List of Slut Tells

I’m glad to see that sluts are finally coming out of the closet. That is, society is no longer shaming them to the point where they are trying to hide or deny their membership to slutclub international. I’m glad about this, because it becomes all that much easier for men to discern what type of woman they’re dealing with up front, which is very important in deciding which type of relationship to pursue with her, if any at all.

Nevertheless, because of the importance of determining the course of a relationship as early as possible (an unfortunate requirement for one to compete in the modern marketplace), and because all women invariably lie about their N count, it is worth revisiting the observable indicators that a particular woman is a slut.

Women generally have a very complex list of impressionistic slut tells, and although not all of these concepts directly relate to a woman’s actual N count (which is more of what men are interested in knowing), they are nevertheless worth reviewing.

Heartiste has a couple posts above describing dynamic slut tells, and I think all of them are still current. The problem with dynamic indicators is that you have to invest (or waste, depending on her) at least a little bit of time with her before you can see what kind of woman she is. Sometimes, the amount of time it takes to size a woman up, can cost you the opportunity of starting off on the right foot with her.

If you are a man with a lot of options to filter through, or a man with very little free time on his hands, then it is better to have a list of obvious, physical, and preferably visual indicators.

So here is a list of static slut tells, which you can spot up front, even before you decide how to approach her.

Eds. disclaimer: Just because a woman has one or two of these characteristics, doesn’t necessarily indicate that she is going to spread her wings on the first date with any man in a BMW. (Or maybe she will, who knows?) The value of this list is that if a woman has several of these qualities, she is probably more likely to have a sexually liberated mindset, and indulge in stepping-stone-style hypergamy, than a woman who has fewer of these qualities. The woman’s in-situ behavior will also depend a lot upon the man as well. So consider this information as “Scatterplot Science”.

Slut Tells from Science, Demographics, and Statistics

  1. Recreational drug use
  2. Fresh out of high school, not married, and not in college.
  3. Low socioeconomic class
  4. Having the experience of being imprisoned or incarcerated in a detention center
  5. Black (sorry to say this)


  1. National Health Statistics Report Number 36: “Sexual Behavior, Sexual Attraction, and Sexual Identity in the United States: Data From the 2006–2008 National Survey of Family Growth”
  2. National Health Statistics Report Number 46: “HIV Risk-Related Behaviors in the United States Household Population Aged 15–44 Years: Data from the National Survey of Family Growth, 2002 and 2006–2010”

Slut Tells from the PUA Industry and Conventional Wisdom

  1. Slut eye AKA Succubus stare (lots of white showing; indicates an empty heart, emotional immaturity, inclination towards lust and fantasy, impulsiveness) Compare to Sanpaku.
  2. 1,000 cock stare (lots of sexual partners does to women, what warfare does to men – emotional fatigue, sublimated angst, low self-esteem, and frustration to the point of derangement)
  3. Short hair, especially “nape cuts” (shorter is more slutty, especially when showing the nape of the neck, indicates a masculine aggressiveness, and a certain carelessness about being feminine.
  4. Smokes something (shows a disrespect for her body, also an offense against life in general)
  5. Tattoos and/or body piercings beyond earrings (simply an abomination to feminine beauty)
  6. Razor thin or heavily sculpted eyebrows (indicates she is not well grounded in reality)
  7. Frequents bars and clubs (bored, purposeless, seeking stimulation, and attracted to the darker side of life)
  8. Wears a lot of gothic style black clothing, e.g. black lipstick, black nail color. (has a fascination with death)
  9. Member of a college Sorority or some other good-time-groupie-group. (We all know what Sorority chicks do with Fraternity boys when they get into that social scene.)
  10. Hair dyed in spots, streaks or strange colors (this screams “cheap attention whore”)
  11. Single mother (with the modern conveniences of birth control, a woman has got to be doing a h*ll of a lot of screwing around, and being really careless about it, for this to happen. Even if she wasn’t, and just got pregnant “on accident”, being an unwed mother will quickly transform her into a sex starved nympho. The reason for this is because having a baby tends to make women more horny, which is another reason why many people prefer to get married before having children.)
  12. Divorced within the past two years. (Ever heard this quip? “__ivorced, totally __esperate and looking for the D!”
  13. Being single and in her peak libido phase, which typically hits women in their mid 30’s.
  14. Overweight but not ugly.
  15. The manjaw.
  16. A low 2D:4D finger length ratio, i.e. ring finger is longer than index finger. More information from Art of Manliness, Hooking Up Smart, and science.
  17. (2017-11-16)* Sexually oriented fashion trends, such as the nipple trend, no matter real or stick-on, and Camel Toe fashion. (Lacking a sense of modesty, and shows that she’ll trade her dignity for attention. It’s almost like an advertisement, saying, “Cum tickle my meat flaps, big boy!”)
  18. (2018-1-24)* Has a peer group of slutty friends.
  19. (2018-10-12)* Excessively long meat curtains.
  20. (2020-12-12)* Has a smart phone with a cracked screen protector.

Interestingly, many of these slut tells are also cues for, or symptoms of, a low SMV, or are descriptors that, if adopted, would significantly lower a woman’s SMV. I believe there might be a causative link for many of these cases.

Take, for example, being overweight. A woman who is grossly overweight offers little sexual satisfaction to the average man, and thus will find it difficult to retain a man’s monogamous commitment. Also, she will only be able to attract the very bottom SMV males, and so her tendencies towards hypergamy will be largely frustrated, making her a more desperate competitor in the SMP.

By contrast, a woman with a high SMV is more likely to have her choice of men, to be able to hold and keep her man’s sexual interest, and to therefore have little motivation to go a man hopping, figuratively, or literally. SMV parity also contributes to this interaction. A high SMV woman would also likely find a man who has a comparatively high SMV, and who therefore has many choices in the way of a partner. If the man has choices, then it would likely lead her to become more invested and more committed to the relationship, in an effort to please him and retain his interest.


I have heard some say that not being a regular churchgoer would make one more likely to be a slut. But I haven’t seen enough evidence to confirm this. I know that most young people who were raised in a Christian home are likely to do their fair share of sexual exploration and hooking up, once they leave the nest and go off to college. If they stop being churchgoers at that point, then that would confirm the hypothesis. I would like to believe that regular churchgoing women who are married are not likely to be sluts, but I have seen evidence to the contrary. In fact, two of the proudest, highest N, sluts that I’ve ever known in my whole life, have been regular churchgoing married women. They would sing in the choir, and then sit in the front pew, and show their legs to the grinning pastor while he was trying to concentrate on his sermon. No one in the church ever chastised these two women or tried to shame them. They just accepted them as they were, mouthing platitudes like, “God forgives the worst of sinners”, and politely ignored all the graphic details that flew around the church in the form of gossip. However, the jilted wives of these women’s wayward partners did not agree with such “holiness”, and rightfully so.

* I will add to this list, if I discover others.

About Jack

Jack is a world traveling artist, skilled in trading ideas and information, none of which are considered too holy, too nerdy, nor too profane to hijack and twist into useful fashion. Sigma Frame Mindsets and methods for building and maintaining a masculine Frame
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38 Responses to List of Slut Tells

  1. Boxer says:

    Reblogged this on v5k2c2 and commented:
    A truly excellent list of theoretical red flags. Show the author some love at Sigma Frame (soon to be in my sidebar).

    Liked by 2 people

    • Sigma Frame says:

      Thanks Boxer, just doing my part to inform men of the facts, so that they can make better informed choices.
      I see you also have a long running blog with posts relevant to the Manosphere. I’ll be adding your blog to my favorites as well.

      Liked by 3 people

    • Manse says:

      Lol, this list has some good ideas, such as drug use/alcohol consumption, etc., but so many are just plain retarded it’s hard to know where to start. ”Meat curtains”? I hope you do know that vulvas come in all shapes and sizes? There are online photos of varied vulvas, you may want to educate yourself. Short hair? Lol! What’s ironic is that most of you have probably been beating off to porn featuring tattooed, short haired and drugged up women for years.


  2. earl says:

    The only one that was new to me was the eyebrow one…I never put 2+2 together on that because:

    1) I always thought it looked weird on women but not to the level of colored hair or gauged ears


    2) They already had many other tells already that sort of drowned that one out.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Sapphire Morningstar says:

    how is being a black women automatically equate to being a slut?


    • Sigma Frame says:

      I knew someone would ask this question.
      According to Table 1, on page 17, of the NHSR report 36 (hyperlink above), female blacks, aged 15-44, were the racial group with (1) the lowest frequency of “never had sexual contact with opposite sex” (9.7%), (2) the highest frequency of having “had sex with the opposite sex, but not in last 12 months” (9.5%), (3) the lowest frequency of having only “one sexual partner in the last 12 months” (59.5%), (4) the highest frequencies of having two (12.0%), three (4.6%), four or more (3.2%) “sexual partners in the last 12 months”. Doing the math, that means 19.8% of black women have two or more partners a year! AND, this information is self-reported, which means that the actual figures are probably higher.
      Quote from page 11, “With regard to Hispanic origin and race, higher percentages of non-Hispanic black men and women reported ‘‘two or more opposite-sex partners’’ in the past year, compared with the other Hispanic origin and race groups shown. NonHispanic black men (31%) were twice as likely as non-Hispanic black women (16%) to report two or more opposite sex partners in the past year.
      While we’re on the topic of race, white women, as a racial group, come in second place on the cock carousel championship, and the “Hispanic or Latina” group is a close third of these races, by comparison.


    • Sigma Frame says:

      Also, these figures do not “automatically equate” every black woman to be a slut. It is merely statistics, which means that certain individuals are not like the average individual, so it comes down to probabilities. This is what I meant by “scatterplot science” in the italicized text prefacing the main post.


    • Boxer says:

      He’s talking about general trends, in groups with huge sample sizes. You’re a wimminz, so I don’t expect you to understand the difference between his (amply supported) claim and your caricature, but there is one.




      • Sapphire Morningstar says:

        whats a wimninz?


      • Sigma Frame says:

        The colloquial term, ‘wimminz’, is generally used on the Manosphere to refer to irrational, low quality, ferally impulsive women. I urge you to overlook the offense, and try to prove Boxer wrong, by offering some insightful comments from a woman’s perspective. All the best, sister!


  4. Craig says:

    Manjaw and ring finger being longer than index finger are markers of transgenderism, not a slut tell. Though it is safe to say all trannies are sluts. Just sayin’.


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  12. Pingback: Don’t Be Stupid! | Laughing at Feminism

  13. Pingback: 2020 Sigma Frame Performance Report | Σ Frame

  14. Guy Séduire says:

    I stumbled upon this list tonight, and I’m impressed how thorough it is.. Around a year ago, I wrote my own post on DTF tells for online dating ( ), and e.g. 1 very strong tell on these apps is if the girl has thong photos. The logic behind this is kinda obvious: she likes getting attention, sharing her skin, no shyness, nor prudish tendencies… etc. (this likely falls under your point 17 – sexually oriented fashion trends)

    I’m surprised you consider meat curtains as a sign of promiscuity. I don’t think there’s a biological basis behind this. If it was physiological, it could as easily have been her previous boyfriend that made her genitals more “loose” and “draping”. Which is something I even view as potentially a turn-on, depending if you like the girl’s personality.


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  23. Pingback: Lust | Σ Frame

  24. Pingback: The Feminists’ “offense” is a race to the bottom. | Σ Frame

  25. Pingback: Slut Eye | Σ Frame

  26. Pingback: The Attraction of Glorification | Σ Frame

  27. Pingback: The 1,000 C0ck Stare | Σ Frame

  28. Pingback: 2023 Sigma Frame Performance Report | Σ Frame

  29. Pingback: List of Slut Tells – V5K2C2

  30. Pingback: 9 Types of Red Pill Models | Σ Frame

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