, sexual attraction and how it works, how men attract and manage their relationships with women, etc. You have nothing helpful or useful to offer your sons. You will RUIN them if you try to do this yourself. Do not help. Do not offer. Do not influence. Do not insist on him being taught some things and not being taught other things. Do not even insist on observing the teaching or being present when any of it is taught. If you are a single mom, divorced, widowed, whatever, I’m sorry. You need to find a man to do this. You cannot make a boy into a man. You cannot teach him what he needs to know.

        Liked by 3 people

  4. thedeti says:

    Where women can help is in exhorting other women – to marry only for sexual attraction and love, to avoid premarital sex, to seek out husbands, and to learn how to be feminine so they can attract and keep a Red Pill man.

    But women helping men? Tried and failed. Women cannot do it and should not even try to do it.

    Liked by 4 people

  5. Stephanie says:

    “Leave to your sons’ fathers all instruction on intersexual relationships matters. Birds and the bees, girls, male nature, female nature, sexual attraction and how it works, how men attract and manage their relationships with women, etc. You have nothing helpful or useful to offer your sons. You will RUIN them if you try to do this yourself. Do not help. Do not offer. Do not influence.”

    Not toward Deti, but this isn’t exactly biblical advice. I help my oldest son all the time figure out women and understand their bad behaviors. It’s almost an every other day thing unfortunately where there will be an example and I’ll use it as a teaching moment to warn him about a certain kind of woman (there are so many kinds!).

    I mean, even Proverbs 31 was actually inspired from the man’s **mother.** So I think it’s good that a mom can maybe help a little to point out behaviors (I even use my own bad behaviors when he sees it!) to show him how women truly are.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Stephanie says:

    Sigma Frame, I tried to comment but it may have gone to spam (?).


  7. Stephanie says:

    Nevermind :/


  8. Stephanie says:

    I did want to say though, thank you so much for seeing something positive in what we write!

    It means a lot and I’m sure the other women are grateful as well. Thank you Sigma Frame! It’s very encouraging.

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Pingback: The Pendulum Swings Back, and Cuts to the Bone | Σ Frame

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  11. Pingback: Zeitgeist Report 2018 | Σ Frame

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  13. Pingback: 2019 Sigma Frame Performance Report | Σ Frame

  14. Pingback: The 5 Phases of Deprogramming from the Matrix | Σ Frame

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